Questionnaire Text

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If you are employed or self-employed, answer questions 43, 44 and 45 as well, otherwise start answering with question 46.
[Questions 43-45 are asked of those who were employed or self-employed.]

45. The time you spend for traveling to work in one direction (Enter time in minutes) _ _ _

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45 The time you spend for travelling to work in one direction:

The question is answered by persons who answered question 43.

The enumerator must enter time that the person usually spends for travelling to work or from it in one direction in minutes.

Average time spent for travelling by the usual way of travelling (determined at question 44) in normal conditions (weather, traffic, etc.) on the route usually taken to work must be taken into account.

For household members, the enumerator enters time spent by the person from the address of residence (home) to the place of work. For persons who are not household members, the enumerator as a rule enters time spent from the address of temporary residence to work.