Questionnaire Text

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P15. Disability
Is [the respondent] disabled?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to P19)

[Questions 16-18 were asked of persons who are disabled, per question P15]

P18. Are you receiving any assistance?

[] 1 Surgical operation
[] 2 Medication
[] 3 Assistive devices
[] 4 Special education (mentally retarded)
[] 5 Braille training/sign language training
[] 6 Skills training (vocational)
[] 7 Counseling
[] 8 Financial
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
[] 0 None

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section 1 - Population
Columns P1 to P18 -- These should provide particulars of all members who slept in the household/institution on census night. They therefore apply to all persons.

Columns P15 - P18 -- Disability
105. It is absolutely important that this information is collected as accurately as possible, which means that the question applies to everybody in the household. You must be particularly careful to distinguish between actual disability and other forms of illnesses.

106. For example, you may be told that a member of the household has had tuberculosis or has been suffering from backache or stomach pains for a very long time. These are not disabilities for the purpose of these questions. It may be necessary to see the persons who have been reported as being disabled. This


will give you an opportunity to determine whether the persons) is/are disabled according to the specifications below.

107. Somebody is disabled if he/she is blind, crippled, deaf, dumb, mentally retarded or has lost limbs), etc.

P15 -- Whether person is disabled
108. Ask, "Is [the respondent] disabled?" If the answer is "Yes", ask the second question relating to the type of disability (question P16) before you make any entry. If you are satisfied that the type of disability falls within our prescribed category, you can then fill in P15 and P16. This is necessary to avoid messing up the questionnaire.

P18 -- Assistance
112. Ask, "Is [the respondent] receiving any kind of assistance?" If "Yes" ask what kind and record the appropriate code refer to the code list). For example, "Surgical operation" is 02, "Medication" is 02, etc. If "No", use code 11.

P18 Are you receiving any assistance?

[] 1 Surgical operation
[] 2 Medication
[] 3 Assistive devices
[] 4 Special education mentally retarded)
[] 5 Braille training/sign language training
[] 6 Skills training vocational)
[] 7 Counselling
[] 8 Financial
[] 9 Other specify)
[] 0 None