Questionnaire Text

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What are the major agricultural activities undertaken by the household?
[Questions A2-A5 were answered only if the response to A1 is 'yes']

A2. Crop

[] 01. Upland Rice
[] 02. Lowland Rice
[] 03. Cassava
[] 04. Sweet Potato
[] 05. Groundnut
[] 06. Maize
[] 07. Coffee
[] 08. Cacao
[] 09. Oil Palm
[] 10. Citrus
[] 11. Vegetables
[] 12. Cashew

[Questions A3-A5 were completed for each crop selected in A2]

A3. Acre ____

If crop is not grown record '0'
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 5: Agricultural Module

210. This section asks questions of major agricultural activities undertaken by household members. Ask if any member in the household is engaged in agricultural activities like the cultivation of crops and the rearing of animals such as sheep, goats, chickens etc. If any member is engaged in Agricultural activity (ies) record '1' for "yes" in A1. If no member is engaged in agricultural activity (ties) record '2' and skip to section VI.

211. If there is only one member engaged in agricultural activity, the household is considered as being engaged in Agricultural activity. Always make sure that you verify that no member in the household is engaged in agricultural activity before doing you entries. Some people may think that being engaged in agricultural activity means doing large farming or only has to do with the planting of crops. Explained to the respondent what 'being engaged' in agricultural activity really means in order to get the correct response.

A3- Acreage (Area)
212. If any of the crops listed in the questionnaire is grown, ask for the acreage cultivated and record the answer as given against the crop. For crops not grown, record '0'.

213. Use the conversion table in annex to estimate the cultivated area in acreage.

Annex 3: Agricultural module guide (section 5) major agricultural activities undertaken by the household

A2: Acreage-ask the farmer the quantity of seed rates he/she planted to determine the number of acres.

Note that 1Bushel = 1 acre. i.e 1 bushel of rice is equal to 1 acre

2 Kerosene Tins (CAN) = 1 Bushel = 1 Acre
20 Three-pence Pans =1 Bushel =1 Acre
10 Three-pence Pans = 0.5 Bushel = 0.5 Acre
For other crops: Always make reference to the rice as a yardstick to determine acreage.