Questionnaire Text

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H14. What is the main source of information for the household?
[] 1 Radio
[] 2 Television
[] 3 Print media
[] 4 Post mail
[] 5 Hand mail
[] 6 Word of mouth
[] 7 Church/mosque
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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H14 -- Main source of information
179. Ask: "What is the household's main source of information?" Different members of the household may have different sources of information, but only one response is required for the household as a whole. Therefore probe and elicit information about the main source the household relies on for information, and record the appropriate code provided in the code list. Only one code is required. Note that we are not interested in the ownership of the medium.

H14 What is the household main source of information?

[] 1 Radio
[] 2 Television
[] 3 Print media
[] 4 Post mail
[] 5 Hand mail
[] 6 Word of mouth
[] 7 Church / mosque
[] 8 Other (specify)