Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Structure type
[] 1 Single unit 1 storey
[] 2 Multiple unit 1 storey
[] 3 Single unit 2 storey
[] 4 Multiple unit 2 storey
[] 5 Single unit 3+ storey
[] 6 Multiple unit 3+ storey

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Identification particulars top of the questionnaire

i. If an institution, write the name of the institution (e.g. Pademba Road Prisons).

ii. Enter the province code provided on your EA map. For example, Eastern Province is "1".

iii. Enter the district code refer to the code list -- P11 and P12. The second digit is the code for the district (e.g. Kailahun is code "1", Kenema is code "2", etc.)

iv. Enter the Local Council Area code (refer to the code list). The third digit is the code for Local Council Area

v. Enter the chiefdom/ward/town council Area code refer to the code list -- P11 and P12. The last two digits give the code (e.g. Samu in Kambia is code "06", West 3 in Western Urban is code "08", etc.)

vi. Enter the Section code provided on your EA map

vii. Enter the EA number provided on your EA map

viii. Write the locality name and street address

ix. Enter the code for structure type (refer to code list)

x. Record the structure number -- the first structure you enumerate is "001", the second is "002", the third is "003" and so on upwards to the last. All households within the same structure will have the same structure number.


xi. Record the household number -- the first household you enumerate will be "001", the second is "002", the third is "003" and so on upwards to the last.
To ensure that you properly record the structure number and household number correctly in a serial manner, always check the number you gave to the last structure and household enumerated.

xii. Enter the code for population type, refer to the code list (e.g. household is code "01", medical is code "04", etc.)