Questionnaire Text

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Women aged 12 years and more
[Questions B21-B22 were asked of women aged 12 years and more]

[For all women aged 12-54 years]

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B23 - Births in past 12 months
This question applies only to women aged from 12 to 54 years.

You have to write the number of live births of each sex that the woman had during the past twelve months. Remember that a child is said to be born alive if he or she showed any sign of life at birth (cry, breathing, heart beating, etc.).

Do not forget the births followed by a death, that the respondents have a tendency to omit, for voluntary or involuntary reasons linked to taboos or prohibitions.

If a woman had no live birth, write:
"00" in the "male" box, and "00" in the "female" box.

Note: Do not leave the boxes empty, and write the number of births broken down by sex. If there was no birth, write "00" in the appropriate boxes.

For a woman who had twins, both males, write:
"02" in the "male" box, and "00" in the "female" box.

Write an oblique hyphen for women aged less than 12 years.