Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Ethiopia 1984 Laos 2005 Romania 1992
Argentina 1980 Ethiopia 1994 Laos 2015 Romania 2002
Argentina 1991 Ethiopia 2007 Lesotho 1996 Romania 2011
Argentina 2001 Fiji 1966 Lesotho 2006 Russia 2002
Argentina 2010 Fiji 1976 Liberia 1974 Russia 2010
Armenia 2001 Fiji 1986 Liberia 2008 Rwanda 1991
Armenia 2011 Fiji 1996 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 2002
Austria 1971 Fiji 2007 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2012
Austria 1981 Fiji 2014 Malawi 2008 Saint Lucia 1980
Austria 1991 Finland 2010 Malaysia 1970 Saint Lucia 1991
Austria 2001 France 1962 Malaysia 1980 Senegal 1988
Austria 2011 France 1968 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 2002
Bangladesh 1991 France 1975 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 2013
Bangladesh 2001 France 1982 Mali 1987 Sierra Leone 2004
Bangladesh 2011 France 1990 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2015
Belarus 1999 France 1999 Mali 2009 Slovakia 1991
Belarus 2009 France 2006 Mauritius 1990 Slovakia 2001
Benin 1979 France 2011 Mauritius 2000 Slovakia 2011
Benin 1992 Germany 1970 Mauritius 2011 Slovenia 2002
Benin 2002 Germany 1971 Mexico 1960 South Africa 1996
Benin 2013 Germany 1981 Mexico 1970 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 1976 Germany 1987 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 1992 Ghana 1984 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 2001 Ghana 2000 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2016
Bolivia 2012 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2005 South Sudan 2008
Botswana 1981 Greece 1971 Mexico 2010 Spain 1981
Botswana 1991 Greece 1981 Mexico 2015 Spain 1991
Botswana 2001 Greece 1991 Mexico 2020 Spain 2001
Botswana 2011 Greece 2001 Mongolia 1989 Spain 2011
Brazil 1960 Greece 2011 Mongolia 2000 Sudan 2008
Brazil 1970 Guatemala 1964 Morocco 1982 Suriname 2004
Brazil 1980 Guatemala 1973 Morocco 1994 Suriname 2012
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 1981 Morocco 2004 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 2000 Guatemala 1994 Morocco 2014 Switzerland 1980
Brazil 2010 Guatemala 2002 Mozambique 1997 Switzerland 1990
Burkina Faso 1985 Guinea 1983 Mozambique 2007 Switzerland 2000
Burkina Faso 1996 Guinea 1996 Myanmar 2014 Switzerland 2011
Burkina Faso 2006 Guinea 2014 Nepal 2001 Tanzania 1988
Cambodia 1998 Haiti 1971 Nepal 2011 Tanzania 2002
Cambodia 2004 Haiti 1982 Netherlands 1960 Tanzania 2012
Cambodia 2008 Haiti 2003 Netherlands 1971 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 2013 Honduras 1961 Netherlands 2001 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2019 Honduras 1974 Netherlands 2011 Thailand 1990
Cameroon 1976 Honduras 1988 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 2000
Cameroon 1987 Honduras 2001 Nicaragua 1995 Togo 1960
Cameroon 2005 Hungary 1970 Nicaragua 2005 Togo 1970
Canada 1971 Hungary 1980 Pakistan 1973 Togo 2010
Canada 1981 Hungary 1990 Pakistan 1981 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Canada 1991 Hungary 2001 Pakistan 1998 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Canada 2001 Hungary 2011 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Canada 2011 Indonesia 1971 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Chile 1960 Indonesia 1976 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Chile 1970 Indonesia 1980 Panama 1960 Turkey 1985
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1985 Panama 1970 Turkey 1990
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1990 Panama 1980 Turkey 2000
Chile 2002 Indonesia 1995 Panama 1990 Uganda 1991
Chile 2017 Indonesia 2000 Panama 2000 Uganda 2002
China 1982 Indonesia 2005 Panama 2010 Uganda 2014
China 1990 Indonesia 2010 Papua New Guinea 1980 Ukraine 2001
China 2000 Iran 2006 Papua New Guinea 1990 United Kingdom 1961
Colombia 1964 Iran 2011 Papua New Guinea 2000 United Kingdom 1971
Colombia 1973 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 1962 United Kingdom 1991
Colombia 1985 Ireland 1971 Paraguay 1972 United Kingdom 2001
Colombia 1993 Ireland 1979 Paraguay 1982 United States 1960
Colombia 2005 Ireland 1981 Paraguay 1992 United States 1970
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 1986 Paraguay 2002 United States 1980
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1991 Peru 1993 United States 1990
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 1996 Peru 2007 United States 2000
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 2002 Peru 2017 United States 2005
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 2006 Philippines 1990 United States 2010
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2011 Philippines 1995 United States 2015
Cuba 2012 Ireland 2016 Philippines 2000 United States 2020
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Israel 1972 Philippines 2010 Uruguay 1963
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Israel 1983 Poland 1978 Uruguay 1975
Dominican Republic 1960 Israel 1995 Poland 1988 Uruguay 1985
Dominican Republic 1970 Israel 2008 Poland 2002 Uruguay 1996
Dominican Republic 1981 Italy 2001 Poland 2011 Uruguay 2006
Dominican Republic 2002 Italy 2011 Portugal 1981 Uruguay 2011
Dominican Republic 2010 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 1991 Venezuela 1971
Ecuador 1962 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 2001 Venezuela 1981
Ecuador 1974 Jamaica 2001 Portugal 2011 Venezuela 1990
Ecuador 1982 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1970 Venezuela 2001
Ecuador 1990 Kenya 1969 Puerto Rico 1980 Vietnam 1989
Ecuador 2001 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 1990 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 2010 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 2000 Vietnam 2009
Egypt 1986 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 2005 Vietnam 2019
Egypt 1996 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 1990
Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2000
El Salvador 1992 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Puerto Rico 2020 Zambia 2010
El Salvador 2007 Laos 1995 Romania 1977 Zimbabwe 2012
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_SEX — Sex
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General characteristics -- For all individuals

[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

3. Male or female?

Mark the appropriate box

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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General characteristics


19. The question number 3 of the Population chapter is very simple. You should only verify if the person is [male] or [female].

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_SEX — Sex
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C. Population

For all of the persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

2. Is the person male or female?

[] Male
[] Female

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

2. Male or female?
You will fill out the corresponding cell.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

2. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

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We now go to question 2: Sex.

We fill it out by simple observation.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

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Question 2: Sex
Do not forget to mark the corresponding option based on observation.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_SEX — Sex
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2. Is this person male or female?
[] Male
[] Female

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Sex: condition of "male" or "female" for the person being enumerated.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_SEX — Sex
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Q8: Your sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 8

Your sex

Usually the sex of the person is determined according to his/her name. In the particular complicated cases a specifying question must be given for making sure. Identification codes 1 for males 1 and 2 for females are written.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_SEX — Sex
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6. Sex
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Question 8

Your sex.

Identification codes "1" for males and "2" for females are used to fill in the corresponding column.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

5. Gender:

[] Male
[] Female

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_SEX — Sex
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(1) Gender:
[] Male
[] Female

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_SEX — Sex
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Person Questionnaire

1. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

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1, Sex:
Almost all charts with census results are subdivided by gender because numerous statutes and living conditions (e.g. retirement age, courses of education and career conditions) lead to different results for men and women.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

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2. Gender:
Almost all charts with census results are segmented by gender. Numerous statutes and living conditions are different for men and women (e.g. retirement age, courses of education and career conditions).

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_SEX — Sex

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_SEX — Sex
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16. Sex
[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

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16. Sex:
If you understand the sex of the person from his/her name then don't ask the question and write yourself. If it is difficult to identify the sex from his/her names then ask "Is the (person) male or female? Mark (1) if he is male and mark (2) oval cell if she is female.

Bangladesh 2001 — source variable BD2001A_SEX — Sex
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20. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 20: Sex
Fill out the "Yes" oval box for male and "No" oval box for female. Consider male those who are not male or female (i.e. neutral [Hizra]).

Question 20: Sex
Ask the respondent whether the reported person is male a female. Fill out oval box (1) for male or neutral [Hizra] and oval box (2) for female member.

Bangladesh 2011 — source variable BD2011A_SEX — Sex
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16. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

For questions 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25, put x in the relevant box.

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Question-16. Sex:
Enter cross in the male box for males.
Enter cross in the female box for females.
If the person is nutral (Hizra) ovserving the nature and behaviour enter cross in the male or female box as applicable.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2. Sex

The code is to be marked corresponding to one of the responses listed.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_SEX — Sex
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

2. Gender (sex)

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_SEX — Sex
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Demographic characteristics (for all person)

Begin with the head of household followed by every person who spent the night before the census in the household
[Columns 1-4]

(4) Sex

[] M for males
[] F for females
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Demographic Characteristics (for each household member)

Column (4): Sex
Use M for males and F for females. If the sex is easy to determine for adults, clothing and physical appearance may induce errors in determining the sex of babies. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask parents for the sex of their child.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 9 asked of all persons.]

(4) Sex

[] Male
[] Female
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Column (4): Sex
Circle "1" for males and "2" for females. For children (babies and newborns), ask the parents for their sex. Do not base your choice on their appearance.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

(4) Sex

Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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i) Socio-demographic characteristics

Column (4): Gender
This is one of the fundamental variables in demographics, just like age, and it is important to be reported with great care even if it is clearly apparent. Ask the following question: "What is the gender of [the respondent]?" and circle "1" for males and "2" for females. For children (babies and newborns), ask the parents for their gender. Do not base your choice on their appearance.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions 1-12 were asked of all persons]

4. Sex - Is [the person] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section 2: Individual characteristics of household members

Questions 1 [order number] to 12 [residency status] apply to all persons to count in the household.

4. Sex

This is one of the fundamental variables in demographics, such as age, that is important to ensure it is easily reportable.

Circle the code corresponding to the sex of each counted person after the family relation.
If you have doubt on the sex, you can ask the question in the following manner: "Just to make sure, is Femi [it might be a fictitious name] a man or a woman?"
Avoid questions such as "what is your sex Madam?"

The modality codes for the variable sex are:

[] 1.Male
[] 2. Female

The answer on sex is mandatory. Non-responses are not accepted.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_SEX — Sex
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A. General Information

For all individuals regardless of age (including newborn infants)
[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

3. Male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 3. Are you a man or woman?

Mark with an X the corresponding box of the sex of the interviewed person.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_SEX — Sex
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3. Male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 3. Are you a man or a woman?

You will mark with an X the circle that corresponds to the sex of the person that is being enumerated.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_SEX — Sex
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Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

28. Male or female

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 28. Male or female

The corresponding oval is filled in.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_SEX — Sex
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F1. For all people

24. Are you female or male?

[] 1 Female
[] 2 Male
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

24. Sex
On the census form, you must note whether the person interviewed is male or female. Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Column [P4] sex
For males enter 1
For females enter 2
Sometimes it may be clear to you from the name and relationship which sex the person is, but be careful to get the sex of young children right-don't guess it, ask.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_SEX — Sex
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Section A

(All persons)

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Column A4: Sex

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area under column A4 as follows:

1 Male
2 Female

Usually a person's sex will be obvious, but be careful to get the sex of young children right. Do not guess - ask!

James, Anthony, Molelo and David are coded 1 in the sample questionnaire in paragraph 97, whilst Anne, Mimi and Thembe are all coded 2.

Before going on to complete column A5, make sure that you have written down the names and the correct relationship and sex codes for every person who spent the night before your visit with the household. Remember to ask about persons described in paragraph 32

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_SEX — Sex
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All persons
[Questions A1-A12 were asked of all persons]

A4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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101. Column A4: Sex

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area under column A4 as follows:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Usually a person's sex will be obvious, but be careful to get the sex of young children right. Do not guess - ask!

Before going on to complete column A5, make sure that you have written down the names and the correct relationship and sex codes for every person who spent the night before your visit with the household. Remember to ask about persons described in paragraph 32.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_SEX — Sex
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A. Person Information

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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J. The questions and the answers

Part A of the questionnaire

124. Columns A1-A6 collect the basic information about the persons in the household (name, relationship to head of household, sex, age, and citizenship). The sample questionnaire is shown on page 24.

128. Column A4: Sex
Q. Is the respondent male or female?
Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area under column A4 depending on whether the person is male or female, as follows:

1. Male
2. Female

Usually a person's sex will be obvious, but be careful to get the sex of young children right. Do not guess--please ask. Before going on to complete column A5, make sure that you have written down the names and the correct relationship and sex codes for every person who spent the night before your visit with the household. Remember to ask about persons described in paragraph 32.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_SEX — Sex
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B. Condition of presence in the household on the date of the census and sex

Resident present:

[] 1 male
[] 2 female

Resident absent:

[] 3 male
[] 4 female

Nonresident present:

[] 5 male
[] 6 female

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Question B - Condition of presence in the dwelling on the date of the Census, and Sex

The field corresponding to the following cases, by sex, should be marked with an X:

Present resident - For persons who are residents of the dwelling and were present in it on the date of the Census;

Absent resident - For persons who are residents of the dwelling and were temporarily absent from it on the date of the Census, such as:
a) Persons away on leisure or business;
b) Students at boarding schools or living in boarding houses, homes of relatives, etc.;
c) Those temporarily committed to sanatoriums, hospitals or other similar establishments;
d) Persons imprisoned but with legal proceedings still in progress, without final sentence;
e) Sailors at sea.
The persons specified above will be included as present nonresident where they are located on the date of the Census.
Members of the family group should not be included when they are in the places mentioned below, in which case they should be enumerated as present residents of the places where they are on the date of census.
a) Those permanently committed to sanatoriums, asylums or other similar establishments;
b) Those imprisoned and serving sentence;
c) Those who, due to their occupation, employment or other reason, must sleep away from home, such as soldiers at military bases, nurses living in hospitals, domestic employees living at employers' homes, etc.;
d) Workers, generally Northeasterners, who immigrate to the south in search of work on farms or in civil construction.
Present nonresident - For persons who are not residents of the dwelling but who are temporarily present in it on the date of the Census.
It should be noted that persons absent from their dwelling on the date of the Census will be enumerated twice: once at their usual dwelling, as Absent residents, and again as Non-residents present at [p. 26] the dwelling where they spent the night of August 31 to September 1. The National Census Service will eliminate the double enumeration when the calculations are processed. This information is essential, not only as an element of criticism and control, but also for special studies.
Two situations are exceptions to the criterion adopted: family groups that have two dwellings, one of which serves as occasional residence (summer home, country house, etc.), in which case the family group will be enumerated in only one of the dwellings, and those that own two residences, part of the family group living in one dwelling and part in another (as is frequent among ranchers who have younger children studying in the city), who will be enumerated pursuant to the following criteria:
a) All the members of this family group will be enumerated at the dwelling where the majority of the members are present on the date of the Census, and each one will be recorded in Question B as either a present resident or an absent resident;

b) At the dwelling where the minority of the family group are present, only the persons present on the date of the Census will be enumerated, recording each of them in Question B as present nonresident.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 0 male
[] 1 female

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Question 2 - Sex
Indicate the sex of the person enumerated in the corresponding box.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_SEX — Sex
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1. Sex
[] 1 male
[] 3 female

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Question 1 - Sex

Mark the box corresponding to the sex of the person enumerated.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_SEX — Sex
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1. Sex
[] 1 male
[] 2 female

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Question 1 - Sex
Mark the box corresponding to the sex of the person enumerated.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_SEX — Sex
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4.01 Sex
[] 1 male
[] 3 female

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Question 4.01 - Sex (Basic and Sample)

Mark the square corresponding to the sex of the person enumerated.

1 - Male
2 - Female

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_SEX — Sex
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6. Resident characteristics

6.01 Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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B 6.01
6.01 - Sex

1 - Male
2 - Female

Record the option corresponding to the sex of the person surveyed.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_SEX — Sex
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All persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked for all persons.]

3. Sex _

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Column three - sex:

Record M for male, F for female.

Attention: don't always rely on first names to determine the sex of an individual.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_SEX — Sex
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Entire Population
[Questions P01 to P14 were asked for all persons.]

Record all persons in the household beginning with the head of household.

P03. Sex

Circle the corresponding code.
[] 1 - Male
[] 2 - Female

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_SEX — Sex
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II. Individual Characteristics
Entire Population

P03. Sex

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_SEX — Sex
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4 Sex (Enter Code)
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Column 4: Sex

83. This column may be filled in by copying the information from Column 4 of Statements 1.1 and 1.2 for the persons concerned.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_SEX — Sex
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

Individual particulars
For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

[4] Sex

Enter code.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

57. Column 4: Sex
This column may be filled in by copying the information from Column 4 of Statement 1.1 and 1.2 for the persons concerned.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Column 4: Sex

83. This column may be filled in by copying the information from Column 4 of Statements 1.1 and 1.2 for the persons concerned.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

4. Sex

Enter code

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

57. Column 4: sex

This column may be filled in by copying the information from column 4 of statement 1.1 and 1.2 for the persons concerned.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_SEX — Sex
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

4. Sex

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_SEX — Sex
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4) Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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a) Columns 1 to 16:

Fill out for each person.

First take inventory of all the people to mark by filling out columns 1 to 6 for each person. Next ask the other individual questions (columns 7 to 25), filling out line by line.

Column 4: sex


-M for people of the masculine sex

-F for people of the feminine sex

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions on persons]

[Ask to] residents (list all persons usually residing in the household, whether present or absent) and visitors (list all persons who do not usually reside in the household, but who spent the night preceding the interview in the household.

The whole population
[Questions 1-14 were asked of all persons.]

P4. Sex

Circle the appropriate number: 1 - M (male) or 2 - F (female)

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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c) Filling in pages 2 and 3

1. Columns P1 to P14: The whole population
These columns are to be filled in for all the members of the household: residents and visitors.
Ask the head of the household or the person who answers your questions to give you the names of all present and absent residents (for less than six months) of the household. Classify them under column P2 in the following order:
- Head of household,
- Unmarried children of the head of the household whose mother does not live in the household
- Spouse of the head of the household followed by his or her unmarried children beginning with the oldest.

Where the head of the household is a polygamist, each of his wives must be followed by her unmarried children beginning with the oldest, if they are members of the household.
- Married children of the head of the household or of his wife (wives) followed by their spouses.
- Relatives of the head of me household or of his spouse(s): ascendants (father, mother, grandparents), descendants (grandchildren, great grandchildren) whose parents are not members of the household; collaterals (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, cousins)
- Persons not related to the head of the household or to his spouse(s): friends, lodgers, house servants, employees who are members of the household

All these persons who are related or not to the head of the household will be followed if necessary by their spouse (s) and children if the latter are members of the household
If after such classification, the head of the household realizes that he has forgotten a resident member of the household, write down his name after the other resident members.
Once all the residents of the household have been listed, ask if there are visitors in the household. If so, also classify them as in the previous case.
After this inventory of the members, first fill in columns P1 to P5 for all the members and, as from column P6 fill in, line by line, the individual questions for each of them.

Column P4: Sex
For each member of the household, encircle the number corresponding to the sex. Encircle 1 for male or 2 for female.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_SEX — Sex
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[] Male
[] Female

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-Mark the code corresponding to the sex of each person surveyed after his name.

If you have doubts about the sex, you can formulate the question in the following way:
"Just to be certain, is Ramadan a man or a woman?"
-Conversely, avoid questions like "What is you sex, ma'am?"

Codes of the terms of the sex variable are:
1 = Male
2 = Female,

N.B. The answer is required. Non-responses are not accepted.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
Fill one circle only.
[] Male
[] Female

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3. Because so many first names, such as Jean, Francis or Leslie, could refer to either a male or female, Question 1 is not a sufficient indication of a person's sex. You are required to fill the circle opposite either Male or Female for Question 3.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

4. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

4. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

2. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Basic population information
Question 1 asks for the name of each person in the household so that no one is left out or counted twice. Names are not put on the census database.
Questions 2 to 6 ask about the people living in the household. From these questions we can learn about living arrangements, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who are alone. This information is used for planning social programs, such as Old Age Security and the Child Tax Benefit. It is also used by towns and cities to plan a variety of services such as day-care centers, schools and senior citizens' homes.
[p. 5]
If you have questions or require further information, please phone the free Census Help Line at 1 800 591-2001.
Question 1 -- Name
Question 2 -- Sex
Question 3 -- Date of birth
Question 4 -- Marital status
Question 5 -- Common-law status
Question 6 -- Relationship to Person 1

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
2. Is this person male or female?

[] Male
[] Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
The Questions
Basic population information
Question 1 (on the paper survey) asks for the name of each person in the household so that the Questions can be asked person by person.

Questions 2 to 6 provide information about the living arrangements of people in Canada, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who live alone. This information is used for planning social programs. It is also used by communities to plan services such as daycare centers, schools and senior citizens' residences.

Your NHS questionnaire contains all the information needed to answer questions 1 to 6. If you still have questions or require further information, please visit the NHS website at or phone the StatCan Help Line at 1-877-308-2777.

Question 2 -- Sex
Mark either 'male' or 'female' to indicate the sex of each person.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

2. Sex. ____

Write H if male and M if female.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 2: Sex. Write down the appropriate sex.

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Sex:

Are you a man or a woman?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 3--Sex

Mark the box that corresponds to the sex indicated by the informant for each of the people that spent the night in the household.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all persons

2. Sex

____1. Male
____2. Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

2. Are you a man or a woman?

Fill in the oval that corresponds to the sex of the person being enumerated, judging by their name. When the name is subject to confusion, ask the question.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 2 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all individuals [applies to questions 1 to 6]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

2. Sex

Fill in the oval that corresponds to the sex of the person being enumerated, judging by their name. Only when the name is subject to confusion should you ask the question.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 2 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all individuals [applies to questions 17 to 23]

18. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 18. [Sex]

Always ask this question. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 18 on the census form.]

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
D. Personal information

8. What is your sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questionnaire section C: "household members who stayed last night"
Section C consists of two questions:

- Question 6.c, where all individual members of the household who stayed at the housing unit last night are listed.
- Question 6.d, which asks for and records the total number of persons mentioned in 6.c, broken down by sex.

To list the members of the household, you must first ascertain who is the head of household.
Who is the head of household?
The head of household is a member of the household, aged 15 years or over, who is recognized as such by the rest of the members.
Careful! If the person considered to be the head of household did not stay the night before in the housing unit and was or will be recorded elsewhere, a head of household must be chosen from among the persons who actually stayed the night in the housing unit.
To complete the list of household members in section C, it is important to identify the head of household, since the order in which each of the members is listed in question 6.c is determined by their relationship to the head of household.
Important: If the members of the household do not recognize a head of household, the first informant will be the one who must designate the head of household, and the relationships must be established with respect to this person.
[p. 25]
[Question 6.c, household roster]
This list will help you to organize the persons who you must record in order. Invite all persons in the housing unit who must be recorded to participate in the interview. This way, it will be easier for you to complete the questionnaire, and you will have fewer omissions.
Don't forget to include babies, girls, boys and elderly persons.
You must ask and write the full name, relationship with the head of household and sex of all members of the household. Always enter the head of household on the first line.
Remember that only one person can fill the role of head of household.
[Figure omitted, image of question 6.c from the questionnaire]
[Question 6.d, total number of persons]
Important: You must always ask the question and not perform the summation yourself, since this way we will corroborate whether all members of the household have been included.
Ask for and record the total number of persons who make up the household, the number of males, and the number of females. Remember to include babies, girls, boys, elderly persons and visitors who stayed at the housing unit the night before.
[Figure omitted, image of question 6.d from the questionnaire]
[p. 26]
Important: The information that you enter on question 6.d must be transferred to the C2 or C3 summary sheet after conducting all the interviews in the housing unit.
[Figure omitted, image of questions 6.c and 6.d]

Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Question 8, sex]
There are responses that seem obvious; however, you must ask the question anyway and record what the informant says in response.
[Figure omitted, image of question 8 from the questionnaire]

China 1982 — source variable CN1982A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

III. Sex
[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

3. Sex. Circle "male" or "female" as appropriate. "1" for male, "2" for female.

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Sex:
[] 1 M
[] 2 F

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

3. Gender -- Circle "1" if the member is male, "2" otherwise.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
3. Sex ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part One. Personal records

All persons should respond to R1 through R7.

R3. Gender
Mark 1 for male; 2 for female

Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

4. Sex _
Write accordingly, man or woman

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image


Column No. 4 - In this column the word "man" or "woman" should be written down, according to what the case is. For no reason should the sex of persons not be indicated.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

A. General characteristics (for all the persons in the household).
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

3. Man or woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section A. General characteristics

[Below the text is a form.]

Section A. General characteristics will be filled out for all the persons of a census household who spent the night of October 23 to 24 in the dwelling.

Do not forget to include newborns, minors and the elderly.
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

Question No. 3. Sex

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark with an "x" the box corresponding to the sex of each person. In the case of names that are used indistinctively for both sexes, ask.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

A. For all of the persons in the dwelling
[Applies to questions 26 - 33]

28. Man or woman?

[] 2 Man
[] 4 Woman

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 28 Sex

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Take into account that there are names that are used both by men as well as women, for example René, Abigaíl. In such cases make certain that you have written down the correct sex.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

F1. Ask these questions to all persons.

26. Man or woman?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F1. Ask these questions to all persons

26. Man or woman?

When the interviewed person is supplying information of another person (absent resident, minor or someone with communication problems), always ask if they are man or woman. Remember that only the name does not define sex.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

25. Is [the respondent] a man or woman? (basic)
[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
3. Sex
Mark the appropriate box

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Line No. 3.- Sex

Mark the corresponding box. Ask the question if the name is not sufficient to determine the sex and can be, in many cases, applied to men or women; examples: Rosario, Carmen, Concepción, etc.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Sex
Mark the appropriate circle

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

10.- Question No. 3.- Sex

Mark the corresponding box. Ask the question if the name is not sufficient to determine the sex and can be, in many cases, applied to men or women; examples: Rosario, Carmen, Concepcion, etc.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

First block of questions: for all persons

Question 2: Sex

This question is very simple you should only mark if the person is Man or Woman.

[Below the text is a form]

If the person is not present you should ask man or woman, since there are many names that can be used for both sexes, such is the case of Raquel, Concepción, Carmen, etc; also there can be the case of a name in any foreign language.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 1 - 8 are] For all individuals

2. Male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

First block

For all persons

Question 2: Sex

This question is basically for categorizing the population since all the other variables are always classified by sex.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

You should ask the question to all persons, especially those who are not present. It is recommended to do it to avoid confusion with names used both for men as well as women, or, with names coming from languages different than Spanish. For example: Carmen, Mercedes, Pilar, Leslie, Inti, Michel, etc.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
2. Is he/she a male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 2: Sex

2. Is he/she a man or woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

It is recommended to ask this question to avoid confusion with those names mentioned for men and for women, or with the names coming from languages other than Spanish. For example, Carmen, Inti, Leslie, Michel, Natividad, Pilar, Sacramento, etc.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Information about the person

4. Is this person male or female?

(Mark only one)

[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 4. Is the person a male or female?

4. Is the person a male or female? (only one mark)
[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female

This question is very simple, you should only mark if the person is a male (box 1) or female (box 3).

If the person is present, do not ask, just mark the box. If the person is not present, you should ask if the person is male or female. The question refers to the biological sex of the person.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

4. Sex

(Only mark one)

[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal Data.

Question 4. What is your sex?
This question is very simple, you must only mark if the person is male (box 1) or female (box 3).
If the person is present, do not ask, just mark the correct response; if they are not present, ask if the absent person is male or female. The question refers to the biological sex of the person.
[Figure omitted]

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

21. Sex

[] 1 Sex, male (sm)
[] 2 Sex, female (sf)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question 21: Sex

Circle the code corresponding to the appropriate response

[] 1 Sex, male
[] 2 Sex, female

For those who are absent and for children, ask: is he a man (boy) or a woman (girl)? And circle the appropriate answer.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All persons surveyed ? present residents (RP), absent residents (RA), and visitors (VI)
[Question 14 through 20 were asked of all persons.]

17. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4) - What is your sex?
Note: Should the answer to this question appear to be known or obvious, it should not be asked, if the person in question is in your presence.

Question 17: Sex
Circle the code that matches the correct answer.

1 = Male sex,
2 = Female sex

For absentees and children, ask: Is this person a man (boy) or a woman (girl)?

Dominican Republic 1960 — source variable DO1960A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Sex
M = Male
F= Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
54. Question 3. Sex. "M" is recorded for males and "F" for females.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All persons [Applies to questions 1-5]

2. Sex. Tell me whether the enumerated person is a male or a female.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
11.5.1 Personal characteristics. The first five questions dealing with personal characteristics are presented to persons of all ages, from newborns to the very oldest persons. The last question, relating to de facto conjugal status, is only presented to those 15 years of age and older.

b) Question 2. Sex. The gender of the person should always be requested instead of being guided by the names only since some names are used for both males and females.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
31. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For all persons[Applies to questions 30-40.]

Question 31: Sex

The corresponding circle is filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
28. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 28: Is (NAME) male or female?

Fill in the bubble with the answer for this question.
Fill it in by observation for each person interviewed and also ask the question. Do not infer the sex of the person by his/her name, given that there are many names that are use for both men and women.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section VI - Personal characteristics

27. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 27. Is [the respondent] male or female?
Based on your observations fill in the sex of the interviewee and for all other members ask the question. Do not assume the sex of the person guided by his/her name, remember that as mentioned before, there are numerous names that are used for men and women alike. Therefore, ask the question as it is on the survey and then fill in code 1 if male or code 2 if female.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

III. (3) Sex
H = Male
M = Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 3: Sex. Record "H" for men and "M" for women.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Are you male or female? Mark the appropriate box.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 3

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 3, "are you a man or a woman?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Mark the box corresponding to the sex [p. 20] reported by each one of the people enumerated.

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Are you male or female? Mark the appropriate box.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 3. Are you a man or a woman?

Mark with an X the box corresponding to the sex of the person you are interviewing.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all individuals
[Applies to questions 1-8]

3. Are you male or female? Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 3: Are you a man or woman?

Mark with an X the box that corresponds to the sex of the person being interviewed.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

2. Is man or woman?
[ ] 1 Man
[ ] 2 Woman

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 2.- Are you a man or woman?

[There is a picture of question 2 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Mark with an x the box that corresponds to the sex of the person being investigated.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]

1. What is the sex of [the respondent]:

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Section 4]

Step 10: Section 4, information about the Population / B: General Characteristics, is divided into three parts: The first part corresponds to the questions that go from question one to ten.

[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


(A) The information of the first person corresponds to the one listed this same section in subsection A - identification by person; row 1 (page 4 of the census questionnaire).

  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.

(B) Begin with the head of household (male or female), and for the rest of persons it register them according to the order established in relation to the head of the household. For each household, there should only be one head of household, and he/she will be registered as person 1.
(C) Register the exact age of the person in years completed. If a boy or girl is younger than one year, register 0 (zero).
(D) Pay attention to the leaps in question 5 and question 8.
(E) It will be registered that yes he/she has a citizenship certificate, even if it has been stolen or lost.

  • Pay attention to the instructions that are indicated in questions 3 and 9.
  • In question 7, do not include the insurance of the IESS.

(F) Remember that the question 9 can have several alternatives of answers.

  • The disabilities are of permanent nature and that prevent him/her from doing activities that other people would do without difficulty. If any person mentions that his/her hip hurts, that he/she has to use glasses because he/she no longer sees well, or that he/she must use an apparatus to hear because he/she no longer hears well, these will not be registered as disabilities.
  • If a person does not speak (mute person), register alternative 4 and note it in observations.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part B: Individual data

3. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Sex: column number (3)
Put a circle round the suitable number (male/ female)

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Type column No.(3)
Fill in ink in front of the suitable number (male/ female)

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Table 1: Family characteristics
[Questions 1-7 for all persons]

[Questions in table 1 can be answered for up to 7 people]

4. Gender

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Table 1: Household characteristics

4. Sex
There is one square; one of 2 options is recorded: (1) for male and (2) for female.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

V. Information on members of the household

1. All persons

2. Male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

4.3 Composition of the family or families that live in the household

4.3.1 Residents of the household
Who usually resides in this household?

In this box all the names of those who usually reside in this household will be marked and their information will be registered, whether they are female, male, infants, elderly, adolescents, etc. The people may all be related to each other, only some related to each other, or not related at all to each other. Next, the rules are presented that should be used to decide who

[pg. 34]

should be enumerated in the household visited, that is, which person will be considered as a resident of the household:
a) Those who list this household as their only place to sleep and where they generally eat their meals.
Those mentioned in the previous paragraph could be temporarily absent for the following reasoning: business trip, tourism, vacations or fulfilling their work obligations, as well as including people who are hospitalized for fewer than six months and whoever is in prison without having been sentenced. Those hospitalized for six months or more and those who are jailed and have been sentenced will be enumerated in the corresponding collective housing.

b) People who are married or have partners who occupy the household with their family, even though they spend the majority of the time in another place as a boarder, will be enumerated in the household of their family unit; consequently this person will not be enumerated where they are boarding.

c) Single people who occupy the household as a boarder, even though they have their family group in another place which they visit periodically, will be enumerated where they live as a boarder; consequently these people will not be enumerated in the household of their family members.

[pg. 35]

d) The boy or girl who was born before midnight of the beginning of the census will be enumerated; but those that were born after the mentioned day and time will not be enumerated.

e) The people who died after midnight the day that the census begins will be enumerated; but those who died before the mentioned day and time will not be enumerated.

f) The domestic employee (male or female) who sleeps the majority of the time in the household.

g) The people who during the census are living in the household and don't have another place of residence.

  • People who are absent from the household lending their services as soldiers in the armed forces will be enumerated in the military barracks.
  • Beggars, regular alcoholics, street "urchins" and others who don't have a fixed place of residence and who sleep in doorways, parks, streets, under bridges, etc., should be interviewed on the second to last day of the census in the place where they usually sleep, as the enumeration of these people should be done at night. This group makes up the homeless population.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

2. Is this person male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Columns 4 and 5 (male or female)
Circle "1" if it's a man and "2" if it's a woman.

Question 3a: How old are you in completed years?

Write the age in numbers in the corresponding boxes. Write them in completed years as of the census date and as declared by the respondent. Do not suggest or calculate ages. For those younger than 1 year write "00", and for those age 98 or older write "98". For persons younger than 10 years, write a "0" (zero) before the appropriate age. For example, if the person is three years old, write "03".

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_SEX — Sex
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
18. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 19 Age

Age is the time length (day, month, or year) since birth up to the census date. In this column the correct age of each household member at the time of the population and housing census is filled in full years. Age in full years means age measures beyond year such as months, weeks, days re truncated and only the years are taken and registered. For example if a person's age is 15 years 5 months and 11 days, the age to register will be only 15 years and must not be 15 years 5 months and 11 days. If a child's age is below one year "00" will be entered in column 19 card columns 35-36. If on the other hand a person's age is 98 years and over, only "98" is entered in card column 35-36.

It is expected that there are people who do not know their correct ages or do not want to report their ages. Therefore it is required to make an effort as much as possible without giving up obtaining the correct age. In order to resolve these problems it is appropriate to focus on the following method which is one among others.

It is important to attempt to estimate the respondent's age with reference to historical event that took place at national level or in the neighborhood of the respondent's birth place and based on the response to questions by asking the respondent how old he/she was when the event took place or how long was his/her birth date after the event .For example if the person was born ten years before the eruption of the Ethiopian revolution, then his/her age in 1984 is more or less /1984 - 974/ + 10 = 20 years, and this will be entered. A person's age can be estimated by relating his/her birth year with historical events. For this purpose list of major historical events by year is provided for reference in appendix 1 of this manual.

Some of the household members or people livening in the neighborhood may not know their ages. This time their ages can be estimated in contrast with those who know their ages.
If the age of one of the household member is known correctly, it may be possible to estimate ages of the other members. For example if the age of the first child in the household is known to be 13, it is possible to estimate the mother's age as 29. This is because most of the time mothers are assumed to have their first child at the age of 16 and hence her age would be 13 + 16 = 29. A person's age within a group of people having blood relationship can be estimated by making comparison among them. For example, most of the time mothers give birth every two years. If one of her child is known to be 7 years old then his/her elder one can be 9. Sometimes old people report their age much higher. Their age can be estimated in comparison with the ages of their older children and grandchildren. Hence if one of the household member's age is known then age of other members has to be estimated in relation to the others.

Furthermore if a member's age is known when he got married, his current age can be estimated by considering the number of years he stayed in marriage and also in relation with his children's age.

There are people who prefer or get it easy to report their ages in numbers ending with zero or five. However they don't have to report in figures easy for them or in figures they want but need to try to get their exact ages. In fact ages of certain people can be 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.

Parents can remember birth dates of their children under the age of 10 and the children's age have to be recorded correctly in full years. When determining the child's age becomes difficult a lot of effort has to be made to arrive at the correct ages.

The correct age of each of the household members is entered in column 19 card columns 35-36 after determining their ages on the basis of the above discussion and by making the necessary effort, posing questions towards getting the right age and by making the necessary computation.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_SEX — Sex
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

17. What is [person]'s sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section 3: Particulars of household members

Before collecting information about household members, the definition of head of household and usual household member should be well appreciated. Therefore, the concept of household given in section 2 of chapter two should be appropriately understood.

A. Usual member of a household
A person is said to be a usual member of the household if he/she lives at least six months of the year continuously with the household. In addition, a person is considered to be a usual member of the household if he/she has the intention to live with the household forever even though he/she lived with the household less than six months. Persons who left their household temporarily for less than six months are considered as usual member of their households. However, persons are not considered as usual members of the household if they left their households for six months or more, or who left their households for less than six months but have the intention to leave for more than six months.

The following members of the household are considered usual household members:

a. All persons who lived with the household for at least six month during the census year.
b. All persons who have the intention to stay with the household for six months or more even though they stayed with the household for less than six months. For example, if a woman married a man and went to live in her husband's home during the census year, she is considered as a usual member of her husband's household even if she has lived in her husband's home for less than six months. Similarly, if a person got a job and went to live with another household forever, he is considered as the usual member of this new household where he is found during the census even if he has been living with this new household for less than six months.
c. House maids who usually stay the nights with the household and who do not have another residence.
d. Persons who left the household temporarily for less than six months. For example, persons who are on annual leave, persons who went to another place for holiday, inpatient persons, persons who went to visit relatives and persons who went to other places for business.
e. All persons who do not have permanent residence and who live with the household during the census. For example, if individuals do not have permanent residence but they live in various houses, they are considered to be usual member of the house hold where they are found on the enumeration day.
f. Students. Students who left their households, relatives or usual place of residence to attend school in regular schools, colleges, universities, etc. should be counted in the place where they are attending school. During the enumeration, if the students went back to their households or relatives due to a school break, they should be enumerated as usual members of their households. Students who are attending school by hiring service houses or who live with relatives away from their usual households, they should be enumerated in the area where they actually live during the census even though they commute weekly or monthly to bring their ration or to visit their households. However, students who commute daily to attend school are considered usual members of their households.
Orphanages, boarding school students, inmates of correctional facilities and other collective quarters
An inmate of an orphanage, boarding school (including universities and colleges which have lodging facilities), correctional facility or other collective quarters (e.g. homes for the elderly, monasteries, etc.) should be enumerated as a member of the collective quarters during the census. However, persons who are temporarily detained in a police station or in another temporary prison facility should be counted as usual members of their households regardless of the length of stay in these places.

B. Visitors
A visitor is any relative or non-relative person who is not a usual member of the household but spent the census night in the household.

C. Head of household
A head of household is a person who is a usual member (male or female) in the household acknowledged as head by the other members. If a man has two or more wives who live in separate households, he will be enumerated as head of the household with his oldest living wife (first married) if he is recognized as head. Other wives will be enumerated with their households as head or member of the households.

Column 13: Serial number of members of the household and visitors
The questionnaire has space to list up to ten members of a household. If the number of the members of the household is greater than ten, it is necessary to use an additional questionnaire. In this situation, the serial numbers given in column 13 (01-10) are corrected as 11, 12, 13, etc. until all members and visitors are listed.

Column 17: Sex
In this column, the sex of each member of the household, "m" for male and "f" for female, should be entered in the card column. The sex of a person should not be determined by guessing based on the name of the person because some names are used for both sexes. Additionally, great care should be taken while writing the members' sexes because, in some areas, males are named by females' name and females are named by males' name.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_SEX — Sex
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

5. What is [the respondent]'s sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Question 5:- What is [the respondent]'s Sex?

In this question, the appropriate code of the sex of each member of the household according to their names listed in question 2 should be shaded. For example, if the member is male, code 1 should be shaded across the name of the member and if the member is female, code 2 should be shaded across the name of the member of the household. The codes of the sexes should not be shaded by guessing the sexes based on the names of the persons because the names of some persons use for box sexes. In addition to this, great care should be taken while shading the codes of the members' sexes because, in some areas, males are named by females' name and females are named by males' name.

Fiji 1966 — source variable FJ1966A_SEX — Sex
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Household schedule to be completed by the enumerator, listing every man, woman and child in each household at midnight on Monday, 12th September, 1966.
[Questions 1-4 were asked of all persons]

3. Sex

For male write M, for females write F.

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34. Column 3: Sex: If a person is a man or boy write "M"; it a woman or girl write "F". It should be noted as a check that the sex stated in this column must correspond with the stated relationship to the head of the household. For example, a brother or a son, or an uncle or a nephew must be a male; a sister or a daughter, or an aunt or a niece must be a female.

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions 1-11.]

3. Sex

Write M for males and F for females.

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions 1-13 were asked of all persons]

3. Sex

M for males, F for females

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Question 3 - Sex

84. "Is this person male or female?" Write M for males and F for females.

85. Usually the person's sex will be clear to you from the name and relationship but if you don't know, ask. Never guess. Be particularly careful to get the sex of infants right. Check that the sex you record is compatible with relationship -- don't write M for persons shown as wives or daughters, nor F for persons shown as husbands or sons.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D10 were asked of all persons.]

D3. Sex
M for males, F for females

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Question D3 - Sex

84. Ask,
'Is this person male or female?'

Write M for males and F for females.

85. Usually the person's sex will be clear to you from the name and relationship but if you don't know, ask. Never guess. Be particularly careful to get the sex of infants right. Check that the sex you record is compatible with relationship - don't write M for persons shown as wives or daughters, nor F for persons shown as husbands or sons.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

D3. What is [person's] sex?

(Tick appropriate box)
[ ] 1 Male
[ ] 2 Female

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D3] What is this person's sex?

Tick appropriate box.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_SEX — Sex
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[7] Population structure
These statistics on the structure of the population describe Finnish and foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland at the turn of the year.

The information about sex has been obtained from the Population Information System.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1 - 6 apply to all persons]

3. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_SEX — Sex
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1. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_SEX — Sex
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Individual form

1) Sex

[ ] 1 Male
[ ] 2 Female

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_SEX — Sex
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1. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_SEX — Sex
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2. Gender
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

2. Gender

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

2. Sex:
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_SEX — Sex
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2. Gender
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_SEX — Sex
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Answer for each person
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

2. Sex

What is your sex?

1 [] Male
3 [] Female
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9. Sex

Write "M" for males and "F" for females in the space provided.

It is important to ask for the sex of the person when information is being given to you by a third person. Do not infer the sex from the name or names to the person. Bear in mind that some names can be misleading in this respect. For example, some people use George as a short form for Georgina and Ben for Bernice.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_SEX — Sex
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P02 Sex: What is the sex of (name)?
[] Male
[] Female

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Sex:- It is important to ask for the sex of the person when information is being given to you by a third person. Do not infer the sex from the name or names of the person. Bear in mind that some names can be misleading in this respect e.g. Kafui. Some people also use George as a short form of Georgina and Ben for Bernice.

P02 Sex

Two boxes are provided in this column. Mark X in the appropriate box according to whether the respondent is male = M or female = F. Copy this information from the household listing (A13). Note that for persons in group quarters you must ask. For example, if the respondent is male, mark "X" in one of the two boxes provided as shown below.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_SEX — Sex
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[] M
[] F
[] A
[] B
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4. Sex - It is important to ask whether a person is male or female when information is being given to you by a third person. Do not infer the sex from the name or names of the person. Bear in mind that some names are given to both males and females and can be misleading in this respect e.g. Kafui, Dela. Some people also use George as a short form of Georgina and Ben for Bernice.

Shade the appropriate circle according to whether the respondent is male or female. For example, if the respondent is male, shade the circle for male, as shown below.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_SEX — Sex
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5. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_SEX — Sex
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Questions 1-9 should be completed for all persons, regardless of their age. (Mark the answers by filling in an X in the appropriate space, wherever applicable.)

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_SEX — Sex
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C. Enumeration form of person

2. Sex.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Question 2 "Sex"
The question is evident. Record X appropriately. Special care should be taken for the right answer in the cases of not christened children and individuals with foreign names.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_SEX — Sex
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General characteristics
[For all persons]

3. Sex

Mark the corresponding box with an X

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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General characteristics

Ask these questions for all of the persons, independent of their age or other situation:

Question 3: Sex

Mark the corresponding small box. It is necessary to ask the question, since in some cases the name does not determine the sex: there are many names that are used indistinctly for a man or woman: Rosario, Concepción, Carmen, etc.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_SEX — Sex
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A - Personal characteristics
(For all individuals)

3. Sex

Are you male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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A) Personal characteristics (for all persons)

Question 3: sex

1. How to ask the question:
Ask, "Are you a man or a woman?"

2. How to record the answer:
Mark an "X" in the appropriate box.

3. Example:
[This box contains question 3 of the section VI, "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_SEX — Sex
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VII. People in the census household

For all individuals
[Questions 1 - 8 were asked for all persons]

3. Sex

Are you male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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A. First block: personal characteristics (for all persons)

This part of the census form is designed to study the composition of the population according to the following characteristics: relationship to the head of household, sex, age, marital status, maternal orphanhood, ethnicity, and disabilities.

Questions 1-8 are presented to all enumerated persons, without exception, following the specific instructions presented below:

Question 3: sex

1. How to formulate the question

Are you a man or a woman?

2. How to record the data

[p. 66]

The number of the corresponding category is circled.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 3 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_SEX — Sex
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VII. People in the census household

3. Sex

Are you male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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3.3.4 Section VII: Persons in the census household

The first seven questions sets in this section refer to family relationship, age, sex, current marital status, ethnic group, death of mother and disability.

Questions 8-12 refer to the person's migration and ethnic characteristics. Only questions 11 and 12 are for persons aged three and older.

Questions 13-15 refer to literacy, level of education and attendance at school and are intended for persons aged seven and older.

The four following questions (16-19) refer to the person's type of economic activity, principal employment, branch of activity, and occupational category. They are also intended for persons aged seven and older.

The last five questions (20-24) cover fertility, and are intended only for females aged 12 and older.

The housing form has enough space to record a maximum of ten person, and so the section is repeated an equal number of times. The information about each person who spends the night in the homeless shelter should be written in the same order as they were listed in section V, "list of persons."

If the homeless shelter has more than ten persons, use an additional form.

Section VII is designed to allow you to record the complete information about one person. Write the person's order number in the grid space according to the list in section V. Spell out completely the first names and complete surnames of each person.

3. Sex
Ask, "Are you a male or a female?" and then mark an X in the corresponding circle.

[A graphic of box 3, "sex," is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]

If the respondent (the leader, or person in charge of the group, etc.) answers for other residents of the homeless shelter verify that the information is correct because there are names that are given to both males and females. Examples include: Carmen, María, José, Concepción, Guadalupe, Tránsito, Inés, etc.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_SEX — Sex
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For all persons
[Questions 1 through 9 are for all persons]

2. Are you male or female?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

2. Sex
Ask, "Is this person male or a female?"

[A graphic of question 2, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Note that there may be names that are used by both men and women, such as Carmen, María, José, Concepción, Guadalupe, Tránsito, Inés, etc. For this reason, you should always ask this question.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_SEX — Sex
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Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]

4. Sex of the person

[] 1 Males
[] 2 Females

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Column (4): Sex
109. Man or boy, mark "M" (male sex); Woman or girl, mark "F" (female sex).

110. Do not hesitate to ask the parents about the sex of their children, since the type of cloth or even the physical appearance may be misleading.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_SEX — Sex
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P04 Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Column P04: Sex
Sex is one of the easiest variables of the questionnaire to obtain in most cases. In exceptional cases of young children, don't make assumptions about the name, dress or physical appearance in determining the sex of the child. Always ask the parents if you have any doubts about the sex of their child. This pre-coded variable has 2 possible modalities:

"Masc--1" for male
"Fem--2" for female
To record the answer you receive in the questionnaire, simply circle the number of the appropriate code.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_SEX — Sex
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III. Individual characteristics

All members of the household
[Questions P00 through P12 were asked of all members of the household.]

P02. Sex

What is the sex of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

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Column 4: The sex (male or female) of every person should be indicated on the questionnaire by an 'x' in the appropriate box. A male person, for example, would be:
1. [X] Male
2. [ ] Female

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex: Is this person a man or a woman?
[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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Question 3: Sex
64. The sex (masculine or feminine) of each person must be checked on the questionnaire.
You should not determine the person's sex according to his first name because some first names can be given to people of both sexes. So, it is important that each question be asked for each person.
Example: The first name "Claude" can very well be given to a boy or a girl. It is the same case for the first name "Karol".

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_SEX — Sex
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4. What is the sex of this person?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_SEX — Sex
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General Characteristics

3. Sex
Use "M" for male and "F" for female

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Column number 3: Sex
Use "M" for masculine and "F" for feminine.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_SEX — Sex
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A. - Personal and Geographic Characteristics (For all people resident in the dwelling)

3. Sex: Male or female

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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A) Personal and Geographic Characteristics

This section is for all residents in the dwelling. It is intended to find out information about the composition of the population according to their relationship with the head of household, sex, age, civil status, whether the mother is alive, place of birth, year of arrival in the country, nationality, and permanent residence in 1969.

Ask questions 1-9 of everyone who is enumerated, without exception and according to the detailed instructions below.

Question set 3: Sex
Are you/is the person male or female?

Mark an "X" in the appropriate box.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_SEX — Sex
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A. General characteristics

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4. Is the person a man or woman?
Mark the circle that identifies the sex of the individual. If the person is present, the answer is recorded without asking the question. Ask the question only if the person is absent and the name could be used for either a man or a woman.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_SEX — Sex
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For all persons
[Questions 1- 5 were asked of all persons.]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

On the heading of each page of this section write the names of the persons that make up this household one-by-one, maintaining the order established in 'composition of the household' (question 2, section D).

You will begin with head of household [male or female] as person number 1 and will continue with the rest of the members of the household.

Always ask about the spouse or partner of the head of household; never assume that he or she does not exist. Whenever possible, in the case where both are present, you will ask the questions of each person separately.

For all persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

Question 2: Sex
Mark the box that identifies the sex of the person. If the person who is being enumerated is not present, do not be guided by the name and ask the question, since it is frequent to find names that are used both for men as for women, for example: Carmen, Jesus, Guadalupe, Concepcion, Santos, Trinidad, María, etc.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_SEX — Sex
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I. General Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 1-10.]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_SEX — Sex
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1. [Birth information]

a) Sex

[] Male
[] Female

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_SEX — Sex
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1. Gender
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_SEX — Sex
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Personal questionnaire

I. Demography

[Questions 1 through 3 were asked of all persons]

1. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_SEX — Sex
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

1. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

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6.2 Question 1: Sex
Fill in the male box if the enumerated person is male. Fill in the female box if the enumerated person is female. If the person who gives the information is not the person involved, then ask the sex of the person involved and fill in the answer in one of the boxes.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_SEX — Sex
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A2. Sex

Are you:
[] L Male
[] P Female

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Column (3) Gender.
Ask question A2 about the gender of each person listed on the form. The enumerator may not determine the gender by himself based on what he thinks the gender should be. He must ask the respondent about the gender of every household member.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_SEX — Sex
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All persons
VII. Characteristics of individual household members

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_SEX — Sex
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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.2 Sex

1 Male
2 Female

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Column (4): Sex
Fill in the code for sex for each member of the household. Enter code "1" for male and code "2" for female.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_SEX — Sex
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VI. Household member characteristics

VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2: Sex
Ask the sex of each person then circle Code 1 for male and Code 2 for female. Do not guess the sex of a person based on their names.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_SEX — Sex
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III. List of household numbers

303. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 303: Sex
Ask the sex of each person in Column (2), then circle code "1" for male and code "2" for female. Do not guess the sex of a person based on their names. The way of asking is by reading out the names printed in lower case and changing the [respondent] with the names written in Column (2).

Indonesia 2000 — source variable ID2000A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Questions 01, 02 and 03 should be asked simultaneously. This should be done after all household members have been recorded. Subsequently, please continue to ask the 4th through 15th question to each of the household members

Question 01, 02 and 03: Name, relationship to the head of household, and sex
Question 01, 02 and 03 are asked simultaneously to all household members. Please ask all respondents in the household their relationship to the head of household. Please write down their names on the provided line of the first question, blackening [the oval] to match the person's relationship code for "Relationship to head of household" and "Sex".

Relationship to head of household
1. Household head is one of the household members who takes responsibility for the daily needs of the household, or could be the person who is assumed to be a head of household.
Head of household in a special household is an appointed person among the special household members.
2. Wife/husband is a wife/husband of the household's head.
3. Others include all persons who occupy and live in the household and are household members, among others:

a. Child in-law is the husband/wife of child, step child or adopted child in the household.
b. Grandchild is the child of the household head's child/step child/adopted child.
c. Parent is a father/mother of the household head.
d. Other relatives are individuals who are related to the head of the household or to the wife/husband of the head of the household. Example: younger or older sibling, uncle, aunt, grandfather/grandmother.
e. Domestic workers are people who are working as domestic servants and stay and sleep in the household where they are working, receiving salary/wages such as money and goods.
f. Others are people who are not related to the head of household.

The best procedure to interview the respondents is to ask for the name of each person in the household so that no one is left out or counted twice, starting from head of household and going through the wife/husband, unmarried child, married child, child in-law, grandchild, parents, mother/father in law, other relatives, domestic servant, and others.

Please make sure that all HOUSEHOLD members have been recorded completely with name and serial number by:
1. Reading one by one the name of each HOUSEHOLD member.
2. Ask questions to ensure there will be no one missed and unrecorded to probe for:
a. Child or newborn baby, anak kecil atau bayi yang baru lahir.
b. Others like a friend or housemaid who stays/lives in the household.
c. Visitors who live for fewer than 6 months and intend to stay for 6 months and more.
d. People who usually live in the HOUSEHOLD but have left for fewer than 6 months.

If you found other persons with the criteria stated above, please add those names to the list, subsequently asking questions 01-03. When those questions have been completed, please ask questions 4 through 15 for each HOUSEHOLD member in order according to the serial number of the HOUSEHOLD member.

3. Please ask additional questions to guarantee the data are correct and no persons have been excluded. Meanwhile, if there is a household member who left for at least 6 months and is being counted as a household member, take him/her out from the list of questions 01-03 and reorder the serial numbers of each HOUSEHOLD member.

Make sure all household members have been recorded, and separate the total number of household members by sex. Please write down the total number of household members into the appropriate box provided. If, when comparing the total with the 4th Block in columns (23) and (24) of SP2000-L1, the totals do not match, please fix them accordingly.

The SP2000-L2 Questionnaire has been designed for 8 people maximum. If more than 8 household members are found, please use an additional SP2000-L2 Questionnaire and copy the location identification exactly as the first [page of the] SP2000-L2 Questionnaire is recorded.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_SEX — Sex
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403. Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Questions 401 to 403: Name of the household member, relation to head of the household, and sex.
Ask Q 401 to 403 at the same time (this is noted by the bold vertical lines on Form SUPAS05-S). After all household members are listed, ask A 404 through Q 407 to each household member.

Relation to head of the household:

The head of the household is the member of the household who is responsible for the daily needs of the household or the member who is considered/appointed as head of the household because of his/her advanced age.
Wife/husband is spouse of the head of the household.
Child includes own child, stepchild and foster child (adoption) of the head of the household.
Daughter/son-in-law is the husband/wife of the head of the household's child.
Grandchild is the child of the head of the household's child.
Parents/parents-in-law are the father/mother of the head of the household or the father/mother of the spouse of the head of the household.
Other relatives are other people who are related to the head of the household or to the spouse of the head of the household, for example: sisters/brothers, cousins, other in-laws, nephews/nieces, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, etc.
Housemaid is someone who works as household help and lives in the household and receives a salary either in cash or kind.
[p. 64]
Others are those who live in the household but are not related to the head of the household or the spouse.


1. Family members who work as household help (receive a wage/salary) should be considered as "Housemaid" (code 8).
2. For drivers and gardeners who live in the household (eat and live in the household), the driver should be considered as "Other" (code 9) while the gardener is considered as "Housemaid" (code 8).
3. Children of the housemaid who work as housemaids (receive wage/salary) are considered as "Housemaid" (code 8). Children of the housemaid who do not work are considered as "Other" (code 9).

Write the name of each member of the household on the appropriate line in Column (2), his/her relation to the head of the household in Column (3) and his/her sex in Column (4). Begin with the head of the household, and continue with the spouse, unmarried children, married children, daughter/son-in-law, grandchildren, parents/parents-in-law, other relatives, housemaid, and others.

To ensure that all household members have been recorded:
1. Read the name of each household member one at a time.

2. Ask questions 1 to 4 at the bottom of the page to find out if anyone has been omitted, such as:
a. Small child or baby,
b. Others such as a friend or housemaid who normally live in the household,
c . Guests who have stayed in the household for 6 months or more,
d. Anyone else who normally lives in the household, but has been away for fewer than 6 months.

If the answer is "Yes", then place a check X in the "Yes" box, and write the names on the list beginning with the next serial number. After writing the name, cross out the X in the "Yes" box with two horizontal lines and put the X in the "No" box.

[p. 65]

3. Ask question 5 to check whether anyone whose name has been recorded has been away for 6 months or more or has been away for fewer than 6 months but intends to stay in the new location. If the answer is "Yes", place an X in the "Yes" box. After the name of that person has been crossed out with two horizontal lines, place an X in the "No" box and cross out the X in the "Yes" box.

4. Re-assign the serial numbers of the members of the household in Column (1) taking into consideration the entry in the column "Relation to the head of the household".

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_SEX — Sex
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203. Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 203: Sex
Ask for confirmation of the sex of the household member and mark the appropriate code. Even though sex was asked when recording the List of Household Members Columns (4) and Column (5), Q203 must be answered. If a different answer is given, ask again which answer is correct and make the adjustment.
It is possible that the respondent objects that the question is asked again. Tell the respondent the truth; say "I'm very sorry; I am only confirming the prior answer to make sure there are no mistakes in recording the sex of the members of the household."

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_SEX — Sex
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7. Gender
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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14. Gender, Column 7
In this column, put down code 1 for men and boys and code 2 for women and girls. Do not guess people's gender based on their names, because some names are gender neutral.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_SEX — Gender
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4. Sex

[] Male
[] Female
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Column 4 - Gender
Put X in the corresponding box. Do not guess gender of the individual based on their first names because both genders share some names.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_SEX — Sex
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36. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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36. Sex:
If the person is male indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the word (male) and if it is female the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (female). The numerator has to ask the household about the sex of the person if his name can be used for both male and female.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex _____
If male write "M", if female write "F".

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Question 2 - Sex and Question 3 - Relationship to head of household. Both the sex and the relationship to head of household entered for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered in Column 1. In the case of a Form A completed in Irish, note that "F" should be used for a male and "B" for a female in Column 2. The description "Visitor" must be used in Column 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Column 4) even though he is related to the head of the household.

Ireland 1979 — source variable IE1979A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_SEX — Sex
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Q.2 Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_SEX — Sex
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Q.2 Sex

Please check the appropriate box:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Q.2 Sex and Q.3 Relationship to person listed on line 1
The answers to these questions for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered at Question 1.

Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as Head according as the household members consider appropriate. If the term "joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Question 9) even though he/she may be related to the head of the household.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_SEX — Sex
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Q.2 Sex

Please insert check the appropriate box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Appendix 1

Q.2 Sex and Q.3: Relationship to head of household
The answers to these Questions for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered at Question 1. Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as head according as the household members consider appropriate. If the term "Joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Question 11) although she may be related to the head of the household.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_SEX — Sex
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Q.2 Sex

Please check the appropriate box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.2: Sex and Q.3: Relationship to Head of Household
The answers to these Questions for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered at Question 1.
Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as Head or Joint Head as the household members consider appropriate.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_SEX — Sex
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2 Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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2. Sex
Replies to question 2 are used to measure and compare trends in areas like education, employment/unemployment, etc. This information helps us to understand the changing roles of men and women in our families, communities and in the workforce.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_SEX — Sex
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B. Person Form

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_SEX — Sex
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Person 1
[Questions 1-35 were asked for each person included List 1, household residents who were present on census night.]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Absent persons who usually live in the household

[Questions A1-A8 were asked for each usual member of the household who was reported to be absent on census night.]

A2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Question 2. Replies to Question 2 are used to measure and compare trends in areas like education, employment/unemployment etc. This information helps us to understand the changing roles of men and women in our families, communities and workplaces.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 2: Sex.]

Replies to question 2 are used to measure and compare trends in areas like education, employment / unemployment etc. This information helps us to understand the changing roles of men and women in our families, communities and workplaces.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_SEX — Sex
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9. Sex
[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

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Question 9: Sex

Circle the appropriate number.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_SEX — Sex
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5. Sex:
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

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9. Question 2

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Mark X in one of the two boxes

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_SEX — Sex
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Identifying data and demographic data
[Questions 10-32]

10. Sex: male or female?

[] Male
[] Female
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Part D: Identification Details and Demographic Details

2. Instructions for answering questions :

a. Sex
The information on a person's sex is needed for social analysis that allows us to identify gaps between the sexes, and trace changes that occur in these gaps.
Question 3.20 - This person is ____:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

- There is no need to ask this question about the person you are interviewing.
- When asking about the rest of the household's members, you must explicitly ask about sex and not conclude what the person's sex is, solely based on their name. With many names it is impossible to tell whether they belong to a male or a female. For example: Rotem, Noam, Islam, Manar, etc.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_SEX — Sex
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1.2 Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_SEX — Sex
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

1. Personal information

1.2 Gender

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

1 - Personal information

Question 1.2
"Gender" is the essential variable for interpreting and comparing statistical data about men and women.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_SEX — Sex
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Section 2: Characteristics
[All persons]

8. Sex:

[] Male
[] Female

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Section 2 - Characteristics

5.20 General
Question 7 to 14, which comprise Section 2, provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the population except those exempted as special cases. Special Cases are always handled by Special Census Takers and instructions for identifying and handling these Special Cases are given in Part 6.

5.22 Question 8 - Sex

[Image omitted here.]

Make your entry on the basis of the respondent's reply and not on the basis of name only in cases where the household member being interviewed is not the respondent. In these cases, enquire as to whether the individual is male or female unless this has already been indicated by the respondent during the interview.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_SEX — Sex
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3.2 Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] Male
[] Female

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Section 3 - Characteristics

Questions 3.1 - 3.10 which comprise Section 3 provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the household.

5.38 Question 3.2 Sex
The entry here should not be on the basis of the name only especially if the person is not seen. In such cases enquire as to whether the individual is male or female unless this has already been indicated by the respondent during the interview.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1.1 - 1.5 for all persons]

1.1 Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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5.40 Question 1.1: Sex
This entry should not be on the basis of the name only, especially if the person is not seen. In such cases, enquire as to whether the individual is male or female unless this has already been indicated by the respondent during the interview.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_SEX — Sex
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206. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Kenya 1969 — source variable KE1969A_SEX — Sex
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d. Sex: _
(Write M for males and F for females.)

Kenya 1979 — source variable KE1979A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons

c. Sex: _

Write M for males or F for females.

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83. Record the person's sex by writing 'M' for males and 'F' for females. Check that the sex is compatible with relationship - don't write 'M' for persons shown as wives or daughters, nor 'F' for persons shown as sons or husbands.

84. Take particular care to record the sex of very young children correctly. Often you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl, in such cases you must ask -- don't guess.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_SEX — Sex
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P11. Sex:
[] Male
[] Female

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Column P11- Sex
80. Record the person's sex by coding 1 for males and 2 for females. Check that the sex is compatible with relationship. You should not write 1 for persons shown as wives or daughters, nor should you give a 2 to persons shown as sons or husbands.

81. Take particular care to record the sex of very-young children correctly. Often you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl. In such cases you must ask - do not guess.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_SEX — Sex
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P-11. Sex:

What is [the respondent's] sex?
(Mark X in the appropriate box)
[] Male
[] Female

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Columns P10 and 11: Relationship and sex

62. As you write-the names in column P00, code relationship in column P10 and sex in column P11. You will save yourself trouble by doing this.

(a) For example: for head, code "1" in P10 and tick the appropriate box in P11 as far as sex is concerned. Then code the relationship of each person to the head, that is "2" for spouse, "3" for son, "4" for daughter, "5" for brother/sister, "6" for father/mother, "7" for other relatives such as nieces, nephews, grandsons, etc., ''8" for non-relatives such as visitors, friends etc., and "9" for those who cannot be categorized as above, not stated or don't know.

(b) You must probe to find out whether the children you have coded as sons and daughters are the head's biological children. If they are not, establish further whether they should fall under "7" (other-relative) or "8" (nonrelative).

(c) There are several persons who are not related by blood or marriage but constitute a household, mostly in urban areas. Without telling them code one of them as 'head', (code "1") and the rest as 'non-relative' (code "8").

(d) Sometimes it may happen that members of the household are away and cannot be reached even after three visits, and the most responsible person you meet is a house help or any other such person employed by the household. You must probe to establish the most senior member who will have spent the census night in the household. This person must be made the household head. You may then proceed to ask the house help to provide information on the household members.

(e) There are certain communities where women are culturally allowed to "marry" other women. For purposes of the census, marriage should involve only partners of opposite sex. Whenever you encounter such cases where one woman (supposedly the head of the household) claims that another woman is her "spouse" code "7" (other-relative) rather than "2" (spouse) in P10.

(f) Make sure you understand the relationship before you make any entry, and that the entry is strictly and legibly written within the boxes provided.

63. Check that the sex is compatible with relationship; do not assign "male" to persons shown as wives or daughters nor "female" for persons shown as sons or husbands. Take particular care to record the sex of very young children correctly. Often, you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl. In such cases, you must ask - do not guess. You should ensure that everybody's sex is recorded. Blanks and "don't know" are strictly forbidden.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_SEX — Sex
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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

P-11. What is [the person's] sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

25.3 Columns P10 and P11: Relationship and sex

- Check that the sex is compatible with relationship; do not assign "male" to persons shown as wives or daughters nor "female" for persons shown as sons or husbands. Take particular care to record the sex of very young children correctly. Often, you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl. In such cases, you must ask ? do not guess. You should ensure that everybody's sex is recorded.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2. Sex

The code corresponding to one of the prompts given is to be circled.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2. Sex
The enumerator is to encircle the code corresponding to one of the prompts.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_SEX — Sex
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons]

1. Persons in the household: Who was a member of this household on September 26, 1994?

List the name and surname of all persons who were members of the household on September 26, 1994, whether they were present or absent.

Enter the person who was heading the household as person number one.

Name and surname ____
[Note:] It is very important that all persons who were members of the household on March 1, 1995 are listed.

If there are more than 10 members in the household, use additional questionnaire(s). When this is necessary, tick the box in the bottom right corner and change the person number (1, 2, 3 ... in column a in the questionnaire) to 11, 12, 13 ... in the second questionnaire, 21, 22, 23 ... in the third questionnaire, etc.

Regarding the routines for collective households, see the enumerator's manual.

3. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section B: For all persons

Question 3: Is [the respondent] male or female?
Sex is one of the most important questions as much analysis of data depends on respondent's sex. It also determines whether certain questions are to be answered or not. Circle the correct response, i.e. either "1" for male or "2" for female.

If the person is around, you can observe the gender without necessarily asking the question, but avoid inferring the gender of the person from names as there are names used by both genders. In case the name is preceded by title, namely "Thao" and "Nang", sex of respondent can readily be determined.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_SEX — Sex
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1- 10 were asked of all persons]

3. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section B: For all persons

Question 3: Is [the respondent] male or female?
Sex is one of the most important questions as much analysis of data depends on respondent's sex. It also determines whether certain questions are to be answered or not. Tick the correct response box, i.e. either "1" for male or "2" for female.
If the person is around, you can observe the gender without necessarily asking the question, but avoid inferring the gender of the person from names as there are names used by both genders. In case the name is preceded by title, namely "Thao" and "Nang", sex of respondent can readily be determined.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_SEX — Sex
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B. For all persons in the household

Q4. Sex

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
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4.2 Part B: Use for all households.

Question Q4: Gender
The purpose of the question is to collect information about the gender of the head of the household and all members of the household.
The surveyor must write down the answers by highlighting in black on the box as defined in the questionnaire, according to the answer code: 1 is male; 2 is female.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_SEX — Sex
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Section B. For all persons

6. Is (the respondent) male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

111. Column 6 Sex
Use the codes given to indicate whether each member of the household is male or female
Code 1 if male Code 2 if female

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_SEX — Sex
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Section B. List of household members

3. Is (respondent) male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Part B of the questionnaire
For all persons

73. Column 3. Sex

Use the codes given to indicate whether each member of the household is male or female
Code 1 if male Code 2 if female

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_SEX — Sex
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P03. Sex
What is [the respondent's] sex?
[] 1 M
[] 2 F

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_SEX — Sex
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e. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Persons of all ages

(e) Sex: Ask the question "Male or female?" for every person, particularly babies and children, unless you can see for yourself whether the person is male or female. Fill in the appropriate code for sex for each member of the household in column 18. The relevant codes are:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_SEX — Sex
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B4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

1. All persons

B4. Sex: Fill in the appropriate code for the sex of each member of the household in column B4.
Note: You must not try to infer or assume the sex of a person based on the person's name and clothes he/she is wearing. For example, the name Chikondi could refer to a male or a female person. In some cases, young girls could be wearing shorts and so it is wrong to assume that because one is wearing shorts then it is a boy.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions P1-P8 were asked of all persons]

P3. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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P03. Sex
Shade Code 1 for "Male" and Code 2 for "Female". Be careful to get the sex of young children right; ask, do not guess. Always confirm or verify the sex of a person against information recorded in P01 before shading. There are many names that may be given to either males or females (e.g. Takondwa), which could either be male or female, even though in some cases you can tell sex by the name of the person.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex:
[] Male
[] Female

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex:
[] Male
[] Female

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Questions 1-3

These questions are straightforward. The information is already on the Household Form, but should be asked again as a check.

In Question 2, shade the appropriate box, whether the person is male or female.

In Question 3, you are required to transfer the information on the relationship to head of household from Column 7 in Form 3 and those listed in Column 12 which are the visitors of the household. In the first place write the relationship as given in Column 7 in Form 3 on the line provided in Question 3.

Then you are required to mark the code box with the relevant relationship code. Refer to the list of codes given in the Enumerator's Code Card (Form 14(a)/14(b)/14(c)). Give careful thought to the codes you are assigning. Not every type of relationship is given a special code, as some may be grouped. For example, an "uncle" or "niece" of the head, will both be given code 09 (Other persons related to Head). A "friend" or "servant" will be assigned code 10 (Other persons unrelated to Head).

In the case of visitors to the household (persons listed in Question 12 of the Household Form), they should be assigned code 11, even if the visitor is related to the head of the household.

Remember also that it is possible for more than one member of the household to have a particular code. For example, if there are 4 unmarried children of the Head present, they would all be given code 03.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

C4. Sex (Obtain from column B3 or B8.)

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question B3

[The enumeration form for B3 is not shown here.]

The purpose of Question B3 is to obtain the sex of each usual household member.

How to ask the question
Ask the question as given below:
"What is the sex of ____ (name of usual member)?"
Do not assume the sex based on the name of the person.


How to record the answer.
Write "L" for male and "P" for female.

Question C4
[The enumeration form is not presented here.]

How to record the answer
You have to refer to Question B3 and/or B8 to fill the code box for this question.
Ensure that the answer code you have marked is the same as the answer you have recorded in Question B3 and/or B8.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_SEX — Sex
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C4. Sex (Obtain from column B4)
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex (M/F)

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4. Sex

Indicate the sex of each individual in the household.
M = for the male sex
F = for the female sex

Never try to deduce the sex from the person's first name, but, always ask. Individuals of different sex may have the same first name.

Examples: Adama, Sadi[o], Morimba, Massiré, etc...

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_SEX — Sex
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

4. Column P4: Sex

Note the sex of each household member. Circle the number in front of the letter corresponding to the sex:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Never try to infer the sex from the person's first name, but always ask the question, in a way so that the interviewed person is not hurt. Indeed, persons from different sexes might have the same first name.

Example: Adama, Sadio, Konimba, Massiré, Fily, etc...

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_SEX — Sex
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P3) Sex
What is [Name]?s sex?

Record the corresponding code

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Sex (Column P3)
In case the name can be used for both sexes, the agent asks "Is [NAME] a man or a woman?." Note the sex of each individual in the household. Write the code corresponding to the sex in the box: 1 for Male and 2 for Female.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_SEX — Sex
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990


1. Persons by whom the return is to be made
In the case of:

(i) households: the Head of the household or person for the time being acting as head;
The head of a household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members. A household is either (i) a person living on his own or (ii) a group of two or more persons who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. Two families living in one house constitute one household if they have common housekeeping arrangements, but should be considered as separate households if they have separate housekeeping arrangements and should then be entered on two separate census forms.
(ii) hotels, clubs, boarding houses: the Manager or other person for the time being in charge of the premises;
(iii) hospitals, infirmaries, asylums, prisons or any other residential institution: the Chief Resident Officer or other person for the time being in charge of the institution;
(iv) Naval Forces, Air Forces, the Special Mobile Force or the Police Training School: the Commanding Officer or the officer presently in charge;
(v) ships, barges or other vessels in any port or harbor in Mauritius: the Captain, master or other person for the time being in charge of the vessel;
(vi) persons arriving after midnight on the night 1-2 July 1990 and who have not been enumerated elsewhere: the person specified above by whom the return is to be made with respect to the persons present at midnight on 1 July 1990 in any of the premises mentioned above;
(vii) persons not included in any of the above-mentioned categories: the person in respect of whom the return is to be made.

2. Persons in respect of whom the return is to be made

(i) All persons who spend census night 1-2 July 1990 on the premises whether they are members of the household, visitors, guests, boarders or servants;
(ii) all persons who arrive on the premises and join the household on Monday July 2 1990 without having been enumerated elsewhere; and
(iii) all temporarily absent members of the household, i.e. all persons who usually live in the household, but who are away on census night, for example, on a business trip, on vacation, in hospital or studying abroad; include them even if you know that they are being enumerated elsewhere.

3. Legal provisions

(i) The Census is taken by the Central Statistical Office under the Statistics Act. Every person is required by law to give to the person responsible for making the return such information as may be necessary to enable the return to be made. No use may however be made of such information by the person to whom it is given except for the purpose of making the return.
(ii) Any person who refuses or neglects to fill in the form or to supply the particulars required therein or who knowingly makes in this form any statement which is untrue in any material particular shall commit an offence under the Statistics Act, and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000.
(iii) All information obtained in the course of the Census is treated as confidential. No information about named individuals is ever passed on by the central Statistical Office to any other Government Department or to any other Authority or person. All enumerators and other officers engaged in the taking of the Census are under oath and are liable to prosecution if they improperly disclose any information which has come to their knowledge while performing their duties.

4. Completion of the form

The form should be completely filled in by the person designated in section 1 above. If any difficulty is experienced, particularly with columns 24 to 37, guidance should be sought from the Enumerator when he calls to collect the form. If the answers are incomplete or inaccurate, the enumerator will ask any questions necessary to enable him to complete or correct the form.
The information should be entered in the space provided using ink or a ball-point pen. Nothing should be written in the boxes which are reserved for codes.

5. Collection of the form

The form will be collected on 2 or 3 July 1990 by the appointed enumerator.
Before completing the census form, please consult the guide which is in both English and French.

I declare that the information in this return is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature or mark of the person making the return: ____
Signature of authorized officer: ____

Please do not write anything in the boxes
Complete a line for every person present on Census night (1-2 July 1990) and also for every person who usually lives in the household but was absent on Census night.
See instructions in section 2 on front page.

4 Sex _

[] M - for male
[] F - for female
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form
The Census form has to be filled in completely by the head of the household.
A household is either one person living alone, or a group of persons, who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. The head of household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members.

The census form can contain information for up to 10 persons. If there are more than ten persons, continue on a new form which can be obtained from the Census enumerator. Please note that nothing should be written in the shaded boxes [][]: they are reserved for inserting codes.

[Next page]

After completing the form, have it ready so that the enumerator can collect it on Monday 2 July 1990 or soon after. If you are not sure how to complete any of the entries, please ask the enumerator to help you when he or she calls. He or she will also check your answers and ask any questions necessary to complete the form and correct inaccurate entries.

Column 4 - Sex
Enter M for males and F for females

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_SEX — Sex
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[Population census form]

4. Sex _


[] M - for male
[] F - for female
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 4 - Sex
Enter M for males and F for females

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_SEX — Sex
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Individual form

P04. Sex

State if:

[] M: Male
[] F: Female
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P04, P05 and P06 - Sex, age and Date of Birth
Almost all decisions made by government and businesses depend on knowing how many men, women and children of different age groups are located in each part of the country. This helps to work out the needs for services such as schools, retirement homes and health services.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P04 - Sex
[figure omitted]

Shade only one box: "M" for Male and "F" for Female

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_SEX — Sex
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Sex (Mark and X in the corresponding box)

[] 7. Man

[] 8. Woman
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Columns 7 and 8. Make an (X) in column 7 when the enumerated is a man or young man of any age (children, boys, adults, elderly). Make an (X) in column 8 when the enumerated is a woman (children, girls, young women, women, elderly women).

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_SEX — Sex
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Mark with an X
[ ] 1 Man?
[ ] 2 Woman?

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2. Characteristics of the population

First and last name of the enumerated, family ties or relationships, and sex.

Column 1

The boxes for this column say:
[Depiction of enumeration form; section: "first and last name of the enumerated, family ties or relationships, and sex."]

In order to annotate the data which is asked for in the three boxes of column 1, the enumerator should take into account whether the dwelling is inhabited by one family, or by more than one family. In a case in which there is more than one family in a single dwelling, first write down the data corresponding to all the members of the first family, then the data for all the members of the second family, and so on.

The order that should be followed for writing down the data for each family should be the following:

Write the first and last name of the head of family, who can be a man or a woman, and mark the circle corresponding to "is the head," as well as the circle for their corresponding sex.

Then, write the first and last name of the wife or companion, and then the names of the single sons or daughters, from oldest to youngest, marking with an X the circles corresponding to the family tie or relationship that they have with the head of their family, as well as their sex.

Then write the first and last names of the people who are also related with the head of the family (mother, uncle, mother-in-law, nephew, etc.) and, for these people, mark with an X the circles corresponding to "also related," as well as their sex.

Finally, write the first and last names of the people who inhabit the dwelling and have "no relation" with the head of family (servants, guests, etc.), marking with an X, for these people, the circle corresponding to "no relation," as well as their sex.

Remember that there are some names that are common for both women and men, such as: Guadalupe, Trinidad, Refugio, etc. In these cases, take special care in marking the sex.

[P. 32]

This is the only data that will be written vertically (from top to bottom). The following questions should be asked for each person in a horizontal fashion (from left to right), until you have finished with them, before continuing on to the next.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex. Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 1 Man
[ ] 2 Woman

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Questions that are asked of all of the persons

You should ask questions 1: relationship; 2: sex; 3: Age; 4: place of birth of all of the persons that normally live in the dwelling, no matter what their age is.

2. Sex

Do not forget that you must always mark one answer.

When it is a name that can be used by a man or a woman, such as Guadalupe, Asuncion, Concepcion, Refugio, etc., ask the informant if the person is a man or woman.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_SEX — Sex
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For all people
[Applies to questions 2.4 and 2.5]

2.4 Sex
Is (Name) man or woman?

[] ((Name) is a man)
[] ((Name) is a woman)

[Under the text are two boxes. The box for men is numbered 1. The box for women is numbered 2.]
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3.5 Sex

The objective of this question is to know the composition of the population by sex. Here it is indispensable to have an answer.

[p. 87]

Sex is understood to be the biological condition that distinguishes people into men and women.

Circle the code according to the sex of the person questioned.

When asking for the sex of each person, ask it in an affirmative tone if the name does not allow room for doubt, but if it is a name that can be used for both men and women, then ask the question word for word. The same thing happens with cases of names that are not common and therefore, can correspond equally to a man or woman.

Some examples of common names for both sexes are: Guadalupe, Rosario, Inés, Asunción, Refugio, Concepción, Nazareth, Abigail, Jesús, Soledad, Cristian, Areli, etc.

Circle only one response.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex. Circle only one answer.

1 Man
2 Woman

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2. Sex

If, by the name of the person, you know it is a man or a woman, or if you are seeking the data from the informant, do not ask the question. Simply mention the name of the person and the sex which corresponds to them, together with the question about age.


Sonia is a woman, how old is she in completed years?

If the name is uncommon (Andarani, Yuritzi, Erubey, Eder, among others) of if it is used for both men and women (Guadalupe, Rosario, Ines, Asuncion, Refugio, Concepción, Soledad, or others), ask what the sex of the person is. For example: "Is Refugio a man or a woman?"

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_SEX — Sex
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3.2 Sex
(Name) is a man
(Name) is a woman
Mark a single answer
[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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Questions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 are asked to all people whatever their age.

3.2 Sex

With this question the biological sex of people is identified.

If by the name of a person you know that it is a man or a woman, or if you asking the information about the informant, do not ask the question, only mention the name of the person and the sex it corresponds to, as a way of confirmation.

[p. 71]

If a name is not common (Andárani, Yuritzi, Erubey, Éder, among others) or is used both for man and for woman (Guadalupe, Rosario, Inés, Asunción, Refugio, Concepción, Trinidad or others), ask making reference to the name.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_SEX — Sex
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

1. Sex

Circle only one code

[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

1. Sex
If by the name of the person you can identify that it deals with a woman or a man, or if you are soliciting the informer's information, don't ask the question, only mention the name of the person and the sex that corresponds to them tied to the age question.

Sonia is a woman: "How old is she?"

Ask the sex of the person only if the name is uncommon like: Andárani, Yuritzi, Erubey, Éder, or if it is used for man or a woman like: Guadalupe, Rosario, Inés, Asunción, Refugio, Soledad, among others.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_SEX — Sex
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1. Sex
[The respondent] is:
[Circle one code]

[] 1 Man
[] 3 Woman
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1. Sex
This information is not asked when you can identify the sex of the person by his/her name or when you are requesting the information of the person. In both situations, only mention the name of the person, confirm the corresponding gender and ask the question about his/her age.

[Figures are omitted]

Example: Ana is a woman, how old is she?
Ask the sex question when the name is unusual such as Andárani, Yuritzi, Erubey, Éder, or if the name is used for both men and women such as Guadalupe, Rosario, Inés, Asunción, Refugio, Concepción, Soledad.
Example: Is Refugio a male or female?

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex: Is [the respondent] male or female?

Circle one code only

[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female
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15.2 Section II. List of people and general data
The section is made up of questions that allow us to know the number of people who are habitual residents of the housing unit, and in addition, to record the gender, age, and relationship of each person with respect to the head of the housing unit.

Remember that it is very important to record all the residents of the housing unit since the 2020 Population and Housing Census must count all the people living in the country.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

3. Gender
When you can identify by the person's name whether they are a woman or a man, or you are asking for the respondent's data, just mention the person's name, confirm the corresponding gender, and ask question 4. age.

Example: Ana is female, how old is she?
When the name is uncommon such as: Andárani, Yuritzi, Erubey, Éder, or if it is used for both men and women: Guadalupe, Rosario, Inés, Asunción, Refugio, Concepción, Soledad, then you do ask the gender question.

Example: Is Refugio a man or a woman?

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 277]

In case the respondent alludes to a gender identity or sexual preference, clarify that the question identifies the biological condition, reapply it and record the answer provided. In this situation, do not express astonishment, maintain respect and continue the interview.

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex:
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_SEX — Sex
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All persons should answer.
[Questions 1-9.]

2. Sex:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2

[p. 18]

Sex. The sex (male or female) of every individual should be recorded on the household sheet. Enumerators should circle the suitable code, that is male-1, female-2.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_SEX — Sex
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Q05: Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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5. Sex:

Always ask this question

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_SEX — Sex
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Q5. Sex:
Always ask this question.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Individuals: (multiple records)

Q5. Sex:

Always ask this question:

1 Male
2 Female

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_SEX — Sex
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Individual form / population structure

6. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Q06: Sex
1. Male
2. Female

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_SEX — Sex
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Population structures

06. Sex

[] 1 M
[] 2 F

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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P3. Indicate sex
Indicate the sex of the respondent with X indicating whether it is male or female.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_SEX — Sex
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Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

3. Gender

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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P3. What is (the person)'s sex?

All the information collected in the Census will be cross-examined using the persons' sex. Always ask their sex, especially when the person is not present at the interview. Remember that there are names that appropriately do not identify a person's sex.
If the person is present, their sex can be easily identified.

Write an X in box number 1 if the person's a male and 2 if a female.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_SEX — Sex
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For all members of the household (1 through 18)
[Question 1 through 18 were asked of all persons living in the household.]

4. Sex

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
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Part 2: For all Members of the Household

Question 4: Sex

113. Ask "what is the sex of [the respondent]? This must be done for each household member. Then mark "1" if male or "2" if female. It is always important to ask about the sex of a person even where this may be obvious. All persons must be classified by sex. Be sure to ask the sex of all persons who are not visible to you since there may be names that can refer to either sex.

114. Check that the sex is compatible with relationship and name; do not assign "female" to persons shown as "spouse" when the head is a female and vice-versa. Also, take particular attention to mark the sex of very young children correctly. Often you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl. In such cases, you must ask, do not guess. You should ensure that everybody's sex is recorded. Blanks are strictly forbidden.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_SEX — Sex
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3. What is ____ sex?
(For males code 1 and for females code 2 must be encircled)

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Column 3: What is ___ sex?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

The sex of the person being counted should be separated as male or female. During the census, while counting the person in front of you, whether the person is male or female can be separated and written. Whether male or female, some can be easily separated even through their names. But there are many names that are used by both males and females. For small children, infants and babies, the head of the household should be asked to find out whether the person is male or female. To separate the person being counted as either male or female, code "1" should be marked to specify male and "2" should be marked to specify female. If the sex is indistinguishable, then whichever sex is stated by the respondent should be marked.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_SEX — Sex
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Personal Information

[4] What is the sex of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 4: what is the sex of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

In this column, determine the biological sex of each person and circle the reference number 1 if they are male and reference number 2 if they are female. The sex of each enumerated person whether they are male and female should be identified. If the person enumerated is in front of you, you can identify the sex easily and write down. From the name of some persons, you can also easily identify whether the person is male or female. However, some names are used by both male and female. Similarly, ask the respondent to identify whether the small children are male or female. If it is difficult to identify the person whether he/she is male or female, write the sex what the respondent instruct to indicate.

Netherlands 1960 — source variable NL1960A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex (man or woman) ____

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_SEX — Sex
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Questions to be answered by all persons

1. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_SEX — Sex

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_SEX — Sex

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex

Are you male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question #3: Sex
a. How to ask the question:
Is the person a man or a woman?

b. How to record the information:
An "X" is marked in the corresponding box.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 3 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_SEX — Sex
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V. Persons in the dwelling
For all persons
[Questions 1-4 were asked of all persons]

2. This person is:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2: Sex
The question, "Is the person male or female?" will not be asked of the persons who are present, you will just write the answer by simple observation. In the case the informant responds for other members of the family, be sure that the information is correct, since there are names that are used for both males and females. For example: Guadalupe, Isabel, Carmen, Socorro, Concepcion, Jesus, Dolores, Maria, etc.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_SEX — Sex
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2. Is [the person] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 2. Is the person male or female?

Do not ask the person giving the interview this question. Mark the appropriate answer according to your observation.

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.

Keep in mind that some names are used for males and females. Examples are Guadalupe, Isabel, Carmen, Socorro, Concepcion, Jesus, Dolores, Leslie, Cristian and other names which are not very common. Make sure the information is correct.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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4.6 Sex (Column-4)
Write the relevant code number. Code "1" for Male and "2" for Female. This code will be written for each person of household and every person of household will be either a male or female, the sex of effeminate will be treated as male and code-1 to will be written for him in column-4.

Pakistan 1981 — source variable PK1981A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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2.4.5. Column number 5 - Sex

Code number "1" will be written for male including boy and child; emasculate will also be entered as male and his code will be "1".

For women including girl and baby will be written code "2".

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Column No.4: Sex
Fill/shade relevant oval number 1 for male including boy and oval number 2 for female including girl. For emasculators, shade oval number 1.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_SEX — Sex
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35. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_SEX — Sex
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43. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_SEX — Sex
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Part two: Household members data

For all members of the household
[Questions 50 to 62 are asked of all persons]

53. Sex

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
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Chapter Two: Concepts and Definitions
The following concepts and definitions were used in data file:

It is classified into male and female.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex:
Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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(Applicable to persons of all ages)
(Questions 1-10)

Question 3 Sex:

Mark the corresponding box according to whether the person is male or female. Do not use the name to deduce the sex of the person because there are names common to both sexes like Concepción, Rosario, Gertrudis, Rosa, Carmen, etc.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex:
Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 3 Sex

Mark the corresponding box. Do not use the name to deduce the sex of the person since there are names common to both sexes like Concepción, Gertrudis, Rosa, Carmen, etc.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex: Mark the appropriate box.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 3 Sex

Mark the corresponding box. Do not use the name to deduce the sex of the person since there are names common to both sexes like Concepción, Gertrudis, Rosa, Carmen, Isabel, etc.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question Number 2: Sex:
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle in agreement with that marked in the list of occupants (Section III).

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_SEX — Sex
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For all individuals in the household

[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question No. 2: Sex:

The question referring to the sex is asked with the purpose of knowing the composition of the population by sex.
Sex: Biological condition that distinguishes persons as men and women.
Do not go by the name to deduce the sex since there are common names both for men and women.
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle in agreement with that marked in the list of occupants (Section IV).

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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[For persons of all ages]
[Questions 1 to 12a]

Question No. 2: Sex:
The question referring to the sex is asked with the purpose of knowing the composition of the population by sex.
Sex: Biological condition that distinguishes persons as men and women.
Do not go by the name to deduce the sex since there are common names both for men and women. If you find persons with names such as Rosa, Jose, Isabel, Maria, René, Gertrudis, Alex, Giovanni, Leslie, among others, and the person is not there at the time of the interview, ask the respondent, very subtly, if she is referring to a male or a female, and do not assume what the answer is.
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle in agreement with that marked in the list of occupants (Section IV).
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 4-14 were asked of all persons who stayed in the residence last night.]

5. Sex

Write 'M' (male) or 'F' (female) ____
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Section 6 - The census questions

Parts A and B - Urban and RNVs - Questions 1 to 5
Your job as an interviewer to find out and write down on the census form the names of

(i) All people who usually live at the dwelling. Make sure you probe for any old people living in the dwelling (grandparents etc.), any young babies, any adopted children.
(ii) Any people who are visiting the dwelling. This could be people who are only staying a few days; on the other hand they may have been there a few months already.
Note: For the census we do not wish to define a visitor. If a person says he is a visitor, put him/her in the visitors section.
(iii) Any people who slept at the dwelling the night before you are interviewing there

You write down the names of these people in the answer boxes for Ql.

Question 5 - Sex
Write 'M' for male, 'F' for female.
Usually there is no need to ask this question. It is usually obvious whether someone is male or female.
Do not complete this question until you have asked question 4.
Do not fill out question 5 as you ask Question 1 and Question 2.

Part C - Rural Villages

Questions 1 to 5

Question 5 - Sex
Write 'M' for male, 'F' for female.
Copy Sex from the Family Record Card.
However, check by looking at the people and the relationship given for them. It is sometimes written wrongly on the Family Record Card,
Do not ask older people, you can see, though you may need to ask the sex of babies and small children.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_SEX — Sex
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[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

3. Sex

Circle one code only

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

3. Is the person male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Questions on Personal Characteristics
Questions 1 to 7 provide information on personal characteristics such as age, sex, marital status and religion. They help us to plan for the needs of communities.

Question 3: Sex.
In every community, the population is made up of males and females. This is important information that shows distribution of population by sex.

Q3. Is there person a male or female?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
Who to ask: Ask the head of the household, or the person responding.

Get this information for: Every person listed in Question 1.

How to ask: You only need to ask this if you cannot tell from a name that the person is male is female. Politely ask the respondents "Can you tell me if this person is a male or female?".

How to record: Write in code 1 for Male or code 2 if the person is a Female. Only one code is to be entered in the box provided.

Paraguay 1962 — source variable PY1962A_SEX — Sex
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General characteristics

For individuals of all ages

3. Sex:

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Item III: Sex

130 - Annotate the data in the corresponding box.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_SEX — Sex
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IV. Population information

A. Personal characteristics

3. Are you a man or a woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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IV. Information about the Population

A. Personal characteristics:

3. Sex
Mark the corresponding box. When it is not possible to determine the sex of the person by the name, if he/she is not present, do not doubt in asking the question.

If it results more convenient to register the relationship with the head of household and the sex at the same time as the name and last name, do it in this manner.

3. Is this a man or woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_SEX — Sex
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3. Are you a man or a woman?
[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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I. For all persons. General characteristics

Question 3. Man or woman?

Make an X in the corresponding box.

[A depiction of question 3 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_SEX — Sex
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Section IV. Population information

3. Are you a man or a woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 6 Woman

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
-In this section you have columns for registering the information about nine persons. Each column is directed at one single person.

You should start this section by reading the instructions on the top part of the form, in which it is recommended that you ask the head of household for the names and last names of the persons who slept there on the eve of the census.

You should note the information according to the relationship to the head of household, in the following order: First persons, which always refers to the head of household, male or female. After the head of household you should register the spouse, the unmarried children from eldest to youngest, the married children, the son/daughter-in-law, the grandchildren, other relatives, the non-relatives and the domestic personnel and their relatives. In addition you should register those who are not present and they know will not be enumerated in any other place.

No household can be without a head of household, male or female.

Question 3: Is it a man or a woman?

Mark the corresponding answer.

If the name of the person does not reveal the sex, do not doubt in asking the interviewee, especially if he/she is a foreigner.

Names / Estela
Last names / Gomez Benitez

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_SEX — Sex
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Population Information

Chapter E. For all persons.

3. Are you a man or a woman?

[] 1 Male
[] 6 Female
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D. List of persons

E. Population information for all persons

Before enumerating each of the members of the household, you should note the order number, the name and last name and relationship on the page that corresponds to each of them in the same order as chapter D (Question 28). After registering all of the persons, you should complete the information for each of them, beginning with the head of household, male or female.

Question 3: Is this a man or woman?

If the name of the person does not reveal the sex, you should not hesitate to ask the person being enumerated.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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For All People
[Applies to questions 1 - 6]

Question No. 2: Sex
Circle the number that corresponds to the sex of the person being enumerated.
[There is a picture of question 2 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Applies to questions 1-8]

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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For All People
[Applies to questions 1-8]

Question 2: Sex
If the person's sex is not clear from the name, ask the respondent. Examples are Maria Jose, Santos, etc.
Example: You are interviewing Camila, so for this question you will circle option 2, "Female."

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_SEX — Sex
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Section V. Characteristics of the population

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 10 are asked of all persons]

Question 2: Sex

In the census questionnaire, whether the respondent is male or female should be recorded. Fill in the oval of the corresponding option.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_SEX — Sex
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P6. Sex

Encircle code.
1 Male
2 Female

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P6 Sex

Sex holds a position of prime importance in demographic studies. Separate data for males and females are important in themselves, for the analysis of other types of data, and for the evaluation of the completeness and accuracy of the census counts of population.

The sex of each household member can usually be determined by his name or relationship to the head, hence, in most cases there would be no need to ask the respondent whether the person is male or female. However, some names such as Chito, Cielito, Loreto, Trinidad, Dakila, Resurreccion, Rosario, Joey, Regine, Gene (Jean), etc., could be those of male or female persons. When the name is common to both sexes, ask: "Is ________ male or female?"

Encircle 1 for Male and 2 for Female.

Philippines 1995 — source variable PH1995A_SEX — Sex
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All Persons
[Applies to questions P1-P10]

P6. Is [respondent] male or female?
Enter code. (See codes sheet)

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

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Sex (P6)

Gender-disaggregated data is of prime importance in demographic and socio-economic studies. Separate data for males and females are important for the analysis of other types of data, and for the evaluation of the completeness and accuracy of the census counts of population.

[p.91 ]

[a paragraph that was repeated is deleted]

The sex of each household member can usually be determined by his/her name or relationship to the head; hence, in most cases there would be no need to ask the respondent whether the person is male or female. However, some names such as Chito, Cielito, Loreto, Trinidad, Dakila, Ressureccion, Rosario, Joey, Regine, Gene (Jean), etc., could be those of male or female persons. When the name is common to both sexes, ask: "Is ____________ male or female?"

Enter code " 1 " for male and "2" for female.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_SEX — Sex
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P7. Is [respondent] male or female?

[] Male
[] Female

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P7 Sex

Gender-disaggregated data is of prime importance in demographic and socio-economic studies. Separate data for males and females are important for the analysis of other types of data, and for the evaluation of the completeness and accuracy of the census counts of population.

Determine the sex of each household member by asking the question "Is male or female?"
The sex of each household member can be determined by his/her name or relationship to the head, but in some cases there is a need to ask the respondent whether the person is male or female. Some names such as Charlie, Florence, Neneng, Alex, Chito, Cielito, Christy, Loreto, Trinidad, Dakila, Resurreccion, Rosario, Joey, Regine, Gene (Jean), etc., could be those of male or female persons.

Draw an "x" mark on the circle before MALE, if the member is a male. Otherwise, draw an "x" mark on the circle before FEMALE.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_SEX — Sex
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Population Census Questions

For all persons.
[Question 2 through 12 were asked of all persons.]

P3. Sex - Is [the respondent] a male or female?

Write X in the box.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Columns P1 to P12 for All persons
Columns P1 to P12 are to be accomplished for all household members regardless of age.

Determine the sex of each household member by asking the question, "Is [the respondent] male or female?" The sex of each household member can be determined by his/her name or relationship to the head, but in some cases, there is a need to ask the respondent whether the person is a male or female. Some names such as Charlie, Florence, Alex, Chito, Cielito, Christy, Loreto, Trinidad, Resurreccion, Rosario, Joey, Regine, and others, have been commonly used to refer to either a male or female person.
Sex-disaggregated data is of prime importance in demographic and socio-economic studies. Separate data for males and females may be crucial in the analysis of many types of data. Demographers and statisticians likewise consider sex a key variable in evaluating the completeness and accuracy of census counts.
Mark the appropriate box with "X" opposite "1" for Male or "2" for Female.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_SEX — Sex
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8. Sex (please encircle respectively)

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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38 Sex (please encircle respectively: 1. M (male) or 2.? (female) (Question 8) [p.54]
For boys (men), the 1.M option shall be encircled and for girls (women) 2. ?.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_SEX — Sex
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Census of population (inhabitants)

6. Sex (encircle)

[] Male
[] Female

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Question 3. Sex [p. 28]

Sex must be indicated in case of every enumerated person.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_SEX — Sex
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7. Sex

[] 1) Male
[] 2) Female
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Module 1 -- Socio-demographic characteristics (questions 1-23)

Questions 1-8

Name(s), surname, PESEL, sex, and date of birth of a person registered for permanent residence or temporal stay, as well as of a person, who is not registered will be transferred from the "Compilation of persons in a dwelling" table.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_SEX — Sex
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3. Citizenship
One citizenship:

[] 99 Portuguese only
[] Foreign. Specify from which country: ____

[] 98 More than one citizenship
[] 97 Stateless

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Question 2 - Sex

Just answer "Male" or "Female."

There is no difficulty with this question, just make sure (when you receive the questionnaires) that there are no blank answers.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] Male
[] Female

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Question 2: Sex

Just answer male or female.

There is no difficulty with this question, just make sure (when you receive the questionnaires) that the answer is filled-in, and if it is not filled -- in, complete this using the name as an indicator. This answer cannot be blank.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female

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Question 2 - Sex

Just answer Male or Female.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_SEX — Sex
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Individual questionnaire

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 2- Sex
[There is an image of question 2]
This question does not present any difficulties to fill out. However, you must verify when you collect the questionnaire if an answer was given. In case there is no answer, record the sex according to the name.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
Fill one circle

[] Male
[] Female

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
Fill one circle.
[] Male
[] Female

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_SEX — Sex
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3. Is [respondent] male or female?

Mark (X) one for each person.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_SEX — Sex
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3. What is this person's sex? Mark [X] one box.
[] Male
[] Female

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_SEX — Sex
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1. What is this person's sex?
[] Male
[] Female

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1. Mark one box to indicate whether the person is male or female.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons.]

3. What is [the respondent?s] sex?

Mark (X) in one box.

[] Male
[] Female

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_SEX — Sex
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3. What is person 1's sex?

Mark (x) one box

[] Male
[] Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Answer person questions 1 through 6 for the first five people listed on pages 2,3, and 4 of the questionnaire.

3. Mark one box to indicate this person's biological sex.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_SEX — Sex
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Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose name this house or apartment is owned, being bought, or rented. If there is no such person, start with the name of any adult living or staying here.)

3. What is person 1's sex?

Mark (X) one box.

[] Male
[] Female

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

3. What is Person X's sex?

Mark (X) one box.

[] Male
[] Female
If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6 through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them.

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]


[] Male
[] Female
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Person questions 1-6

Answer questions 1-6 for the first five people living or staying at this address.

  • Include everyone who is living or staying here for more than 2 months.
  • Include yourself if you are living here for more than 2 months.
  • Include anyone else staying here who does not have another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or less.
  • Do not include anyone who is living somewhere else for more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

P3. Mark one box to indicate this person's biological sex.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_SEX — Sex
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11. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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58. The sex (column 11). For each enumerated person an x mark will be written according to the corresponding answer: code 1 for male or code 2 for female.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_SEX — Sex
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8 Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 8 Sex

55. The sex of each enumerated person will be recorded according to the following codes: code 1 for male or code 2 for female.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_SEX — Sex
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9. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Sex (item 9)

56. For each enumerated person the mark x will be written according to the corresponding answer: code 1 for male and code 2 for female.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_SEX — Sex
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To be filled in for persons present in the household or who are temporarily absent.

3. Gender

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_SEX — Sex
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2. Your sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 2. Your sex
Mark one of two available prompts.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_SEX — Sex
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2. Your sex

[] Male
[] Female
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Question 2. Your sex
Please mark one of the following prompts.

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Questions P1 to P15 were asked of all persons]

P5. Sex

Circle the number matching the letters corresponding to sex:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_SEX — Sex
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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

P04. Sex

What is the sex of ____?

Circle the code corresponding to the answer given by the interviewee:

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

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P04: Sex

If the current person is of the male sex, circle the number "1", and if she is of the female sex, circle the number "2". It is clear that for P04, one must absolutely obtain an answer, since every person belongs to a given sex.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_SEX — Sex
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 1-6 were asked of all members of the household.]

3. Is the respondent male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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P03: Sex: Is [the person] male or female?
[For private and institutional household questionnaires]
Encircle only the code corresponding to the given response.

For example, if the member is male, encircle code 1. Similarly, if the member is female encircle code 2.

Check that the sex is compatible with relationship: do not assign "male" to persons shown as wives or daughters nor "female" for persons shown as sons or husbands.

Take particular care to record the sex of very young children correctly. Often, you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl. In such cases, you must ask - do not guess. You should ensure that everybody's sex is recorded. Blank is strictly forbidden.

Note: If you see well the sex of the respondent no reason to ask him/her the sex unless you have confusion.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_SEX — Sex

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_SEX — Sex
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2.3 Interviewer: Mark the appropriate oval. For persons not seen ask: Is ____ male or female?
[] Male
[] Female

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_SEX — Sex
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P3. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

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P3) Sex

1. "MASC" for males
2. "FEM" for females

Do not rely on the first name. Always ask whether the person is a male or a female. Some first names may indicate as well a man or a woman.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_SEX — Sex
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

Total Population

B4. Gender

Circle the appropriate code:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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B04. Gender (Sex)

1. "MASC" for male sex
2. "FEM" for female sex

Note: Do not rely on the first name. If the person you are enumerating is not the respondent, always ask whether the person is a male or a female. Some first names may indicate as well a man or a woman.

Example: Adama, Ardouma, Dominique, etc.

For babies, always ask for the gender of the child.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_SEX — Sex
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B. Individual characteristics

The entire population
[Questions B01 through B10 were asked of all persons.]

B06. Sex

What is [the respondent]'s sex? Enter the corresponding code.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B06: sex
Record 1 for the male sex and 2 for the female sex.
NB: Do not let the first name influence you. If the respondent is not the one who answers, always ask if it is a man or a woman. Some names can refer to a man as well as a woman.
Example: Adama, Ardiouma, Magatte, Dominique, and so on. If you have any doubts about the sex, you can formulate the question in the following way:
''Just to reassure me, is X a man or a woman?''
For babies, always ask for their sex.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_SEX — Sex
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P6. Sex
Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Section 1 - Population
Columns P1 to P18 -- These should provide particulars of all members who slept in the household/institution on census night. They therefore apply to all persons.

Column P6 -- Sex
88. Ask "Is this person male or female?" Write 1 for "Male" and 2 for "Female".

89. It is important that you ask the respondent to specify the sex of a household member before you record it. Do not guess from the name and relationship which sex the person is, ask. You must be careful in dealing with names that are shared by both sexes such as "Ayo", "Gina", "Sao", "Gbessay", "Omo", "Oseh", "Femi", "Aina", "Bola", "Dowu", "Remi", "Tunde", "Joko", "Taiwo", "Kainde", etc.

90. Be particularly careful to get the sex of very young children right. Don't guess.

P6 Sex
Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 M
[] 2 F

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_SEX — Sex
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All persons [Questions P01-P20]

[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

P06. Sex

Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1. male
[] 2. female
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Column (P06) -- Sex
97. Ask "Is this person male or female?"
Write '1' for male and '2' for female.

98. It is important that you ask the respondent to specify the sex of a household member before you record it. However, avoid asking the sex of a person where it is obvious. Do not guess from the name and relationship, which sex the person is. You must be careful in dealing with names that are shared by both sexes such as 'Ayo', 'Gina', 'Sao', 'Gbessay', 'Omo', 'Oseh', 'Femi', 'Aina', 'Bola', 'Dowu', 'Remi', 'Tunde', 'Joko','Taiwo', 'Kainde', etc.

99. Be particularly careful to get the sex of very young children right. Don't guess.

100. Note that question on sex also applies to the Special Population Questionnaire. Record the sex of all persons who spent census night in institutions.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_SEX — Sex
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

6. Gender

[] Man
[] Woman

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_SEX — Sex
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Personal form

4. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_SEX — Sex
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A. Data on population

2. Sex

[] Male
[] Female
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Gender is a biological trait of every human individual in the male/female alternative.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex:
[] Male
[] Female

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4 Sex

On pre-printed P-3 Census questionnaires for persons sex is marked with X, except for persons without valid PINs. In this case the sex is marked by the enumerator. Sex is also marked on all P-3 Census questionnaires for persons of the reserve of the census district or the national reserve.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_SEX — Sex
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Section A:

To be completed for each person in the household in a separate column. Remember to include babies. Please include yourself.

1.2. Is (the person) male or female? (Circle the appropriate code in each column)

[] 1 = Male
[] 2 = Female

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_SEX — Sex
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Section A: Information for persons in the household -- ask of everyone
[Section A of this form, each question has 10 answer rows for writing individual answers for up to 10 individuals in the household. Only the first is shown here, which is exactly the same as the other nine.]

P-03. Sex

Is (the person) male or female? Dot the appropriate box.
[] M = Male
[] F = Female

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Question P-03 -- Sex

"Is (the person) male or female?"

Dot the correct box -- M for male, F for female.

If the person is not present at the time of the interview do not use the name to decide whether the person is male or female. Ask.

You must never leave this question without an answer.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_SEX — Sex
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P-04 Sex
Is (the person) male or female?
Mark the appropriate box with an X.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
Transcribe the answer to F-03 on the flap.

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(P-04) Sex: Is (the person) male or female?
This information can be obtained most of the time through observation. Only ask if there is doubt or in cases where the relevant person is not present during the interview.

Do not use the name of a person to decide whether the person is male or female.

Mark the correct box with an X, 1 if male, 2 if female.
  • Remember to transcribe the sex of each person to the flap in F-03.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_SEX — Sex
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F-03 Sex
Mark the appropriate circle with an X

1. Male
2. Female
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3. Section A: Demographics (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: The information is collected to establish the total population of the country, their gender, age and other characteristics.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person who is not married should not answer the question on who their spouse/partner is, e.g. ?If 3-6 on Marital status (P-03), then Go to Population group (P-05)?.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_SEX — Sex
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.1] Demographics

[] Is the respondent male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_SEX — Sex
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Details of persons in the household -- All household members
[Questions 1 to 14: All persons]

3. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
Mark the corresponding box with an X.
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_SEX — Sex
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6. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_SEX — Sex
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[] Male
[] Female

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_SEX — Sex
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[] Man
[] Woman
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1.A.1 Sex

Sex is understood as the organic masculine or feminine condition of the people.

[p. 25]

Sex is, alongside age, the census variable that is most frequently crossed in classifications with other characteristics of the population. Such that, it is the source of any study of gender. It is a basic variable of the structure of a population.

Categories of this variable:


Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_SEX — Sex
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3. Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_SEX — Sex
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Personal form

All persons in the household
[Questions P00 to P06c were asked of all persons.]

P04. What sex is this person?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_SEX — Sex
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Personal module

All persons in the household
[Questions P01a to P06c were asked of all persons in the household.]

P03. What sex is this person?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_SEX — Sex
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A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

3. Sex:

[] Male
[] Female

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_SEX — Sex
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A. Questions to all persons

3. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_SEX — Sex
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2. Gender
[] Female
[] Male

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_SEX — Sex
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3.1 Basic statistics of persons and households

3.1.2 Topics
The basic statistics of people and households provide information and key figures on the size and structure of the population as well as on its development due to natural population changes (births


and deaths) and migrations. The population development is analysed retrospectively and prospectively (projections/scenarios).

These statistics must provide:

- Comprehensive data on the size and structure (age, sex, marital status, nationality, etc.) of the resident population in Switzerland.
- Information about the base universes of persons and households as well as on various sub-groups of the population which is comparable over space and time.
- Information on the changes (births, deaths, migrations) and development of the resident population as well as demographic balances.
- Information about the spatial distribution of the population in Switzerland. This information is available at the cantonal and communal levels, but also for small units below the commune level.

These are the main topics covered:

- Size and structure of the population (by age, sex, nationality, marital status, etc.)
- Population development
- Distribution of the population
- Scenarios of future population trends in Switzerland and the cantons
- International and internal migration
- Births, deaths, and natural increase
- Marriages and divorces, registered and dissolved civil partnerships
- Adoptions and acknowledgments of paternity
- Number, size, and composition of households
3.1.3 Basic output
The basic statistics of the population provide annual information.

T2 Information provided by the basic statistics of the population

Private households     

- Private households by household size (number of persons) and household composition by age, sex, marital status, nationality, place of birth, religion, type of residence permit (foreign nationals), and length of stay in Switzerland of household members
- Private households by household size and household type according to the characteristics of the persons in the household

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_SEX — Sex
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All persons
[Questions 2-13 were asked of all persons.]

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_SEX — Sex
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04. Sex
Is [respondent] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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B. Questions for all the people
This part involves all people who slept in the household the night before census day. The questions in this part are also found in the short questionnaire.
The questions in this part must be asked to every person following the order set. You must follow the flow of questions as arranged and read the question as written in the questionnaire. For more explanation, refer explanations in part 3.7 (how to ask questions).
Part "B" of the questionnaire contains the following questions:

Questions 1-4: Person number, name, relationship, and gender
The first step in filling this part is getting the list of all people who slept in the household the night before Census day and their relationship to the head of the household. It is better if you list the names in the order explained below to get the real situation of the household. You must list starting with the head of the household and shade in the space provided, then other members of the household who slept in the household the night before Census day. If there are more than six people, indicate in the space provided that extra questionnaires are used. After listing all the household members, continue interviewing the head of the household the remaining questions using the first questionnaire.
In order for you to get a correct list of all people in the household, you must know the meaning of a household.
For Census objectives, household is a person or people who live together and eat together. This is not the same as family. A family is for people who are related but household is people who live and eat together, even when they are not related. For example, three people who are not blood related (example, friends) but live and eat together; they will be regarded as a household although they are not a family.
At times it is difficult to know who is to be included in the household and who is to be left out. The following examples elaborate this situation:

  • A man who has two wives who live in different places. Although the man will claim to live in both houses he will be enumerated in the house he slept the night before the census day.
  • It is possible that a woman who said that the husband is the head of the household and later realized that he did not sleep in the house the night before census day though he lives there. If the husband did not sleep in the household the night before census day, he will not be listed in that household. Therefore, the wife will be the head of the household, for census purposes.

[p. 24]
  • Sometimes, a person may be eating in one household and sleeping in another. This person will be listed in the household he slept in the night before census day.
  • A person who lives alone will be listed in a private household of his own.
  • A house maid: she/he will be listed in the household she/he slept in the night before census day.

Note: every person listed in the household must have slept in that household the night before census day.
When the respondent is listing the names of members of the household, write those names in column 2 of the Census questionnaire: [write] one person's full name in each line.

Shade the code which matches the gender of the person being interviewed. The codes used for this question are as follows:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

[Illustration for question 4 is omitted]
Be careful when shading the sex of young children. It happens most of the time that is not easy to know the sex of an infant. Therefore, you must ask about the sex, don't assume. Don't fill the sex of a person using the name because some names are used by both men and women.

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_SEX — Sex
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B. All persons
[Questions 1-19 were asked of all persons.]

4. Sex

Is [the respondent] a male or a female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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3.0 General explanations of census questions

In the 2012 population and housing census, there will be three types of questionnaires which will comprise questions based on the information required to be collected. There will be a community questionnaire with five major sections which will be used in all the areas where census is taking place and will be filled in by the census enumerator three days before census day. The community questionnaire will collect information on community services such as schools, hospitals, health centers, markets, financial services, cattle dip [places for washing livestock], sources of water, environment, and events/incidences that occurred in communities in the past one year that were troublesome/disturbing, and catastrophic events that took place in the past five years.
The short questionnaire will have 37 questions and the long questionnaire will have 62 questions. In areas where the short questionnaire will be use, the long questionnaire will not be used, and in places where the long questionnaire will be used, the short questionnaire will not be used. 70 percent of the census areas will use a short questionnaire and the remaining percentage will use the long questionnaire. All the questions found in the short questionnaire are also found in the long questionnaire; therefore, these questions will be answered by everyone wherever either questionnaire is used. These questions will ask about the name of the head of the household; names of all the people who slept in the respective house the night before August 26th, 2012, and the relationships of these people to the head of the household.
Other questions that follow ask about sex, age, disability status, marital status, citizenship and place of residence, place where the household member spends most of his/her time, and whether or not the household member has a birth certificate. Other questions will focus on general and reproduction-related death in the household; agricultural questions; number of livestock and fish keeping; education for people with ages of four and above; getting the number of households with at least one household member who has social security fund membership; and Tanzanians who live in foreign countries.
For those who will be asked questions from the long questionnaire, they'll be required to answer extra questions which will ask about the following; place of birth, place lived in 2011, whether or not parents are alive, economic activities for people who are five years and above, child-bearing status for women aged 12 and above, and on house characteristics and asset/property ownership.
All these questions aim at meeting the various current and future needs of the nation for planning and implementation purposes of various development programs. Therefore, we ask that everyone needs to understand and pay attention to all the questions so that they can answer them correctly.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_SEX — Sex
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For every person

3. Sex:

[] Male
[] Female

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Column 3: Sex
Record sex in this column.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_SEX — Sex
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For Every Person
[Questions L1- L7 were asked of every person.]

L7. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Columns 1 - 7 Interview and record the detailed information of every household member.

Column 7 Sex

Record code 1 or 2 in _ .

Record 1 for Male.
Record 2 for Female.

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions S1- S6 were asked of every person.]

S4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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For columns 1-6, ask and record details of everyone.

Column S4: Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_SEX — Sex
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S4. Sex
[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

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Column S4 Sex
[] 1 Male

Record Code "1" in the check box provided

[] 2 Female

Record Code "2" in the check box provided

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_SEX — Sex
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5. Sex
[] Male
[] Female
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Column 5: Sex
Record in this column:

"1" for M, male
"2" for F, female

If this question is not answered, try to define the sex by the first names, the link with the head of family, the presence or absence of a number of children (this indication is only provided for women).

If it is impossible to determine it, enter "x" (11).

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_SEX — Sex
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7. Sex ____
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Column 7 very simply indicates the sex of the person. All you have to do is indicate "M" for someone of the male sex and "F" for someone of the female sex. If you are unsure of the sex of a child, ask for clarification.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons
[Columns P01 to P10B were asked of all persons]

(P04) Sex

Circle the appropriate code

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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A- Sociodemographic characteristics

Column P04: Sex

It is important to provide this variable. Pose the following question: "what is the sex of [the respondent]?" and circle "1" for male, "2" for female. For children of a young age, including babies and infants, ask the parents the sex of the child. Do not be content with the dress or name of the child to deduce his/her sex. For adults, avoid asking questions on the sex if the person is in front of you.

NB 13: This column must be completed. Check it before forwarding the questionnaire to the team head.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_SEX — Sex
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Section II. Characteristics
[Questions 5-12 asked of all persons.]

6. Sex

[] Male
[] Female
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B. Section II - Characteristics

These questions, 5 to 12 provide some basic characteristics about the individual; and are to be answered for all members of the population. (Enumerators assigned to institutions will be given special instructions for this and the following sections).

35. Question 6 - Sex

Mark the sex of the person, male or female, as given by the respondent.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_SEX — Sex
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Section 1 Characteristics -- For all persons

3. Sex
What is (N) [the respondent's] sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section 1 Characteristics

Question 3 - Sex

Tick the appropriate box for each person in the household, male or female as given by the respondent.

Note: Do not try to determine the sex of the person according to the name, ask the question.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_SEX — Sex
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Section 1. Characteristics -- For all persons

Boxes are precoded, tick the appropriate box please.

3. What is [the respondent's] sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section 1 Characteristics

Question 3 - Sex

Tick the appropriate box for each person in the household, male or female as given by the respondent.
Note: Do not try to determine the sex of the person according to the name, ask the question.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_SEX — Sex
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Section 1. Characteristics - For all persons

3. Sex

What is (N's) [the respondent's] sex?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
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Section 1 - Characteristics

Question 3 - Sex

Tick the appropriate box for each person in the household, male or female as given by the respondent.

Note: Do not try to determine the sex of the person according to the name. Ask the question.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_SEX — Sex
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Section 1: Characteristics - For all persons

3. Sex

Is (N) [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section 1 - Characteristics

1.4. Sex

This is reported for each person (male or female) and depends on the respondent's answer.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_SEX — Sex
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

12. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

Question 12: Your gender?

Based on the gender of the person being administered the census, place an "X" into the 1 "M" box if a male, and into the 2 "F" box if a female.

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_SEX — Sex
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9. Sex
M Male
F Female

1 [] M
2 [] F

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

Question 9: Your gender?

Based on the gender of the person being administered the census, place an "X" into the 1 "M" box if a male, and into the 2 "F" box if a female.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_SEX — Sex
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15. What is your sex?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 15. Your gender?

If the gender of the person with whom the census is being conducted is male, an "X" is to be entered into the "Male" box, and if female, into the "Female" box.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_SEX — Sex
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For All Persons

3. Sex (m for male, f for female)

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[Question 1 - 13 apply to all persons]

Question 3 Sex

86. "Is this person male or female?"
Write M for males, F for females.

87. Usually the person's sex will be clear to you from the name and relationship but if you don't know, ask. Be particularly careful to get the correct sex of infants. Check that the sex you record is compatible with relationship - don't write M for persons shown as wives or daughters, nor F for persons shown as husbands or sons.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_SEX — Sex
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For all persons

P3 Sex Is (name) male or female? (Write appropriate code: Male=1, Female=2) ___

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P3: Sex
Is (name) male or female?
88. Write 1 for "male" and 2 for "female".
89. Usually the person's sex will be clear to you from the looks, name and relationship but if you are not sure, ask. When you are not sure, do not infer the sex of a person from the names, as some names are for both sexes e.g. Grace. Further, some females may use names of their fathers, grandfathers or husbands. Also be particularly careful to get the sex of infants right.
Questions P4 and P5: Age and Date of Birth

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_SEX — Sex
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

P3 Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex

[] 1. Men
[] 2. Women
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Question 2 ? Gender

The mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response is written down.

United Kingdom 1961 — source variable UK1961A_SEX — Sex
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D. Sex "M" or "F" and age in years at last birthday and completed months since then (See Note 3).

Sex: _
Years ____
Months ____

United Kingdom 1971 — source variable UK1971A_SEX — Sex
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Part B

Part B

B3. Write the sex of the person. (M for male, F for female) _

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_SEX — Sex
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[2] Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1 - 5 were asked of all persons.]

2. What is your sex?

[] Male
[] Female

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_SEX — Sex
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P4. Male or Female (M or F)


United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
Fill one circle

[] Male
[] Female

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex.
Fill one circle.

[] Male
[] Female

[Be sure to fill a circle for the sex of each person.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
Fill one circle for each person.

[] Male
[] Female

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_SEX — Sex
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3. What is this person's sex? Mark [X] one box.
[] Male
[] Female

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_SEX — Sex
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1. What is this person's sex?
[] Male
[] Female

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_SEX — Sex
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3. What is this person's sex?
[] Male
[] Female

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_SEX — Sex
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Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose name this house or apartment is owned, bought, or being rented. If there is no such person, start with the name of any adult living or staying here.)

3. What is Person 1's sex? Mark (X) in one box.

[] Male
[] Female

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

3. What is Person X's sex? Mark (X) ONE box.

[] Male
[] Female

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]


[] Male
[] Female
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Answer person questions 1 through 6 for the first five people listed on pages 2,3, and 4 of the questionnaire.

3. Mark one box to indicate this person's biological sex.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_SEX — Sex
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3. What is Person 1's sex?

Mark (X) one box.

[] Male
[] Female

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

3. What is Person X's sex?

Mark (X) one box.

[] Male
[] Female
If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6 through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them.

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]


[] Male
[] Female
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Person questions 1-6

Answer questions 1-6 for the first five people living or staying at this address.

  • Include everyone who is living or staying here for more than 2 months.
  • Include yourself if you are living here for more than 2 months.
  • Include anyone else staying here who does not have another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or less.
  • Do not include anyone who is living somewhere else for more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

P3. Mark one box to indicate this person's biological sex.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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Title 3: Sex
180. Write down information in the corresponding box.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_SEX — Sex
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3. Are you man or woman?
Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

I. General characteristics of all people
The questions included in this chapter are for knowing the distribution of the population by sex, age and civil state; their territorial distribution and movements made within the country in the last 5 years.

You should ask the questions in this chapter to all people who are to be enumerated in the home.

To mark the sex, do not be guided by the name of the person: always ask the question as it is in the Census document. In the previous example, the names of Nery and René can be vaguely used to determine a man or a woman, which makes it indispensable to ask the question.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_SEX — Sex
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3. Are you a man or woman?
[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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I -- General characteristics -- all persons

For question no. 3, "Are you man or woman?", you should mark the box corresponding to the sex of the enumerated person.

Never think that by having written the name of a person, it is not necessary to mark "Man" or "Woman". Always register if man or woman, or male or female, in the case of children and little babies.

Do not be guided by the name of a person: always ask the question as it is written in the Census document.

[An example has been omitted]

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_SEX — Sex
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2. Are you a man or a woman?
[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

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Question 2. Are you a man or a woman?
If a person you are enumerating is not present, in all cases ask the question; do not be guided by the name.

Fill in the box that corresponds to "Man" or "Woman".

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_SEX — Sex
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26. Is it [the respondent]?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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26. Are you male or female?

Circle the code that corresponds according to the response that is obtained. It is fundamental that this question is always asked, and is not determined only by the name that is given, since this can cause an error. The declared sex of the person must always be recorded.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_SEX — Sex
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14. Tell me the first and last name of each one of the people of this household, starting with the head or other reference person (don?t forget the elderly or the newly born).

14.1 Person number (PerId) ____
14.2 First and last name (PerPH01) ____
14.3 Is this a man or a woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

14.4 Identification of informants (PerPH03) ____

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8.3 Characteristics of the Members of the Household

This module is formulated for everyone.

The objective is to obtain information that allows us to know the characteristics of the population according to sex, age, household composition, and ethnic-racial inheritance.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex:
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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5.31. Sex (col. 4).

Mark an "X" in the corresponding box, whether the person is masculine or feminine. Generally the sex can be determined by the given name or by the annotation concerning the relationship to the head. However, when the name is common for both sexes, e.g. Dolores, Concepción, etc., one should ask the sex of the person to avoid confusion.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_SEX — Sex
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Mark the sex
[] Male
[] Female

2. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

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Column 3

After the relationship is recorded, the sex (male or female) is recorded for each person included in the list.

The question should be asked since the person's sex cannot be determined by the name only. There are names that are common for both [sexes].

Question 2

-- Sex

The sex of the person is indicated here. The information for this question should be obtained from Section III, column 3.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_SEX — Sex
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For all individuals:
[Questions 1-10 -- are for all person]

2. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

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Questions 1-10 -- are for all persons

Every person in the household should be asked these questions.

-- In the case of people who are absent or of small children, ask the Head of Household or the person who can give the most reliable information.

Question No.2

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 2 on the census form.]

-- Fill in the cell that corresponds to the sex of the person, according to what you marked in Section IV -- Composition of the household.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_SEX — Sex
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2. Sex (transcribe from question 3, Section IV)
[] Man
[] Woman

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_SEX — Sex
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3. Sex
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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3. Sex
All persons responding question 1 should answer this question.

Interviewers can easily identify the sex of the interviewees. In cases of young children or absentees, interviewers should ask the head of the household about their sexes. Do not guess any person's gender based on their names.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_SEX — Sex
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3. Is (Name) male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 3: Is (name) male or female?

Interviewers can easily identify sex of a respondent and fill in corresponding box. In cases of young children or absentees, interviewers shouldn't guess any person's gender based on their middle name and should ask head of household about their sexes.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_SEX — Sex
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[Questions 1-7 were asked of all persons]

3. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Question 1 to Question 7: Ask about all household's usual residents

Question 3: Is [the respondent] male or female?
For household members who are directly interviewed, or present at home during the time the enumerator is interviewing the household head or his/her representative, it is easy to define whether each of them is male or female and hence mark the appropriate small box. However, for small children and persons absent from home, the enumerator is not allowed to use their "middle name" to guess their sex, but have to ask the household head.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_SEX — Sex
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Part 1. Information on household members

3. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 3: Is [the respondent] male or female?
For those who are interviewed face-to-face or are at home when DTV visits for the interview, DTV can easily identify whether the individual is male or female to check the appropriate code box. However, for young children and people who are away, DTV should not rely on "middle name" to infer whether the individual is male or female, DTV must ask the head of the household.

For people with two sexes, DTV relies on DTDT's answers to record information.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_SEX — Sex
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P-5 Sex
What is [the respondent's] sex?

[] 1-Male
[] 2-Female
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P - 5 Sex
12. Enter code 1 for males or 2 for females. Take particular care to record the correct sex of young children. In some cases you will not be able to tell whether a baby is male or female; you should ascertain what the sex of the child is since even the name may not reflect the sex of a child.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_SEX — Sex
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4. Sex
[] Male
[] Female
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P4: Sex

Shade the appropriate space for sex. Take particular care to record the correct sex of young children. In some cases you will not be able to tell whether a baby is male or female. You should ascertain what the sex of the child is. Ask if you are not sure. The name or appearance may not reflect the sex of a child.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_SEX — Sex
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P4. Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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4.8.5 Sex

P-4: Is [the respondent] male or female?

Shade the appropriate code for the sex of the household member. Always confirm the sex of a person before recording since there are many names that may be given to either a male or a female.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_SEX — Sex
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B- For all persons
[Question 1 to 7 were asked of all persons]

3. Is [the respondent] male or female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
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Section B: For all Persons
Begin by saying, "I would like information on ALL people who stayed at this household on the census night. This information is on the names of the persons, their relationship to head of household, their age and sex, survivorship of their parents etc. It is important that you give me as accurate information as possible about each person".

Q3 Sex
If the person is around, you can observe the sex without necessarily asking the question but avoid inferring the sex of the person from names as there are unisex names i.e. names used by both sex like Chipo, Tapiwa, Blessing, Taurai, Sipho, Nhlanhla, etc.

Check the information provided for babies and infants and preferably from the mothers. You will not know the sex of a baby carried on its mother's back in which case you have to probe further and not guess.

Ensure that the spouse's sex is compatible with the relationship to the head of household.