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E4. For economically active members, complete the following table:

Main occupation before Ebola outbreak
[] 01 Legislators, senior officials and managers (members of parliament, civil servants, traditional chiefs and headmen, chief executive officers, managers, directors, etc.).
[] 02 Professionals (lecturers, teachers, SNR nurses, bankers, statisticians, engineers, lawyers, accountants, imams, pastors, journalists, librarians, medical doctor, building contractors)
[] 03 Technicians and associate professionals (technicians, plumbers, it specialists, JNR nurses, traditional healers, police officers, prison officers, traffic wardens, entertainers, tax officers)
[] 04 Clerks (secretaries, data processing operators, cashiers, custom service officers, other office clerks)
[] 05 Service workers, and shop and market sales workers (waitresses, restaurant attendants, travel attendants, house maid, soothsayers, fire force officers, models, traders, private security officers)
[] 06 Agricultural and fishery workers (farmers, fishermen, animal rearers, hunters, palm wine tappers, poultry workers etc.)
[] 07 Craft and related trade workers (stone breakers, sand miners, diamond and gold miners, other miners, wood carvers, painters, masoner, builders, structure cleaners, black smith, mechanics and fitters, electricians, printers, wood cutter, shoe makers, carpenters, welders, tailors, cookery sellers, seamstress, etc. )
[] 08 Plant and machine operators and assemblers (machine operators, tractor drivers, motor vehicle drivers, okada riders, printers, binders, potters, crewmen, power saw operators, boat drivers, ferry workers)
[] 09 Elementary workers (newspaper vendors. street sellers, hawkers, shoe cleaners, labourers, cleaners, caretakers, messengers, garbage collectors, porters)
[] 10 Armed forces (army, navy, OSD)
Main current occupation
[] 01 Legislators, senior officials and managers (members of parliament, civil servants, traditional chiefs and headmen, chief executive officers, managers, directors, etc.).
[] 02 Professionals (lecturers, teachers, SNR nurses, bankers, statisticians, engineers, lawyers, accountants, imams, pastors, journalists, librarians, medical doctor, building contractors)
[] 03 Technicians and associate professionals (technicians, plumbers, it specialists, JNR nurses, traditional healers, police officers, prison officers, traffic wardens, entertainers, tax officers)
[] 04 Clerks (secretaries, data processing operators, cashiers, custom service officers, other office clerks)
[] 05 Service workers, and shop and market sales workers (waitresses, restaurant attendants, travel attendants, house maid, soothsayers, fire force officers, models, traders, private security officers)
[] 06 Agricultural and fishery workers (farmers, fishermen, animal rearers, hunters, palm wine tappers, poultry workers etc.)
[] 07 Craft and related trade workers (stone breakers, sand miners, diamond and gold miners, other miners, wood carvers, painters, masoner, builders, structure cleaners, black smith, mechanics and fitters, electricians, printers, wood cutter, shoe makers, carpenters, welders, tailors, cookery sellers, seamstress, etc. )
[] 08 Plant and machine operators and assemblers (machine operators, tractor drivers, motor vehicle drivers, okada riders, printers, binders, potters, crewmen, power saw operators, boat drivers, ferry workers)
[] 09 Elementary workers (newspaper vendors. street sellers, hawkers, shoe cleaners, labourers, cleaners, caretakers, messengers, garbage collectors, porters)
[] 10 Armed forces (army, navy, OSD)
Ebola impact on the person's revenue
[] 1. Increased substantially
[] 2. Increased
[] 3. No change
[] 4. Decreased
[] 5. Decreased substantially