Questionnaire Text

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If you are employed or self-employed, answer questions 43, 44 and 45 as well, otherwise start answering with question 46.
[Questions 43-45 are asked of those who were employed or self-employed.]

43. How frequently do you return from work to the address of residence?

[] Everyday
[] Once a week
[] Less than once a week
[] I work at home (skip to question 46)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

43 How frequently do you return from work to the address of residence?

The question is answered by persons for whom the enumerator marked Employed, Self-employed or Farmer at question 42.

Every day is marked by the enumerator if the enumerated person returns from the place of work to the address of residence every day (and has no other residence in the place of work).

This answer is marked by the enumerator also for persons who due to the nature of work travel to the place of work and return from it only a few times a week (e.g. only three days of work per week) or due to the nature of work they work continuously (e.g. for 24 hours) and do not return to the address of residence on the same day.

Once a week or less than once a week is marked by the enumerator only if due to work the enumerated person lives regularly in a different settlement than his or her household (in the second owned or rented dwelling, in the employer's dwelling) and returns to his or her household:

Once a week or
Less than once a week.

I work at home is marked by the enumerator for farmers working in own agricultural holding, for independent road transport operators, for door-to-door salespersons and for all other active persons working at the address of residence where they usually have their workshops.