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E- Characteristics of the home environment

E10. What is the main source of the water which the members of the household consume?

Tap water
[] 11 Faucet in the home
[] 12 Faucet in the yard
[] 13 Public faucet / fountain
[] 21 Pump or drilling well
A dug well
[] 31 Protected well
[] 32 Unprotected wells
Source of water
[] 41 Protected source
[] 42 Unprotected source
[] 51 Supply truck
[] 61 Water supply cart
[] 71 Surface water
[] 81 Mineral / enhanced water
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4.5 Part E: characteristics of the dwelling

E10: origin of household drinking water
The assessment of water quality from information on the source of supply is based on a number of assumptions. For example, water supply facilities may experience malfunctions which, by affecting water quality, present certain risks to households. Similarly, pipes and wells may be damaged or contaminated. However, it is difficult to ask a respondent to assess the quality of the water that the members of their household drink. The possible sources are clearly specified, and the AR will simply have to register the source reported by the respondent. If the household uses more than one source of water supply, record the main source, which is the most commonly used. If the source varies depending on the season, record the source used at the time of the interview.
Circle the code corresponding to the method cited as the main source of the water used by the household for drinking.

11. Faucet in dwelling
12. Faucet in yard/plot
13. Public faucet/hydrant
21. Pump wells or borehole
31. Protected well
32. Unprotected well
[p. 62]
41. Protected source
42. Unprotected source
51. Tank truck
61. Small tank wagon/barrel
71. Surface water
81. Mineral/improved water
NB: the ''faucet in dwelling'' (code 11) modality: it refers to a faucet not shared by several households.
On the other hand, ''the faucet in yard/plot'' (code 12) is shared by several households.