For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]
P16. Level of education
Circle the highest grade completed
[] 00 None
[] 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 Primary
[] 07, 08, 09, 10 Secondary, first cycle
[] 11, 12, 13 Secondary, second cycle
[] 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 University
[] 19 Other
P16) Level of education
The question applies to all persons aged 6 years and above, that is those born before 1982.
Ask the following question: "Have you ever been - or do you currently go - to a school where the teaching is in French?"
If the answer is yes, then ask:
"What is the last grade completed, or the grade you are currently enrolled in?" Then circle the code corresponding to the answer given.
For a pupil in fifth grade of primary school (CM2), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was fifth grade of primary school (CM2), circle "06"
For a student in ninth grade, secondary school (4eme), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was ninth grade, secondary school (4eme), circle "09"
For a student in Bachelor's year at the university (License), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was Bachelor's year at the university (License), circle "16"
If the person had been to a technical or vocational school, circle the number of years of studies in that school.
For a student who finished the first year of the "School of Police" (Section of Constables), circle "07"
For police inspectors, circle "11".
For Civil Administrator, who completed the National School for Administration and Magistrate in Senegal (ENAM), circle "18".
For a person who is in the second year ITS of ENEA, circle "15" (13 years before entering the ENEA school + 2 years within ENEA)
For a person who completed the National School for Nurses (EIIE), circle "13" (10 years before entering the school + 3 years within the school.
If the answer is "no", ask the following question: "Have you been to a school where the teaching is done in another language?"
If the answer is "no", circle "A 00"
If the answer is "yes", circle "19".
If the person only went to Koranic school, circle "A 00"