Questionnaire Text

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[Questions E2 and E3 were only answered if the respondent indicated having had a household member be confirmed positive of contracting Ebola virus disease in E1]

E3. How many children below 18 years were orphaned because of EVD? _ _

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Section 7: Ebola socio-economic impact

236. Enumerators should ensure that questions in this section are asked in a polite and skillful manner in order to get cooperation from the respondents.

237. Remember that this section is administered at household level and not at structure level. There is the tendency for respondents to give you information about the structure and not their households.

E3- Children who became orphans because of the EVD
240. This question seeks to get information on the number of children below the age 18 years who became orphans as a result of the EVD. By orphan it means 'a child who has lost one or both parents'. If no child became orphaned as a result of the EVD, record "0". Children who became orphans not as a result of the EVD should not be captured here.