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G. Agriculture

GB. Household plots in 2012 - 2013

GB5. Total area worked by the household in 2011-2012 (in ha) _ _ _ _

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4.6 Part G: General Census of Agriculture

GB: household plots in 2012-2013

GB.5: total area of plots worked by the household during the crop year 2011-2012
The total area (in hectares) cultivated and/or planted by the household during the 2011/2012 crop year is to be indicated.
NB: This area may be less than or equal to that indicated in question GB.1. Sometimes for example a household borrows or rents plots in the course of a crop year. In this case the sown area is greater than the total area available.
Example: If the household indicates 2.5 hectares, record /_0_/_0_/_2_/, /_5_/_0_/ Ha; the comma separating the first box from the right and the second one corresponding to the decimal point.
If this area is expressed by the household in any local unit of measure, the result of the conversion into hectares must be entered.
[p. 70]
Table of equivalences
[The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) [Product]
(B) [Quantity of seed]
(C) [Equivalent in ha]
[Product]: peanuts.
[Quantity of seed]: barigo = 100 kg hull.
[Equivalent in ha]: 1 ha.
[Product]: peanuts.
[Quantity of seed]: barigo = 100 kg husked.
[Equivalent in ha]: 2 ha.
[Product]: peanuts.
[Quantity of seed]: 50 to 60 kg husked.
[Equivalent in ha]: 1 ha.
[Product]: millet.
[Quantity of seed]: 4 kg.
[Equivalent in ha]: 1 ha.
[Product]: cowpea.
[Quantity of seed]: 16 kg.
[Equivalent in ha]: 1 ha.
[Product]: maize.
[Quantity of seed]: 20 kg.
[Equivalent in ha]: 1 ha.
[Product]: sorghum.
[Quantity of seed]: 8 kg.
[Equivalent in ha]: 1 ha.
These are only products for which the Analysis, Forecasting and Statistics Directorate (DAPS) has reliable information provided by the ISRA.