Questionnaire Text

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[Questions H01, H06, and H07 were asked of all people. The rest of the questions in section III were recorded only for respondent's whose indicated type of residence was occupied housing units in question I15]

What is your principal source of water supply for [Questions H12-H13]

H13. Household use

[] 01. Piped indoors
[] 02. Piped in compound
[] 03. Public Tap
[] 04. Protected ordinary well
[] 05. Unprotected ordinary well
[] 06. Mechanical well
[] 07. River / riverbed / stream
[] 08. Neighbor's tap
[] 09. Sacket / bottled water
[] 10. Water vendor / bowser
[] 11. Other ____
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Section 3: Housing facilities

186. Columns H01 to H19 relate to specific questions concerning the household. They are questions that relate to the household as a whole and not to individual members.

H13 - Source of water supply for household use
199. Ask for the source of water supply for household use. This includes all household use of water excluding drinking such as laundry, bathing, cooking etc. If there is more than one source, record the most used water source.