Questionnaire Text

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[Questions H01, H06, and H07 were asked of all people. The rest of the questions in section III were recorded only for respondent's whose indicated type of residence was occupied housing units in question I15]

What kind of facilities do you have for [Questions H14-H15]

H14. Toilet

[] 11 VIP
[] 12 Flushed inside
[] 13 Flushed outside
[] 14 Pit
[] 15 Bucket
[] 16 Bush/river bed
[] 17 Other
[] 21 VIP
[] 22 Flushed inside
[] 23 Flushed outside
[] 24 Pit
[] 25 Bucket
[] 26 Other
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Section 3: Housing facilities

186. Columns H01 to H19 relate to specific questions concerning the household. They are questions that relate to the household as a whole and not to individual members.

H14 -- Toilet facilities
200. There are instances where several households share the same toilet facility and in this case, the toilet facility is used in a communal way. Where only one household uses the toilet facility, we say it is private.


201. Ask, 'What kind of toilet facility do you have'? For example, if the answer is 'Pit latrine', you also want to find out if his/her household uses the pit latrine exclusively. If the answer to the question is 'Yes', then the toilet facility is '24', but if the answer indicates that other households share the facility, you record it as '14'.

202. Some communities use the bush/riverbed. Here, the use of the bush or riverbed is communal and therefore should be recorded as 16.