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Area of cultivation/plantation

Questionnaire Text

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For households engaged in cultivation/plantation, animal husbandry, fishery
[Questions 43 - 48]

44. How large is the area being cultivated by this household? Code area in Feddans. If more than 999, mark "999".

[Q44 was asked of households that are engaged in cultivation or plantation activities, as per Q43.]

Area _ _ _

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[Questions 44 to 46 were only asked of households that responded "yes" to whether they engaged in any cultivation/plantation activities.]

Q44 "How large is the area being cultivated by this household?" Code area in feddans.

  • Write the number of feddans under cultivation in the boxes and shade the corresponding numbers.

[Note: 1 feddan = 4200 square meters = 1.038 acres]