Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 El Salvador 1992 Malawi 1998 Saint Lucia 1980
Argentina 1980 El Salvador 2007 Malawi 2008 Saint Lucia 1991
Argentina 1991 Ethiopia 1984 Malaysia 1970 Senegal 1988
Argentina 2001 Ethiopia 1994 Malaysia 1980 Senegal 2002
Argentina 2010 Ethiopia 2007 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 2013
Armenia 2001 Fiji 1976 Malaysia 2000 Sierra Leone 2004
Armenia 2011 Fiji 1986 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2015
Austria 1971 Fiji 1996 Mali 2009 Slovakia 2001
Austria 1981 Fiji 2007 Mauritius 1990 Slovakia 2011
Austria 1991 Fiji 2014 Mauritius 2000 Slovenia 2002
Austria 2001 France 1968 Mauritius 2011 South Africa 1996
Austria 2011 France 1982 Mexico 1970 South Africa 2001
Bangladesh 1991 France 1999 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2007
Bangladesh 2001 France 2006 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2011
Bangladesh 2011 France 2011 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2016
Belarus 1999 Germany 1970 Mexico 2005 South Sudan 2008
Belarus 2009 Germany 1981 Mexico 2010 Spain 1981
Benin 1992 Germany 1987 Mexico 2015 Spain 1991
Benin 2002 Ghana 1984 Mexico 2020 Spain 2001
Benin 2013 Ghana 2000 Mongolia 2000 Spain 2011
Bolivia 1976 Ghana 2010 Morocco 2014 Sudan 2008
Bolivia 1992 Guatemala 1964 Mozambique 1997 Suriname 2004
Bolivia 2001 Guatemala 1973 Mozambique 2007 Suriname 2012
Bolivia 2012 Guatemala 1981 Myanmar 2014 Switzerland 2000
Botswana 1981 Guatemala 1994 Nepal 2001 Switzerland 2011
Botswana 1991 Guatemala 2002 Nepal 2011 Tanzania 1988
Botswana 2001 Guinea 1983 Nicaragua 1971 Tanzania 2002
Botswana 2011 Guinea 1996 Nicaragua 1995 Tanzania 2012
Brazil 1960 Guinea 2014 Nicaragua 2005 Thailand 1970
Brazil 1970 Haiti 1982 Pakistan 1973 Thailand 1980
Brazil 1980 Haiti 2003 Palestine 1997 Thailand 1990
Brazil 1991 Honduras 1961 Palestine 2007 Thailand 2000
Brazil 2000 Honduras 1974 Palestine 2017 Togo 2010
Brazil 2010 Honduras 1988 Panama 1960 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Burkina Faso 2006 Honduras 2001 Panama 1980 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Cambodia 1998 Hungary 1970 Panama 1990 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Cambodia 2004 Hungary 1980 Panama 2000 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Cambodia 2008 Hungary 1990 Panama 2010 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Cambodia 2013 Hungary 2001 Papua New Guinea 1980 Uganda 1991
Cambodia 2019 Hungary 2011 Papua New Guinea 1990 Uganda 2002
Cameroon 1976 Indonesia 1971 Papua New Guinea 2000 Uganda 2014
Cameroon 2005 Indonesia 1976 Paraguay 1962 Ukraine 2001
Canada 1971 Indonesia 1980 Paraguay 1972 United Kingdom 1961
Canada 1981 Indonesia 1985 Paraguay 1982 United Kingdom 1971
Canada 1991 Indonesia 1990 Paraguay 1992 United Kingdom 2001
Canada 2001 Indonesia 1995 Paraguay 2002 United States 1960
Canada 2011 Indonesia 2005 Peru 1993 United States 1970
Chile 1960 Indonesia 2010 Peru 2007 United States 1980
Chile 1970 Iran 2006 Peru 2017 United States 1990
Chile 1982 Iran 2011 Philippines 1990 United States 2000
Chile 2017 Israel 1983 Philippines 2000 United States 2005
China 2000 Israel 1995 Philippines 2010 United States 2010
Colombia 1973 Israel 2008 Poland 2011 United States 2015
Colombia 1985 Italy 2001 Portugal 1981 United States 2020
Colombia 1993 Italy 2011 Portugal 1991 Uruguay 1963
Colombia 2005 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 2001 Uruguay 1975
Costa Rica 1963 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 2011 Uruguay 1985
Costa Rica 1973 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 1970 Uruguay 1996
Costa Rica 1984 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1980 Uruguay 2006
Costa Rica 2000 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 1990 Uruguay 2011
Costa Rica 2011 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 2000 Venezuela 1971
Dominican Republic 1960 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 2005 Venezuela 1981
Dominican Republic 1970 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 2010 Venezuela 1990
Dominican Republic 1981 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2015 Venezuela 2001
Dominican Republic 2002 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Puerto Rico 2020 Vietnam 1989
Dominican Republic 2010 Laos 1995 Romania 1977 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 1962 Laos 2005 Romania 1992 Vietnam 2009
Ecuador 1974 Laos 2015 Romania 2002 Vietnam 2019
Ecuador 1982 Lesotho 1996 Romania 2011 Zambia 1990
Ecuador 1990 Lesotho 2006 Russia 2002 Zambia 2000
Ecuador 2001 Liberia 1974 Russia 2010 Zambia 2010
Ecuador 2010 Liberia 2008 Rwanda 2002
Egypt 2006 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 2012
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
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Educational Characteristics -- For all individuals five years of age and older

[Questions 9-12 are asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

9. Do you or did you attend any educational institution?

Ask each question each time in the order given (Currently attending? Not attending, but used to attend? etc.), and upon receiving an affirmative response, mark the appropriate box and go on to question number 10.

[] 1 Currently attending?
[] 2 Not attending, but used to attend?
[] 3 Never attended?
[] 4 Unanswered

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Educational Characteristics

For all persons five years old and older.

1. We will pass now to examine the item Educational Characteristics of Chapter C-Population.

Here you will note the data for all of the persons five years old and older.

[An example for children to be enumerated is not presented here.]

Now let's look at question number 9 of the item Educational Characteristics.

We understand as school attendance going to school, at the date of the census, to an official educational establishment, private or public, at the elementary, secondary, university, or other level.

They are official educational establishments, for example:

--Teacher's Training School, number 4
--Superior Professorship in Biological Sciences
--School number 5 of the Educational Center 7
--La Salle private school
--Post-graduate course in the Medical Faculty

The Pitman Academy, the Teniente Sewing School, the Lingaphone Institute, etc., are not official educational establishments.


2. If the person normally attends an official [educational] establishment, you will mark the box "Attends?" with an x.

The son of Mr. Pereira attends the National Business School number 2. Which box would you mark?
[x] 1 Attends?
[ ] 2 Does not attend but attended?
[ ] 3 Never attended?
[ ] 4 Does not know


3. The person who never attended an educational establishment is considered "never attended."

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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C. Population

For all of the persons 5 years old and more

[Questions 7-8 were asked of persons age 5 years or older.]

8. Do you attend or have you attended some educational establishment?

[] Attend
[] Never attended
[] Attended but does not attend
[] Unanswered

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

8. Do you attend or did you attend any educational establishment?
You will fill out the corresponding cell, understanding that school attendance is attending an official public or private educational establishment. You will not consider as official educational establishment: sewing academies, language institutes, etc.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCH — Attending school
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

11. Do you attend some educational establishment?

[] Attends a public establishment
[] Attends a private institution
[] Does not attend, but attended [skip questions 12-13]
[] Never attended [skip questions 12-16]
[] Unanswered [skip questions 12-16]

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11. Do you attend some educational establishment?

School attendance: The attendance in an establishment of the system of formal (publicly or privately recognized) education is considered school attendance (attends or attended).

Attendance in private academies, institutes or centers for studies that do not pertain to formal levels are excluded. For example: foreign languages, musical instruments, preparatory courses, for training, and technical courses done in these institutions (hairdressers, computer science, etc.). Also attendance in post graduate courses is excluded. If an enumerated person is doing post graduate work, it is considered that they "Do not attend but attended" at the university level.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_SCHOOL — Educational attendance
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

11. Do you attend any educational establishment?

[] Yes
[] No [skip questions 12-14]

[Questions 12 was asked of persons age 3+ attending any educational establishment.]

12. The establishment is:
[] Public
[] Private

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 11: Does he/she attend any educational establishment?

"Attend an educational establishment" refers to the actual attendance in an establishment that is recognized by the formal educational system, which means, an education with structure and content sequentially organized in the four educational levels: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Multi-modal or Secondary, Higher-non-university and University. This includes the establishments from the state or private sector.

Excluded is attendance at:

Academies, private institutes that do not belong to the formal systems and therefore not accredited for continuing or initiating formal education studies.

For example: Foreign language, informatics, and computing courses, literacy, musical instrument and theater courses, teacher's continuing education, labor training courses, technical courses and courses for hairdressing, clothing production, mechanics, electricity, etc.

If the person answer the census is completing a post-graduate education or seminary, it is considered that he/she attends a non-university higher level or that he/she completed university education. In question 19, you should register the name of the university career that he/she completed.

If you get a negative answer you should continue with question 15, which asks about the attendance at an formal educational establishment in the past.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_SCHOOL — Attend school
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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

8. Does this person attend an educational establishment?

[] Attending
[] Attended
[] Never attended (continue with 12)

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Question 8. Does or did he/she attend an educational establishment?

School attendance is the current or previous concurrence (attends or attended) to a recognized establishment in the formal educational system, of the public or private sector, in the country or in a foreign country.
8. Does or did he/she attend an educational establishment?
_ Attends
_ Attended
_ Never attended (continue with 12)

Attends. Mark this option if he/she concurs in the present.
Attended. Mark this option if he/she attended any time in the past.

Excluded from concurrence are: private academies and institutions that to not belong to the formal education system.

For example: courses for foreign languages, literacy courses, courses for musical instruments, for updating teaching credentials, technical courses given in institutions dedicated to teaching hairdressing, electricity, brief computing courses, etc.

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Attendance at an educational establishment: present or past attendance at an establishment that is recognized by the formal educational system.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_EDTYPE — Type of educational institution
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Completed for aged 7 and older [Questions 19-21]

Q21: Are you currently studying at an educational institution?

[] 1 Yes, postgraduate
[] 2 Yes, higher professional
[] 3 Yes, secondary professional
[] 4 Yes, secondary basic
[] 5 Yes, additional education
[] 6 Currently not studying

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Questions 19, 20, and 21 are filled for the people at the age of 7 and above.

Question 21

Do you study in any educational institution?

For those who study by any stationary, correspondence or evening program (both in state and non state educational institutions), in spite of their being cut from the production or not, one of the identification codes is written corresponding to the answers.

"Postgraduate professional" prompt code is written for those who study in the educational centers in a doctorate program as well as for those who study in the higher educational institutions, academic establishments by the corresponding educational programs.

"Higher education" prompt code is written for those who study in state and non state higher educational institutions (in institutes, academies, universities, conservatories and so on) and in other educational establishments that provide educational programs equal to them.

"Middle professional" prompt code is written for those who study in state and non state colleges and in other educational establishments that provide professional educational programs equal to them (pedagogical, medical colleges and so on).

"General education" prompt code is written for those who study in secondary, elementary schools, in gymnasiums, colleges, in special boarding schools as well as for those who study in the schools for the children who have problems with mental and physical development.

"Additional education" prompt code is written for those who study in the schools that doesn't give general education (for example preliminary courses in educational institutions, retraining and requalifying courses) and for those who study in the courses for a 6 month period.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_SCHOOL — Educational institution type
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Questions 15-17 are filled in for persons 6 years and above.

17. Attendance at educational institution

If studies? then specify educational institution type
[] Primary school
[] Middle school
[] High school
[] Preliminary professional
[] Secondary professional
[] Higher professional
[] Postgraduate professional
[] Doesn?t study
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Question 23

Do you study in any educational institution?

For those who study any educational programs including distance education and evening schools (both in state and non-state educational institutions), regardless they are employed or not, one of the identification codes is written corresponding to the answers.

"1" Elementary school, for those who study in 1-4 grades.
"2" Secondary school, for those who study in 5-9 grades.
"3" Higher school, for those who study in 10-12 grades.
"4" Preliminary professional, code is written for those people who study in preliminary professional education (vocational education) on the bases of general basic and general secondary education.
"5" Middle professional prompt code is written for those who study in state and non-state colleges and in other institutions equal to them (pedagogical, medical, economical colleges and so on).
"6" Higher professional education prompt code is written for those who study in state and non-state higher educational institutions (in institutes, academies, universities, conservatories and so on) and in other educational institutions that provide educational programs equal to them.
"7" Postgraduate professional prompt code is written for those who study postgraduate or doctorate program in the educational centers as well as for those who study in the higher educational institutions, academies by the corresponding educational programs.
"8" Not studying prompt code is written for those people at the age of 6 and higher who do not study in any educational institution.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_SCHOOL — Enrolled in school
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10. Predominant profession:
Only mark one box.
Unemployed persons and active duty guardsmen comment for Questions 12, 13, 15-17 on their previously practiced profession or their previously visited school.
Those receiving pension, retired persons, and housewives with side employment, work students, as long as the assisting relatives in the family business are included as employed, when they work approximately a minimum of 14 hours in the week.
Housewives with pension or retirement are noted as pensioners, or rather retired persons.
Are you:

[] Employed
[] Unemployed
[] Active duty guardsman for the National Army
[] Pensioner, retired person
[] Homemaker without personal income
[] Child, Pupil, Student without personal income

________ Predominant living from another livelihood, namely:
(e.g. Rent, scholarship, support from relatives, etc.)

12. Name of employer (company, department) or type of school of the currently attended school (e.g. community college, college, etc.) ________

For Question 12, Name of employer or type of the currently attended school: Persons, as long as they are students or employed as well, answer these and the following questions according to whether they marked themselves in Question 10 as "employed" or as "Pupil, student." Persons with multiple employers (e.g. operators) mark "multiple employers".

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Question 11 of the persons sheet

This question must be answered by all persons who are 15 years of age and older. At the every least, the first box (Community school, secondary school, etc.) must be marked (Control question). For the following questions, only the successfully completed training programs are allowed to be given. If the box is marked, the trained profession or the field of study of the completed training (11 c, d) must also answered.

Due to the fact that, by each box, only a single field of study can be evaluated, it is desirable that, by answering, the most important field of study should be noted. In case of doubt, the answer that is the truest summary as the practiced profession should be chosen.

For graduation diplomas, do not forget the graduation year.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_SCHOOL — Enrolled in school
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(9) Education: (Provide information for complete educational background)
(a) Compulsory school (for example community college, secondary school (public school), special school, lower levels of advanced schooling, or polytechnic training)

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted

(b) Apprenticeship with final examination for general, sales clerk (customer service), chamber of commerce, or skilled laborer certificate, with vocational school (continuing education or trade school)

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished
What profession?

(c) Technical College (= without Matura)

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which technical college? (For example trade school, school for hotel management, electrical engineering school, etc. ____

(d) High School Abitur

[Abitur is the school-leaving exam, reserved for the secondary schools that prepare students for post-secondary education at a university]

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Type of school (Course specialization). For example: Gymnasium, Realschule, HTL for machine construction, business academy, etc. ____

[Gymnasium is like a high school, but only selected students attend the school, although public. It prepares students for college. A Realschule is for those students who were not accepted into the Gymnasium system and is considered an intermediary-level education (like junior high school).]

(e) University, College, Academy

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which (Faculty/ Department)? ____
Area of Study (Major, Concentration) ____

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For Question 9, Education:

This question must be answered by all persons who are 15 years of age and older. This question is constructed so that all levels of education can be assessed.

[p. 27]

Sub-question a (compulsory school) serves only as a control question. You should be able to mark each person over the age of 15 with "completed".

Sub-question b applies to the education as an apprentice. The attendance of a professional school (winter school, continuing education school, trade school) is included therewith and should not be stated again in sub-question c. "Completed" is marked, for those who have passed the apprentices' (journeymen's) final examination.

For sub-question c the attendance of technical schools (examples on the persons sheet) should be given. These are schools that can be attended following compulsory school or in place of a poly-technical apprenticeship. It is not completed with a Matura [no English translation--final examination for preparatory school; required for entrance into college]. For the interpretation [of statistics] at the Statistic Central Office, continuing education courses, foreman courses and others are not taken into consideration. In case of doubt, it is better to give the school attended. With help from a reference book, you can easily leave the unmentioned training unaddressed for the processing. As was mentioned above, professional schools, continuing education schools, and similar, which guide the practical professional training as an apprentice, should not be marked in sub-question c.

For sub-question d, training should be marked that leads to school leaving exams (Matura). Apprentices whose attendance assumes a predetermined school leaving exam, should be marked in sub-question e.

"Completed" is only marked, when all prescribed final exams of the corresponding education are completed on May 12th, 1981 or the diploma has already been issued.

"Not completed": These boxes have in first place the function to check the training programs that have been thoroughly completed. The boxes should therefore be marked, when a training program is started, although not--or not yet--completed.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_SCHOOL — Enrolled in school
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10. Are you:
[] a. Employed: please answer questions 11 to 16.

[] Full-time work (33 and more hours per week)
[] Part-time work (12 to 32 hours per week)

Employers, the self-employed, farmers, as well as workers in the family business are considered to be employed if they work 12 hours a week or more.

[If you are economically active,] Please answer questions 11 to 16.

[] b. Not economically active, but:

[] Unemployed
[] On parental leave, maternity leave

[If you are unemployed or on parental leave, maternity leave], please answer questions 11 to 13 on your last occupation.

If you have never worked before and are looking for a job, answer question 12 with "no profession yet".

[This question was asked of those who were on parental or maternity leave.]

Were you unemployed at the time you entered maternity leave?:

[] Yes
[] No

[] Military service, replacement service: Please answer question 15 and 16 for your journey to the barracks or to your place of service.
[] Retirement benefits from own employment: Please answer questions 11 and 12 on your last occupation.
[] Widow's pension
[] Homemaker
[] Pupil, student: Please answer questions 14 to 16 on the school you are presently attending
[] Child presently not attending school
[] Other livelihood: e.g. rent, alimony, social aid, financial support through relatives, etc.

Persons under 15 years of age are not required to answer this question.

10. Are you: the situation in the last weeks prior to the census day applies in answering this question: in cases of doubt, the situation on May 15, 1991 applies.

Employed: Persons over the age of 15 working 12 hours or more per week are considered "employed". This also included those persons who are self-employed or who are unpaid workers in a family business.

Full-time or part-time: employed persons mark whether they are working full-time or part-time. The limit for full-time work is the 33-hour week, so that e.g. teachers mark "full-time work" if they have a full teaching commitment. Other professional groups, such as free-lancers, judges, etc. also mark "full-time work" even if their weekly working hours are less than 33. This also applies to employees in businesses with "shortened schedules". If several activities are performed in part-time, "full-time work" is to be marked, provided that the sum of these activities adds up to 33 or more working hours per week.

Unemployed: Persons over the age of 15 years are considered unemployed if they are not in employed and are seeking work or an apprenticeship, regardless whether they are receiving unemployment or relief benefits or not.
Persons who have never been employed and are presently seeking work or an apprenticeship also mark "unemployed" and put down "no profession yet" for questions 12 (exact description of occupation). These persons may also skip questions 11 and 13.

Pensioners are persons receiving their own retirement benefits and/or survivors' pension benefits and are not engaged in an occupation with a minimum average of 12 working hours per week.

Homemakers: this box is marked by persons who are occupied with work in their own household and are supported by their spouse (companion).

Pupils, students: persons who are not employed (with at least 12 working hours per week) and are presently attending a school, university, etc. mark this box and answer questions 14 to 16 on their schooling.

Persons presently receiving practical vocational training, such as persons being trained as teachers, persons in an apprenticeship, trainees, unpaid trainees, police students, nurse trainees, etc. mark "full-time work" and answer questions 11 to 16 with regard to this vocational training.

Persons being vocationally retrained, provided that their employment is maintained or they receive health insurance through the labor administration, mark the box "full-time work", and in question 11 to 16 give statements regarding your prior profession (not "employment agency").

Persons attending vocational preparatory courses: if this is a full-time course these persons mark "pupils, students", if this is an evening course, mark the box "other livelihood".

Persons receiving "Sondernotstandshilfe" are not considered unemployed and mark "other livelihood".

Other livelihood is marked in cases of e.g. rent, support through relatives, receipt of alimony, social aid, special aid, special supplementary retirement payment, etc.

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10, Are you:
Possible answers:
a employed: full time (33 hours or more per week), part time (12 to 32 hours per work)
b not employed, rather: unemployed, parental or maternity leave, military draftee in the armed forces or civil servant, pension from own employment, widow pension, homemaker, pupil or student, child without current school attendance, other livelihood.

This question refers to the situation in last weeks prior to the census day only in cases of doubt (e.g. change of employer) to May 15, 1991.

Employed: Persons over the age of 15 that work 12 hours or more per week are considered "employed." This also includes those persons who are self-employed or who are unpaid workers in a family business.

Full-time or part-time: Employed persons mark whether they are employed full-time or part-time. The 33 hour limit for the full employment should be understood as a benchmark: so that teachers mark "full employment" if they have a full teaching commitment. Other professional groups such as freelancers, judges, etc. also mark "full-time employment" even if their weekly working hours are less than 33. This also applies to employees in businesses with "short time work." If several part-time jobs are performed, "full employment" should be marked, provided that the sum of these activities amounts to 33 hours or more per week.

Unemployed: Persons over the age of 15 years are considered unemployed if they are not in an employment relationship and are seeking work or an apprenticeship, regardless of whether they receive unemployment or relief benefits.

Persons who were never employed and are presently seeking work or an apprenticeship also mark "unemployed" and enter "no profession yet" for question 12 (exact description of occupation). Answering questions 11 and 13 is not required for these persons.

Pensioners: are persons that receive their won retirement benefits and/or survivors' pension benefits and are not employed with an average minimum working time of 12 hours per week.

Homemakers: this box should be marked by persons who hare occupied with work in their own household and are supported by their spouse (partner).

[p. 73]

Pupils, students: persons who are not employed (at least 12 working hours per week) and are currently attending a school, university, etc. mark this box and answer questions 14 to 16 for this school attendance.

Persons currently in practical vocational training, such as persons being trained as teachers, interns, unpaid trainees, police school students, nursing school students, etc. are considered in "full-time employment" and answer questions 11 to 16 with regard to this vocational training.

Persons undergoing professional retraining, provided that their employment is maintained or they receive health insurance through the labor administration, mark the box "full-time employment" and give statements regarding their previous profession (not "employment agency") in questions 11 to 16.

Persons attending vocational preparatory courses: if this is a full-time course, these persons mark "pupils, students." If this is an evening course, the box "other livelihood" should be marked.

Persons receiving "special relief benefits" are not considered unemployed and mark "other livelihood."

Other livelihood is marked for example: rent, support by relatives, receipt of alimony, social aid, other support, special supplementary retirement payment, etc.

Enumerator guideline:
Question 10 must be answered by all persons. However, only on single answer may be made - except for retired persons (individual and widow pension).

Who is employed?
For workers in a family business, especially housewives that assist in the business of their husband, retired persons with secondary job and working students, it can often be difficult to decide if they are employed. In such cases, an average weekly minimum working time of 12 hours is given in the instructions as a decision aid. Those who work at least 12 hours weekly on average are considered "employed," and those who work less are considered "unemployed."

Farmers are considered employed in so far as they spend at least 12 hours weekly for the regulation of the business.

Wives of farmers were entered differently in the last population census. In any case, please go according to if the wife of the farmer works in the stall and in the field (=employed) or only performs house work (=housewife). In cases of doubt, please pay attention to the 12 hour per week benchmark.

Members of a religious order (e.g. nuns) are considered employed. The further questions (11 to 16) are answered for their spiritual or secular profession (e.g. Kindergarten teacher, nurse).

Persons in disabled places of employment are considered employed and answer the further questions on the person questionnaire about the job that they practice in this work place.

Persons who only practice a job voluntarily are not considered employed.

"Setting the course" with question 10
Which questions of the person questionnaire must still be answered is decided with the answer to question 10.

Employed (full and part time): All questions of the right half of the questionnaire should be answered.

Unemployed: Questions 11 to 13 should be answered for the last job practiced. Persons who have not yet been employed and are now searching for a job or apprenticeship are excepted. These persons answer question 12 with "no profession yet."

Parental leave, maternity leave: Questions 11 to 13 should be answered for the last job practiced.

Military draftees in the Austrian Armed Forces and civil servants: Questions 15 and 16 should be answered for the route to the barracks or to the place of service.

Retirement pension from own employment: Questions 11 and 12 should be answered for the last job practiced.

Only widow or widower's pension: No further questions should be answered.

Homemakers: No further questions should be answered.

Pupils, students: Questions 14 to 16 should be answered for the current school attendance.

Child without current school attendance: No further questions should be answered.

Other livelihood: No further questions should be answered.

[p. 74]

Purpose of the question:
With this question it is determined who is "employed" (and therefore must answer further occupational questions). The structural data about employed persons and commuters are among the most important results of the population census.

The numbers about employed persons are further needed for calculating general and specific labor force participation rates and are used as a basis for different predictions.

Information about participation in working life is important for labor market analyses and international comparisons. Especially of interest are the type and scope of the employment of older employees, women, youth and foreigners. Data about full and part time employment in connection with information about gender, age and marital status gain increasing weight in the face of growing importance of part time work, especially for family policy and at regional levels.

The question regarding the predominant livelihood of the non employed population makes it possible to subdivide these persons according to the predominant source of livelihood. This differentiation is of central importance for many economic and socio-political questions, for example: the dependent children and homemakers of employed persons, the employment of in the course of age as well as the numerical proportion of employed and retired persons.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_SCHOOL — Enrolled in school
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10. Schools attended -- Education completed

10.1 School currently attended

For pupils and university students, please mark just one item.

[] Primary school (including pre-primary state)
[] Lower secondary school (Hauptschule)
[] Academic secondary school - lower state
[] Special needs school
[] Pre-vocational year
[] Apprenticeship training (including compulsory vocational training school, final apprenticeship examination, skilled worker's examination) (e.g. Skilled farm worker, retail salesperson, car mechanic)
[] Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school (1 - 4 years, without a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance)
(e.g. commercial school, home economics school, agricultural school, nursing school)
[] Academic secondary school upper stage (with a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) l - (e.g. grammar school, lycƩe, a-level)
[] Post-secondary courses (2 - 3 years) to reach a technical or vocational education
[] Higher upper secondary technical and vocational school (5 years, with a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) (e.g. higher school for business administration, higher technical school for mechanical engineering)
[] Academy, college, university (e.g. pedagogical academy, social academy, technical college, school of applied arts, university of agriculture, university of business)
[] Other formal training and education (e.g. foreman school, university courses, master craftsman's qualifying examination, professional qualification examination, civil servant's advancement examination)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

10. School attendance/education completed:

[p. 79]

Explanation: Please mark all schools that you are either currently attending (10.1) or have already completed (10.2). For private schools mark the comparable school type.

Re 10.1 "School currently attended": Persons currently being educated mark the appropriate type of school in the first column. The technical field or major subject should not be entered.

Apprentices should mark "apprenticeship training (including compulsory vocational training school)" even if they have already completed compulsory vocational training school itself. (Attention: apprentices are considered gainfully employed and should also answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession).

Nursing trainees should mark "Intermediate upper and upper secondary technical and vocational school." (Attention: these persons are considered gainfully employed and should answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession).

Re 10.2 "Education completed": All levels of education that have been completed should be marked in the second column, and as necessary, the field of education/study should be entered. Commonly understood abbreviations are possible (e.g. "LA" for "teacher training").

Persons who have completed several similar types of training should indicate only the field of training which was most important for their future career.

Apprenticeship training: This is only to be marked as completed if the final apprenticeship examination has been passed. If compulsory vocational training school was completed but no final apprenticeship examination has been passed, this column should not be marked.

The question is so designed that the school currently attended (10.1) as well as the already completed course of education (10.2) is included.

On the following pages you will find - in the order in which the school types are mentioned on the personal data form - guidelines for filling out the form and a list of schools that belong to this school type. Following, the schools are once again listed in alphabetical order.

General information:
If with the completion of an intermediate or higher upper secondary technical and vocational school a final apprenticeship examination for a teaching profession is also acquired, the field or subject of the appropriate school should be indicated and the teaching profession should not be entered in "apprenticeship training."

The attendance and completion of foreman schools, master classes and other courses at intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational schools should be entered in "Other formal training and education."

"Completed education" (10.2) should only be marked if all required final examinations relevant for the course of education were already passed before May 15, 2001 or the diploma was already issued.

Older persons that completed a civic school should mark "General secondary school (Hauptschule)."

Regarding polytechnic studies, polytechnic schools:
The completion of polytechnic studies should only be marked if it was actually attended. If the 9th school year was passed at another school (e.g. the first year of a 3-year intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school) only the previously attended compulsory school should be indicated.

Regarding Apprenticeship training:
Apprenticeship training is connected to attendance at a vocational school (earlier names: winter school, continuing education school). In the text field, the occupation learned (that concurrently describes the field of study of the vocational school) should be entered.

[p. 80]

For women that obligatorily attended the vocational school for home economics: In individual states (e.g. Vorarlberg, KƤrnten) attendance at a vocational school for home economics was obligatory for women if they did not learn an occupation or attended no further school. This completion should be indicated in "Other formal training and education" and not in "Apprenticeship training" or "Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school."

Constabulary and police students: The attendance or completion of a constabulary or police academy is to be indicated in "Apprenticeship training." It involves practical, professional training similar to apprenticeship training. (Attention: constabulary and police students are considered gainfully employed and should answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession.)

Regarding Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school:
The duration of training amounts to 1 to 4 years (exception: Fashion school of the city of Vienna 5-years) and does not lead to a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination).

[Page 80-81 lists are translated into English.]

[p. 81]

Regarding Academic secondary school - upper stage:
This box should be marked if a general educational school that led to a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination), was completed. Entering a field of study is not provided for.

[Page 81-82 lists were not translated into English.]

[p. 82]

Regarding colleges, post-secondary courses (2-3 years) to reach a technical or vocational education:
Colleges (previously: post-secondary courses) mediate the educational goal of the 5-year higher vocational schools in a 2 to 3 year education. For attendance at a college, a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination) is a prerequisite.

[Page 82 lists were not translated into English.]

Regarding higher upper secondary technical and vocational school:
Education that mediates vocational training and leads to a school leaving examination (new: school leaving and diploma examination) is indicated here. The duration of education amounts to 5 years. Also falling into this category is continuing education at higher upper secondary vocational schools that can be passed subsequent to an intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school. The duration of education amounts to 2 to 4 years and the education is completed also with the school leaving and diploma examination.

[Page 82-83 lists were not translated into English.]

[p. 83]

Regarding academy, college, university:
Here all education (excluding colleges and post-secondary courses) that require a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination) is indicated. Because around 160 different fields of study are distinguished, the university type (e.g. University of technology, University of business, University of natural resources) as well as the field of study (major field) should be cited as precisely as possible.

[Page 83-84 lists were not translated into English.]

[p. 84]

Regarding other formal training and education:
The possibility of entering further --important for the career path -- education, that does not fall into the previous categories of question 10 exists here. This should also prevent wrong entries from happening in the previous layers of question 10.

[The rest of page 84, pages 85 - 88, and the top of page 89 were not translated into English.]

[p. 89]

School currently attended: The type of school is used to depict the pupil commuter flows, in order to be able to foster inferences on the accessibility of places of education. While an elementary school is mostly located in an easily accessible neighborhood, one finds a college frequently only in the region's main city and a university only in a few cities. The information is gathered for the location and traffic planning in combination with the time expenditure und transportation.

Completed education: From this information charts are created that show the number of persons that have completed the different levels of education. These results are also segmented by fields of study as well as by age, profession and other characteristics.

This data is of meaning above all else for the educational planning but also for the regional job markets that are partly very different.

The information on occupation learned and occupation practiced (especially for teaching apprenticeships) deliver basic information about the connections between education and profession and allow statements about the structure and scope of career changes. In addition, they can be gathered for planning of essential educational, continuing educational and retraining activities for structural changes in the job market (e.g. skilled worker shortage)

While school and secondary school statistics provides yearly the number of graduates by field of study with higher accuracy, these statistics can not portray the level of education of the population at a certain point in time, because the population changes through migration and deaths. Only a complete survey like the population census can provide the appropriate data.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_SCHOOL — Current participation in education

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_EDUC — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

21. Attending educational institute?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

21. Do you go to educational institute?
Ask "Among members of this household who go to educational institute?" Those names then are mentioned in reply/response fill oval (1) for them and fill oval (2) for others.

Bangladesh 2001 — source variable BD2001A_STUDENT — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions from 23 to 28 is applicable for persons aged 5 years and above]

25 Student?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 25: Student
Fill out "Yes" oval box for student and don't fill out "Yes" box if not student

Question 25: Whether Student? Ask all persons aged 5-29 years of age whether he/she is a student or not or do you study in school, college or university? If the answer is yes fill out 1 oval box. For no don't fill out the oval box.

Bangladesh 2011 — source variable BD2011A_SCHOOL — Student
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

20. Student (currently)
[] Yes
[] No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question-20. Is currently student?
If the answer is yes enter cross in the yes check box.
For no enter cross in the no check box.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_STUDENT — Student status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

9. Do you attend any general educational, vocational, secondary specialized or higher institution? (for persons aged 6-60 years)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For children of preschool age, specify whether they attend any preschool institution

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 9. Do you attend any general educational, vocational, secondary specialized or higher institution? (for persons aged 6 -- 60 years)

The code is to be marked, which corresponds to one of the prompts listed.

For a preschool child it should be indicated if the child attends any preschool educational institution.

The code is to be marked, which corresponds to one of the prompts listed.

"Yes" is to be marked for children attending preschool institutions: nurseries, preprimary schools, and kindergartens irrespective of their ownership. If at the moment of census a child is temporarily away from the preschool institution, e.g., because of illness, "yes" is to be also marked for it.

"No" should be marked for children not attending any preschool institutions.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_STUDENT — Studying at educational institution
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

For individuals aged 6-60 years.
14. Do you study at the educational institution?

[] 1 Yes, indicate the type of educational institution:
[] 1 Secondary
[] 2 Vocational technical
[] 3 Special secondary
[] 4 Higher

[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
33.11.Ā In questionĀ 14 "Do you attend any educational institution?":
- The answer "Yes" should be completed for respondents who attend full-time, evening or corresponding educational institutions (public or private) implementing educational programs, including classes at pre-school institutions, and programs providing vocational, secondary special and higher education;

- The answer "secondary general" should be completed for respondents who attend institutions providing secondary general education: primary, basic, secondary, evening (shift) schools, upper secondary schools, lyceums, boarding schools, sanatorium boarding schools, educational and pedagogical complexes, including pre-schools, secondary arts colleges, upper secondary arts colleges, upper secondary linguistic colleges and others;

- The answer "vocational technical" should be completed for respondents who attend institutions providing vocational technical education: vocational-technical schools, trade schools, and vocational and training colleges;

- The answer "secondary special" should be completed for respondents who attend institutions providing secondary special education: colleges and training schools (of teacher training, music, medical training, culture and arts, Olympic reserve), colleges (secondary special educational institutions) and also secondary arts colleges, upper secondary arts colleges, upper secondary linguistic colleges, vocational and training colleges, and tertiary colleges;

- The answer "higher" should be completed for respondents who attend institutions providing higher education: universities (academies), institutes, tertiary colleges, as well as for those attending full-time post-graduate, doctoral, and post-graduate military courses;

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_SCHOOL — School and pre-school attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Persons of 3 years or more of age
[Questions in columns 14 - 16 asked of persons 3 years or more.]

(15) Pre-school and school attendance

[] 1 FA: currently attending
[] 2 AF: has attended
[] 3 JF: never attended
[] 8 SO: not applicable
[] 9 ND: undeclared
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (15) and (16)
These two columns are only for persons of 3 years of age and above i.e. born before February 1989.

For column 15, the census agent shall ask if the interviewee:

[] Currently attends [an educational institution]
[] Has attended
[] Never attended

The possible options are:

[] FA: currently attends
[] AF: has attended
[] JF: never attended

For those younger than 3 years of age, the question does not apply. The census agent shall leave this section empty.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Residents of 3 years or more of age
[ Questions in columns 16 - 17 were asked of residents 3+ years old]

(16) Pre-school and school attendance

[] 1 FA: currently attending
[] 2 AF: has attended
[] 3 JF: never attended
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
ii) Schooling [education]
Columns 16 and 17 apply to residents aged 3 or higher. For children younger than 3, leave the columns blank. (Verify to that effect column 6 i.e. age).

Column (16): School attendance
Ask the following question: "Has [the respondent] attended, currently attends, or never attended school?" Circle the coded corresponding to the answer according to the options below.

FA: currently attends
AF: has attended
JF: never attended

Note: If the circled code is "3" never attended, go to column 18: Literacy.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Residents of 3 years or more of age
[Questions 17-19 were asked of persons aged 3 years or older]

(18) Pre-school and school attendance - Has [the person] ever attended school?

[] 1 FA: currently attending
[] 2 AF: has attended
[] 3 JF: never attended
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
18. Preschool and school attendance

The question relative to this variable only concerns persons of 3 or more years of age. For children below 3, leave those columns blank.

School attendance is the regular attendance of an education establishment or system, public or private, licensed to provide structured studies, at any level of education at the date of the census.

Ask Q: "Have you/has [the respondent] attended school?"

If the answer is No, circle code 3 [never attended] and go to question 20.
If the answer is Yes, ask Q: "Do you currently attend?"

If the answer is Yes, circle code 1 [currently attends].
If the answer is No, circle code 2 [has attended].

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
B. Educational Information

Only for those 5 years of age and older
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons 5 years of age or older.]

10. Do you attend school or a center of learning?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

B. Educational information

Educational information questions 9, 10 and 11 should be asked to all persons 5 years old or older.

Question 10. Do you attend school or other educational centers?

Mark the box corresponding to the response the informant gives.

Do not take into account speed courses or those by correspondence.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_SCHOOL — Attending school currently or in the past
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

B. Only for those 6 years of age and older - Educational Characteristics

11. Do you attend or did you attend in the past any institution of regular schooling?

[] 1 Attending
[] 2 Not attending but did attend
[] 3 Never attended [skip to Q15]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 10. Do you know how to read and write?

The enumerator will ask this question of all people who are 6 or older, marking circle 7 with an X when they say YES, and circle 8 if they neither read nor write.

If the person being enumerated only knows how to sign their name, only recognizes or writes the letters of the alphabet and isn't able to read or write a letter or a basic document, mark No.

Question 11. Do you or did you attend any regular instructional center?

This question refers to attendance of regular instructional establishments and not to quick courses like: beauty schools, special cooking courses, shorthand, typing, and languages.

Take into account that the attendance can be for Institutions within the country or outside of it (people who studied outside the country and are now in the country).

Note: If the person never attended school, it is not necessary to ask questions 12, 13, and 14.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_ATTEND — Currently attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter E. Only for those 4 years of age and older
[Questions 35-41 were asked of all persons 4 years or older.]

37. Do you currently attend a public or private school?

[] 1 Does not attend [continue with question 39]
[] 2 Yes, attends a public school
[] 3 Yes, attends a private school

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter E. Only for persons 4 years of age and older

If the person is 4 years of age or older, the enumerator will proceed with question 35. If younger, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 37. Are you currently attending school?

If the answer is negative, the "Does not attend" oval is filled in and the enumerator will proceed to question 39.

If the answer is affirmative, the person should be asked whether they attend a public or private institution and the corresponding oval is filled in.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_SCHOOL — Currently attend a school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F2. Only for people at least 4 years old

36. Do you currently attend a school?

[] 1 Yes, a public school
[] 2 Yes, a private school
[] 3 Yes, a charter school
[] 4 Not attending school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

Population's educational characteristics
The population's educational characteristics researched in the population censuses are literacy, school attendance, and educational level starting at a certain age. In the census, educational data is collected from people who, at the time of the census, are at least four years old.

F2. Only for people at least 4 years old

36. School attendance
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
(All Persons 5 years and over)

10. Has (the person) ever attended school?

[] 1 Never attended
[] 2 Still at school
[] 3 Left school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns [P10 and P11] apply only to persons 5 years and above
Columns [P10 andP11] Education
Column [P10] Enter the answer code as appropriate
Column [P11] Enter the highest school grade the person has passed.
If Standard 1, enter 11
If Standard 2, enter 12
If Standard 3, enter 13
If Standard 4, enter 14
If Standard 5, enter 15
If Standard 6, enter 16
If Standard 7, enter 17
[If somebody has passed old Sub A or Sub B enter 11. The instruction remains the same for all other standards]
If the person has attended or is attending secondary school enter the highest form passed as follows:
If Form 1, enter 21
If Form 2, enter 22
If Form 3, enter 23
If Form 4, enter 24
If Form 5, enter 25 and
If Form 6, enter 26
If the person has attended or is attending University enter the number of years the person has spent attending University as follows:
Year 1, 31
Year 2, 32
Year 3, 33
Year 4, 34
Year 5 and over, 35

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section A

(All persons 5 years and over)

9. Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Never attended (Go to Q. 11)
[] 2 Still at school (Go to Q. 10)
[] 3 Left school (Go to Q. 10)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 9: School Attendance

Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

This question refers to formal schooling only. Pre-schooling and non-formal education are not covered by this question, and the only form of tertiary education covered is university attendance.

If a person has never attended school, enter 1 in A9 and a dash in A10, and go to A11.

If a person is still attending school, enter 2 in A9 and go to A10.

If a person has attended school but has since left school, enter 3 in A9 and go to A10.

If it is not known whether or not someone ever attended school, enter 9 in A9 and a dash in A10, and go to A11.

In the sample questionnaire on page 24, James attended school but he left school a long time ago. He is coded 3 in column A9. Anne never attended school, so she is coded 1. Mimi is not yet 5 years old, so this question does not apply to her. Enter a dash in the shaded area for her. Anthony and Molelo are still in school, so they are coded 2. David and 1hembe have both left school, so they are coded 3.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All persons 2 years and over
[Questions A13-A15]

A14. Has [the person] ever attended school?

[] 1 Never attended [Go to A16]
[] 2 Still at school
[] 3 Left school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
107e. Columns A14 - A15 These questions apply only to persons aged 2 years and more. If the person is under 2 years of age, then when you reach column A13 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A13 -- A32 and proceed to the next listed person in the household. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 28 for easy reference.

108. Column A14: School Attendance

Q: Has [the person] ever attended school?

This question refers to formal schooling only. Non-formal education like the adult education and those who did their education at their homes like in the Zezuru community are not covered by this question. Government recognized private schools are included.

If a person has never attended school, enter 1 in A14 and a dash in A15, and go to A16.

If a person is still attending school, enter 2 in A14 and go to A15.

If a person has attended school but has since left school, enter 3 in A14 and go to A15.

If it is not known whether or not someone ever attended school, enter 9 in A14 and 99 in A15.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_SCHOOL — Ever attended school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
A. Person Information

Educational attainment

14. Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Still at school
[] 2 Left school
[] 3 Never attended [go to question 17]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
141. Columns A15-A17
These questions apply only to persons aged 2 years and above. If the person is less than 2 years of age, then when you reach column A15, you should dashes in the shaded area for columns A15-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household. These questions refer to school attendance by the person in question. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 33 for ease of reference.

142. Column A15: School attendance
Q. Has the respondent ever attended school?
The question refers to a formal schooling only. The information education offered at home is not covered by this question. Officially registered private schools are included.
If a person has never attended school, enter 1 in A15 and dashes in A16 and A17, then go to A18.

If a person is still attending school, enter 2 in A15 and go to A16.

If a person has attended school but has since left school, enter 3 in A15 and go to A16.

If it is not known whether or not someone ever attended school, enter 9 in A15, and 99 in A16 and A17.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_LIT — Literacy
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

L. School attendance and literacy

Attending school:

[] 40 can read
[] 42 can't read

Not attending school:

[] 41 can read
[] 43 can't read

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question L - Attendance at school and literacy

a) Attendance at school
Only persons attending regular schools during the year of the Census should be considered as attending school. The term Regular schools refers to those schools which follow a progressive curriculum or course based on successive years - 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, etc. - and whose type of education is regulated by law. This includes Regular ecclesiastical courses are included in this category.
Persons who are on vacation or for any other reason are temporarily unable to attend classes on the date of the Census should nevertheless be enumerated as attending school. Likewise, persons who are attending adult courses, junior high-school preparation [admissĆ£o] courses or primary courses given at home will be recorded as attending school.
Persons who receive individual classes or who attend short professional specialization courses, cultural extension courses (sewing, dancing, foreign languages, typing, mechanics, art, cooking, etc.) will be recorded as Not attending school. Students in Kindergarten will also be recorded as Not attending school.

b) Literacy
Persons able to read and write at least a simple note, even if in a foreign language, should be considered as Knows how to read. Persons able to write only their name will be marked as does not know how to read.
Persons who learned how to read and write and who for any reason forgot will be recorded as does not know how to read.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_SCHOOL — Attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]

16. Currently in school?

[] 1 yes
[] 2 no

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 16 - Do you Attend School ?

(Only for persons age 5 or over)

Persons who attend one of the following courses, even if they are on vacation or otherwise temporarily unable to attend school on the date of the Census, should be considered as Attending school:

a) regular schools - whose courses are regulated by law and comply with sequential yearly curriculums (1st year, 2nd year, etc.), including regular ecclesiastical courses;
b) adult literacy courses, preparation for junior high school [admissĆ£o - usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, Article 99 or primary school classes conducted in households:

Persons, who, on the date of the Census, are attending the following courses, should not be considered as attending school:

a) short professional specialization or cultural extension courses, such as sewing, dancing, etc.;
b) kindergarten.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_CRSSTDY — Level now studying
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

21. Level of the grade attending

[] 1- primary or elementary
[] 2- middle/junior school
[] 3- first level
[] 4- 2nd level
[] 5- senior high or middle school
Supplemental general education:
[] 6- 1st level
[] 7- 2nd level
[] 8- higher
[] 0- none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 21 - Level of the grade or year attended

For persons who recorded a grade or year in Question 20, indicate the level of the course attended, marking:

Primary or elementary - for persons who attend a grade or year of the primary course or its equivalent at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
Junior high school (Ginasial ou mĆ©dio 1Āŗ ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade or year of junior high school (curso ginasial) or other equivalent level at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
1st level [Grades 1-8] - for persons who attend a grade or year in the 1st level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
2nd level [Grades or years 8-11] - for persons who attend a grade or year in a 2nd level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
Senior high school - 2nd cycle (Colegial ou MĆ©dio 2Āŗ ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade in a scientific, classical or other equivalent high-school course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has not yet been implemented;

[p. 48]

General Education - 1st level [Grades 1 to 8, Supletivo 1Āŗ grau] - for persons who attend a 1st-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
General Education - 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo 2Āŗ grau] - for persons who attend a 2nd-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
Higher education - for persons who attend a grade or credit period in a university course or other course of higher education; or
None - for persons who attend a non-graded course or do not attend school.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_LEVELATT — Level now studying in graded course
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

25. Level of the grade attending

[] 1 primary or elementary
[] 2 middle/junior school
[] 3 higher
Supplemental general education:
[] 4 1st level
[] 7 2nd level
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 25 - Level of the grade which the person attends

1 - First level [grades 1-8] - a person who attends a grade in the 1st level course;
2 - Second level [grades 9-11] - a person who attends a grade in the 2nd level course;
3 - Higher education - a person who attends a year or credit period in a university or other higher education course;
4 - General education organized by grades or years - First level [grades 1-8] - a person who attends a grade or phase in a general education course organized by grades or years on the 1st level;
5 - General education organized by grades or years - Second level [grades 9-11] - a person who attends a grade or phase in a general education course on the 2nd level; or
0 - None - a person who attends a non-graded course or does not attend school.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_SCHOOL — Attend school or daycare
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4.29 Attend school or child care (creche)?
[] 1 yes, private (go to 4.30)
[] 2 yes, public (go to 4.30)
[] 3 no, have been (go to 4.32)
[] 4 never went (if 10 years old or older, go to 4.36. If not, end the interview)

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Question 4.29 - Do you attend school or a day-care center?

A person registered in one of the following courses should be considered as attending school:

  • Regular course - pre-school, primary school [grades 1-8], 1st level [grades 1-8], senior high school [grades 9-11], 2nd level [grades 9-11], higher education (3rd level), master's or doctor's degree;
  • General education course - elementary education [grades 1-8], 1st level [grades 1-8], senior high school [grades 9-11], or 2nd level [grades 9-11] given at a school;
  • Adult literacy course; and
  • Pre-college entrance exam course.

Children in establishments organized to give daytime assistance to children in the early years of life should be considered as attending a day-care center.

Persons who are registered but temporarily unable to attend class for reasons of illness, etc., should also be considered as attending school.

Do not consider persons who are attending only brief professional specialization or cultural extension courses, such as sewing, dancing, languages, data processing; or courses in elementary education [grades 1-8], 1st level [grades 1-8], senior high school [grades 9-11], 2nd level [grades 9-11], etc. on the radio, television or by correspondence.

[p. 110]

Persons who are attending specialization or university extension courses will not be considered as attending school.

For persons who say they attend school or a day-care center, record the school system:

1 - Yes, Private School - for persons registered in private educational establishments, including establishments maintained by community groups, companies, foundations, donations, etc.
2 - Yes, Public School - for persons registered in establishments in the federal, state or municipal public school systems.
If a person is attending more than one type of school, record the highest grade and course he or she attends. In this case, the type of school (private or public) is related to the answers to Questions 4.30 and 4.31 (course and grade attended). The same criterion will be used for persons who do not attend school and have attended more than one type of education (Questions 4.32 and 4.33).
Note: If the person attends senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11] and the pre-college entrance exam course, simultaneously, record senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11].
3 - No, but has attended - for persons who have at some time studied in some course and grade, according to the concepts defined as attending school, considering the educational system in effect at the time.
Also consider persons who took and were approved in the examinations referred to in Article 99 (1st cycle [grades 1-8] or 2nd cycle or General education (Primary school [grades 1-8], First level [grades 1-8] or Second level [grades 9-11]) as having attended, even though they have never actually been to class.
4 - Never attended - for persons who never attended a course included in the definition of attendance at school.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_SCHOOL — Attending school or daycare
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

6.28 Are you currently attending school or day care?

[] 1 Yes, public (Go to 6.29)
[] 2 Yes, private (Go to 6.29)
[] 3 No, but have attended before (skip to 6.33)
[] 4 No, have never attended (If the person is age 10 or older, skip to 6.37. Otherwise, skip to 6.70)

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For all ages

6.28 - Do you go to school or daycare?

Depending on the situation, record:

1 - Yes, a public school/day care - A person who attends school or day care in the public sector.
2 - Yes, a private school/day care - A person who attends school or day care in the private sector.

[page 214]

3 - No, but have attended before: A person who does not attend school or daycare, but haa attended in the past.
4 - No, never attended: A person who has never attended school or daycare.

Now, it is important that you learn key information for the accurate completion of this question!

Consider the following types of school or day care in which the person is enrolled and attending:
  • Child daycare (consider as a child care center a place in which a child at early ages attends during the day);
  • Pre-school (or kindergarten);
  • Literacy class - CA;
  • Youth and Adult Literacy - AJA;
  • Regular courses - elementary school or secondary school;
  • Youth and Adult Education - EJA or alternative elementary school or secondary school;
  • Higher Education, Master's degree or PhD, and
  • Professional degree (minimum of 360 hours).

[page 215]

Besides a person who attends courses on site, you should also consider a person attending school at any educational level (primary, secondary or higher) in the form of Long Distance Education -EAD, accredited by the MEC for this type of teaching.

What is it?
What is Long Distance Learning (EAD)?

This mode of learning is based on teaching-learning via technology, which allows the learning process to be versatile, since the interaction between teacher and students can happen at different times and in different physical spaces. Besides that, long distance education also allows for classroom activities.

But what if the person is temporarily impaired to attend classes due to illness, etc.?
In this case, consider that person as attending school.
Do not consider a person attending school if the setting is:
  • A short vocational or cultural course, such as sewing, dance, languages, computing;
  • Higher education, for professional development or as an extension of previous education;

[page 216]

  • Elementary and Secondary Schools (2nd grade) courses offered via radio and television or by correspondence, and
  • Pre-university courses.

Now, you know how to consider if a person is attending school or daycare. However, it is necessary to distinguish when the school or day care center is classified as public or private, as there is one answer for each item.

Consider as:
Public Sector- federal, state and municipal schools and day care centers.

Private Sector- private schools or day care centers, including some establishments funded by neighborhood associations, businesses, foundations and donations.

Whenever the person attended more than one school (public or private) you should count the sector in which the person received the highest level of education.

If a person studies a certification or technical degree program and, simultaneously, college, consider college as the highest level.

[page 217]

So, how about a resident who is not currently in school but previously attended school?

This refers to residents who are not currently enrolled in school, but previously attended school, in any of the courses mentioned above whether public or private.

Did you know what names were used in the Brazilian educational system, in earlier times? Let's learn about them!
The old education system in Brazil had:
  • 1st level - divided into eight grades;
  • 2nd level- structured in three or four grades;
  • 3rd level or higher - its structure varied according to the course. At this level, students could earn credit or courses according to the discipline, either by semesters, or yearly.

The system of education prior to the one above, had:
  • Elementary (elementary school) - divided into four, five or six grades, depending on the era;
  • 1st Level (middle school) - divided into four or five sets, depending on the time;
  • 2nd level (classic, scientific, etc.) - Structured in three or four grades, depending on the time, and
  • Higher education- structured according to the discipline.

[page 218]

Also consider as having attended school a person that took the tests according to Article 99 (1st level or 2nd level for middle school) or alternative (elementary or first level or second year) and approved the course, even if she/he never went to school.

And the person who never attended?
This situation is for the person who never attended any course included in the definition of school attendance.

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Residents three years of age and older
[Question P.17-P.20 are asked of residents who are three years of age and older]

P17. Scholarly attendance

Does [the person] currently attend school, or has [the person] ever attended school in the past?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0 No, never attended
[] 1 Yes, attended in the past
[] 2 Yes, currently attends

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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14 Full-Time Education
( a ) Have you ever attended School/ Educational Institution? (Enter Code)
1 Never
2 Now
3 Past

( b ) What is the highest grade completed? (Enter Code from list below)
Codes for Column 14 (b) What is the highest grade completed?

For Never in 14 (a) put dash ( - )
For Now or Past in 14 (a), Code as follows:-
00 No class completed
01 Class 1 completed
02 Class 2 completed
11 Class 11 completed
12 Class 12 completed
13 Secondary School / Certificate / Diploma
14 Undergraduate
15 Graduate / Degree holder
16 Postgraduate
17 ___ Other (specify)

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Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College etc.

Column 14 (a): Have you ever attended School / Educational Institution?

95. This applies to both literates and illiterates. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:-

(a) Never:- Record 1 if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Now:- Record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.
(c) Past:- Record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 1 in Column 13), had never attended any school at all (e.g. he might have learnt to read and write in a pagoda) and may, therefore, be given Code 1 in Column 14(a).

Column 14 (b): What is the Highest Grade Completed?

96. Enter dash (--) in the two sub Columns in the case of a person who has never attended school/educational institution (Code 1 in Column 14(a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 17) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

For all persons
[Questions 10 to 23 were asked of all persons]

[17] Full time education

[a] Have you ever attended school/educational institution?

Enter code.
[] 1 Never
[] 2 Now
[] 3 Past
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52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

70. Column 17: Full time education
Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College, etc. This question should be filled-in for all persons.

71. Column 17 (a): Have you ever attended school / educational institution?
71. This applies to both literates and illiterate. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:

(a) Never:- Record 1 if the person has never at any time and received full-time education from a school or educational institution.
(b) Now:- Record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Survey in a school or educational institution.
(c) Past:- Record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it now.
Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 1 in Column 16), had never attended any school at all (e.g. he might have learnt to read and write in a pagoda) and may, therefore, be given Code 1 in Column 17(a).

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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14 Full-time education

a. Has the person ever attended school/ educational institution?

[] 1 Never
[] 2 Now
[] 3 In the past

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Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College, etc.

Column 14 (a): Has the person attended School/Educational Institution?

95. Please note that this question applies to both literate and illiterate persons, i.e. irrespective of answers in Col. 13 (a) and (b). This also applies to children aged 6 and below. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:

(a) Never: Record 1 if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Now: Record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.
(c) Past: Record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 1 in Col. 13 (a)), or Code 2 in Col. 13 (a) with one of the Codes 2 to 8 in Col. 13 (b) ), had never attended any school or educational institution at all and therefore, has to be given Code 1 in Column 14 (a).

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

17. Full-time education

a. Has the person ever attended school/ educational institution?
(Enter code)

[] 1 Never
[] 2 Now
[] 3 In the past
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

70. Column 17: full time education

[p. 27]

Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary school, Secondary school, College, Training center, etc. This question should be filled-in for all persons.

70.1. Column 17 (a): have you ever attended school / educational institution?

This applies to both literate and illiterate persons. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:

(a) Never: record 1 if the person has never at any time received full-time education from a School or educational institution.
(b) Now: record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Survey in a school or educational institution.
(c) Past: record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it now.

Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 00 in column 17(a)), had never attended any school at all (e.g. he might have learnt to read and write in a pagoda) and May, therefore, be given code 00 in column 17(a).

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_SCHOOL — Attended school
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

[Questions 15-16 are to be completed by all persons]

16. Full-time education

16a. Has the person attended school/education institution?

[] 1. Never
[] 2. Now
[] 3. Past

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Population 4 years old or older

20) Attendance
Do you currently attend a learning establishment, whether full time or part time?
Mark 'yes' or 'no'

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

b) Column 17 to 25:

To be filled out individually for the people ages 4 and over (mark a line in column 17 to 25 for children under 4.

Column 20: School Attendance:

Ask if the person currently goes to the learning establishment, whether it is full time or part time, whether the person works or not.

Mark 'YES' or 'NO'

A learning establishment is an establishment whose function is to dispense learning. This means that it must exclude all courses or formations, professional or not, that provide job training. Conversely, it is necessary to count establishments that do learning by correspondence.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_SCHOOL — Present school attendence
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Persons over 3 years of age
[Questions 21 through 26 were asked of persons 3 years of age and older.]

22. Present school attendance
Is the person attending a school?

[Question 22 was asked of persons 3 years of age and older.]


[] Yes
[] No


[] Yes
[] No

If no, go to 25.
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22. Current school attendance
Q. Do you/does ____ currently go to an educational establishment?
If the answer is Yes,
-Ask about the system (French or English) and mark the code corresponding to the answer provided.

Codes for the terms of this variable are as follows:
1-French and English
4-Other system
5-Doesn't currently go to school

N.B. Questions Q23 and Q24 are about people who have stopped going to school as well as those who are currently going to an educational establishment (Eliminate the filter that is on the Q22 level of the Standard Household Questionnaire). Questions Q23 to Q26 are about:
a. the previous educational situation, the last position as a student, for people who have stopped currently going to an educational establishment.
b. the educational situation at the moment for people who are currently students

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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19. Have you attended school or university since last September?
[] Yes, full time
[] Yes, part time: day or evening
[] No

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19. Mark "Yes" if you have attended at any time since last September:
1. an elementary school (public or private);
2. a secondary school (high school, collegiate institute, technical high school, vocational
high school or junior high school);
3. a university (including colleges which offer courses leading to a degree);
4. other institutions such as seminaries or schools for the blind or deaf which provide an
equivalent type of general education leading to an elementary or high school diploma;
5. a technical institute;
6. a teachers' college, community college, or nursing school not affiliated with a
7. a private business college; or
8. a private or provincial trade or vocational school.

A person should be considered as attending full-time if he is taking 75% or more of the normal course load in the grade or year in which he is registered.
Part-time courses should include only organized instructional classes aimed at expanding knowledge or skills. Exclude activities which have no educational aim or which are not planned in systematic sequence (e.g., isolated public lectures).

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

35. Have you attended a school, college or university at any time since last September? (Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc.)

Mark one box only.
[] No
[] Yes, full-time
[] Yes, part-time, day or evening

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

27. In the past nine months (that is, since last September), was this person attending a school, college or university?

Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc., for courses which can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree.
Mark one circle only.
[] No, did not attend in past nine months
[] Yes, full time
[] Yes, part time, day or evening

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

Question 27: School attendance

Do not include any courses taken for leisure, recreation or personal interest.
For persons who have been enrolled in school at any time since September 1990, even if they were registered but subsequently dropped out, report their attendance. The same thing applies for persons who have been enrolled in any educational institution (including seminaries, schools of nursing, private business schools, technical institutes or colleges, private or public trade schools, vocational schools or schools for the blind or deaf) that provide a general education.
Mark the circle labelled Yes, full time for persons who were taking 75% or more of the regular course load in the grade or year in which they were registered. Consider any day courses of six weeks or less as part-time attendance. For persons who attended both full time and part time since last September, mark only the circle labelled Yes, full time.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_SCHATTP — School attendance
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

29. In the past nine months (that is, since last September), was this person attending a school, college or university?

Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, technical institutes, CEGEPs, etc., for courses that can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree.
Mark "x" one circle only.
[] No, did not attend in the past nine months
[] Yes, full time
[] Yes, part time, day or evening

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 23
Only respondents born before May 15, 1986 should answer Questions 24 to 51.

Question 29 -- School attendance

Do not include any courses taken for leisure, recreation or personal interest.
Report the attendance of persons who have been enrolled in school or an educational institution at any time since September 2000, even if they were registered but subsequently dropped out. Educational institutions include seminaries, schools of nursing, private business schools, private or public trade schools, vocational schools, or schools for people who are deaf or blind.
Mark Yes, full time for persons who were taking 75% or more of the regular course load in the grade or year in which they were registered. Consider any day courses of six weeks or less as part-time attendance.
For persons who attended both full time and part time since last September, mark only "Yes, full time".

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Questions 27 through 55 are only for persons aged 15 years and over (born before May 10, 1996).


33. At any time since September 2010, has this person attended a school, college, CEGEP or university?

Mark "x" as many circles as applicable.

Please include attendance only for courses that can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree (including distance education).

At any time since September 2010:
[] Yes, attended elementary, junior high school or high school
[] Yes, attended trade school, business school, community college, technical institute, CEGEP or other non-university institution
[] Yes, attended university
[] No, did not attend school at any time since September 2010
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Question 26 -- Answer questions 27 to 55 for each person aged 15 years and over.

This means that only respondents born before May 10, 1996 should answer questions 27 to 55.

Questions 27 to 33 tell us about the education, training and recent school attendance of residents of Canada. Governments use this information to develop training and other programs to meet the changing needs of our workforce and of specific groups such as immigrants, Aboriginal peoples and youth.

Question 33 -- School attendance
Mark 'Yes' for the appropriate category for all persons who attended a school or an educational institution at any time between the beginning of September 2010 and May 10, 2011, full-time or part-time, even if they were registered but subsequently dropped out.

Only include school attendance where the courses can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized educational institution.

Educational institutions also include seminaries, schools of nursing, private business schools, private or public trade schools, vocational schools, or schools for people who are deaf or blind.

Include courses offered through correspondence, e-learning or distance education. Also include attendance at the in-class portion of an apprenticeship program.

Do not include training received from an employer unless it corresponds to courses offered by a recognized educational institution.

If the person took courses at more than one institution, mark all categories that apply.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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14. School attendance ____

For those currently attending an educational establishment, write the level and type of instruction receiving.
3rd year High school or primary
2nd year Technical or trade school
3rd year Social sciences
3rd year Civil engineering
3rd year Business school
2nd year Metallurgy/mining technician

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Column 14: School Attendance. The person will be asked if they are attending a regular teaching establishment, with the grade or year being attended and type of instruction being received will be recorded.

Regular teaching refers to that given in public and private teaching establishments under a teaching plan or program that has been officially approved in the country.

Take into account, therefore, schools, primary schools [colegios], high schools [liceos], universities, academies, institutes, night schools, "popular" universities [universidades populares], home-schooling, etc.

In accordance with this definition, record the year or grade and the type of instruction that is being received, for example: 3rd year of high school; 4th year of Social Sciences, etc.

Nothing will be recorded for people who are only taking correspondence courses or piano, cooking, or embroidery classes, or shorthand or typing classes by [p. 36] the hour, as a complement to the education they've received. Both for these people and for those who don't attend any center for regular teaching, record "Doesn't attend".

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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II -- Educational Characteristics

For all individuals 5 years of age and older.

11. School attendance:

Do you currently attend an institution of regular schooling?

____ Attending (indicate the course of studies)
[] 2 Not attending
[] 9 Unknown

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Question No. 11--School Attendance

You will mark box 1 if the person currently attends any regular educational establishment, recording the year and level attended.

For example: 4th [year of] basic; 2nd [year of] middle; 1st [year of] university; etc.

You will mark box 2 if the person doesn't attend and box 9 if not known.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all those 5 and older

7. Do you or did you attend an educational establishment?

1. Actually attended ____

If you are currently attending, indicate the year and type of schooling ______

2. You don't currently attend, but have attended ____

3. Never attended school (pass on to question 9) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7. Do you attend or did you attend an educational establishment?

This question refers to attendance of any regular educational establishment, public or private, at pre-school (kindergarten) level; elementary or primary; middle or secondary and post-secondary [superior] or university.

Not to be considered: nursery school; preschool; secretary, fashion, hairdressing, mechanic, radio and T.V. schools; INACAP [Instituto Nacional de Capacitacion: National Training Institute] courses, etc.

[p. 19]

If the person being enumerated is currently attending a regular teaching establishment, fill in the oval corresponding to the option Currently Attends and you should ask about the level and type of instruction being received, recording this information on the corresponding line.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 7 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school (formal education)
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D. Personal information

13. Do you currently attend an institution of formal education?
Includes pre-school, special education, and elementary, secondary and tertiary education.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Not at present
[] 3 Never have (go to 16)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Questions 13, attending formal education]
Formal education refers to any accredited regular educational program, whether public or private, for instruction.
[Figure omitted, image of question 13 from questionnaire]

Case 1: Person currently in first year of tertiary education
Camita is currently in her first year at the university. Therefore, her last completed educational level was the fourth year of secondary education at a scientific-humanist school. The correct way to record this is as shown to the left.
[Figure omitted, images of questions 13, 14, 15 and 15.a from the questionnaire. Question 13 has option 1.yes fill, question 14, has option 4th fill; question 15 has the option 1. from list D fill, and, question 15.a, has option yes fill]

Case 2: Person who made it to the eighth year of elementary education but did not complete it
Ana attended a rural school in her childhood. She reached the eighth year of elementary education but had to withdraw before completing the school year and did not return to formal education. Subsequently, she has only taken training courses. The correct way to record this is as shown to the right.
[Figure omitted, images of questions 13, 14, 15 and 15.a from the questionnaire. Question 13 has option 2. No at present fill, question 14, has option 7th fill; question 15 has the option elementary from list C fill, and, question 15.a, has option no fill]

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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16. Current education status

[] 1 Attending an educational institute
[] 2 Graduated
[] 3 Graduated with no diploma
[] 4 Terminated education
[] 5 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part One. Personal Records

R14 through R16 apply to persons who are 6 years or older.

R16. School completion
Only persons who received higher than primary school degree will answer this question (that is, those who answered 3-9 in the first part of R15).
There are five standard answers.

1. In school - currently attending schools and are full time students
2. Graduated - have completed all the school curricula and passed the graduation exam.
3. Incomplete - have completed all the school curricula but failed to pass the graduation exam.
4. Drop-off - have not completed all the school curricula.
5. Others - attend home-based schools, self-learning, or acquire education through other means.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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B. Educational characteristics (for persons five years old or more).
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

11. Do you currently attend an elementary school, secondary school, or higher?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section B. Educational characteristics

Fill out this section for all persons 5 years old or more.
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

Question No. 11. School attendance

Mark "x" in the box "yes" in the following cases:

When a person attends at the moment of the census an educational establishment and follows programs of primary, secondary or superior education.

When a person does not attend an establishment of primary, secondary or superior education, for reasons transitory purposes like sickness, passenger, strike, vacation, etc.

Mark "x" in the box in the following cases:

When a person does not attend at the moment of the census an establishment of primary, secondary or superior education.

When a person does courses that are not of primary, secondary or superior education like dictations classes in the SENA, in television or radio broadcast schools, literacy or those that are done by correspondence.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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A. For all of the persons in the dwelling
[Applies to questions 26 - 33]

31. Do you attend an educational center--preschool, elementary, secondary, university?

[] 2 Yes
[] 4 No

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Question No. 31 Attendance in any education center

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 2, if a person attends any center of formal education at any level (preschool, primary, secondary, classic bachelor, technical, pedagogical,) or university (intermediate, professional or post-graduate careers).Include here also those who attend schools of special education.

Mark "x" in box 4, if a person does not attend any education center previously mentioned, although they are attending another class or course.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_SCHOOL — Attending school
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F.2 Ask these questions of all persons who are five years old or more.

33. Does he/she currently attend pre-school, elementary school, high school or a university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F2. Ask these questions to all persons 5 years old or older

33. Does [the respondent] study currently in and preschool, primary school, secondary school or university?

It refers to the attendance in private schools, secondary schools, or universities, in which preschool, primary, secondary or university education is imparted, in present or distant form (primary or secondary by radio and university by distance).

[Below the text is a form.]

It refers also to attendance in establishments of special education (for persons with physical or mental limitations or for advanced students).

If a person currently receives only training courses or workshops, mark the response "no" (option 2).

It is possible that in some regions the census coincides with school vacations. Mark "yes" (option 1) for the case of students on vacation.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_SCH — Current attendance at some type of educational institution
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For persons age 3 + (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 41-44 were asked of persons age 3 and older.]

42. Does [the respondent] currently attend a pre-school, public school, private school or university? (basic)

[] 1 Yes

1.1 Is this a government [public] school? (basic)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

2.1 Why? (expanded) (for persons less than 26 years old)

1. He/she considers that he/she has finished his/her studies or that he/she has sufficient education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. The cost of education is high and he/she does not have the money?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. He/she needs to work?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Not enough space in the educational establishments?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Distance from educational establishments?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Due to illness, requires special education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. (For women over 12 years old) Due to pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Another reason?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

(Skip to 44)

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_SCHOOL — Currently attending regular education institution
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Educational Characteristics

Only for those 7 years of age and older [applies to questions 11 to 13]

11. Currently attending

Ask both questions.

Are you currently attending school, high school or university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Are you currently attending other educational institutions (specify: vocational school, business school, etc.)

____ [] 1

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Educational Characteristics

Ask these questions only to persons seven years old or older.

When filling about these lines it is convenient to consult the age (line 4), so that compatibility exists in the responses.

For Census purposes, "regular education" will be understood to be that which persons receive in primary school, secondary schools, and universities.

[p. 48]

Normal schools are considered university level.

Line 11.- Do you attend currently

Primary school, Secondary school or University?

Mark the box "Yes", when a person 7 years old or older, attended, for at least one day during the month of March, a center of regular education, and the box "No" in the contrary case.

Other Centers of Education

If a person attended at least one day of the month of March in any center of education, write down the type of center: commercial school, vocational school, language school, etc. If a person did not attend one of these centers, simply write "No".

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_SCHOOL — Currently attending regular schooling
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for people 6 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 13 - 16]

13. Attending school, high school or university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

19.- Question No. 13.- Do you attend school, high school or university

This question should be asked to all persons 6 years old or older. It is convenient to consult the age (line 4), so that compatibility exists in the responses.

Mark the circle "Yes" when a person 6 years old or older regularly attends a regular education center; and the circle "No" in the contrary case.

"Regular education" will be understood to be that which persons receive in primary school, middle schools including vocational, and University.

Normal schools are considered university level.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Only for those 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 9]

8. School enrollment

Are you enrolled in any institution of regular schooling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Second block of questions: only for persons 5 years old or older

As was said when beginning this thematic division, the second block of the population questionnaire is formed by questions 7, 8 and 9.

All of these questions are applied only to members of the household who are 5 years old or older. If a person that you enumerate is less than 5 years old, you should cross out the whole block with two diagonally crossed lines and marked in such a manner that it crosses from corner to corner the whole block, continuing to fill out the population form corresponding to the following person.

Question 8: School enrollment

This question is asked to get information about if the interviewed person attends or does not attend any establishment of the regular educational system of the country.

[Below the text is a form.]

Ask the question to all persons 5 years old or older. Ask it as it is in the form - Are you enrolled in any regular education center?, or ask it in the following manner: Do you attend school, secondary school or the university?, and write down response be it affirmative or negative. If a person attends a center that does not from part of regular education of the country, they are not considered, for census purposes, "school attendance", as for example "equivalence high school degree"(bachillerato por madurez), classes of the INA, classes of business schools.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 9 - 12 are] For those 5 years of age and older

10. Does ____ attend preschool, primary school, high school, or university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Second Block:

Only for persons 5 years old or older

Question 10: Attendance at Centers of Regular Education

With this question an estimation of the access of the population to regular education is meant to be obtained.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

Regular education: It is understood to be kindergarten or preparatory, primary school, secondary school, school of special education, associate degree (parauniversitaria) or university, public or private. In the case of associate degrees they are only considered regular education if the study they belong to a program directed at obtaining a degree of diploma, of two to three years of duration and that has as a requisite having graduated from the secondary level.

On the contrary, do not include within the regular education those institutes that prepare the student to obtain a high school diploma by experience/maturity (bachillerato por madurez), or for the passing of secondary years through exams, nor any other open system of education. Also do not consider the attendance at non-regular centers of education like the INA and schools for commercial training or for computers, that teach short courses.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
13. Does [the respondent] attend??

[] 1 Daycare, nursery school, or preschool
[] 2 Kindergarten, elementary or secondary school
[] 3 Open education (MEP exams)
[] 4 University prep school or university
[] 5 Special education
[] 6 Day center for elderly
[] 7 Does not attend (go to 15)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 13: Attendance to centers of learning and care

13. Does [name] attend...?

[] 1 daycare, nursery school, or preschool
[] 2 kindergarten, elementary or secondary school
[] 3 open education (MEP exams)
[] 4 university prep school or university
[] 5 special education
[] 6 day center for elderly
[] 7 does not attend (go to 15)
Daycare, nursery school, or preschool: these are public and private centers where children between 0 and 5 years of age attend. These exclude the CEN CINAI.

Kindergarten : this is understood as attending the grade prior to the first year of elementary school

Elementary or secondary school: this is the attendance to a regular day or night education center of an academic or technical elementary, middle or high school

Open education (exams before the MEP): this is attendance to an institution of elementary or secondary education but under programs adapted for taking exams before the MEP. These have a different duration from that established in the formal education.

It is considered that a person attends the "open education" if he/she is properly registered and regularly attends some center or program. Some of the most common are: IPEC, CINDEA, New

[p. 150]

Opportunities, home teacher, and private institutions.

This does not include the people that are registered in the MEP to take exams but prepare themselves alone or pay a separate professor. This does not include people that attend technical education centers like the National Institute of Learning (INA) or schools of commercial training of computation, language, free courses or others that give short courses.

University prep school: this refers to the institutions of superior education recognized by the National Council of Superior Education and whose principal objective is to offer short courses, of two or three years for people graduated from secondary education, from where they receive a diploma.

University: this refers to public and private institutions recognized as such by the National Council of Superior Education where high school, undergraduate, masters, specialty, and doctorate titles are obtained.

Special education: this is composed of the people that attend schools of special education or centers of specialized education for the people that present some permanent limitation of physical or intellectual disability.

Day center for the elderly: these are centers of care to which adult people attend for a few hours to receive food and recreation services, among others. These do not include institutions or homes where the people live, but rather only those that function during the day.

Dominican Republic 1960 — source variable DO1960A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
13. School attendance (For those 5 years of age and older.)
The year underway or just completed, followed by the letter P, S or U. Write U.A. for those who attend a literacy center.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
63. Question 13. School attendance (For those 5 years of age and older). The grade that is currently studied or that was recently completed, at the level of primary, secondary, or university, is recorded for those who are 5 years of age and older and who are registered and attending a regular educational institution, public or private.

The annotation is made following the instructions for the previous question. The year studied or recently completed along with the letter "P", "S", or "U". The initials "U.A." are recorded for those attending a literacy center.

The words "Does not attend" are recorded for those who do not attend school.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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Persons 5 years of age and older [Applies to questions 7-10]

10. School attendance. Is the enumerated person currently enrolled? (Studying in any primary school, high school, or university?)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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11.5.2. Educational characteristics. Questions 7-10, referring to the enumerated person's educational characteristics, are presented to those 5 years of age and older.

d) Question 10. School attendance. In order to complete the educational information, it is necessary to find out if the enumerated person is registered and attending (studying) in any school, secondary school, or university. In order that the affirmative answer be marked, it is necessary to confirm that the enumerated person is registered and accepted as a student in any educational establishment.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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43. Do you currently attend or did you attend any establishment of regular schooling?

Currently attending
[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private
[] 3 Not attending but did attend
[] 4 Never attended
[] 9 Unknown
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 43: Do you attend a regular educational institution?

(Regular education refers to establishments who give courses in pre-school, elementary, intermediate, secondary, or university)

If the answer is "attends", circle 1 or 2 is filled in, depending if the establishment is public or private.

For those on vacation from school, one of the "attending" options is filled in.

For those courses via Radio or correspondence, such as those by APEC or Radio MarĆ­a, circle 1, 2, or 3 is filled in, according to the case.

The other alternatives are read in the indicated order and the corresponding circle is filled in.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_EDVOC — Attending or attended vocational school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For individuals 10 years of age and older[Applies to questions 48-50.]

48. Do you currently attend or did you attend any center of vocational, technical, or commercial training?

[] 1 Attending
[] 2 Not attending but did attend
[] 3 Never attended
[] 9 Unknown
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For persons 10 years of age or older

Question 48: Does the person, or did the person, attend a vocational, technical, or commercial educational institution?

The alternatives are read in the indicated order and the corresponding circle is filled in.

Note: For those taking correspondence courses, circle 1 -- "attending" -- is filled in or circle 2 -- "not attending but did attend" -- is filled in if the correspondence course was previously taken.

Questions 49 and 50 are only presented to those who answered "attending or not attending but did attend" in question 48.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_SCHOOL — Attends or attended school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For persons of 3 years old and more
[Questions 37-44 were asked of persons age 3+.]

38. Does/did [the respondent] attend a school, college or university, whether public or private?

[] 1 Attending a public school (Go to question 40)
[] 2 Attending a private school (Go to question 40)
[] 3 Never attended school (Go to question 45)
[] 4 Not currently attending but attended in the past
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For People Age 3 or Older

Question 38: Has (NAME) attended school, high school or university, public or private?

Fill in the correct answer.
If the person answer that he/she is going to a public or private school, fill in the corresponding bubble and then skip to question 40.
If the person answers that he/she "Never went to school", fill in the bubble with the corresponding answer and then skip to question 45.
If the person answers that he/she is not going to school but that he/she went before, fill in the corresponding bubble and then go to question 39.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_SCHOOL — Attended/attending school
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For persons age 3 and over

36. Has [the respondent] attended school, high school or university?

[] 1 Yes, attends school
[] 2 Does not currently attend but attended school
[] 3 Never attended school
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Question 36. Has [the respondent] attended school, high school or university?
This question is designed to find out information about school attendance for all people age 3 and older. Attendance is defined for any accredited educational institution or program, in other words public or private, of levels ranging from preschool, primary or basic school, secondary or high school and university.
For purposes of the Census the following are not considered educational centers: daycare, typing school, fashion or beauty school, mechanics shop, radio and television courses or other extracurricular courses.
Ask if the interviewee attends or has attended school, college or university. Fill in the corresponding bubble to the answer given by the informant. If the answers is "Yes, attends school", then fill in code 1. Otherwise if the informant answers that the person "Does not attend, but attended school in the past", then fill in code 2. Or if the informant "Never went to school", then fill in code 3, and skip to question 42.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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VIII. Educational

For those 6 years of age and older:
[Applies to questions 11 through 13]

(11) Currently attending any educational institution?
Yes or No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 11: Do you attend an educational establishment?
Ask this question only of people 6 and older, and record "Yes" when they are regularly attending an educational establishment, and, if not, record "No."

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all individuals 6 years of age and older [Applies to questions 9-11]

10. Do you attend any institution of schooling, whether primary, secondary, post-secondary (superior), or a literacy center?

[] 1 Yes, attending
[] 2 Not attending
[] 9 Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 11

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 11, "do you attend any establishment of primary, secondary, or post-secondary instruction?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Read the two alternatives aloud, indicate that it does not include attending beauty, cooking, stenography, typing, or language schools; mark the box corresponding to the response given by the person being enumerated.

[Note that this question corresponds to question 10 on the enumeration form and that the item on the enumeration form adds "literacy center" in the question and "unknown" to the responses.]

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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For all individuals 6 years of age and older

10. Do you attend any institution of regular schooling, whether a literacy center, primary, secondary, or post-secondary (superior)?

[] 1 Yes, attending
[] 2 Not attending
[] 9 Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 9, 10 and 11 on Educational characteristics should be asked of all people 6 and older.

Question 10. Do you attend any regular instructional establishment, literacy center, primary, secondary, or post-secondary [school]?

Mark the box that corresponds to the answer that the informant gives. Don't take into account short courses and correspondence courses.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all individuals 6 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 9-12.]

10. Do you currently attend any institution of regular schooling? (Literacy center, primary, secondary, post-secondary (superior), or post-graduate)

[] 1 Yes, attending
[] 2 Not attending
[] 9 Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 10. Does he/she currently attend a regular educational center? (Literacy center, elementary, secondary, university, or post-graduate).

No matter what the person's age, always ask the question and mark the corresponding box.

Take into account that courses such as: beauty, artisan, sewing, correspondence courses and similar courses will not be considered.

Does he/she currently attend a regular educational center? (Literacy center, elementary, secondary, university, or post-graduate).

[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No
[ ] 9 Don't know.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_SCHOOL — Attending an educational establishment.
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

12. Does he/she currently attend a regular educational center? (Literacy center, elementary, secondary, basic school, middle school, post-high school, university, post-graduate).
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No
[ ] 9 Don't know

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 12.- Do you currently attend a regular instructional establishment? (Literacy center, primary [school], secondary [school], basic education, secondary education, post-high school cycle, post-secondary, or graduate)

[There is a picture of question 12 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Remember that this question is for all people 5 years of age and older; always ask the question and mark the appropriate box. Keep in mind that institutes, academies, centers, etc. that offer courses in beauty, dressmaking, handicrafts, by correspondence, and the like will not be considered regular instructional establishments.

[There is a drawing of a man walking into a school, and the yes box is checked for this question on the enumeration form.]

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_SCHOOL — Current attendance to education institution
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For persons five years old or more.
[Questions 19 to 26 were asked of all people five years and older.]

21. Does [the respondent] currently attend an establishment for regular education?
(Literacy center, pre-school, public school, private school, university)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to question 23)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Section 4]

Step 13: Continue with section 4, information about the population / C. Educational characteristics.

[A copy of section 4C of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.
  • Remember that this is only for people 5 years old and older.
  • If the person only knows to read or only to write mark x in box 2 and continue with question 21.
  • Questions 21, 23, and 25 have leaps.
  • Mark question 23 according to the answer of the informant. If the informant mentions having finished the school, register x in code 5; if the informant mentions that he/she is in basic education, you should mark code 6.
  • Question 24 will be registered according to the level of instruction marked in question 23.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_SCHOOL — School enrollment
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[Questions 8-14 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

8. Joining or dropping out of school

[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Never been to school
[] 3 Graduated/finished school
[] 4 Dropped out
[] 5 Currently in school (for 4 and 5, specify stage and year)

_Stage (1-4)

_Year (1-6)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Table 1: Household characteristics

9. Educational level or the highest degree (for those 10 years and older)
There are 2 squares on the right, and 4 squares on the left.

Fill only the 2 squares on the right, leaving the rest of the squares to be coded by the Information Technology sector.

One of the following answers is written:

1. Member is below age
2. Member is illiterate
3. Member who can read and write with no certificate
4. Illiteracy eradication: for the member who was enrolled in illiteracy eradication classes and completed his/her studies and got an illiteracy eradication certificate
5. Member who obtained elementary school certificate (general / azhari)
6. Member who obtained preparatory certificate (general / industrial / agricultural / commercial)
7. Intermediate degree (general / commercial / industrial / agricultural)
8. Above intermediate degree
9. University degree
10. Higher diploma
11. Masters degree
12. Doctorate degree

If the member has a degree, the correct code is written inside the square on the right, and the highest scientific degree he/she obtained and his/her specialization are written below the squares. Nothing will be written in the four squares on the left so that the Information Technology sector can code the degree.

[Example has been omitted.]

If number (7) or (8) is marked, then the degree and specialization are written on the line below the squares, for example: (general secondary certificate - vocational secondary; commerce - vocational secondary; industry - 2 years post-secondary; commerce - vocational institute; 2 years post secondary - industry vocational institute, etc.) and the 4 squares on the left are blank to be coded by the Information Technology sector.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 10-13 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

11. Do you or did you attend an institution of formal schooling?

[] 1 Currently attending
[] 2 Not currently attending but did attend
[] 3 Never attended - skip to question 13
[] 4 Unknown - skip to question 13

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

4.5.3 For persons age 5 or older
This part just refers to people five years of age and up, as a result the interview ends with question 9b for persons younger than 5, skipping the questions 10 through 13 to the following page.

11. School attendance
Do you attend or did you attend a formal school center?

This question refers to the attendance of a school center belonging to the regular system. Participation in courses of cosmetology, haircut or dressmaking, computation, workplace trainings, literacy, etc., will not be considered as attendance.

[pg. 45]

Currently attends school:
"Currently attends school" should be marked for people who are studying during the year even though they are on vacation, waiting for final exams, or between semesters in the case of university students.

Does not currently attend but attended school previously.
This is for two situations, one where the person studied a short or long major/course of study and finished it, and the other when without finishing any major/course of study, the person attended at least one primary, secondary or upper level year.

Never attended school:
This corresponds to people who never attended school.

This refers, in particular, to older people who for reasons related to age do not remember if they attended or not.

For those who responded "Never attended" or "Unknown", the questions 12a, 12b, and 12c should be skipped, to question 13.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_ATTSCHL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 9-12 are for persons age 5 or older]

11a. What is the last grade or highest school year passed?

[] 1 Nursery/kindergarten (go to questions 11d.) ____
[] 2 Primary or basic (go to questions 11d.) ____
[] 3 Secondary education [educaciĆ³n media] ____
[] 4 Short course of studies after the sixth grade leading to a degree ____
[] 5 Non-university, higher education ____
[] 6 University-level technical studies [tƩcnico universitaria] ____
[] 7 Advanced university [superior universitaria] ____
[] 8 Master's ____
[] 9 Doctorate ____

11b: Have you completed your high school, technical, university, master's or doctorate degree?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 9-12 are for persons age 5 or older]

Question 10: Do you attend or did you attend a school?
This question refers to attendance at a school belonging to the regular system.
Do not include attendance at classes in cosmetology, tailoring and dressmaking, computing, work-place training, adult education, etc.

Currently attends:
This is for persons who are studying during the [school] year even though they may be on vacation, waiting for final exams or between semesters (in the case of university students).

Is not attending but attended:
This is for two situations. The first is one in which the person studied for either a short course of studies leading to a degree or long course of studies leading to a degree and finished it. The other is for a situation in which the person attended at least one grade of primary, secondary or higher education but did not complete a degree.

Never attended:
This is for people who never attended school. Skip to number 12 for people who choose this option.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_SCHLEV — Education level currently attending
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Educational status
29. Write grade enrolled for those now attending, 24 if attended in the past, 25 if never attended.

_ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 29 - School Attendance

If currently enrolled in school, grade attending, if attended in the past, code"24", if never attended code "25".

For those five years old and over, their school enrollment at the time of the census and the grade they are in will be entered in the column. For those currently enrolled,

Questions that enable to find out correct responses have to be posed to the head of the household or to concerned persons if:

a) they have ever been enrolled in school in the past or
b) if neither have they been enrolled.

Then for those enrolled the correct code from the list of codes given below will be entered in column 29 card columns 53 and 54 after recording the label in short.

Grade Level Enrolled In

A. For currently attending

00 = Attending pre- school or under grade one
01 = Attending grade one
02 = Attending grade two
03 = Attending grade three
04 = Attending grade four
05 = Attending grade five
06 = Attending grade six
07 = Attending grade seven
08 = Attending grade eight
09 = Attending grade nine
10 = Attending grade ten
11 = Attending grade eleven
12 = Attending grade twelve
20 = Attending in school, institute, college or university at level above grade 12 to qualify with BA or BSc degree
21 = Attending college or university at level above grade 12 to obtain first degree /BA, BSc. /
22 = Attending university in post graduate program
23 = Attending educational institution that cannot be classified under regular educational standard. Examples are Priest School, Koran School, Litracy Program, Training Institute requiring lower level educational qualification.

B. For those who attended in the past and not enrolled at the time of the census

24 = For all who have attended in the past in school, institute, college or university but not enrolled at the time of the census.

C. For those who have never attended

25 = For all who have never attended in the past in any school, institute, etc. and not attending at the time of the census.

The following example makes the data collection more clear for cases which are impossible to get complete and direct response.

What is the grade level a student in the Addis Ababa Technical School who has completed his first year education and currently enrolled in his second year education is attending? This is determined by adding the grade level he is required to complete in regular school to qualify for admission in the technical; school on the school year he currently is in. Because entry to the technical school requires completion of at least 10th grade, his current grade level has to be 12 [10 + 2]

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_SCHOOL — Grade or educational level of enrollment in school
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Five years and above
[Questions 26-27 were asked of resident members age 5+.]

Educational status

26. Enter grade enrolled for those now attending school

97=Attended school in the past
98=Never attended school
_ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 26 - 27: Educational status of persons aged 5 years and above
Questions in columns 18 - 20 refer only to members of a given household aged 5 years and over. During the time of enumeration, information on the school attendance status of the person and the highest grade the individual has completed will be asked and collected. All questions refer to the educational status of individuals aged 5 years and over at the time of the census.

I. School attendance and enrollment

Column 26: Enter grade enrolled for those currently attending school, code 97 if attended in the past and code 98 if never attended school
For those members of a household who are reported to be attending school at the time of the census, the grade level they are attending will be asked and the information obtained will be entered by their correct code as given on the next page. For those persons who are not attending school during the time of the census but who have attended sometime in the past, code 97 will be assigned. For individuals who have never attended school, code 98 will be given.

This question refers to the current school attendance status of persons aged 5 years and over. All eligible persons will be asked and based on the information obtained the appropriate code will be assigned from the given list of codes. Persons who are currently attending school (those who attend school at the time of enumeration) are those who are attending formal education in schools, training institutions, universities, colleges, etc., and persons who attend informal education like religious education at the time of enumeration. The schooling can be given by either paid or unpaid/volunteer persons/teachers.

Persons who are trying to adopt some skills during spare time with the help of their relatives or persons whom they know, for example daily laborers who try to acquire some skills about carpentry, mechanical works, and sewing while working, are not considered to be attending school. Nevertheless, those who are acquiring skills in training institutions at the time of the census are taken as persons who are attending school.

Those who attend formal educational institutions are given codes 00 to 12 and 20 to 23. For individuals who are reported to be attending informal education such as religious education, skill development like typing, carpentry, mechanical works, driving, sewing, etc., code 96 will be assigned.

Persons who are not attending school at the time of enumeration are divided in to two categories:

1. Those who are not reported to be attending school at the time of enumeration, but who have attended sometime in the past
2. Those who have never attended school

Those in category 1 are individuals who attended school sometime in the past but are not currently attending because of dropout or completion of the program. For those cases, code 97 will be given. Those in category 2 are individauls who have never attended any form of education and for them code 98 will be assigned.

To enable the enumerators to assign and enter the necessary code, the list of grade levels and the corresponding codes are listed below.

A: Grade levels and codes for those attending school at the time of enumeration

00. Pre-school: persons who are attending kindergarten or levels below grade 1
01. Grade 1: persons who are attending grade 1
02. Grade 2: persons who are attending grade 2
03. Grade 3: persons who are attending grade 3
04. Grade 4: persons who are attending grade 4
05. Grade 5: persons who are attending grade 5
06. Grade 6: persons who are attending grade 6
07. Grade 7: persons who are attending grade 7
08. Grade 8: persons who are attending grade 8
09. Grade 9: persons who are attending grade 9
10. Grade 10: persons who are attending grade 10
11. Grade 11: persons who are attending grade 11
12. Grade 12: persons who are attending grade 12
21. Certificate: persons who have completed 12th grade and are attending institutions like teachers training institute or colleges for certificate program (those attending colleges or universities for diploma or degree program are not included here)
21. College diploma: persons who are attending a higher education (college or degree) program which is designed to graduate students with a diploma (see the list of colleges, universities recognized as higher education institutions)
22. Degree: persons who are attending a program in a higher education institution which is designed to graduate students with a degree such as B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., M.D. (see the list of colleges, universities recognized as higher education institutions)
23. Postgraduate: persons who are attending a postgraduate program which is designed to graduate students with a postgraduate degree such as M.Sc., M.A. or Ph.D.
95. Adult education: persons who are attending adult education
96. Non-formal education: persons who are attending non-formal education like religious education at the time enumeration
List of recognized colleges and universities during the 1994 census
a. Addis Ababa University (includes; Awassa Agricultural College, Debre Zeit Veterinary Faculty, Gonder Medical College and Bahir Dar Pedagogical College)
b. Alemaya University
c. Ambo Agricultural College
d. Jimma Agricultural College
e. Wendo Genet Forestry College
f. Bahir Dar Polytechnic Institute
g. Addis Ababa College of Commerce
h. Cotebe Teachers College
i. Jimma Medical Institute
j. Urban Plan College
k. Arba Minch Water Technology Institute
l. Mekele Business College

Diplomas awarded other than those listed above (in Ethiopia) are considered a certificate and will be given code 20.

B. For those who have attended before but are not attending at the time of census
Dropout cases or those who attended before, 97: Persons who have previously attended any form of education either in formal or informal educational institutions but are not attending school at the time of enumeration.

C. Those who never attended before
Never attended before, 98: Persons who have never attended any form of education either in formal or informal educational institutions.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance (level and grade)
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 18-20 were asked of long form respondents age 5+.]

19. Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

If "yes," enter the code for the grade.
If not attending, ask if attended before.
_ _
[] 97 Attended school in the past
[] 98 Never attended school (skip to question 21)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 18-20:- About Literacy and Educational Status of Persons Aged 5 Years and Above.

Questions from 18-20 refer to only members of a given household aged 5 years and over. During the time of enumeration information on the ability of the person to read and write with the language he/she speaks, the school attendance status of the person and the highest grade the individual has completed will be asked and collected. All questions refer to the literacy and educational status of individuals aged 5 years and over at the period of the census.

Question 19:- Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

For those members of a household who are reported to be attending school at the time of the census, the grade levels they are attending will be asked and the information obtained will be filled in the given questionnaire and shaded. For those persons who are not attending school during the time of the census but had attended sometime in the past, code 97 will be assigned. For individuals who have never attended code 98 will be given and the enumerator should skip to question 21 without asking question 20.

This question refers to the current school attendance status of persons aged 5 year and over. All eligible persons will be asked and based on the information obtained the appropriate code will be assigned from the given list of codes. Persons who are currently attending school (those attends school at the time of enumeration) are those who are attending formal education in schools, training institutions, universities, colleges and etc... and persons who attend informal education like religious education at the time of enumeration. The education can be given by either paid or unpaid/volunteer persons/teachers.

Persons who are trying to adopt some skills during spare time with the help of their relatives or persons whom they know are not considered as individuals who are attending school such as, daily laborers who try to acquire some skills about carpentry, mechanical works and sewing while working. Nevertheless, those who are acquiring skills in training institutions at the time of the census are taken as persons who are attending school.

For those who attend in the formal educational institutions are given codes from "00" to "14" and from "20" to "22". For individuals who are reported to be attending informal education such as religious education, skill development like typing, carpentry, mechanical works, driving, sewing and etc..., code 96 will be assigned and shaded. Moreover for persons who are found to be attending adult education, code 95 will be given.

Persons who are not attending school at the time of enumeration are divided in to two categories.
Those who are not reported to be attending at the time of enumeration, but had attended sometime in the past and;
Those who have never attended school.

Those who are stated under category 1 are individuals who attended school at some point of time in the past but currently found to be not attending because of dropout or completion of the programme. For those cases code 97 will be given. However, member of a given household who stated under category 2 are the one who have never attended any form of education and for them code 98 will be assigned. However persons who were attending school but reported to be not attending at the time of the census due to the end of academic year or vacation should be considered as cases, which attend school. For instance, students who had attended grade 8 or 10 during the academic year and taken exam prior to the time of census but found to be not attending due to the end of the academic year are given code that corresponds to persons attending grade 8 or 10.

For the purpose of enabling the enumerators to assign and mark the necessary codes to the information obtained, the list of level of grades which the respondents attend at the time of census with their corresponding list of codes are given below.

A: - Grade Levels With Codes for Those Attending School at the Time of Enumeration.

Grade level, Code, Description
Preschool, 00, for persons who are attending kindergarten or schools below grade 1

Grade 1, 01, for persons who are attending grade 1

Grade 2, 02, for persons who are attending grade 2

Grade 3, 03, for persons who are attending grade 3

Grade 4, 04, for persons who are attending grade 4

Grade 5, 05, for persons who are attending grade 5

Grade 6, 06, for persons who are attending grade 6

Grade 7, 07, for persons who are attending grade 7

Grade 8, 08, for persons who are attending grade 8

Grade 9, 09, for persons who are attending grade 9

Grade 10, 10, for persons who are attending grade 10

First year preparatory, 11, for persons who are attending the first year preparatory program which enables them to join higher educational institution

Second year preparatory, 12, for persons who are attending the second year preparatory program which enables them to join higher educational institution

10+1, 13, for persons who are attending the 10+1 vocational and technical educational program that is designed to graduate students with certificate

10+2, 14, for persons who are attending the 10+2 vocational and technical educational program that is designed to graduate students with certificate.

College diploma or 10+3, 20, for persons who are attending the 10+3 vocational and technical educational program which is designed to graduate students with diploma

Degree, 21, for persons who attends program in higher institution which is designed to graduate students with degree such as B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., M.D.

Post graduate, 22, for persons who are attending post graduate program which is designed to graduate students with post graduate degree such as M.Sc., M.A. or Ph.D.

Adult Education, 95, for persons who are attending adult education

Non formal education, 96, for persons who are attending non-formal education like religious education at the time enumeration.

For Those Who Had Attended before but are Not Attending at the Time of Census

Dropout cases or those who attended before

Code: 97
Description: For persons who had attended any form of education either in the formal or non-formal educational institutions before but currently found to be not attending at the time of enumeration.

Those Who Never Attended Before

Never attended before

Code: 98
Description: For persons who have never attended any form of education either in the formal or non- formal educational institutions before

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all persons
[Questions 1-11.]

State if attending school this year.

Write Yes or No.

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all persons
[Questions 1-13 were asked of all persons]

12. School attendance

Attending school, left school, never been

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Question 12 - School attendance

131. "Is this person attending school this year?"

132. A person is either:
Attending school - write "At"
Has left school - write "Left"
Or has never been to school - write "Never"

In this sense, 'school' means any educational establishment in which primary or secondary education is given on a full-time basis.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_SCHOOL — School enrollment status
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D12. School attendance
[Question D12 was asked of all persons.]
Attending school/institution full time (AT), left school (LEFT), never been (NB)
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Question D12 - School attendance

131. Ask,
'Is this person attending school this year?'

132. A person is either


attending school - write 'AT'.
has left school - write 'LEFT'.
or has never been to school - write 'NB'.

In this sense 'school' means any educational establishment in which kindergarten, primary, secondary or university or tertiary education is given on a full time basis.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

D15. Is [the person] currently attending any formal educational institution?

(Tick appropriate box)
[ ] 1 Full time (Go to D16a)
[ ] 2 Part time (go to D16a)
[ ] 3 Left school (Go to D16b)
[ ] 4 Never been (Go to D18)

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D9] Is this person currently attending any formal educational institution?

Tick appropriate box.
[] 1 Full time [Go to D10a]
[] 2 Part time [Go to D10a]
[] 3 Left school [Go to D10b]
[] 4 Never been [Go to D12]

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Education and professional formation (for all persons born before January 1st, 1962)
[Applies to questions 8 - 11]

8. Are you currently a student?

[] Yes (Answer question 9)
[] No (Answer questions 10 and 11)

Do not answer "yes" unless you are taking classes (including professional or technical classes) or at the university for the normal duration of the school year.
If you are apprenticed under contract, if you are not taking any classes except for some professional classes part-time, or classes by correspondence for perfecting your skills, seasonal agricultural classes, etc. answer "no".

Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

b. What is your occupation? ____
c. How long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 from 3 to 6 months
[] 3 from 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 a year or more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 8: Students must answer "Yes".
Others must answer "No"

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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8. For all children between the ages of 2 and 14

Does the child attend school (including kindergarten or pre-school?)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_STUDENT — Student
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For all person aged 14 or older

9. Are you currently:

[] 1 A student
[] 2 A paid intern (work-experience internship with a company, or vocational training internship, including A.F.P.A.)
[] 3 Other status (Including an apprentice under contract, employee training, taking evening classes or correspondence courses C.N.T.E)

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_SCHOOL — Enrollment in an academic institution
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7. Were you enrolled for the 1998-1999 school year in a school?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
If yes, the school is located:
[] 1 In the city where you live (or the district for Paris, Lyon, Marseilles)
[] 2 In another city (or another city sector)

Indicate this other city (specify the city sector)
County _ _
City ____

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_SCHOOL — Enrollment in school
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4. Are you enrolled in school in the current school year?
Include apprenticeships and university studies.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If yes, where is the school?
[] 1 In the same location of your current municipality of residence (or administrative district in Paris, Lyon, or Marseille)
[] 2 In a different location of your current municipality of residence (or administrative district in Paris, Lyon, or Marseille)
[] 3 In another municipality (or another administrative district in Paris, Lyon, or Marseille). Indicate the other municipality:
Municipality ______________
Department ____________
Overseas department number _________

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_SCHOOL — Enrolled in learning establishment
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Individual form

4) Are you enrolled in a learning establishment for the current school year?
Including an apprenticeship or higher education

[ ] 1 Yes
If yes, where is this learning establishment located?
[ ] 1 In the municipality where you live (or in the same district for Paris, Lyon, Marseille)
[ ] 2 In another municipality (or another district)
Indicate this other municipality ____
Municipality (and district for Paris, Lyon, Marseille), department, DOM (overseas department) number
[ ] 2 No

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_ATTEND — Presently attending a school
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9. Are you at present attending school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Intermediate school
[] High school
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University

*) Also school for technicians

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_SCHOOL — Education status
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8. Are you currently:
[] 1 Pupil
[] 2 Apprentice
[] 3 Full-time university student

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_STUDENT — Pupil / student
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Question 7: Are you economically active, unemployed?
Persons who are part of an employment/service relationship, pursue an independent trade, practice a liberal profession, or work as family workers are considered economically active. Persons participating in programs aimed at further education, retraining/reeducation and rehabilitation and are in possession of a work contract should also mark "economically active". Services performed on an honorary basis are not considered an economic activity.

"Economically active up to 36 hours per week" should also be marked if work is performed by the hour, half days or on certain days of the week only.

Unemployed persons who are earning some money on the side should mark "economically active up to 36 hours per week" in addition to "unemployed, looking for work."

Juveniles in their first year of vocational training who do not have a contract of employment/training should mark both "not economically active" and "pupil, student".

For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

7. Are you:

Several answers are possible

[] Economically active (1) full-time (over 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Economically active (1) part-time (up to 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Unemployed, looking for work
[] Not economically active
[] Housewife, "houseman"
[] Pupil, student

(1) = Also farmer, family worker, apprentice, soldier, person doing civilian alternative service
(2) = Based on the number of hours normally worked during a week

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Answer only for persons aged 5 years and over
[Question 7 was asked of persons age 5 and older.]

7. Full-time education

(a) Have you attended or are you attending school now?
0 [] Never
1 [] Now
3 [] Past
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7. Full-time education.

The questions on full-time education are strictly limited, to persons aged five years and over. They refer to full-time education in an educational institution like primary, middle, secondary, commercial or technical school, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational or trade training.

This definition excludes private tuition, correspondence courses, night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, vocational training schools, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like productivity institute, auditor-general's training school, agricultural training school, forestry training school, textile training school, draughtsmanship school, military academy, police training school, survey school, labour college, etc. It also excludes ungraded schools like nurseries and the Arabic schools where nothing but the reading and writing of the Koran is taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught should automatically be excluded because there are recognized schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

1a. Have you attended or are you attending school now?

Three boxes marked never, past, now, are provided for this question and you should mark a cross in only one of them.

(a) Never- Mark a cross in this box if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Past- Mark a cross in this box if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.
(c) Now- Mark a cross in this box if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_SCHOOL — Ever attended school (full-time)
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P12 Educational characteristics (Answer for persons 3 years or older)

P12a Full time education: Has (name) ever attended/attending school now? (If P12a = 1, go to P13).

[] 1 Never (go to P13)
[] 2 Now
[] 3 Past

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P12: Educational characteristics: Ask all persons 3 years or older

P12a School attendance: Has (name) ever attended/attending school now?

This question refers to full time education in an educational institution such as, nursery, kindergarten (pre-school), primary, middle, junior secondary, secondary, vocational, commercial or technical, senior secondary, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four (4) hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational skill or trade training.

This definition excludes night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, adult literacy school, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like National Productivity Institute, Auditor-General's Training School, Accountant-General Training School, Labour College, Commercial Bank Training School, etc. It excludes Arabic schools where only reading and writing of the Quoran are taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught must automatically be excluded because there are recognised schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

Three Options: never, now, past are provided for this question and you must write and mark only one of them:

a. Never - Write and mark X for box 1, if the person has never at any time received full-time education. If you mark never i.e. box 1 then skip to P13 without asking P12b and P12c.
b. Now - Write and mark box 2, if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census. It includes those who are on vacation at the time of the Census and would be going back to school.
c. Past - Write and mark box 3, if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Full time education: answer for persons 3 years and older
[P12a, P12b and P12c were asked for persons 3 years of age and older.]

P12a. Has [the respondent] ever attended school or is [the respondent] attending school now?

[] Never [skip questions P12a and P12b]
[] Past
[] Now
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P12a. School attendance: Has (name) ever attended school or is (name) attending school now?

This question refers to full time education in an educational institution such as, nursery, kindergarten (pre-school), primary, junior secondary, junior high school, middle, senior secondary, senior high school, secondary, vocational, commercial or technical, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four (4) hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on trade training.

This definition excludes night schools and trade schools such as catering schools, floral schools, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like National Productivity Institute, Auditor-General's Training School, Accountant-General Training School, Labor College, Commercial Bank Training School, etc. It includes schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught. It, however, excludes Arabic schools where only reading and writing of the Qur'an are taught.

Three options: never, now, past are provided for this question and you must shade only one of them:

a. Never - Shade the circle with the option 'never' if the person has never at any time received full-time education. If you shade the option 'never', skip to P13a without asking P12b and P12c.

b. Now - Shade the circle with the option 'now' if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census Night. This includes those who are on vacation at the time of the Census Night and would be going back to school.

c. Past - Shade the circle with the option 'Past' if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it as at Census Night.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Educational and occupational characteristics
Persons 7 years old and more
[Questions 15 to 26 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]


16. School attendance: Does the person attend school or receive education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Educational and occupational characteristics

These questions should be asked exclusively of the persons who have informed that they are seven years old or older.

Question 16: School attendance

This question will be asked to known if the interviewee attends school or receives education.

You should note "yes" of all of those persons who attend a school, private school, public institute, academy, night school, public university, university school, etc. as well as persons who receive school instruction in their home.

You will write "no" for all of those persons who do not attend a regular educational center, as well as those who only receive correspondence classes, or classes of piano, singing, pattern clothing making, sewing and embroidery, cooking and baking, or typing or short-hand classes, which are only taken for a few unscheduled hours as complements to education. For the purposes of this census, we will understand that formal education is the one received by persons in elementary schools, secondary schools, and universities.

For the persons younger than seven years, you should make an X across all of the box.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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C - Cultural characteristics
(For those 7 years of age and older)
[Questions 11 to 14 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]

14. School attendance

Do you currently attend an institution of elementary, secondary, or higher education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C) Cultural characteristics (for persons aged seven years or older)

Questions 11-14 refer to the literacy and educational level of the enumerated person; either he or she completed the degree or is currently studying. For this reason, only persons aged seven and older are asked these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to find out the educational level of the population with respect to their demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Question 14: school attendance

1. How to ask the question:
Ask, "Are you currently attending a primary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education?"

2. How to record the answer:
If the respondent states that he or she attended a primary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education, mark an "X" in box 1, "yes." Otherwise, mark an "X" in box 2, "no."

If the respondent does not know if the enumerated person is attending a school, mark an "X" in box 9, "unknown."

3. Example:
[This box contains question 14 of the section VI "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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VII. People in the census household

For those 7 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 15 were asked for persons age 7+ old]

15. School attendance

Do you currently attend an institution of elementary, secondary or higher education? (For those individuals ages 7 to 14 who are not attending, ask the reason.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
(Reason for not attending) ____
[] 9 Unknown
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

C. Third block: educational characteristics (for those 7 years of age and older).

Questions 13 to 15 refer to the enumerated person's literacy and education completed or education being carried out. For this reason, only those persons 7 years of age and older are asked these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to discover the educational level of the population in relation to demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Question 15: school attendance

1. How to formulate the question

Do you currently attend an educational establishment; primary, middle, or tertiary?

2. How to record the data

If the informant declares that attends a primary, middle, or superior educational establishment, the number "1. yes" is marked.

On the other hand, number "2. no" is circled.

If the informant does not know if the enumerated person attends a regular educational establishment, number "9. unknown" is marked.

If the enumerated person, between the ages of 7 and 14, does not attend a regular educational establishment, the reasons for not attending are requested and recorded in the spaces provided.

[p. 75]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 15 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_SCHOOL — Currently attends school
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VII. People in the census household

15. School attendance

a. Do you currently attend an establishment of pre-primary primary, secondary or higher education?

[] 1 Yes [Go to question 16]
[] 2 No
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Questions for persons aged seven and older only
If the person is less than seven, do not ask him/her question 13-24. Instead, go to the next person on the list.

15. School attendance
School attendance means consistently taking classes in any grade or level that is part of the official educational structure of the country while attending any regular and accredited school, public or private.

Ask, "Are you currently attending a pre-primary, primary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education?" and mark an X in the appropriate circle.

If the person you are enumerating is between the ages of seven and fourteen and does not attend a school, ask the main reason for not attending and mark the appropriate circle. If they answer is "other reason," specify the reason.

[A graphic of box 15, "school attendance" is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]

Information related to the reason persons aged seven to fourteen are not attending school is important in implementing education policy. If the person is between seven and fourteen and is not attending a school you must record a reason. Do not leave this question blank!

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]

14. During the 2002 school year, did you attend an establishment of pre-primary, primary, secondary or higher education?

[] 1 Yes, public
[] 2 Yes, private
[] 3 No

If options 1 or 2 are selected, proceed to question 16.
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 12-20 are for persons aged seven or older.

14. School attendance
Ask, "Did the person attend a pre-primary, primary or secondary school, or a university, during the 2002 school year?"

[A graphic of question 14, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

[p. 62]

If the answer is yes, ask if it was a public or private institution and fill in the corresponding oval. Then go to question 16.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For the population aged 6 years and above: Characteristics of education
[Questions 12-14 were asked of persons aged 6 years and above.]

13. Highest grade completed ____
[The French text says "School attendance".]
Write the last grade attended, and the corresponding cycle (Cy), for instance: 1st cycle, 4th, grade, University, 2nd year. Write (-) if the person had never been to school

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B. Educational characteristics for the population aged 6 and older

Column (12): School attendance
123. Attending school (la frƩquentation scolaire) is attending school in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th cycle in a Revolutionary Teaching Center (CER), or attending any other training establishment to carry out regular studies at any level. Students on vacation are considered to be attending an academic institution.

124. The census enumerator (AR) shall ask the question in order to know whether the enumerated person attends any teaching institution. Depending on the answer, the census enumerator (AR) will write "Yes" or "No" in this column.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

P15 Activity status
[The French text says "Individual situation with respect to the economic activity"]

[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Unemployed
[] 3 Seeking first job
[] 4 Housewife
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Pensioner
[] 7 Student
[] 8 Other undetermined

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Column P15 Individual's Status with Regard to Economic Activity Status (Situation Individuelle Par Rapport Ć  l'Activite Economique)

Economic activity refers to productive work, i.e., paid work or remunerative labor. Thus, a mother who works hard in the fields to grow food destined for consumption by her family engages in remunerative labor; if she sells part of her agricultural production one could say that she is paid. She can buy other goods and services used to supply her family's basic needs with this money. Obviously, the salaried worker, the store keeper, the traveling salesperson, the blacksmith, etc., [all] engage in productive work or rather, economic activity. Thus, for the purposes of the census, the terms "economic activity," "profession," "occupation," and "employment" are all synonyms, since they all refer to the exercise of "productive work," "paid work," or "remunerative work".

[p. 46]

The variable "Individual's Status with Regard to Economic Activity" attempts to distinguish what they practice, whether or not they are engaged in an economic activity during the course of the given reference period related to economic activity. In the definition of modalities of this the National Census Bureau has moreover highlighted the concern with having too many details on [an] an individual case/instance where there is no exercise of an economic activity. In effect, all these cases [are] identical. Here, one of the modalities/options is presented:

a) Employed. Anyone, male or female, who has an economic activity in the course of the data reference period is "employed."
b) Unemployed. Any worker who has stopped practicing his/her economic activity and is, in the course of the data reference period, without paid or remunerative work, and is looking for a job, is "unemployed."
c) Looking for first job. Anyone, male or female, who has never had a paid or remunerative job and who is, over the course of the data reference period, looking for his/her first paying or remunerative job, is considered to be "looking for his/her first job."
d) Housewife. A "housewife" is any woman who, over the course of the data reference period has not been engaged in any economic activity, is not looking for an economic activity, has not looked for an economic activity or gone to any learning establishment, and dedicates herself exclusively to household tasks in her own household.
e) Retired. Any person, male or female, who has stopped exercising his/her economic activity and receives any type of retirement or disability pension paid by a social security administration or the state for a previous economic activity, is "retired."
f) Independent Income. This category is for any person, male or female, who does not engage in any economic activity over the course of the data reference period; is not seeking an economic activity over the course of the data reference period; draws his/her revenue and support from a guaranteed source of income (interest due on a more or less regular basis from invested funds or funds invested in farming, such as rental of land and/or buildings, certain types of capital equipment, etc.)
g) Student. Anyone registered for and attending a scholastic institution for the purpose of a general, technical or vocational education, or anyone attending a university in order to pursue and advanced degree, is a "student."
h) Other Inactive. This category groups anyone who does not engage in any economic activity, is not looking to engage in any economic activity over the course of the data reference period, and does not fall into one of the preceding categories.

How can you ask questions that will allow you to receive the appropriate answers? In the most cases proceed as follows:

[p. 47]

"Have you worked in the last 7 days?"
"Have you engaged in any paid work in the last 7 days?"
"Have you engaged in any remunerative activity in the last 7 days?"

a) If the answer is yes, the person is employed.
b) If the answer is no, many answers are still possible: 7 of them, to be precise.
You should then ask a series of questions, in the order given in the questionnaire, to successively verify which of the 7 answers is the correct one, unless you have good reasons for proceeding in another way.

Specific cases
1) The reference period in rural areas is one year in order to eliminate the negative effects of farmers' normal period of inactivity (dry season, off season). Thus, all individuals (man, woman, and women not attending an educational establishment) who work in agricultural, fishing, hunting or pastoral activities in this way are employed.
2) All married women who work at any economic activity during the reference period (fields, gardens, small business or micro-business, sewing, craftwork, etc.) while at the same time working in the home as a housewife in the classical sense (cooking, collecting water, gathering firewood, caring for children, etc.) should be considered employed regardless of the magnitude and regularity of her economic activity. Apply this same rule in the case of all unmarried women who have domestic responsibilities within the household while at the same time engaging in an economic activity.
3) Children aged 6-18 who regularly attend a general, technical or vocational schooling/educational establishment full time should be considered as students, even if, during the reference week, they have engaged in an economic activity.
4) Retired workers who draw a pension should be classified as employed if they have worked in an economic activity during the reference week, or in agricultural or pastoral work in the course of the year.
5) A business executive who has been relieved of his duties and is without a new appointment, and stays at home doing nothing during the reference period, is not considered unemployed if he continues to draw a salary and figure on the list of personnel: he is employed.

Given that the individual's type of economic activity is pre-coded, circle the corresponding number once you have received the appropriate response.

Warning: 1) If the answer is "employed" or "unemployed that is, if you have code number (1) or (2), ask questions related to one of the following variables: "profession or economic activity exercised," "employment status in economic activity exercised" and "branch of economic activity," which are situated in columns P16, P17 and P18, respectively.

2) If the answer is "looking for first job," "housewife," "retired," "independent income/pensioner" (rentier), "student," or "non-active other," you should have circled one of the following numbers: (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) or (8). In these cases, do not ask any questions related to the variables: "profession or economic activity exercised," and "branch of economic activity," and therefore you won't write anything in columns P16, P17, and PIS. Go directly to the variable "marital status," (column P19).

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 3 years or more
[Questions P16- P21 were asked of resident persons aged 3 years or older.]

P17. School attendance

Is [the respondent] currently in school or have they attended?

Enter the appropriate code. If P17 = 0, go to P21.

[] 0 Never
[] 1 Attended
[] 2 Currently attending

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_SCHOOL — School attendance in 1981-1982
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C. Educational characteristics
For persons 6 years and older.
[Questions 10-16 were asked of persons 6 years of age and older.]

12. School attendance: Was the person at school in the academic year 1981-1982?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to question 14)

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C) Education
[Questions 10-16.]
71. Questions relating to education are only asked of people 6 years old or more. For all people less than 6 years old, the interrogation stops at question 9.

Question 12: Time spent at school
73. This question is asked of people who regularly spent time in a teaching institution, 1981-1982.
Do not include in this category people who were receiving or are receiving at the time of the census a special education which is not part of a normal school system. This also goes for people who are receiving educational or internship education in a factory or workshop.
Please check "yes" or "no" in response to this question.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_SCHOOL — School or university attended during 2001-2002
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F2. Population aged 5 and older
[Questions F2.13 through F2.20 were asked for persons 5 years of age and older.]

19. Has this person attended an academic institution/university/ National Center for Technical and Professional Training or a literacy center during the 2001-2002 academic year? (Check as many boxes as apply.)

[] 01 Yes, academic institution/university
[] 02 Yes, technical and professional training center
[] 03 Yes, literacy center
[] 04 No (go to question 21) [If no, skip question 20]

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_ATTPROF — Professional or technical training center attended during 2001-2002
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F2. Population aged 5 and older
[Questions F2.13 through F2.20 were asked for persons 5 years of age and older.]

19. Has this person attended an academic institution/university/ National Center for Technical and Professional Training or a literacy center during the 2001-2002 academic year? (Check as many boxes as apply.)

[] 01 Yes, academic institution/university
[] 02 Yes, technical and professional training center
[] 03 Yes, literacy center
[] 04 No (go to question 21) [If no, skip question 20]

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_ATTLITCTR — Literacy center attended during 2001-2002
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F2. Population aged 5 and older
[Questions F2.13 through F2.20 were asked for persons 5 years of age and older.]

19. Has this person attended an academic institution/university/ National Center for Technical and Professional Training or a literacy center during the 2001-2002 academic year? (Check as many boxes as apply.)

[] 01 Yes, academic institution/university
[] 02 Yes, technical and professional training center
[] 03 Yes, literacy center
[] 04 No (go to question 21) [If no, skip question 20]

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_SCHOOL — Attended school
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For persons 5 years of age and older
[Questions 8-10 were asked of people aged 5 years or older]

9. Did you attend school during the last month?

[] Yes
[] No
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Educational characteristics
This section comprises questions 8, 9, and 10, and those questions should be asked to persons aged 5 years or older.

Column number 9: Did you attend school during the current month of April?
School attendance is not limited to primary [elementary] school only. It is desired to find out if, during the reference month, the person attended any educational center, this can be an elementary school, secondary school, or other educational establishment.

Since the University is not in session during the month of April, all university students will be marked down as not attending, which is untrue. To avoid this anomaly, the enumerator should ask if the person is attending the university; if this is the case, "yes" should be written down in column 9.

If the person had attended, as a student, any educational center at least once during the month of April, the answer is "yes".

Children 5 years of age who attend a kindergarten or day care are not considered to be attending school.

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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For persons 5 years of age and older
[Questions 8-10 were asked of people aged 5 years or older]

10. Last year completed
[Write the] Year in numbers followed by "P" for primary, "S" for secondary, or "U" for university. Example: 3 P, 2 S, 5 U

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Educational characteristics
This section comprises questions 8, 9, and 10, and those questions should be asked to persons aged 5 years or older.

Column number 10: Last year completed
With this information, it is desired to know the educational level of the population and it is necessary that the enumerator pay special attention [to the occupant].

For the persons who have never attended school and for those who attended but did have not complete even their first year of study, a dash (-) is written down.

For the rest of the population, the number of the last year completed is written down, followed by a letter "P" for primary, "S" for secondary, or "U" for university.

[p. 21]

Some faculties in our [Honduran] University have a preparatory course. For those university students who have passed preparatory but who have not entered the first year of university studies, the annotation is "PU", which means University Preparatory.

The annotation will be as follows: 3P, 2S, 1PU, and 4U; meaning third year in primary, second year in secondary, first year in university preparatory, and fourth year in university.

Studies in the Vocational Technical Institute, School of Arts and Trades, Industrial Arts School, School of Fine Arts, and similar are considered to be secondary education.

Be careful when interviewing current students. The question refers to the last year completed and not to the current year of study. E.g. for a child attending the third year of primary, "2P" is written down since the last year completed is second.

For the child attending the first year of primary, a dash (-) is recorded since no studies have been completed.

For the person attending the first year of secondary, "6P" is recorded since the last year completed is the sixth grade in primary.

For those in their first year at the university, ask if they attended the preparatory course, if this is the case, 1PU is recorded. Otherwise, write 5S since the last year completed is the fifth grade in secondary.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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B. - Educational Characteristics

(For all individuals 6 years of age and older)

13. Do you currently attend an institution of primary, secondary, or post-secondary schooling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Unknown
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B) Educational Characteristics (Only for persons aged six and older)

Questions 10-13 refer to the level of literacy and years of study the enumerated person has completed or is completing. For this reason, only ask person aged six and older these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to discover the level of education of the population in relation to its demographic, economic and social characteristics.

Question set 13: Attendance at School
"Are you/is the person currently attending a primary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education?"

If the respondent states that the enumerated person is attending a primary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education, mark an "X" in box 1 the "Yes" box. Otherwise, mark an "X" in box 2, the "No" box.

[p. 38]

If the respondent does not know if the enumerated person is attending a regular school, mark an "X" in box 9, "Unknown."

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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B. - Educational Characteristics

(For all individuals 6 years of age and older)

11. What is the last grade or year completed in primary, secondary or post-secondary school?

Mark the answers according to page 35 of your manual

[] 00 None
____ 1 Primary
____ 2 Secondary
____ 3 Post-secondary
[] 99 Unknown
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B) Educational Characteristics (Only for persons aged six and older)

Questions 10-13 refer to the level of literacy and years of study the enumerated person has completed or is completing. For this reason, only ask person aged six and older these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to discover the level of education of the population in relation to its demographic, economic and social characteristics.

Question set 11: Level of education
What was the last grade or year in primary or secondary school, or higher education, that you/the person successfully completed?

Note that two pieces of information are required here: a) The highest level of education; and b) The last year successfully completed at that level.

[p. 36]

The normal educational system in Guatemala has several levels: a) Primary; b) Secondary; c) Higher education

The following definitions will help you categorize the population correctly according to the above.

Primary Education. This education is intended to provide the basic elements of instruction. (grades 1-6).

Secondary Education. The purpose of this level is to provide general, or specialized, or both, types of education. The minimum requirement for students to be admitted is completion of primary education. This level of education is currently divided into basic [junior high] and high school.

Higher Education. This is instruction provided in universities and higher-level technical institutions. The minimum requirement for students to be admitted is completion of secondary education.

The form provides several boxes for recording the respondent's answer.

The "None" box, 00, is for those who have not passed any grade or are illiterate.

The spaces after the various levels of instruction, "Primary 1___," Secondary 2___," and Higher Education 3___" are for recording the highest grade or year passed.

Box 99, "Unknown," is provided for cases where the respondent is unable to provide information about a family member. For example:

a) If a person passed the third year of primary school, write 3 after "Primary 1" (Primary 1 3).
[p. 37]
b) If a person says that he/she has passed the first year of high school, find out if it was under the new system in which case write Secondary 2 4. If it was under the old system write Secondary 2 1. Do the same for all branches of secondary.

c) If a person says s/he has passed the university preparation course (CUEG) write Higher Education 3 P.

d) Remember to ask for the last grade passed and not the grade being attended.

If the person is attending the university preparation course (CUEG) write Higher Education 2 5 or 6 according to the last grade studied in secondary school

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_SCHOOL — Currently attending an educational institution
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B. Educational characteristics

10. Do you currently attend an educational establishment or literacy center?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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B. Educational characteristics

10. Do you currently attend an educational establishment or a literacy center?
Mark "yes" if the person attends any of the centers mentioned above.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_EDLEV — Highest level of education attained
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B. Educational characteristics

11. What is the highest level of studies that you have studied or completed?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Literacy center
[] 3 Pre-primary
(For responses 1-3, skip to question 15)
[] 4 Primary
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Post-secondary non-university
[] 7 Post-secondary university

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B. Educational characteristics

11. What is the highest level of study that you have studied or completed?
If the answer corresponds to one of the first three levels (none, literacy center, or pre-primary), the enumerator will skip to question 15.

If the answer is among the alternatives 4, 5, 6, or 7, the corresponding mark is made and the enumerator will proceed to the following question.

Reminder: Post-secondary non-tertiary education takes place after secondary (middle education) but is not at the tertiary level. E.g.: studies in the Teaching School, Pan American Agricultural School of Zamoran, National Agricultural School of Olancho.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 5 years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older.]

8. Is [the person] currently studying in an educational center like a university, private or public school, or pre-school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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For persons five years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older]

Question 8: Are you currently studying in any educational center such as a university, private school, public school or kindergarten?
Mark the box according to the answer from the interviewee. If this is affirmative, 'yes', continue with the following question. In the 'yes' group, you should include persons who attend schools for special education (deaf persons and mutes, blind persons, etc.) and the persons who study with private professors if the level of study belongs to formal education, in addition to all persons who study through radio programs. For example, the Honduran Educational Institute via Radio "IHER" [initials of this program, in Spanish] has educational programs at elementary and secondary level.

If the answer that you receive is negative, mark the box 'no'.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_EDLEV — Educational level attained
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 5 years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older.]

9. What is the last grade, course, or year that [the person] passed?

1. None
[] Grade 0
2. Literacy courses
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
3. Pre-school
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
(If the answer is any of the above, continue to Question 12)
4. Primary
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
[] Grade 5
[] Grade 6
[] Grade 7
[] Grade 8
[] Grade 9
5. Secondary, Common Cycle
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
6. Secondary school, Diversified Cycle
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
7. Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
8. Undergraduate Studies
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
[] Grade 5
[] Grade 6
[] Grade 7
[] Grade 8
9. Graduate Studies
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
[] Grade 5
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For persons five years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older]

Question 9: What is the last grade, course, or year that you passed?
Enclose in a circle the number of the highest level of study that he or she studied, then in the numbers located to the right of this level, enclose in a circle the number that corresponds to the last grade, course or year that he or she passed.

For persons who are in first grade of elementary school, the answer that should be noted after asking if he or she complete the level of pre-school, is like this: circle the 3 of pre-school and the respective year; if the answer is 'no', circle the 1 of 'none'.

For the persons who are initiating the level of literacy training or pre-school, then you would register the level 1 'none'.

To register the answer you should consider that:

1. None: This will be marked for all persons who have not passed any grade.

2. Literacy training program: This level is generally attended by adults to acquire basic knowledge of writing and reading. This level is also known as continuous education.

3. Pre-school: This level includes the children who attend pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or kinder for children and preparatory for elementary school.
[p. 49]
4. Elementary: This is the school for elementary education, which consists of six grades. However, in this level you can also find educational centers that have up to nine grades and that are known as basic education.

5. Common secondary: This level is known as 'common cycle of general education' or 'basic plan' and consists of three levels.

6. Diversified secondary: This high school level is made up of the branches of basic mercantile and public accounting, elementary teacher training, baccalaureate in sciences and letters, technical baccalaureate in computation, baccalaureate in business administration, etc. Also included here are persons who studied or are studying in a private technical or polyvalent school.

7. Post-secondary non-tertiary: This level includes the persons who graduated or are students in the National School of Agriculture [ENA by its initials in Spanish] of Catacamas, the National School of Forestry Sciences [ESNACIFOR by its initials in Spanish] of Siguatepeque, The Pan-American Agricultural School [Zamorano], military academies, police schools, upper seminary "Our Lady of Suyapa", Center for Architectural Design and Construction "CEDAC", etc. This category also includes persons who graduated from what was previously the Upper School of Teaching Francisco MorazƔn and the Social Service School.

8. Tertiary: This is comprised of the public universities and all of the private universities of Honduras and other countries.

9. Post-graduate: In this level, you should include all of the persons who have obtained a doctorate, postgraduate, master's degree or specialty; and the persons who have obtained a licentiate and are currently studying a post-graduate degree, a specialty, a master's degree or a doctorate. Do not include those with diplomas.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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III. Occupation Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 16-22.]

For those who are 14 years and older (born in 1955 or earlier)
[Questions 16-22. Questions 16-17 determined employment status, and questions 18-22 were asked only of those employed.]

16. Do you work or have a gainful occupation?

[] 10 Yes
[] No
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Filling in part "III. Occupation of the enumerated persons"

Part III. Of the questionnaire will be completed only in the case of persons over 14 years and over (persons born in 1955 or after) as follows: question 16 should be recorded for everybody, question 17-18 only for those who are not working, question 19 will be filled in again for everybody while questions 20-22 for those who are having gainful employment.

Defining whether a person is working -- having a gainful employment -- requires the consideration of several issues. It is possible to take into account on the one hand the status at the reference date of the census while on the other to consider the activity status during the whole year.

As far as the present enumeration is concerned the question should be answered upon the activity status at the reference date of the census, more exactly upon the status of the last week of 1969. The persons having been employed by a company, having been members of co-operative, private entrepreneur or family helper in the given period (that is in the last week of 1969) are regarded as working.

In the case of persons not working in the last week of 1969, by answering the further (17-19) questions reference will be given to the activity during the previous year. Answering questions is important to the effect of having explicit information on the respective characteristics of the person.

Consequently before answering question 16 it has to be clarified whether in the last week of 1969 was the person working or not i.e. whether at the reference date of the census is performing gainful activity. In the case of persons not having gainful activity it should be answered in the case of the persons have had ever a gainful activity or not, in the case of he is a pensioner or dependent, or in the case of he is actually changing his position.

In case of conscripts and imprisoned persons, the answer should be given on the basis of the activity before commencement of the service or that of the imprisonment.

The answer is "yes" in the case of in the last week of December the person had an employment contract, was (working) member of a co-operative or private entrepreneur (all the persons listed before but those being on for childcare leave as well as pensioners having a working contract as permitted by the legislation). The answer is "yes" in case the person during the last week of 1969 had been sick or on leave (winter holiday, maternity leave) and consequently the working contract (or the membership status in the co-operative) have not broken.


Consequently the answer is "yes" in case of:

  • Employees of the companies, institutions, offices, co-operatives and private entrepreneurs having working contract for the last week of 1969 (even in the case of in part-time or outside worker) including the pensioners who due to working status temporarily abandons to receive the pension;
  • Members of the agricultural, industrial and other co-operatives provided their membership had been valid at the reference date of the census, i.e. in the last week of 1969;
  • Agricultural and non-agricultural private entrepreneurs;
  • Family helpers of non-agricultural private entrepreneurs;
  • Odd job workers or persons having similar activity status, provided they worked in the last week of December 1969;
  • Persons having earnings by letting their land, having subtenant, night-lodger in their dwellings (properties), or financed by somebody upon a contract of support; and
  • In case of conscripts and reservists on duty as well as of imprisoned persons provided they had been working before the commencement of the service or the imprisonment.

In case of family helpers in agriculture (family helpers of the members of agricultural co-operatives, of agricultural private entrepreneurs and those of having income from double -- agricultural and non-agricultural - works) being usually active in the collective or private farms) -- as in the least week of the year they are not performing the works the answer "yes" must not be answered. After marking the answer "no" in case of these persons attention should be given to the proper answers to questions 17-19 those will be considered in defining the characteristics and length of the work performed in the year as a whole.

The answer "no" must be underlined in case of all the persons not listed above, that is in case of persons who did not have a gainful activity in the last week of December 1969, that is in case of:

  • Odd job workers who did not work in the last week of 1969,
  • Seasonal workers -- irrespective of the length of work during the year - not working on the last week of the year,
  • Family helpers of the members of agricultural co-operatives, of agricultural private entrepreneurs and those of having income from double -- agricultural and non-agricultural - works) being usually active in the collective or private farms,
  • Pensioners, rentiers (of own or derivative right) even in the case of while receiving the pension are working for a payment allowed by legislation (e.g. HUF 500 monthly or HUF 6 000 yearly). The pensioners who due to working status temporarily abandon to receive the pension as well as those while receiving a derivative pension, rent have a full-time employment should not be regarded as pensioners,
  • The persons being on unpaid holidays for taking care of their children and those being on a "child-care leave",
  • [p.23]
  • Persons supported exclusively by their relatives,
  • Persons over 14 years of age conducting regular studies (in primary, secondary schools, institutions of higher education), participating in professional training, in specialized courses, lectures without having a working contract,
  • Each person not having an independent income, earning and is supported by a private person or an institution (domestic help, maid, persons maintained in institutions, etc.),
  • Conscripts and imprisoned persons who did not work before the enrollment.

Further question of part III. Of the questionnaire will be answered depending on the "yes" or "no" answer given for question 16.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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14. Are you economically active?
[] Yes; please continue with questions 15-18
[] No

If no, please indicate whether

[] Inactive earner

[] 20 Being on child care allowance
[] 30 Pensioner, renter by own right
[] 31 Pensioner, renter by widow's right
[] 32 Other inactive earner

[] Dependent

[] 40 Child attending no school
[] 41 Pupil of primary school
[] 42 Pupil of secondary school
[] 43 Apprentice
[] 44 Pupil of secondary vocational school
[] 45 Student of third-level school
[] 46 Person seeking first employment
[] 47 Physically, mentally defective
[] Other dependent

If other dependent but worked, working days in 1979

_ _ _ Days agricultural work
_ _ _ Days non agricultural work
_ _ _ Days all together

[] 1 Enumerated together with the supporter and serial number of supporter [] not [] 2 Enumerated together with the supporter and the supporter is:

[] 2 Economically active
[] 3 On child care allowance
[] 4 Pensioner
[] 5 Other inactive earner
[] 6 Public institution

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14. Is the person (active) earner?

Provided not receiving pension, rent on own right and not being on leave for childcare allowance the answer "yes" should be underlined in the following cases:

1. Persons employed (including part-time employees and outside workers) in the last week of December 1979;

2. Members of co-operatives (agricultural, industrial, etc. co-operatives) in the last week of December 1979;

3. Agricultural or non-agricultural own-account workers;

4. Family helpers of non-agricultural own-account workers;

5. Odd job workers, day laborers in agriculture;

6. Persons in transition from job to the other, temporarily unemployed;

7. Persons on sickness leave, maternity leave;

8. Enlisted men, reservists on duty and imprisoned persons provided having worked before their enrolment.

In cases of pensioners on derivative rights classifiable into the first three categories above, the answer "yes" should be underlined.

After underlining the answer "yes" the question 15 follows.

In cases of persons underlining the answer "no," the following questions will be answered:

Inactive earner is the person who is earning money without working activity.

The "person on child-care leave (20)" is not the same as the one being on maternity leave.
The person is regarded as "pensioner, renter on own right (30)" in case he is receiving a pension, even if having been paid for work within the legal limits.

The "pensioner on derivative right (31)" is receiving the pension or rent upon the decease of his/her relative (spouse, parent) who at the same time is not a student on a daily course, and does not have a stable working contract.

"Other inactive earner (32)" is the person who
1. Is renting his land, property, dwelling, etc;

2. Has an income from a subtenant, night-lodger;

3. Having an income from a life-annuity contract or similar,

though he/she does not have any income from any other sources mentioned above.

Dependent is the person who is supported either by private person(s) or by an institution.

Code "child not attending a school (40)" can be given only for persons aged 0-13 years that is born between 1966 and 1979.

The answers
1. "Primary school attendant (41)"
2. "Secondary school attendant (42)"
3. "Vocational school attendant (43)"
4. "Vocational secondary school attendant (44 "
5. "Student in higher education (45)"
shall be underlined if the given person is studying on a day course though has an income as inactive earner or being on child-care allowance leave.

"Person seeking for first employment (47)" answer should be underlined in cases of enlisted men and imprisoned persons if before enrolment or arrest have never worked and are not pre-enrolled into an institution of higher education.

"Disabled mentally or by body (47)" is underlined only in cases of persons 14 years and over (born in 1965 and earlier).

"Other dependents" are the persons not belonging to the categories above aged 14 years and over (born in 1965 and earlier), e.g. housewives, family helper of agricultural own-account workers, seasonal worker, pre-enrolled student of a higher educational institution serving as a conscript.
Hours worked in 1979 by the other dependents

Each of the "other dependents" must be asked whether they have performed some agricultural or non-agricultural work in the course of 1979 (housekeeping is not regarded as "work"). If "yes" the number of hours worked should be asked and add together. If no work performed the quads remains blank. The work performance in days are calculated in the agriculture by 10 hours a day, in non-agricultural activities hours per day, that is to count the days in the respective sector the total number of hours should be divided either by 10 or by 8.

Was the dependent enumerated with the supporter person?

The framed part o the right side at question 14 must be filled in on every dependent who had not worked in the course of 1979 more than 90 days.
In cases of dependents enumerated in the same dwelling as the supporter the answer (1) must be underlined and after resuming the enumeration "the person's number in the dwelling" shall be copied into the box at the top of the Personal questionnaire of the supporter.

If the other dependent was not enumerated with the supporter than the answer "public institution (6)" will be underlined in cases of
1. Children in state care (living in institution or with a family);
2. Inhabitants other than pensioners of the social homes;
3. Every person receiving regular social assistance.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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14. Do you work, are you economically active?
Those working while getting a pension by own right or a child care allowance must underline "no".

[] Yes
[] No, because:

[] 20 You get a child care fee
[] 21 You get a child care allowance
[] 30 You are an old-age pensioner by own right
[] 31 You are a disability pensioner by own right
[] 32 You are a disability or other rentier by own right
[] 33 You are a pensioner, rentier by widow's right
[] 40 You want to get a job the first time
[] 50 You are unemployed looking for a job
[] 60 You are a child attending a crĆØche
[] 61 You are a child attending a kindergarten
[] 70 You are a pupil of primary school
[] 71 You are an apprentice
[] 72 You are a pupil of secondary vocational school
[] 73 You are a pupil of secondary school
[] 74 You are a student of college, university
[] 80 Other dependent
[] You don't belong to the above groups; Specify: _____

E.g. you entered into a contract relating to support for life or life annuity; you get a social allowance; you are a bed-tenant; you make your living by having a bed-tenant.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
14. Work performance, work for material compensation (active earner)

The persons having been worked for wage, enumeration in the last week of 1989 are regarded as active earners. The category does not include those who worked besides receiving child care allowance or pension on own right. The following people belong to the group:

-- Employees, outside workers working for companies, institutions, public offices, co-operatives, business association formed by private persons;

-- Working members of agricultural, special, industrial and handicraft co-operatives;

-- Private entrepreneurs;

-- Family helper in non agricultural activities.

Irrespective the factual working activity in the last week of 1989, i.e. persons might have been absent from the work due to being on winter holidays, maternity or other unpaid holidays, illness, participating on a training course, etc.

The following persons are regarded also as active earners:

-- Persons living in the course of 1989 of work performed as causal hand (including the agricultural day-laborers);

-- Persons having performed in 1989 at least 90 (10 hours) days agricultural work as family helper (with the exemption of the same agricultural performance of the students on daily course, the persons receiving childcare allowance or pension on own right);
[p. 12]
-- Conscripts and reservist on duty provided they were active earners before the enrolment;

-- The imprisoned persons provided they were active earners before the enrolment;

-- Persons receiving invalidity pension or pension on derivative right while working actively;

-- Old age pensioners working without receiving their pension.

In case of the above persons, the answer is "yes (10)".

In case the persons can not be classified as active earner after underlining the answer "no", it should be indicated which category the given person belongs to. The answer will be marked by taking into account the following:

-- The person is on "childcare allowance leave (20)" if when taking care of the child the given person is on unpaid holidays, and till the 2nd year the child is entitled to get an allowance from the state in a defined percentage of the salary before the unpaid leave.

-- The person is on "childcare contribution (30)" if taking care of a child from 2 to 3 years of age the persons is on unpaid holidays and receives a cash contribution to the upbringing of the child. The status in case of a child with acute illness, can be prolonged till the 6th year of age. The person on childcare contribution leave -- within certain limits -- is entitled to work for cash compensation.

-- "Old age pensioner on own right (30)" , "invalidity pensioner on own right (31)" and "invalidity or other renter on own right (32)" is the person who is receiving old-age pension, invalidity pension or invalidity or other rent on own right and does not perform any working activity for compensation>

-- "Pensioner on derivative (widow's) right (33)" is the person receiving a pension on the right of the deceased spouse or other relative and he/she is not a student on day course of an educational institution and neither has a working contract, is nor working member of a co-operative or private entrepreneur.

-- The person is qualified as "never worked, looking for first job (40)" if a person, after concluding his studies is not working yet nevertheless is actively looking for an employment (e.g. contacted the labor office, placed an advertisement, have asked the help of friends to find the job, etc.).

-- The person is "unemployed looking for a job (50)" if he/she has been working before but at the date of the enumeration does not have a workplace and has already taken the steps for finding a new job.

-- The answers to questions "child in nursery (60)" and child in kindergarten (61)" are self-evident.

One of the following answers will be underlined if the person is not working for money, is not conducting his studies while receiving childcare allowance or childcare contribution but is studying on the daily course or private pupil in a

-- "General, primary school (70)";

-- "Trainee (71)";

-- "Student in a special institution of secondary level (72)";

-- "Secondary school student (73)";

-- "University (higher educational institution's) student (74)".

To ensure the unequivocal classification it should be mentioned that the pupils attending the school of the mentally handicapped are regarded as pupils in general (primary) schools, the persons studying in schools for stenographers/shorthand writers and medical assistants are regarded as secondary school attendants while those visiting the so called "special vocational schools" are regarded as trainees. The trainees attending the third grade of the special vocational school and already receiving some compensation for their work will be regarded as students. Similarly the persons studying in a high level educational institution university while receiving a bursary or performing some (usually causal) work for compensation will be regarded as students as well.

[p. 13]

The answer is "other dependent (80)" in case of children under 14 years of age not attending the day nursery or kindergarten, and in case of a person aged 15 years and over working as a housewife or family helper in agriculture performing in 1989 less than 90 days. The persons not belonging to the categories listed above and who do not have any regular income or social benefit practically maintained by the members of the family, etc. are classified into this group too. Furthermore the category includes the conscripts and the imprisoned persons not having been worked before their enrolment.

If the answer is "persons not belonging to any other category listed (90)" the source of livelihood should be always entered at the dotted line at the answer. The entry might be: living of letting their land, house, holiday house, etc., of having subtenants, night-lodgers, of selling their property, of having a life annuity contract, etc.

The base rules of answering the questions from 15 to 19 are as follows:

Question 14:

-- Persons answering "yes (10)" will give information on their main occupation.

-- Persons being on child-care leave answering "no (20)" should give should give information on their main occupation before the leave. Each person other than before should not give an answer to questions form 15 to 19.

Questions from 16 to 19:

-- Professional and civilian members of the armed forces and security bodies will not answer question 19/a.

-- Private entrepreneurs should not answer questions 17 and 19/a.

-- Family helpers should not answer questions 17, 18 and 19/a.

-- Causal workers and agricultural day laborers will skip questions from 16 to 19.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_COMMS — Travel to school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

21.1 Do you have to travel daily to work or school?
To work:

[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes

To school:

[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

In answering this question only the work performed regularly (at least for 2-3 weeks) will be taken into account.

The precondition of receiving childcare allowance, allowance for upbringing the child(ren), pension, rent on own right, unemployment benefit, regular social support and similar transfers previous work, employment is required. The persons in questions -- with some very limited exemptions -- have had been active earners. The question relates to the active period preceding the given persons receive the allowances, rents, payments mentioned above.

In case of persons working only during the school-year holidays or working occasionally or who have never worked, the further sub-questions will be skipped.

Question 21.1: Do you have to travel daily to work or school?

The questions relates to the daily travel for work and into school.

If a person is not obliged to travel daily for work or for conducting studies, the questions 21.2 and 21.3 should not be answered.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_SCHOOL — School attendance at present
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Personal questionnaire

II. Education attainment
Take into account studies and qualifications only in formal education.

17.1 Are you currently studying including infant nursery/kindergarten?

[] 1 No [skip to question 18]
[] 2 Attend infant nursery [skip to question 21]
[] 3 Attend primary school [skip to question 21]
[] 4 Attend vocational school
[] 5 Attend secondary grammar school
[] 6 Attend secondary vocational school (including secondary vocational programs built on general certificate of education)
[] 7 Attend higher vocational programs
[] 8 Attend college- level or BA/BSc training
[] 9 Attend university- level or MA/MSc training or unified undivided training
[] 10 Attend college- or university level professional further training
[] 11 Attend PhD or DLA training
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. Educational attainment

Studies and qualifications obtained in formal education have to be taken into account in questions 17.1.--20

Persons in formal education are in legal status with the school as pupils or students. Questions regarding school attendance must be answered only in case the respondent is in legal status with the school as pupil or student (question 17.1 must be answered also in case of attending infant nursery or kindergarten), completed educational attainment must be taken into account only if it had been obtained in formal education. Persons attending schools outside formal education (e.g. trainings) are not in legal status with the school, so these studies and certificates must not be counted.

17.1. Are you currently studying or attending school, including infant nursery/kindergarten?
The question has to be answered irrespectively of the person's age. In case the person goes to nursery or kindergarten please follow at question 21. In case a person attends more than one school the same time, the highest level has to be taken into account (the later one in the list). In case of answer no, please continue at question 18.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level completed
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

9. Highest grade completed

General (skip to question 11)

[] None
[] Not completed [elementary school]
[] Elementary school
[] Junior high school
[] High school


[] Junior high school
[] High school

[] Academy
[] University

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

6.10. Question 9: Education
6.10.1. Concept and definition
1. Uneducated
Has never gone to school.
2. Not graduated elementary school
Those who currently study in a 6-year elementary school or have studied in elementary school but never graduated. Those who only studied in elementary school for 3 years are also considered not graduated from elementary school.
3. Elementary school
Those who have graduated from a 5-7 year elementary school or Madrasah Ibtidaijah [Islamic primary school].
4. Junior high school
Those who have graduated from junior high school, for example, M.U.L.O., 3-year H.B.S., S.M.P., or Madrasah Tsanawiyah [Islamic junior secondary school].
5. High school
Those who have graduated from High School, for example, 5-year H.B.S., A.M.S., S.M.A., Madrasah Alijah [Islamic secondary school], etc.
6. Vocational school
Those who have graduated from vocational school, for example, S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T. ,S.M.E.P., P.G.A., etc.
7. Higher vocational school
Those who have graduated from higher vocational school, for example, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., SMEA, SKMA, SPMA, etc.
8. Academy
Those who have graduated from Academy, for example, Indonesian Flight Academy (A.P.I.), Academy of Studies (A.I.P.), Foreign Language Academy (A.B.A), etc.
9. University or higher
Those who have graduated from a faculty in any university or institution, for example, Medical Faculty, Economics Faculty, Law Faculty, Military Law Institution, etc.

6.10.2. Procedure
Ask this question:
"What school did you graduate from?"

Fill the answer in the appropriate box. If the answer is in the vocational schools category, fill in the field of study box in Question 10. If the answer is otherwise, skip Question 10 and move on to Question 11.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

11. Are you still attending school?

[] Yes
[] No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

6.12. Question 11: Still attending school
6.12.1. Concept and definition
This question is intended for those who have not completed their studies or those who are in a continuing one-year course.

6.12.2. Procedure
Ask this question:
"Have you completed your studies?"

Fill in the answer in the appropriate box.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_SCHOOL — Respondent studying
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
A8-9. Education

A8. Are you still in school?

[] Y Yes
[] T No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column (5), (6), (7) Education

For the question in column (5), ask the question as follows:

"Is (mention name of household member) now still attending school?"

Here "still attending school" means attending at a particular school and not just taking a course. If the answer is

"Still attending school", fill in code Y
Otherwise, fill in code T ["No", T is for Tidak in Indonesian].

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_EDATTEND — Currently attending/ever attended
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
A8-9. Education

A8. Are you still in school?

[] Y Yes
[] T No

A9a. What level of school are you currently attending?

If A8 = code Y
[Question A9a was asked of persons still in school, per question A8.]


A9b. What level of school did you last attend?
If A9 = code T
[Question A9b was asked of persons not in school, per question A8.]

[] 1 Never attended school
[] 2 Elementary school
[] 3 Junior high - general
[] 4 Junior high - vocational
[] 5 Senior high - general
[] 6 Senior high - vocational
[] 7 Academy
[] 8 University

If ever/currently attending school, write in number of highest class ever/currently attended. If completed, write in code 8.
[Question asked of persons ever/currently attending school]
[Highest class]: _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column (5), (6), (7) Education

Column (6) Present/last school attended

Concept and definitions
What is intended here is as school attendance is studying in a particular public or private school and not just taking courses.

1. No schooling/not yet in school

2. Elementary school for 5/6 years or equivalent, for example Ibtidaiyah

3. Secondary general school
S.L.P. Umum, S.M.P, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, H.B.S. 3 years, M.U.L.O. etc.

4. Secondary vocational school
S.L.P. Kejuruan; S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T., SMEP, PGA, etc.

5. Senior general high school
S.L.A. Umum, S.M.A., Madrasah Aliyah, MBS 5 year, AMS, etc.

6. Senior vocational high school
S.L.A. Kejuruan, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., S.M.E.A., S.K.M.A., S.P.M.A., etc.

7. Academy, for example; A.P.I, A.I.P., A.B.A., Academy Koperasi, etc.

8. University.
University/faculty or college; for example: Fakultas Kedokteran (medical school), Fakultas Ekonomi (school of economics), Fakultas Hukum (law school), Fakulas Publistlk (school of communications), P.T.I.K. (police academy), P.T.H.M. (college of military law), etc.

Method of filling in the form:
If the code in column (5) is "Y", this means the person is still attending school. Ask the following question: "What school are you attending now?"

Fill in the code for the respondent's answer, and then ask which class or level and then fill in column (6).

If the code in column (5) is "T" (not attending school), then ask:
"What is the highest level of school you ever attended?"
"And what was the highest grade/class attended?"

Fill in the school code in column (6) and grade/class attended in column (7). If the respondent graduated from the school mentioned in column (6), then enter code 8 in column (7).

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
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All persons
VII. Characteristics of individual household members

19. School attendance

[] 1 Does not attend school or has not started school (go to question 24)
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Previously attended, but does not attend school anymore

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
VII. B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

Q.2 School attendance status

[] 1 No/not yet in school (go to Q.5)
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 No longer in school

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

C. Block VII.B: Persons age 5 or older

Question 2: School attendance status

  • "No/not (yet) in school"; this is the status of those who have never attended school, those who have attended or completed kindergarten, but never continued to primary school.

[pg. 55]

  • "Currently attending school": this is the status of those who are currently enrolled in primary school, junior high school or high school.
  • "No longer in school": this is the status of those who have attended primary school, junior high school or high school, but at the time of the enumeration were no longer in school.
  • If the answer to this question is code "1", then Q. 3 and Q.4 do not need to be asked. Go to Q.5 and circle code "1".

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

VI-B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 14-23.]

15. School status

[] 1 No school (skip to question 20)
[] 2 In school
[] 3 No longer in school

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

B. Sub Block VIb. For respondents age 5 or older

Question 15: School status
School status shall be as follows:

Never attended school: are those who never attended school, including those who have passed or never passed kindergarten and did not continue to elementary school.
Attending school are those who are still attending a formal school, starting from elementary, secondary or high school/equivalent.
No longer attending school are those who have attended elementary school, secondary or high school but during the enumeration are no longer attending a school.

If the answer in question 15 is coded 1 ("Never attended school"), continue to question 20. Leave questions 16 through 19 blank. If the answer is 2 or 3, then continue to question16.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

516. School attendance

[] 1 Has never attended school (go to Q521)
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Does not attend school anymore

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Question 516: School participation


Has never attended school: are those who never attended school, including those who have passed or never passed kindergarten and did not continue to Elementary School.

Attending school: are those who are still attending a formal school, starting from elementary, secondary or high school/equivalent.

Does not attend school anymore:are those who attended elementary school, secondary or high school, but during enumeration were no longer attending a school. Those following Study Group Package A1-A100 are considered as no longer attending school. Courses such as SESKOAD, SEPALA, SEPADYA, SESPA, etc. are not included as formal schools.

If the answer in P516 is coded 1 (not/never attended school), continue to P521.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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616. Did you ever or still attend school?
[] 1 Never/not yet attend school [go to Q. 620]
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Not attending school any more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 616: School attendance
"No/never attended school" is the answer if the respondent has never registered or never actively attended classes in a formal level of education, including those who have attended kindergarten but have never attended basic level education.

"Currently attending school" is the answer if the respondent registered and actively attends classes in some formal level of education. Note: university-level students who temporarily are not attending are still considered currently attending school.

"No longer attending school" is the answer if the respondent has ever registered or has ever actively attended classes in a formal level of education, but currently he/she is no longer registered or actively attending classes.

1. Those who are attending a package A equivalent program and have ever attended basic level education are classified as no longer attending school.

2. Diploma Program I is only those former education programs managed by higher learning institutions.

If Q 616 has code 1 ("No/never attended school"), go to Q 620.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 209-214 were asked of persons aged 5+.)

212. What is the schooling status of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Never/not yet attending school (go to Q214)
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 No longer attending school

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Household members 5 years and older
Questions 209 through 214 are asked only to those household members who are 5 years old or older. See Q204; if the age is 05, 06, 07? 98, then continue the interview with Q209 through Q214. If Q204 has entries 00, 01, 02, 03, or 04, then the interview with this household member is complete and Q209 through Q221 should be left blank. The interview should continue with the next household member.

Question 212: Schooling Status
Ask the schooling status of the household member and make a mark in the oval corresponding to the respondent's answer. If the household member has never or not yet attended school, then make a mark for code 1 and go directly to question to 214. If the respondent's answer is code 2 (still attending school) or 3 (no longer attending school), then continue the interview with the next question (Q213).
Schooling Status

1. Never/not yet attended school is the schooling status of someone who has never ever attended school, including those who have finished or have not yet finished kindergarten but have not yet entered Elementary school.
2. Attending school is the schooling status for the persons who are registered and actively attending a level of formal education.
3. No longer attending school is the schooling status of a person who has ever registered and actively attended a formal level of education but at the time of the enumeration is no longer registered and attending a formal level of education.

1. University students who are currently on vacation from school are considered still attending school.
2. Elementary, junior and senior high school students who have just been promoted to the next level at the time of the enumeration are considered still attending school.
3. Those who are currently attending an A/B/C program package or equivalent are considered no longer attending school.
4. A Diploma I program which is included in the criteria for attending school is only the diploma program in a formal level of education which is managed by an institution of higher learning.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_SCHOOL — Current school attendace
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Literacy and education
For 6 years old and older
[Questions 19-20 were asked of persons 6 years and older]

19. Is the individual in school?

[] 1 Yes, in Iran
[] 2 Yes (abroad)
[] 3 No

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21. Education and literacy, Columns 19 to 22
Fill out these columns for anyone age 6 and older, which means for anyone who was born before November 2000, and leave it blank for anyone born after this date.

21.1. Is the individual in school? Column 19
Anyone who is in school under the Islamic Republic of Iran's educational circumstances is considered a student. Students of theological schools, people in literacy schools and people who study abroad are also considered as in school students. Write down code 1 for students who study in the country at the time of enumeration, code 2 for students who study abroad and code 3 for those who are not students. Therefore, people studying at community colleges or certificate programs such as computers, foreign languages, painting, sewing, etc., are also considered as students.

- Consider students who have a semester/year off of school as in school students.
- Consider those who are accepted for a second semester at college, if they have registered, as students.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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For persons aged 6 and over

18. Is he/she attending school / university?

[] 1 Yes, in Iran
[] 2 Yes, abroad
[] 3 No
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Columns 17 -22, Internet access, literacy, educational attainment - General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill this section for individuals 6-year or older.
Column 18 -Is the individual attending school currently?
[Picture omitted]
Check box 1 for students in compulsory or higher education in the country, seminary students, students in adult education program, and those abroad. If the individual is attending school in Iran check box 1, and if abroad check 2. Check box 3 if the individual is not attending any school.
? Students on leave are still attending school.
? If an individual is accepted in a higher education program and is registered with the institution, he is attending school.
? Individuals taking up courses at Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organization, and those taking unofficial courses in computer science, language, painting, sowing, college entrance prep, etc., are not attending school.
? Individuals taking comprehensive courses offered by higher education but are not accepted in any official higher education program are not attending school.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_SCHOOL — Schooling (past/present)
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[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

[Question 8-12]

8. Did you attend school in the past, or are you attending now?

"School" also includes: evening school, Yeshiva, University, etc.
"School" does not include: Kindergarten; a course which lasts less than a year; correspondence courses, language courses, etc.

[] 1 Did not attend school at all: circle and skip to 13
[] 2 Attended school in the past and does not attend school now
[] 3 Attend school now

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10. Question 8 -- explanations: Have you ever attended school?

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 8.]

The question divides the population into three groups: persons who never attended school, persons who attended school in the past, persons attending school now.

School also includes evening-school, a course of over than a year, yeshiva, a school preparing for external matriculation exams, school for apprentices, university, Technion, teacher-training college etc.

School does not include kindergarten, study in a course shorter than a year, study by correspondence (e.g. Open University), language or music course even when longer than a year, private lessons, self-tutoring etc.

The term school, as explained above, is valid for the following questions regarding education as well.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_SCH — Current schooling
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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

14. Do you or did you attend school?

Including evening school, university, Yeshivah etc. or any study course lasting at least one year

[] 1. I presently attend school
[] 2. Attended school in the past but not presently
[] 3. Did not attend school at all; mark X and move to question 17

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3. Question 14

14. Do you attend school now or have you attended school in the past?

Including: Evening school, University, Yeshiva [A religious studies school], etc. or a course lasting at least one school year.

[] 1 Presently attending school
[] 2 Attended school in the past but not presently
[] 3 Did not attend school at all -- Mark an X and go to 17

There is an explanation of the concept 'school' on the next page -- what it does include and what it does not.

Attention: The concept 'school' as will be explained here, applies to all education questions.

[p. 41]

3.1 'School' includes also:

A. Heder [religious Jewish school], Talmud Torah [orthodox religious studies to children at the ages of elementary school]

B. Khutab (religious school in Moslem countries, at the level of elementary school)

C. School of the independent and ultra-orthodox education system

D. School for special education

E. Evening school

F. School for external matriculation exams [not part of the high schools system],

G. Industrial school

H. Apprenticeship school

I. Yeshiva [A religious studies school]

J. University, Technion [Tech University], college

K. A course lasting at least one school year.

3.2 'School' does not include:

A. Kindergarten,

B. A course conducted via correspondence

C. Enrichment courses

D. Hebrew studies in Ulpan [Hebrew course for new immigrants]

E. Language course

F. Military or pre-military course

G. A course lasted less than one school year.

3.3 Studies in the Open University

Studies in the Open University toward first academic degree or toward a practical engineer certificate are considered as studies in school.

Courses in the Open University not toward academic degree or a practical engineer certificate are not to be listed as studies in school.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_SCHOOL — Educational status
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Questions on education and work
[Questions 43-58 asked of persons aged 15 or older]

43. Have you studied in the past, or are you studying today, in a school (educational institution)?
School also includes university, evening school, courses of at least one academic year, Yeshiva or Kollel.

1 [] Studied only in the past
2 [] Studying today
3 [] Never studied at all (Go to Question No. 47)
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Part G: Education

This part of the questionnaire deals with the subject of education. The goal of the questions is to receive information on the population's education level and type of education.
The data received will allow us to study, among other things, the distribution of different population groups according to people's number of schooling years in different types of schools (high school, post-secondary school or higher education), how many of them received matriculation certificates, how many received other diplomas, and the number of academics in Israel. The data allows us to analyze the relations between education and people's occupations, or between education and housing conditions, etc.
In addition, the data is used for assessing the population's education resources and for planning education services, such as frameworks for professional studies, adult education, etc.
All questions in this part are addressed at persons aged 15 or more.

2. Instructions for answering questions

a. Studies in school (academic institution)
The question distinguishes between three groups of people:
People who are studying today, people who studied in the past and are not studying today, and people who never studied. This distinction allows us to learn about each group and analyze its characteristics. For example: the number of people who are studying during the period of the population census.
People who studied in the past or are studying today will be asked about the types of schools they attended, number of schooling years, and their highest diploma. People who never studies will not be asked additional questions concerning education.

Question 6.10 - Have you ever studied in the past, or currently studying, in a school (academic institution)?
The following are also considered as schools: university, night school, course lasting at least one school year, yeshiva or kollel.

[] 1 Only studied in the past
[] 2 Currently studying
[] 3 Never studied

- Studies in school include: studies in elementary school, junior high school, high school, post-secondary school, university and college. In addition, studies in school include studies in academic institutions where studies are conducted on a regular basis, and last at least one school year. Therefore, you should include:

people who studies in a Cheder or Talmud Torah school (religious studies for children in elementary school age), a Qutab (religious elementary school in Islamic countries), special education schools, different yeshivas, courses in various frameworks lasting at least one school year, and external schools for matriculation test preparation.

- This question does not refer to self-education or visits to irregular courses lasting last than one school year. Therefore, do not include:

kindergartens, classes with private teacher, hobby courses, Hebrew Ulpan, literacy schools, training or vocational in-service training lasting less than one school year, internships of doctors, lawyers, etc.

- Studies in the Open University will be considered as studies in a school (academic institution) as long as they are toward an academic degree or a practical engineer certification.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_SCHOOL — Enrolled in school or a post-diploma non-university course
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For persons over 6 years of age
[Questions 5.2 to 5.10 were asked for persons over 6 years of age.]

5.8 Indicate whether the person is enrolled in primary school, secondary school or University (or a post-diploma non-university course)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 5.8
Question 5.8 must be answered by anyone over the age of 6 and children under the age of 6 who attend first grade primary school (for example, children born between 22 October and 31 December 1995).
Secondary school includes Institutes/Schools/Secondary Schools where it is possible to obtain a school certificate for a professional, artistic or teaching profession or a school leaving certificate (State exam).
Enrolment in university includes courses to obtain a university certificate, a university degree, a post graduate training, or Ph.D. or specialization course (Special direct schools are also included).
Post graduate university courses include courses at the Academy of Fine Arts, School of Artistic Industries, National Dramatics Academy, National Dance Academy (specialization certificate - 3 year course), Music Academy or Recognized School of Music (specialization certificate, 2-3 year course), School of Interpreters and Translators, School for Archiving, Paleography and Diplomacy.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_VOCTRAIN — Attending a vocational training/updating course
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For persons over 6 years of age
[Questions 5.2 to 5.10 were asked for persons over 6 years of age.]

5.9 Indicate if the person is attending a vocational training/updating course

[] 1 Yes [answer question 5.10]
[] 2 No [skip to question 6.1]

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_SCHOOL — Currently enrolled in regular course of studies
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

Questions 5.3 through 5.9 are asked for those persons ages 6 years or more

5.11 Are you presently enrolled in a regular course of studies?

Includes primary school, lower or upper secondary school, university or A.F.A.M. program.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 5.11
Box 1 should be checked by everyone aged 6 and over who is enrolled in primary, lower or upper secondary education, university or an A.F.A.M. program.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_SCHLTYP — Type of school or university currently attended
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Section 4: Education
[All ages]

19. Type of school or university now being attended:

[] None
[] Nursery infant
[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] University
[] Other
[] Not stated

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Section 4 - Education

5.34 General
These questions are to be answered for every individual. For babies the answers to these questions will obviously be None or Not Applicable. This may also apply to very young children. Thus for children up to two years you need not ask the question at all but score in the appropriate boxes. For children over two years you should ask the question since it is possible that very young children, certainly from about three years old, are sometimes sent to school.

5.35 Question 19 - Attendance at School/University

[Image omitted here]

Score in the appropriate box the school or university being attended where the individual being enumerated is attending school at the time of enumeration. If the school is on holidays, then enter the type attended prior to the holidays. If this was the last term for the individual, however, you should score it at "None". Where the individual is not attending school, either because they have not yet started school or have left school, then enter "None".
Where an individual at Census Day is attending one type of school but intends to change schools the next term, score the type which he or she is attending at Census Day. The following are the types of school to be entered:

Nsry./lnfant. This is applicable to a nursery school, the infant department of a primary school, a basic school, an infant school or infant center. Creches, Child Care Centers for the very young (up to say age 3) and Play Groups are not considered as school; "None" is to be entered in the case of any of the latter.

Primary. This applies to a preparatory school (commonly called "prep" school), or a primary school, whether junior or senior department, or an all-age school. Elementary schools, and senior schools are also to be included here.

Secondary. This includes Junior Secondary Schools, Secondary Schools, Technical High Schools, and Comprehensive Schools.


Univ. (abbreviation for University) - This refers to enrollment in degree courses at University whether as a day student or as an evening student, as well as to enrollment in similar institutions of higher learning.

Other - Include here all other types of non-vocational schools not listed above. This category includes schools for the Blind, Deaf, Mentally Handicapped. If the Individual is attending JAMAL classes, the entry should be in this category.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
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Section 5: Education
[All persons]

(i) For children under 4 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and go to question 8.1
(ii) For persons over 50 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and proceed from question 5.2 in relation to the last institution attended.
(iii) For persons between ages 30 and 50 years, say: "It is known that some people try to further their education as they get older" before asking question 5.1.
(iv) For all other persons, i.e. 4-29 years old, proceed directly to question 5.1.

5.1. Are you / is [the respondent] currently attending an educational institution?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Not stated

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Section 5 - Education

5.52 General
The aim of the section is to obtain information on the highest level of educational attainment among the entire population. Questions relate not just to current attendance but also to past attendance. As such, this section is relevant not only to school children but also to adults who may be furthering their education full-time or part-time.

You must pay close attention to the instruction on the questionnaire which precede the questions in this section.

5.53 For babies and young children not of school age, the question will obviously not be applicable. You should also be careful in the case of older persons who are not likely to be currently attending an educational institution, but for whom the questions on past attendance are applicable. It is recognized however, that adults do continue their education and the questions are therefore relevant.

5.54 The instructions on the questionnaire are as follows:
(i) For persons under 4 years old Score "No" at Q5.1 and go to Q8.1.
(ii) For persons over 50 years old Score "No" at Q5.1 and proceed to Q5.2, asking the question
in relation to the last institution attended, i.e. "what type of educational institution did you last attend?"
(iii) For persons 30-50 years old you must introduce the questions by explaining that it is known that some people try to further their education as they get older before asking Q5.1.
(iv) For all other persons, that is, those between age 4 and 29 years, proceed directly to Q5.1.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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1.14 Are you/is [the respondent] currently attending school or registered in an educational program?
[For persons age 4 and older. [For] children under 4 years old, mark "No" on question 1.14]

[] 1 Yes at school or other institution/HEART (go to question 1.16)
[] 2 Yes private study (go to question 1.16)
[] 3 No
[] 4 Not stated

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5.52 Education
Questions on education are designed to determine current enrollment in educational programs and highest level of attainment. The categories indicated at Q1.14 are in recognition of the fact that persons need not be studying within an institution but may be involved in private study. The level of education is generally indicated by the type of institution attended, but there are instances where this might not be so. There may be for instance within a tertiary institution (like the university or a community college) a program for preparing students for CXC or GCE "A" level examinations, in which case the level would be secondary.

Please note the following:

(1) Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however the person just completed the term and is not enrolled in any other program, score "No" at Q1.14.

(2) If a person has recently registered in a program of study but has not actually started, score "Yes".

(3) Study outside of Jamaica is to be included, assessing the level of attainment.

(4) Enrollment in a Jamal program is not to be included.

5.53 Question 1.14: Attendance at school/registration program

Score "No" for all children younger than 4 years. Ask the question of all persons age 4 and older.

Yes, at school or other institution/HEART: This covers instances where the individual is a registered student in a school or any other institution, whether private or public. Check this also if the respondent is registered in a HEART program at an institution. Do not include persons who are registered in a HEART program but not in an institution.

Yes, private study: Check this if the individual studies through correspondence courses, via the internet, or on his/her own. Some examples are cases of persons doing Association of Chartered Accountant (ACCA), Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), or Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) examinations but attend no class.

No: Check this if the individual is not registered at a school or in any educational program (including private study). Score this also for persons who are registered in HEART program, such as Skills 2000 or the School Leavers Training Opportunities.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_SCHOOL — Has ever been to school
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Questions 219 to 221: For person 5 years of age and over

219. Has [name] ever been to school?

For persons 5 years of age and over.
[] 1 Yes currently enrolled
[] 2 Yes ever enrolled (skip to 222)
[] 3 No (skip to 222)

Kenya 1979 — source variable KE1979A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all persons

h. Education: School attendance ____

State whether currently attending school, ever attended school or never attended school

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Column (h) and (i): Education

111. 'Has this person ever been to school?'

112. State, in column (h), whether the person is attending school this year -- write 'at'; or whether the person has been to school and has left school -- write 'left' ; or whether the person has never been to school -- write 'never'.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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B. Persons aged 6 years and over

P20. Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 At school
[] 2 Left school
[] 3 Never went to school

(Code 0 if age is 5 years or less)

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Column P20 - Whether attended school

(a) The questions on education are limited to persons age six and older. They refer to full-time education in an educational institution like primary, secondary, technical schools and university. This definition excludes madrasas and Arabic schools where nothing but the reading and writing of the Koran is taught, as well as all post-school training colleges.

(b) Ask, 'has this person ever attended school?' Use code 1 for persons attending school this year, 2 for persons who have ever been to school or have left school, and 3 for persons who have never been to school. Use code 0 if the respondent is age 5 or younger

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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B. Information regarding persons aged 5 years and above:


P-22. What is the school attendance status of [the respondent]?

[] 1. At school
[] 2. Left school
[] 3. Never went to school
[] 4. Not stated/don't know
[] 0. Under 5 years

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Columns P22, 23 and 24: Education

80. The questions on education are applicable to persons aged 5 years and over. They refer to full-time education at formal educational institutions i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary, and university.

Column P22: School attendance

81. Has this person ever attended school? Record "1" for persons attending school this year, "2" for persons who have ever been to school and have left school, "3" for persons who have never been to school, and "4" for persons whose schooling status is not known. Write "0" if the respondent is aged under five.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_SCHOOL — School enrollment status
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D: Information regarding persons aged 3 years and above
[Questions P-39 to P-41 were asked of all individuals age 3+.]

P-39. What is the school/learning institution status of [person]?

[] 1 At school/learning institution
[] 2 Left school/learning institution
[] 3 Never went to school/learning institution
[] 9 Unknown

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- Section D: Information regarding education status for persons aged 3 years old and above. This section covers columns p39 to p41. Questions on education shall be asked of all persons aged 3 years and above.

33. Section D: Education status for persons aged 3 years and above

33.1 Columns P39, P40 and P41: Education
Questions on education are applicable to persons aged 3 years and above and refer to formal, non-formal and other education. The categories under formal education are; pre?primary, primary, secondary, middle level colleges and university. Non-formal education is any other form of education that does not follow the standard curriculum of the formal system but offers numeric and literacy skills e.g. adult education and youth/village polytechnic education. "Other" education refers to Madrassa and Duksis etc.

33.2 Definitions

- School/learning center: This is an institution that offers learning to particular group of persons in a given level of education.
- Early childhood development (ECD): This is an education program offered to provide holistic integrated services that create a strong foundation for the child's cognitive (talents), psycho?social, moral, spiritual, emotional and psychomotor (physical education?PE) needs. The official target group are the children aged 3 to 5 years.
- In this level of formal education, pupils attend schooling in three levels: baby class, nursery and pre?unit. In some regions the term used is kindergarten 1, kindergarten 2 and kindergarten 3.
- Primary: This is the first 8 years of basic education in the formal system. In this level, pupils go through 8 grades: Std. 1 to Std. 8. At the end of the cycle, they sit the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). However, in the previous education system (7?4?2?3) there was the Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) at the end of primary in Standard 7.
- Secondary: This is the education offered for 4 years after primary education. In this level, also referred to as Ordinary (O)?level, the students attend schooling in 4 grades: Form 1 to Form 4. At the end the cycle they sit the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). In the previous education system, students attended O?level and Advanced (A)?level for 2 years in form 5 and form 6 after which they sat the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE).
- Non-Formal Education (NFE): This is an education program that offers flexible learning for adults and school going children who are not able to join the formal system of education. In this system, the learners are categorized into three levels: basic, post-literacy, and technical.
- Basic education involves mainly teaching numeric and literacy skills. A pupil is considered to have achieved basic level of education after sitting and passing the proficiency examination.
- Post Literacy education involves teaching of all the examinable subjects at primary education. The learner is also expected to sit for either a Proficiency examination or Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)
- Technical education is offered to learners in NFE centers to provide life skills to the disadvantaged population.
- Non?formal schools: These are schools that are not registered with the Ministry of Education but follow the formal primary school curriculum. They are registered by the office of the Attorney General/Ministry of Social Services to offer education services to needy population.
- Youth polytechnic: This is a non-formal education program offered to primary school leavers or those with some secondary education who are interested in technical skills. They offer artisan courses lasting between 1 to 3 years such as artisan 1 and 2 followed by craft 1 and 2 such as carpentry, masonry, electrical, hair dressing and tailoring etc.
- Tertiary education (middle level colleges): This is a post-secondary education program that offers various disciplines at certificate and diploma level. The program caters for the students who have completed secondary education and did not join university education. The institutions are of specific disciplines such as primary teacher training colleges that offer primary teaching certificate; medical training colleges offer certificate and diploma in nursing/clinical medicine etc. ; agriculture training colleges; media colleges; ICT colleges; technical training institutes; national polytechnics among others.
- University: This is a formal education program that allows learners to move to the last cycle of formal education. The courses offered are varied in all the sectors leading to professionals. The students are also allowed to pursue further education in university postgraduate programs on masters for 2 years and doctorate for 3 years and above.

33.3 Column P39: School /learning institution attendance

Ask: What is the school/learning institution attendance status of [the respondent]?
Record "1" for persons attending school this year, "2" for persons who have left school, "3" for persons who have never been to school, and "9 for persons whose schooling status is not known. Leave the box blank if the respondent is below 3 years.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_SCHTYPE — Type of educational institution attending
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Persons aged 6 years and over
[Questions 11 to 12 were asked of persons aged 6 years and over.]

12. Type of educational institution you are attending

[] 1 Higher educational institution
[] 2 Secondary specialized educational institution
[] 3 Vocational training school
[] 4 General educational institution of all types
[] 5 Other school (courses)
[] 6 Not attending

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Question 12. Type of educational establishment you are attending

For persons aged 6 years and over, students of all day-time, evening or correspondence educational establishments (both state-owned and non-state) and courses the code corresponding to one of the prompts given is to be circled.
Code 1 "higher education establishment" is to be marked for students of higher education establishments: institutes, academies, universities, etc.
Code 2 "secondary specialized education establishment" is to be marked for students of technical schools (specialized schools), colleges, technical schools at enterprises, etc.
Code 3 "vocational-technical education establishment" is to be marked for students of vocational schools, vocational lyceums, continuous vocational training centres, technical schools, industrial schools, specialized trade schools, etc.
Code 4 "general educational establishments of all types" is to be marked for pupils of primary, basic, secondary general education schools, (including those with in-depth study of selected subjects), lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.
Code 5 "other school (courses)" is to be marked for pupils of schools and courses not providing general education (retraining or professional improvement courses, preparatory courses at educational establishments), as well as courses providing vocational training (driving schools, courses for bookkeepers, translators, secretaries, etc.).
For persons concurrently attending two educational establishments the highest in status and type establishment is to be marked.
Code 6 "not attending" is to be marked for persons aged 6 years and over not attending any educational establishment and also for those attending circles (needlework, photography) irrespective of the duration of training. If in the course of enumeration the enumerator comes across children at the age of 7-15 years not attending any educational establishment, data on them are to be recorded in the Annex to Form 5.

For persons attending religious educational establishments, irrespective of their affiliation or subordination, the code corresponding to the type of educational establishment is to be marked.

For children under 6 years of age this question is not to be completed.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_EDTYPE — Type of educational institution attending
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12. Type of educational establishment you are attending
For persons 6 years and over
[] 1 Graduate and doctorate
[] 2 Higher educational establishment
[] 3 Secondary specialized educational establishment
[] 4 Vocational school
[] 5 General educational establishment of all types
[] 6 Other school
[] 7 Not attending

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Question 11. Education (for persons aged 10 and over)
To be completed for persons aged 10 and over.

Question 12. Type of educational establishment the person attends currently
To be filled in for persons aged 6 and over.
Code 1 "Postgraduate vocational (postgraduate study or doctorate)" - to be encircled for persons attending postgraduate or doctorate courses.
Code 2 "Higher vocational" - to be encircled for persons attending higher education establishments (institutes, universities, academies, etc.).
Code 3 "Secondary vocational" - to be encircled for persons attending technical schools, training schools (e.g., medical, pedagogical) colleges, etc.
Code 4 "Basic vocational" - to be encircled for persons attending vocational (technical) schools, vocational lyceums, etc.
Code 5 "General of all types" - to be encircled for persons attending primary, basic, secondary general schools (including those with in-depth study of selected subjects), lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.
Code 6 "Other school" - to be encircled for persons attending schools and courses not providing general education (retraining or professional improvement courses, preparatory courses at educational establishments), as well as courses providing vocational training (courses for bookkeepers, translators, secretaries, etc.).
For persons attending two educational establishments at the same time, the highest in status and type establishment is to be marked.
Code 7 "Do not study" - to be encircled for persons aged 6 and over not attending educational establishments.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_PRESCHOOL — Attending preschool
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13. Are you attending preschool?
For persons of preschool age
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 11. Education (for persons aged 10 and over)
To be completed for persons aged 10 and over.

Question 13. Does the person attend an infant school? (for a child of preschool age) is to be filled in for preschool children.
This question is asked of parents having preschool children (who do not attend a general education school yet), in which case the code corresponding to one of prompts proposed is to be encircled:
Code 1 "Yes" - to be encircled for children attending infant schools (nurseries, preprimary schools, kindergartens) irrespective of their ownership.
If at the census moment a child does not temporarily attend infant school, e.g. because of illness, "Yes" is to be marked for him/her.
Code 2 "No" is to be encircled for children not attending any infant schools.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_SCHOOL — Attended school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 11-13 were asked of persons aged 6 years and above]

12. Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Never been (skip to question 14)
[] 2 At school
[] 3 Left school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years, section C, D and E should be marked "N/A".

Question 12: Has [the respondent] ever attended school?
The purpose of this question is to establish the degree of school enrolment.

"School" refers to participation in full-time education in an institution like primary and secondary schools, university, etc.

The category "never been" includes those who have not attended school at all.

"At school" refers to all persons who are attending formal educational institutions and include those who are temporarily absent from school or those on holiday.

"Left school" refers to those who once attended formal school but have left or completed their cycle and are no longer attending.

Circle the appropriate answer. For not known, enter "9".

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For 6 years and above
[Questions 11-14 were asked of persons 6 years and older]

12. Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Never been (Go to section D.)
[] 2 At school
[] 3 Left school
[] 4 No answer (Go to section D.)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years of age, tick alternative "6" for question 11, and leave questions 12 -- 19 blank.

Question 12: Has [the respondent] ever attended school?
The purpose of this question is to establish the degree of school enrolment.
"School" refers to participation in full-time education in an institution like primary and secondary schools, university, etc.
The category "never been" includes those who have not attended school at all.
"At school" refers to all persons who are attending formal educational institutions and include those who are temporarily absent from school or those on holiday.
"Left school" refers to those who once attended formal school but have left or completed their cycle and are no longer attending.
Indicate the response by ticking the appropriate box.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_SCHOOL — Attended school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For persons 6 and above
[Questions Q18-Q21 are asked of persons age 6 and above only]

Q19. Have you ever attended school?

[] 1. Never (Go to Q22)
[] 2. Yes, study now
[] 3. Yes, left
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.4 Section C: For individuals 6 years old and above
Section "C" is an educational question that must be asked to everyone who is 6 years old and above. Children under the age of 6 are not required to answer the questions in section "C", the interviewee can stop interviewing that child and continue with other household members.

Question Q19: Have you ever attended school?
The purpose of this question is to know about the school attendance of the household members.
Attending school
It means attending public or private educational institutions both domestically and abroad. This question is specifically for those who have entered school, are studying, or have already left school as follows:


1) "Never" refers to a person who has never attended school to learn any subjects even once in their life.
2) "Studying" refers to a person who is studying in a school or educational institution, including a person who is temporarily absent from school or in the middle of a study break.
3) "Used to attend, but already quit" refers to a person who used to attend a school but has already stopped learning in school and does not attend school anymore.
Noting down the answers, the surveyor should highlight in black the boxes according to the answer given by the interviewee.
Example: Answering questions for Q19 is done as follows:
1) If the interviewee never attended school.
2) If the interviewee is studying.
3) If the interviewee used to attend school but has already left school.
[A figure is omitted here]

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section C. For all persons aged 5 years and over

16. Has (the respondent) ever attended school?

[Question 16 partially cut off on enumeration form.]

[] 1 Never attended
[] 2 Still attending
[] 3 Left school
[] NA not applicable
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
3. Part C of the questionnaire

122. Column 16: Full-time School Attendance.
Please code according to list.
For all children under the age of 5 years enter NA. For those aged 5 years and over
Never attended school - code 1 for persons who have never at any time received full-time education, or children in day care centers and nursery schools.
Still attending - code 2 for persons still receiving full- time education at the time of the census.
Left school - Code 3 for persons who received full-time education in the past and are no longer receiving it.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D. Education
[For all persons aged 2 years and over.]

21. Has (the respondent) ever attended school?

[] 1 Never attended (probe for more information)
[] 2 Still attending
[] 3 Left school
[] NA not applicable
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part D of the Questionnaire
For persons aged 2 years and over

90. Column 21: Full-time school attendance has (name) ever attended School?

Please code according to list. For all children under the age of 2 years enter code 8.
For those aged 2 years and over
Code 1 for persons who have never at any time attended received full-time education,
Code 2 for persons still attending and receiving full-time education at the time of the census (still attending). Code 3 for persons who have ever received a full-time education in the past and are no longer receiving it. (Left school)

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Ask all persons over the age of five years

11. School attendance
Is person presently attending school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Persons 5 years and over

P19. School attendance

Has [the respondent] ever attended school?
If never skip to P21

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Persons age 5 or older
[Questions J and K were asked of persons age 5 or older]

k. Education

In school during June 1987?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

In School during June, 1987
50. This question collects information on whether the household member age 5 years or older was attending school in a formal education institution in June, 1987. These institutions are primary schools, secondary schools, Malawi College of Distance Education centers and universities.

51. This question does not include those taking further training as teachers, agriculturalists, taking short courses in commerce or technical subjects or attending Adult Literacy schools. Note that private night schools or private correspondence studies should not be taken as Malawi College of Distance Education night schools or Malawi College of Distance Education centres which offer full-time instruction.

Persons aged 5 years or more

[Questions (j) and (k) on Literacy and Education apply only to persons aged 5 years or more. Never ask any of these questions to persons younger than 5 years]

(k) Education

In school June, 1987: For each person ask whether he/she was attending any formal educational institution (school/university) in June, 1987. Record the appropriate code in column 32. The codes are:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_SCHOOL — School
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions B10-B15 are for persons age 5 and older]

B13. Education: [was the respondent] in school August 1998?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

3. Persons age 5 years or older

Education: Education/school refers to formal education or schools that are primary and secondary, distant Education Centers or University. Education in this context does not include further training such as teacher's training or technical colleges, short courses, or Adult Literacy Schools.

B13. In school August, 1998: For each person aged 5 years and over, ask whether he/she was attending any formal education institution (school/university) in August, 1998. Record the appropriate code in column B13.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions P16-P19 were asked of residents age 3 years or older]

P 17. Has the respondent ever attended school?

[] 0 Has never attended (go to P20)
[] 1 Has ever attended
[] 2 Is currently attending

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Household members age 3 years or older
[Questions P16-P19 were asked of persons age 3 years or older]

P17. School attendance
Ask respondent about school attendance, including Pre-school.

If response is never attended "0", skip to P20. But, if the response is "1" or "2", proceed to ask question P18.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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10. Are you going to school? (excluding adult education and kindergarten)

[] Yes (skip to 12)
[] No

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

11. Have you ever been to school? (excluding adult education and kindergarten)
[] Currently Attending
[] Completed
[] No (Skip to 14)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

This question should be asked as shown on the form. If a person says 'yes' you are to then ascertain whether he or she is currently attending school or has completed schooling. The 'Completed' box is thus to be marked for persons who had been to school, even if only for a few years, but is currently not attending school.

A person has been to school if he/she has attended any regular educational institution, public or private, for systematic instruction at any level of education. The term 'school' should be confined to educational institutions which provide formal/systematic instruction. Instructions in particular skills which is not part of the recognized educational structure should be excluded.

Schools should include: primary, secondary, and tertiary (University/College). The following should be excluded: in-service-courses, religious classes (unless those which provide secular education), adult education, self-study or correspondence courses, and other (e.g. education through radio or television, sewing class, etc.).

If a person is currently attending college or university, mark the box 'Currently attending', (Teachers are not to be marked 'Currently attending' unless they are currently being trained to be a teacher in a college or university).

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_SCHOOL2 — Current school attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

[Questions C12-14 were asked of persons who had ever attended school.]

C12. Are you still schooling/completed schooling?

[] 1 Currently schooling
[] 2 Completed schooling

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question C11-C14

The purpose of these questions is to obtain information for each person including:
The level of education, that is, whether the person has ever been to school or not, and whether he/she is currently attending school or has completed schooling.
The highest level of schooling completed/still attending.
The highest certificate obtained.

Question C12

[Question C12 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]


"Current schooling" means that a person is currently attending one of the educational institutions that provide formal education.

"Completed schooling" means that a person has been to school and has completed his/her schooling at the time of interview.

Special note

For persons who are currently waiting for the examination results from the formal educational institutions, they are considered as currently schooling.

For persons who are attending part-time classes at the formal educational institutions, they are also considered as currently schooling.

How to ask the question

Ask the question as follows:

"Is ____ (member's name) still schooling or has completed schooling?"

How to record the answer

You are to mark (X) in the Code 1 box if the answer is "Currently schooling" and Code 2 box if the answer is "Completed schooling".

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_SCHOOL — Ever attended school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

C15. Have you ever been to school/college/polytechnic/university? (including pre-school)
[] 1 Yes, currently schooling (full time)
[] 2 Yes, currently schooling (part time)
[] 3 Completed schooling
[] 4 No, too young (End interview for this person)
[] 5 Never attended school (Go to C17)

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Section B: Individual Characteristics

For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]


19. School attendance

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

1.2.2. Questions for persons aged 6 years and above

This is the second group of questions, concerning the characteristics of household members. They concern only the persons aged 6 years and above.

For persons aged less than 6 years (children), write (0) or (00) depending on column width in Columns P16 to P30.

Column P16-P18: Level of education

This group of questions provides together an idea on the level of education of the population.

16. Column P16 -- the level of education attained
17. Column P17 -- highest grade completed
18. Column P18 -- highest diploma obtained

The question to be asked to the household members aged 6 years and above will be: "Has name ever been to school?"
If no, then write (00) in Columns P16, P17 and P18.

If yes, then write:

In Column P16 le number corresponding to the level attained
In Column P17 the last grade attended in this level of education
In Column P18 the highest diploma obtained, while using the instructions at the bottom of the questionnaire.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Population age three or older
[Questions P18-P23 were asked for persons age 3+.]

P18) School attendance
Has [Name] ever attended school or is he/she currently attending school?

Record the corresponding code

[] 0 No, never attended
[] 1 Yes, attended in past
[] 2 Yes, attending currently
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image School attendance (Column P18)
The agent asks the question: "Has [NAME] ever attended or does he/she currently attend school?." We consider this attendance regardless of the type of school (regular or not, full-or part-time, day or evening). Enter the appropriate code: "0" for "No, never attended" "1" for "Yes, attended" and "2" for "Yes, currently attending."

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 2 years and over:

20 School attendance ____

If now attending school (including pre-primary), college or university full-time, write 'now'.
If has attended school in the past, write 'past'.
If never attended school, write 'never'.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 20
School attendance
For every person aged 2 years and above, write as appropriate:

Now - for a person who is now attending school fulltime, whether it is a preprimary, primary or secondary school, a university or a vocational or technical school.
Past - for a person who has attended school, college, university, vocational or technical school in the past.
Never - for a person who has never attended school, even if he or she has obtained educational qualifications.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Population census form]

For persons aged 2 years and over:
[Column 19 to 21 were asked of persons age 2 and older.]

20. School attendance _

If now attending school (including pre-primary), college or university full-time, write 'now'. If has attended school/college/university full-time in the past, write: 'past'. If never attended school/college/university, write: 'never'.

[] Now
[] Past
[] Never
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

[Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age. Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over.]

Column 20 - School attendance
For every person aged 2 years and above, write as appropriate:

NOW- for a person who is now attending school full-time, whether it is a preprimary, primary or secondary school, a university or a vocational or technical school.
PAST- for a person who has attended school, college, university, vocational or technical school in the past.
NEVER- for a person who has never attended school, even if he or she has obtained educational qualifications.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Individual form

[Question P20 to P22 were asked of persons aged 2 years and over]

P21. School attendance

State if the person is now attending / has attended / has never attended an educational institution:

[] 1 Now-Full time
[] 2 Now-Part time
[] 3 Past
[] 4 Never
[] 5 Child not yet at school
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P21 - School attendance
Answers to question on school attendance provide information on participation in primary, secondary and post-secondary institutions. The proportion of school-age population taking advantage of the educational system will help in the assessment of the adequacy of the school system of the country.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P21 - School attendance
For every person aged 2 years and over, shade as appropriate:

[] 1 Now - Full Time - for a person who is now attending school full-time, whether it is a pre-primary, primary or secondary school, a university or a vocational or technical school.
[] 2 Now - Part Time - for a person who is now following a course on a part time basis. This is also applicable to those following correspondence course or undertaking any other type of private studies on a part time basis.
[] 3 Past - for a person who has attended school, college, university, vocational or technical school in the past.
[] 4 Never - for a person who has never attended school, even if he/she has obtained educational qualifications.
[] 5 Child not yet at school - for any child aged 2 years and over and who has not started going to pre-preprimary school yet.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_EDLEV2 — Schooling level currently attending
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For all persons 6 years old or more

10. School Attendance

Does the person go to school?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

What grade is the person attending?

In _____ of elementary
In _____ of secondary
In _____ of college preparatory high school or vocational
Other _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Scholastic Attendance

Column 10

This question relates to finding out the number of people, age 6 and above, who currently attend an institution of learning on a regular basis, be it a school, college, institute, university, etc., as well as the year of study they are in.

[Drawing] Frequently, adults attend centers of study; therefore, ask this question of all people 6 years old or above.

For people who declare that "Yes," they do go to school, the year that they attend at the corresponding level should be written down; for example: if a person attend the fourth year of primary, a "4" should be written on the line which says "in _____ of primary."

If the answer is third year of Civil Engineering, write this answer completely on the line corresponding to "Other," in this way: [Depiction of enumeration form; section: "School Attendance."]

In this part, only one answer should be written. When in doubt, utilize the criteria for column 9.
In some upper level areas of study, the studies are done by semester; in this case the equivalence in years should be written.

[P. 39]

When people are in a vacation period, but expect to return to school, write down the year or grade that they will be entering when the vacation ends.

[Drawing] Do not forget to include the children who just entered the first year of school.

Stop here if the person is below 12 years of age and continue if the person is 12 years old or above.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Ask only if this person is five years old or more

9. School Attendance

Does this person go to school? Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

9. School attendance

This question should be asked of all persons who have completed five years or more, including the adults, since many older persons attend programs for adult education.

If the person goes to school to study or is enrolled in an open education system, it is considered that he/she attends school. If the person goes to a school to work because that is where he/she carries out his/her occupation, it is considered that the person does not go to school.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_SCHOOL1 — Currently attends school
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For people 5 years old or older
[Applies to questions 5.1 to 5.4]


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

5.1 Illiteracy

The question is directed to the population five years old or older. With it, the ability of the population between six and fourteen years old to read and write is to be known. Also it permits us to distinguish people 15 years older or older who know how to read and write (literate) from those who do not (illiterate).

When the answer is affirmative, circle code 1, in the contrary case, circle code 2.

[p. 102]

A person knows how to read to write when he or she can read and write a message. Not knowing how to read and write is considered when a person can only write his or her name, isolated words, some numbers or can only read ads, signs his or her name and small phrases.

If an informant responds "a little, " "not much," "more or less," "I write with ugly penmanship," it is necessary to know if the person can really read or write. For this, questions are asked like "can you read and write a letter?" or "Can you write something that has happened to you?"

Consider that there are people who know how to read and write and do not necessarily attend or attended school. Also, there are those who attend school yet do not know how to read or write. Because of this, whatever the answer the following questions should not be omitted.

5.2 and 5.3 Attendance

These questions are asked to the population 5 years old or older to identify people who currently attend school and who did at one time. Principally it is to be known if people of school age (6 to 14 years) are attending school.

Current attendance is considered to be the fact that a person goes to school or studies in any educational establishments of the National Educational System.

Past attendance is the fact that a person has gone to school or studied in any educational establishments of the National Educational System.

Attendance can be preschool, primary, secondary, preparatory or high school, professional (university, technological, normal, etc.) or post graduate.

The school or educational establishment can be classified in the following way:

- Public or private
- Of Open Education (in which one attends only some days for consulting and/or taking exams).
- Of Special Education (where education to people with audio, visual, language or learning problems is offered.
- Of Primary and secondary Education for adults
- Of technical or commercial Studies (in which a career at a technical level is offered like in academies, private centers, among others).

[p. 103]

Question 5.2 finds out the current scholarly attendance of the population.

When the answer is they do currently attend school, circle code 3 and go to question 5.4, when the answer is no, register code 4 and go to the next question.

If the answer is affirmative, but refers only to illiteracy classes, courses given in cultural centers, university extension courses, workshops or training on the job, consider that the person does not attend school. Some of these courses can be for carpentering, beauty, English, confectionary, photography, personal development, dressmaking, etc.

Question 5.3 finds out the past scholarly attendance of the population.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

When the answer is having attended school, circle the indicated code and continue with the question of level of instruction (5.4).

If the answer is never having gone to school, circle the corresponding code and go to section VI, about Civil state, if the person is 12 years old or older, if younger than this age, continue with the next person. If this is the last of the list go to section VII of Social subsidies, health services and disability.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_ATTEND — School attendance
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Ask only if this person is five years old or more

14. Attendance

Does this person go to school? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes [1] (Continue with question number 16)
2 No [2]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

14. School Attendance

If the person goes to school to study in any of the following educational levels: preschool, primary, secondary, preparatory or high school, technical or commercial school, professional (university, technological, school for teachers, among others), masters or doctorate (post-graduate), or rather, to the open school system, or adult education, consider them as attending school.

If they go to courses for literacy (only to learn to read and write), beauty, carpentry, handicrafts, etc., consider them as not attending school.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For people 5 years old or older

3.8 Attendance
Does (Name) currently attend school?
Mark a single answer

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 and 3.10 are asked to people who are 5 years old or older. For this, check the answer that you wrote down in question 3.3 Age.

If a person who you are interviewing is less than 5 years old, go to the next person in the list.

3.8 Attendance

The question permits us to distinguish people who attend school from those who do not do it.

Consider that a person Does attend school:

- If registered as student in any educational center of any scholarly level, from preschool and primary school to masters or doctorate.

- If registered in open education and comes with some regularity to receive consulting.

- If taking courses for a degree or its equivalent (engineering, medicine, chemistry) masters or doctorate, at a distance (through Internet).

Consider Does not attend if a person:

- Goes to classes only to learn how to read and write (illiteracy)

- Attends classes of personal development, to learn any office or other type of activities or workshops for fun or pastime (dressmaking, beauty stylist, handicrafts, music, etc)

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For persons age 3 or older
[Questions 12-20 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

17. Attendance
Does [the respondent] currently attend school?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For people age 3 or older.
[Questions 12-20 are for persons age 3 or older]

17. School attendance
Consider that the person attends school when he/she is enrolled and goes as a student or pupil to some education center like:

  • Preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, technical or commercial school, as well as remote middle school or remote high school.
  • Professional (university, technology institute, teacher training college, among others), masters or doctorate (graduate).
  • Open education or education for adults (except literacy classes).

[p. 102]

  • Courses taken via the Internet, at the undergraduate degree or its equivalent, masters, or doctorate.

Consider that the person doesn't go to school when:
  • He/she only goes to classes to learn to read and write (literacy).
  • Takes classes to learn a trade or craft such as sewing, beauty, electricity, computation, music, among others.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
17. School attendance
Does [the respondent] currently attend school?
[Circle one code]

[] 5 Yes
[] 7 No [skip to question 22]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
17. School Attendance
This question identifies the population that is enrolled in a school in the educational system or its equivalent and regularly attends it.

[Figures are omitted]

Consider that the person attends school when he/she is registered in:

[] Preschool or kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school, technical or commercial studies, as well as tele-secondary and tele-high school.
[] Tertiary education (university, technological, normal, among others), master, specialty, or doctoral (postgraduate).
[] Open education or adult education at basic level (except literacy classes).
[] Distance learning classes and online, either because the person is taking undergraduate level courses or courses from master's or doctorate.

Records that the person does not attend school when:

[] He/she only goes to classes to learn to read and write (literacy).
[] He/she takes courses to learn a trade or craft, such as: sewing and dressmaking, hairstyling and beauty, electricity, computer studies, music, among others.

When the answer is "yes", proceed to question 18 "Municipality of school attended". Otherwise, go to question 22 "Schooling".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
17. School attendance: Does [the respondent] currently attend school?

Circle one code only

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to 22)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.


17. School attendance
This question identifies people who are of 3 years of age or older who are enrolled and attending an educational institution of the National Education System (NES) or its equivalent.
It includes those who attend classes as students or pupils and those who study online or remotely.
Consider that the person Does attend when is enrolled in:

- Any of the three grades of preschool or kindergarten.
- Elementary school, junior high school, high school, technical or commercial career, as well as a junior high distance learning program and a high school distance learning program.
- University, technological or normal.
- Specialty, master's degree or doctorate (postgraduate).
- Open Education or Adult Basic Education (except literacy classes).

[Figure omitted: image with text]

If the person attends an elementary, junior high school, or high school that is targeted to the indigenous population, with disabilities or outstanding abilities, consider that he/she attends.
Record that the person does not attend school when:

- He/she only attends classes to learn how to read and write (literacy).
- He/she takes courses to learn a trade or handicrafts, such as: dressmaking, cosmetology, electricity, computing, music, etcetera.
- He/she is getting prepared to take a single accreditation exam for basic, middle, and higher education.
If the person does not attend school, skip to the question

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_SCHOOL — School
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Persons aged 7 and above should answer.
[Questions 11-13 were asked of persons aged 7 and over.]

13. Are you studying now?

(Persons 7-29 years should answer.)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 13

Are you studying now? Persons aged 7-29 should answer this question. Circle code-1 if the respondent is studying at the present time at any level of school in the day, evening times and by correspondence. If the person is not studying, circle code-2. Those people who are studying in a foreign language course, occupational course with certificate or any equivalent course and short-term non-official training will not be considered as a person studying at the current time.

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_SCHOOL — School enrollment in 2013-14
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Education and literacy

24. School year 2013-2014 - Was this person enrolled in school in 2013-2014?

General education
[] 1 Yes, until the end
[] 2 Yes, unfinished

Vocational training
[] 3 Yes, until the end
[] 4 Yes, unfinished
[] 5 No

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


18. Say whether (the person):

[] Is attending an educational establishment
[] Attended an educational establishment
[] Has never attended an educational establishment ? Go to #2
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only Directed For People With 5 Years And Older

P18. Say if:
This question refers to attendance at a regular educational institution, official or private.
Keep in mind that:

- it is not considered as participation in school-year: courses in sewing, computing, languages (except if it is a requirement to obtain an academic degree, etc.).
- Check box number 1 if the interviewee is attending any school;
- Check box number 2 if the respondent is not attending any educational establishment, but he had attended before;
- Check box number 3 if the respondent has never attended any educational establishment. Skip to P21.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For peopled aged 5+ only.

22. Say whether [the person]:

[] 1 Is attending school
[] 2 Has attended school
[] 3 Has never attended school - Go to question 26
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people aged 5+ only

P22. Say whether (the person):

This Question refers to the school attendance at a regular educational establishment, either public or private, including the distance learning courses.

Mark an X in box number 1 if the respondent is currently attending school;
Mark an X in box number 2 if the respondent is not currently attending school;
Mark an X in box number 3 if the respondent has never attended school. Please go to P26.

Be aware that:
Participation in sewing, computing and language courses (except for academic level) is not considered as school attendance.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Age 5 and above (19 through 21)
[Question 19 through 21 were asked of persons age 5 and older.]

Education (19 through 21)

20. Is [the respondent] currently attending, previously attended or never attended school/college?

[] 1. Currently attending
[] 2. Previously attended
[] 3. Never attended
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Education Section
Education questions are asked to all persons aged 5 years and above.

Question 20: School attendance

165. Ask "is [the respondent] currently attending, previously attended, or has never attended school?" The possible response options are:

[] 1 Currently attending
[] 2 Previously attended
[] 3 Never attended

166. School attendance is defined as regular attendance at any regular accredited educational institution or program, public or private, for organized learning at any level of education at the time of the census or, if the census is taken during the vacation period, at the end of the school year or during the last school year. Instruction in particular skills which is not part of the recognized educational structure of the country (for examples, in service training courses employees, training computer skills in colleges) is not considered "educational attendance" for census purposes. Information on school attendance in this census must be collected for all persons aged 5 years and older.

[p. 38]

167. "Regular" school refers to formal education obtained from accredited public, private, religious school, college, university or professional school, whether attendance was full-time or part-time. Regular schooling is that which may advance a person towards a certificate, diploma or professional degree. Schooling other than in regular school should be counted only if the credits obtained are regarded as transferable to a school in regular school system. The language used in the schools is not important, even if it is not Myanmar language but for example English or Chinese. Regular school begins with the first (1st) class at primary level. However, pre-primary school or kindergarten does count as regular school attendance if the age of respondent is 5 years or above.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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Only for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 8-10 are asked of persons who are aged 6 years and above.]

10. Is ____ currently attending school?

(For those aged less than 25 years and who have not passed class 10)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 10: Is ____ currently attending school?
[For those aged 6 and above and less than 25 years and who have not passed class 10]
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

This question should be asked for all persons - those who cannot read or write (illiterate), or those who can read and write (literate) - who have not passed class 10 and are less than 25 years of age.

Currently attending school is defined as school attendance for the purpose of gaining knowledge (education) in the time of enumeration period (reference period). In this case, the person should have enrolled in school or campus and currently be attending school or campus for study.

In the following cases, a person should be considered as attending school for gaining knowledge or education:
- all school-going children registering their name in any type of school
- children who are in holidays as per the rule of school
- children admitted to school but currently not attending due to the illness or taking casual leaves.

If children fulfill the above criteria and are attending school for gaining knowledge (education), then code 1 should be encircled to denote "Yes". If currently not attending school, code 2 should be encircled. Even if admitted in school, if the child is currently not attending school due to any reasons, or the child dropped out of school, then code 2 should be encircled to denote that currently the child is not attending school.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school or college
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Personal Information

For person 5 years and above
[Question 13 to 15 asked of persons 5 years and above.]

[14] Is [the respondent] currently attending school/college?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 14: does [the respondent] go to school/college?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

This question should be asked to each person aged 5 years or above.

Going school/college currently means the person going to school or college for getting education or knowledge. The person should have enrolled and going to school, college or university to get education. In the following condition, we should consider a person is going to school/college to get education or knowledge.

- Students enrolled and going to all kinds of school/college.
- Students on vacation.
- Students taking leave for some time from his or her college due to some illness or are in emergency leave.
[p. 61]

A person who has fulfilled one of the above conditions and is going to school/college to get education, circle the reference 1. If they are not going to school/college, circle the reference 2. A person who has enrolled in school/college, but is unable to go due to some other reason or has left, circle the reference 2 to indicate that he or she is not going to school/or college.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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For those 6 years of age or older
[Applies to Section C]

13. School attendance

Do you currently attend an institution of primary, secondary, or post-secondary education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Unknown

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Cultural [educational] characteristics
Questions 11, 12, and 13 refer to the studies that the enumerated person has completed or is completing. Because of this, these questions are only presented to those persons age 6 or older.

The purpose of these questions is to investigate the population's level of education in relation to demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Question #13: School attendance

a. How to ask the question:
Does the person currently attend a primary, secondary, or higher educational institution?

b. How to record the information:
If the informant claims that the enumerated person is regularly attending a primary, secondary, or higher educational institution, an "X" is marked in the "Yes" box. In the other case, an "X" is marked in the "No" box. If the informant does not know if the person is attending an educational institution, the "Unknown __ 9" box is marked.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 13 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 5-11 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

School attendance
9. Is the person currently attending primary, middle, or secondary school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 9: School attendance
You should mark "Yes" when the person is currently studying and is registered for the current year, even if at this moment the person is on vacation, waiting for exams, or in another situation such as being ill, due to bad weather, etc.

You will only mark "No'' when the person does not attend or did not attend school at any moment of the year, even if he/she was registered and when the person has already completed his/her studies.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_SCHOOL — Currently attends school
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[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

15. Does [the person] currently attend a pre-school, primary, secondary or technical school or a university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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For persons age 5 or older (Questions 11-18)

Question 15. Does [the person] currently attend a pre-school, primary, secondary or technical school or a university?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Educational characteristics
(For persons 5 years of age and above)
[Questions 11-14.]

12. School attendance

[] 1 Attending general
[] 2 Attending specialized
[] 3 Attending Madrassah
[] 4 Left school
[] 5 Not attended any school

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

6.3 School or college attendance (Code 12)
To get answer for column 12, the following questions in seriatim will have to be asked from every member of the household of ages five and above.

1. Ask (by entered name) whether the person is going to school or college.

If the answer to Question number 1 [whether attending school or college] is yes then enquire,
2. Which type of the school or college (ask by entered name) is the person attending?

a) General
b) Specialized
c) Eastern type Madarsah

[Pg. 37]

The answer to this question will be any one of the above three categories and relevant code No. 1, 2, or 3 will be entered against this person.

If the answer to Question Number 1 [whether attending school or college] is 'No' then ask the following questions.
3. Whether (ask by enter name) has left the school or college.

If the answer is 'yes' then code No. 4 will be written against the name of this person.

If the answer of this question [whether the person has left school or college] is also 'No' then ask next question.

4. Did (ask by entered name) never go to school or college for education?

If the respondent rightly gave answers to the three questions as 'No' then answer to the question should be 'yes' and in Column 12 code No. 5 should be written.

If someone gives an answer as "No" then ask the initial three questions again to get correct information.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_SCHOOL — Educational attendance
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48. School attendance
[] 1 Currently enrolled
[] 2 Drop out
[] 3 Graduated
[] 4 Never enrolled

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_SCHOOL — Educational attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 66-68: Persons age 5 or older]

67. Enrollment in education

[] 1 Currently enrolled
[] 2 Enrolled and left
[] 3 Enrolled and graduated
[] 4 Never enrolled

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_SCHOOL — Enrollment in education
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Part two (cont.): Household members data

68. Enrollment in education

[For persons 3 years and over]

[] 0. Currently enrolled in kindergartens
[] 1. Currently enrolled
[] 2. Enrolled and left
[] 3. Enrolled and graduated
[] 4. Never enrolled
Other source documentation view entire document:  text  image
Any educational institution licensed by MOE offering education to four or five year olds. Kindergarten consists of the first and second grades.

Educational attendance:
Attendance means registering the person in any formal education stage irrespective of whether it took the form of continuous attendance or distant learning. Formal education stages include the elementary stage, preparatory stage, (both of which are referred to as the basic stage), secondary stage, and higher education stage.

1. Attending: It applies if the person is currently enrolled in a regular educational stage.

2. Attended and left: It applies if the person unsuccessfully left a regular educational stage, i.e., without obtaining any degree.

3. Attended and graduated: It applies if the person successfully graduated from a regular educational stage and did not enroll in any stage after that.

4. Never attended: It applies if the person is not currently enrolled and was never enrolled in any regular educational stage.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
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Only for persons 7 years of age and older
[Questions 11-13 were asked only of persons aged 7 and older.]

12. Are you currently attending school?

If attending primary, secondary or university, write the grade or year in the corresponding blank. If attending another type of school, mark the box 04. If not attending school, write the box 05.

[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
[] 4 Other type of school
[] 5 Not currently attending

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
(Only for persons 7 years old or more)

Question 12 Are you currently attending school?

If the person is attending, write down as a number on the line corresponding to the class being attended, the grade or school year that the person is attending. So for example: if the person is attending the 4th grade of primary school, the annotation will be made in the following form: Primary 1 ____4.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 12 of the census form. Also to the left of the text is a picture of a classroom with students and a teacher.]

Keep in mind that the inquiry regarding school attendance refers to both public and private schools.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_EDLEVC — Grade currently attending
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13. Do you attend school currently?
Write the number in the appropriate box, according to the grade or year attending. If attending another type of irregular schooling or not attending school, mark X in the appropriate box.

[1] Primary ____
[2] Secondary ____
[3] University ____
[] 04 Preschool or daycare
[] 05 Other school
[] 06 Not attending

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Only for persons 4 years old and older

Question 13 Do you attend school currently?

[Below the text is a picture of a classroom with a teacher and students]

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 12 of the census form.]

[p. 78]

Before making the annotations, follow corresponding instructions. Keep in mind that research about school attendance refers both to official schools (basic general schools from the reformed and not reformed systems) and private schools of this country.
For a better interpretation and understanding of the information, we present below the following explanations:

a) The basic general education of the reformed system (basic cycle) is extended from the 1st to the 9th grade.
b) The primary education (not reformed or traditional system) is extended from the 1st to the 6th grade.

If the person is attending a school of regular education (reformed or not reformed system) and a supplementary school at the same time, the grade or year of the school of regular education will be written down as that which the person attends. Do not use roman numerals.
Below are some examples of how to fill out the boxes in this question.
a) If the interviewed person attends the 4th grade of primary school, the annotation will be:
Primary (1) (4)

b) If the interviewed person attends the 8th grade of the basic general school (basic cycle), the annotation will be:
Primary (1) (8)

c) If the interviewed person declares to be attending the 6th year of a secondary school, the annotation will be:
Secondary (2) (6)

The enumerator should follow the same criteria for persons who declare to be attending the University.

[p. 79]

For the cases of children who are attending a kindergarten or a children's center, mark the box,
"Preschool or kindergarten" (X) 04
Persons who declare to be attending a non regular teaching school such as supplementary schools (1 or 2 years of duration), in which education about beauty, tailoring or confectionaries is taught, mark the box,
"Other school" (X) 05

For those who do not attend any school mark the box
"Does not attend" (X) 06

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_SCHOOL — Attends school
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V. Residence 5 years ago and educational characteristics
For individuals 5 years of age and older
[Questions 10 to 12a were asked of people 5 years and older.]

11. Do you currently attend school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section V. Residence 5 years ago and educational characteristics

(Questions 10 to 12)
(For persons 5 years old or older)

Question Number 11: Do you currently attend school?
School attendance refers to both schools of regular education (official or private) as well as vocational schools that are not incorporated into the regular system of education (schools of 1, 2, or 3 years that teach sewing, beauty, mechanics, electricity, etc.). Also consider attendance as any "pre-school" or "children center" and attendance at schools for persons with mental or physical deficiencies and attendance at courses for illiterates.
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle in agreement with the response of the enumerated person.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

If at the moment of the Census the schools are closed for vacation, work stoppages, lack of teachers or another reason, and the enumerated person is a student waiting to renew classes, yes should be marked in question 11.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_SCHOOL — Attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For individuals 4 years of age and older.

[Questions 10 -11 were asked of persons aged 4 and older.]

10. Do you currently attend school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For persons 4 years old or older

Question No. 10: Do you currently attend school?

School attendance refers to both schools of regular education (official or private), as well as schools of vocational character that are not incorporated in the regular system of education (schools of 1, 2, or 3 years that teach dressmaking, beauty, mechanics, electricity, etc.). Also consider school attendance as any "pre-school" or "children center" and attendance at schools for persons with mental or physical deficiencies attendance in specialized courses that last six (6) months or more and attendance at courses for illiterates.
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle in agreement with the response of the enumerated person.
Vanessa is in the 1st year of secondary school.

[Below the text is a form and a picture of a schoolgirl.]

If at the moment of the Census the schools are closed for vacation, work stoppages, lack of teachers or another reason, and the enumerated person is a student waiting to renew classes, yes should be marked in question 10.

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_SCHOOL — Attending school
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[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to individuals 4 years old and older]

13. Do you currently attend school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to individuals 4 years old and older]

Question No. 13: Do you currently attend school?
[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to persons 4 years old and over]
School attendance refers to both schools of regular education (official or private) and schools of vocational character that are not incorporated into the regular system of education (schools of 1, 2, or 3 years that teach dressmaking, beauty, mechanics, electricity, etc.). Consider as school attendance, attending any "pre-school" or "children center", and schools for people with physical or mental disabilities.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle in agreement with the response of the enumerated person.
If at the time of the Census the schools are closed for vacation, strikes, lack of teachers or another reason, and the enumerated person is a student awaiting the resumption of classes, "yes" should be marked in question 13.
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Example: Vanessa is 13 years old and is in the 1st year of secondary school.
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 4-14 were asked of all persons who stayed in the residence last night.]

12. Do you go to community or high school now?

[] Yes
[] No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Question 12

Do you go to community or high school now?

Do not ask this question of most people who you wrote 'NIL' for in Question 11.
The only exception is a child now in grade 1. He would be 'NIL' in Question 11 but 'yes' for Question 12.
Note that we only want recognized community and high schools. Do not include bible schools or tok ples schools.
It does not include teachers colleges, universities, vocational schools or other non-school training.
Do not ask old people or small children when the answer is obviously 'no'.
Students at community or high schools on school holidays should answer 'yes'.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school (full-time students)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

For all persons
[Questions 12-15 were asked of all persons.]

12. Full Time student

Circle one code only

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education attained
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

For all persons
[Questions 12-15 were asked of all persons.]

13. Highest formal educational level completed

Enter the highest grade of educational level completed. Enter "00" for no education in the boxes

Education _ _

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Continue only for persons aged 5 years or more
[Questions 11-12 were asked of persons age 5+.]

11. Is the person attending any formal schooling now?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No- attended in the past
[] 3 No- never attended
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions on Education
The next four questions are on education and literacy. Information on education and literacy is important because it tells us how many people have attended school and helps us plan for the education needs of the community in the future.

Question 11: School attendance
This question is about the number of persons over the age of 5 years who are currently attending school and those who are not at school.

Q11. Is the person attending any formal schooling now?

[] 1. Yes.
[] 2. No, attended in past.
[] 3. Never attended.
Who to ask: Ask the head of the household or the person responding.

Get this information for: All persons 5 years and older. That is, all persons born before 9 July 1995. If date of birth is not recorded, use age given in years.

How to ask: "Are you/ Is he/she attending any formal schooling now?"

How to record:

Write a code number in the box beside the answer.
Code 1 is for persons who are attending formal school full-time.
Code 1 is also for persons who are enrolled in school but are not attending because of illness, school holidays or other reasons.
Code 2 is for persons who have attended a school in the past.
Code 3 is for those who have never attended school.
-This question is only about attendance at a formal school. Formal education grades are Grade 01 to Grade 12.
-Do not record attendance at Vocational, Tokples, Bible School, or Correspondence courses.
-The census is being conducted during the school holidays; so many students will not be in school. If they usually attend school, record them as Code 1 (Yes).

Paraguay 1962 — source variable PY1962A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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Educational characteristics

For persons 7 years of age and older

11. Currently attending school:

Note whether the person is currently attending an institution of regular schooling, whether public or private.

[] 1 Attending
[] 2 Not attending

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Educational characteristics

Item XI: School attendance

160 - Annotate in the corresponding box if the enumerated person, from the age of seven and up, does or does not attend, on the date of the census, an institute of regular education of the country.

161 - Regular education means the education imparted in public or private establishments, within the educational plans or programs officially approved in the country.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
B. Educational characteristics

Only for those persons 7 years of age and older
[Questions 11 to 14 were asked of persons age 7 and older]

13. Do you currently attend an institution of regular schooling (primary - secondary - university)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
IV. Information about the Population

B. Educational characteristics
These questions are asked only of persons seven years old and older.

13. Current attendance at an establishment for regular education.
Mark the corresponding box, according to whether the person attends an establishment for regular education or not at the census date.

The persons registered in any institution of regular education, but do not attend classes, due to illness or vacations, mark "attends".

13. Do you currently attend a regular educational establishment (elementary, secondary or university?


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
II. Educational characteristics

For those 7 years of age and older

14. Do you currently attend an institution of regular schooling? (primary - secondary - university)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. For persons age 7 and older. Educational characteristics

Question 14. Do you currently attend an establishment of regular instruction?

Make an X in the corresponding box.

[A depiction of question 14 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Those people who are enrolled in an institution of regular instruction but who are not attending classes at the moment of the census, because of illness or vacation, should be marked as "yes."

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Population information

For persons 5 years of age and older

11. Do you currently study at an establishment of regular schooling?

Regular schooling: Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, Superior and University.

[] 1 Yes


[] 2 Because of work or lack of financial resources
[] 3 Because of problems related to the school
[] 4 For other reasons

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 11: Do you currently study in an educational center for regular education?

Regular education [formal education]: Pre-School, elementary, secondary, higher and university.

Ask if the person being enumerated is currently studying, and if not, you should register the reason for not studying.

If the person is currently attending a regular educational center, in any of the levels cited above, you should mark yes.

If he/she is not attending any, read the different reasons established in the list of why he/she does not attend. Mark only one answer.

For persons over 30 years old, if he/she does not study, mark no, for other reasons. This option includes not being of an age for studying, whether he/she is too young, old, does not want to study, is pregnant, has children, etc.

11. Do you currently study in an establishment for regular [formal] education?

Regular education: Pre-school, elementary, secondary, Higher and University.

[] 1 Yes

[] 2 Because he/she works and cannot afford it
[x] 3 Due to problems related to the school
[] 4 For other reasons

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_SCHLPAST — Ever attended school
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

10. Have you ever attended a school or institution of regular schooling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 6 No - Go on to question 16
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F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 10: Did you ever attend a school, private school, or institution of regular [formal] education?

This question will permit classification of the population in two groups: those who at any time attended any institution of formal education, whether public or private, at elementary, basic school education, or secondary, and those who never attended.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

11. Are you currently attending a school or institution of regular schooling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 6 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_SCHOOL — Currently attending an educational institution
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For those 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

10. Do you or did you attend any educational institution of regular instruction?

Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 Not currently attending, but did attend
[] 2 Currently attending
[] 3 Never attended - Skip to question 12

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For people 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

Question No. 10: Do you or did you attend any educational institution of regular instruction?
This question refers to attendance of a study center belonging to the regular educational system.
[There is a picture of question 10 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
[p. 43]
Not considered in such attendance is participation in courses in dressmaking, computers, etc.
Read the question and, based on the response, circle the appropriate number. If the informant reports that they have never attended, circle number 3 and continue on to question 12.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_SCHOOLATT — Currently attending a high school, school, or university
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For persons aged three or older
[Applies to questions 9-12]

12. Do you currently attend a high school, school, college or university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged three and older
[Applies to questions 9-12]

Question 12: Do you currently attend a high-school, school, college or university?
[p. 51]

  • If the person is attending an early childhood center [nido], day-care [cuna guarderia], kindergarten, national pre-primary non-traditional program [programa nacional no escolarizado de educaciĆ³n inicial] or day care for children less than 4 years old [wawa wasi], circle number 1, "Yes".
  • If the person is studying in a non-traditional setting [educacion no escolarizada, when students do not attend classes in a physical school on a daily basis] circle number 1, "Yes".
  • If the respondent is attending advanced master's- or doctorate-level classes circle number 2, "No".
  • If the respondent is taking short courses in sewing, computing (fewer than three years), cosmetology, handicrafts, etc, or classes in a vocational school [centros de educacion ocupacional] circle number 2, "No."

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_SCHOOL — Currently attending an educational institution, school, high school, or university
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Section V. Characteristics of the population

14. Are you currently attending an educational institution, school, high school, or university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No -- Go to question 16
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For people of 3 years of age and older
[Questions 11 to 15 are asked of persons age 3 or older]

Question 14: Are you currently attending an educational institution, school, high school, or university?

If the respondent is attending:

- A nursery school, kindergarten, pronoei or Wawa Wasi, fill in the oval of option 1, "yes".
- A non-school educational center, fill in the oval of option 1, "yes".
- Specialization courses such as a master's or doctorate degree, fill in the oval of option 1, "yes".
- Short courses in sewing, computing (less than 3 years), cosmetology, handicrafts, etc. or courses in occupational education centers (CEOs), fill in answer option 2, "no".

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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5 Years Old and Older
[Questions P15-P22 apply to persons 5 years old and over]

P20. School Attendance

Did [respondent] attend school at any time from June 1989 to March 1990?

Encircle Code

1 Yes
2 No, skip to P22.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

P20 School Attendance

Data on school attendance provide a description of the school-age population actually in school. The proportion of the school-age population which is able to take advantage of the educational system is necessary in the assessment of the adequacy of the educational system of the country.

Ask the respondent the question in P20, "Did _______ attend school at any time from June 1989 to March 1990?" for all persons 5 years old and over. If the answer is Yes, encircle code 1 ; if No, encircle code 2 .

School Attendance means attendance at any educational institution, public or private, for formal academic education at the elementary, high school, college or university level at any time during the school year June 1989 to March 1990.

Attendance in these schools leads to a higher grade and ultimately, to an academic title/degree. It includes attendance in night classes.

Include school attendance that is leading to a high school diploma in vocational high schools such as schools of arts and trades or technical high schools, and rural or agricultural high schools. Also include attendance in post secondary vocational/technical schools which are within the regular system of education such as universities and colleges.


a. Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST)

b. San Carlos Rural High School

Exclude, however, attendance in vocational schools outside the regular system of education, in such short courses as dressmaking, beauty culture, hair science, auto mechanic, motor vehicle driving, typing, stenography, bookkeeping, etc. Also exclude day care centers which teach children the alphabet just to pass away their time.


a. A-l Driving School

b. CWL Vocational Center

c. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Day Care Center

Also exclude training received by mail from correspondence schools like ICS (International Correspondence School). However, if the correspondence courses are given by a regular school such as a university, and they are considered toward promotion in the regular school system, such schooling should be included. Also exclude school attendance in review classes for bar or board or other examination for the practice of a profession or trade.

If a person was enrolled at the beginning of the school year or on the second semester but subsequently dropped out from school, also encircle code 1 for him.

If an answer of Yes is given for a person who is old enough to have graduated from college (25 years old and over), verify the answer, especially in barangays far from colleges and universities, before you encircle code 1.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For Persons 5 years Old and Over

P19. Did [respondent] attend school at anytime from June 1999 to March 2000? ( If no, skip to P22)

[] Yes
[] No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P19 School attendance

Data on school attendance provide a description of the school-age population actually in school. The proportion of the school-age population, which is able to take advantage of the educational system, is necessary in the assessment of the adequacy of the educational system of the country.
Ask the respondent the question in P19: "Did _______ attend school at any time from June 1999 to March 2000?" for all persons 5 years old and over. If the answer is Yes, cross out the circle for this category; otherwise, place an "x" in the circle for No.

School attendance means attendance at any educational institution, public or private, for formal academic education at the elementary, high school, college or university level at any time during the school year June 1999 to March 2000.

Attendance in these schools leads to a higher grade and ultimately, to an academic title/degree. It includes attendance in night classes.

Include school attendance that is leading to a high school diploma in vocational high schools such as schools of arts and trades or technical high schools, and rural or agricultural high schools. Also include attendance in post secondary vocational/technical schools which are within the regular system of education such as universities and colleges.


a. Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST)
b. San Carlos Rural High School

Exclude, however, attendance in vocational schools outside the regular system of education, in such short courses as dressmaking, beauty culture, hair science, auto mechanic, motor vehicle driving, typing, stenography, bookkeeping, etc. Also exclude day care centers which teach children the alphabet just to pass away their time.


a. A-l Driving School
b. CWL Vocational Center
c. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Day Care Center

Also exclude training received by mail from correspondence schools like ICS (International Correspondence School). However, if the correspondence courses are given by a regular school such as a university, and they are considered toward promotion in the regular school system, such schooling should be included. Also exclude school attendance in review classes for bar or board or other examination for the practice of a profession or trade.

If a person was enrolled at the beginning of the school year or on the second semester but subsequently dropped out from school, draw an "x" mark on the circle corresponding the answer YES.

If an answer of Yes is given for a person who is old enough to have graduated from college (25 years old and over), verify the answer, especially in barangays far from colleges and universities, before drawing an "x" mark on the circle corresponding the answer YES.

Filling Up Questions P11 to P19 of CPH Form 3: An Example
Illustration 8.1 shows how to fill-up P11 to P19 of CPH Form 3 based on the information from the household of Ismael Santiago. Among the household members, only Carlito attended school from June 1999 to March 2000. Alma can read and write only in Filipino/Tagalog.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Population Census Questions

For all 5 to 24 years old.
[Questions 17 and 18 were asked of persons 5-24 years old]

P17. School attendance- Did [the respondent] attend school at any time from June 2009 to March 2010?

If no, skip to P.19. Write X in the box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns P17 to P18 for All Persons 5 to 24 Years Old
Columns P17 to P18 shall be accomplished only for household members 5 to 24 years old. Thus, if a household member is less than 5 years or more than 24 years old, leave these columns blank.

P17-School Attendance
Item P17 is a question on school attendance, specifically, if the household member attended school at anytime from June 2009 to March 2010. Data on school attendance provide a description of the school-age population actually in school. The proportion of the school-age population is necessary in the assessment of the adequacy of the country's educational system.
Ask the respondent the question in P17:"Did [the respondent] attend school at any time from June 2009 to March 2010?" for all person 5 to 24 years old. If the answer is Yes, write "X" in the box for Yes, otherwise, write "X" in the box for No. If the answer is No in P17, do not ask P18-Place of School anymore.

School attendance means attendance in any educational institution, public or private, for formal academic education at the elementary, high school, college or university level.
Attendance in these schools leads to a higher grade/year and ultimately to an academic title/degree. It includes attendance in open universities/distance learning and night classes.
Include school attendance that is leading to a high school diploma in vocational high schools, such as school of arts and trades or technical high schools, and rural or agricultural high schools.
Include also attendance in post-secondary vocational/technical schools which are within the regular system of education in universities and colleges.
Examples of technical schools:

Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST)
Samson Institute of Technology

Exclude attendance in vocational schools outside the regular system of education, that is short courses such as dressmaking, beauty culture, hair science, auto mechanic, motor vehicle driving, typing, stenography, bookkeeping, and others. Exclude also day care centers (nursery, kindergarten I), which teach children the alphabet just to pass away their time. Include, however, attendance in preparatory or its equivalent (Kindergarten II, Prep) if it is offered in regular schools.
[pg. 153]

Examples of schools to be excluded:
[] A-1 Driving School
[] CWL Vocational Center
[] Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Day Care Center

Exclude also training received by mail from correspondence schools like the International Correspondence School (ICS). However, if the correspondence courses are given by a regular school such as a university, and the courses are considered toward promotion in the regular school system, such schooling should be included. Also excluded are school attendance in review classes for bar or board or other examinations for the practice of a profession or trade.
If a person was enrolled at the beginning of the school year or in the second semester but subsequently dropped out from school, write "X" in the box corresponding to the answer yes.
For purposes of the census, include attendance in Madrasah and other learning systems, which are organized by indigenous communities. However, these types of school should be accredited by the DepEd.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_EDTYPE — Continuing education
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2. Module -- Education
(Questions concern persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier)
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier.]

5. Are you continuing your education?

[] 1. Yes, on a daily/full-time basis
[] 2. Yes, on an evening/weekend (part-time) basis, distance learning
[] 3. No
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Module 2 -- Education (questions 1-6)
Questions concern persons aged 13 years or more.
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more.]

Question 5. Are you continuing your education?

The 1 or 2 "yes" answer:
Is indicated for individuals continuing their education on various basis: daily, evening, part-time or distance learning basis, completion of which makes it possible to achieve higher level of education.

The "3 no" answer -- should be indicated for other individuals, who have not attended any schools, as well as individuals, who are attending supplementary or extensive vocational courses, as well as those gaining new qualifications (for example: gaining knowledge about computers, foreign languages, sewing, driving).

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

9. [Literacy, continued]

[] 2 Are you attending school?
[] 4 Have you ever attended school?
[] 6 No, never attended

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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Question 9 - School attendance

This question admits the following answers:

Are you attending school - to select this option is not enough to be enrolled in school, the respondent has to attend school regularly.
Have you ever attended school- choose this option if you do not attend school anymore, normally this is for persons who are not enrolled.
No, never attended - people that never enrolled in a school or teaching establishment, even if they know how to read and write.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

9. School attendance

[] 2 No, never attended
[] 4 Attending
[] 6 Attended, but no more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 9: School attendance

We admit the following answers:

No, never attended -- people who never enrolled in a school or teaching establishment, even if they know how to read and write. Also applies to children who have not yet reached school age. Children attending pre-primary are not included in here.

Attending -- to select this option it is not enough to be enrolled in a school -- regular attendance is required. Children attending pre-primary are included here.

Attended, but not anymore -- this option applies to people who do not attend school anymore, either because they are not enrolled anymore or because they ended the course or quitted school.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

12. Are you attending or have you ever attended school?

[] 1 No, never attended - Go to 16
[] 3 Attending
[] 5 Attended, but no more

Question 12 - Are you attending or have you ever attended school?

No, never attended - you have never regularly attended classes in an educational establishment. Usually, this situation refers to persons who have never enrolled in an educational establishment, although they may be able to read and write. It also applies to children who have not reached school age and who are not attending pre-school classes.

Attending - to tick this box, it is not enough to be enrolled, it is necessary to regularly attend classes. You must also tick this response for children in pre-school education. Attending vocational programs will be considered here whenever the program attended is equivalent to a level of public education.

Attended, but no more - whoever no longer attends classes, that is, whoever is no longer enrolled because they have finished their studies or have dropped out of school.

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Question 12 - Are you attending or have ever attended school?

We admit the following modalities:

No, never attended - people that never enrolled in a school or teaching establishment, even if they know how to read and write. Also applies to children that didn't yet reach school age.

Attending - to select this option it is not enough to be enrolled in a school. Rather, one has to attend school regularly.

Attended, but no more - chooses this option who doesn't attend school anymore, either because one is not enrolled anymore or because he ended the course or quitted school.

Note: if the individual never attended an educational institution, he goes to question 16.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Individual questionnaire

15. Are you attending or have you ever attended school?

In the case of children attending pre-school, please indicate "Attending".

Vocational training courses and other training systems certified by the Ministry of Education (such as the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC) system under the New Opportunities Programme) are considered as attending the educational system.

[] 1 Attending
[] 2 Attended, but no longer
[] 3 No, never attended (Go to question 19)
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 15- Are you attending or have you ever attended the education system?
[There is an image of question 15]
The education system is the system under the Ministry of Education and the preparation systems that give certifications recognized by the Ministry of Education that is equivalent to different levels of schooling in the education system.
The frequency of professional courses is considered as long as the course is recognized by the Ministry of Education and has an equivalent level in the education system.
The validation system and certification of competencies (RVCC) in the New Opportunity Programs is normally considered part of the educational system. In some cases, for example Senior Universities and language institutes, since they do not have an equivalent in the educational system's level of schooling are not considered to be part of it.
Attending - In order to mark this option, the person not only has to be enrolled in school, but also must attend classes regularly and perform work at the appropriate grade level.
You must also mark this answer for children in pre-school (from 3 years or age).
Attended, but no longer - Choose this option if the person does not attend school either because he/she has finished studying or has dropped out.
Never attended - This option must be marked for individuals who have never attended school.
Regularly this situation refers to the person who has never registered to enroll in school. Additionally, it applies to children who are not of age to attend and have not started pre-school.
[There is an image of the zoomed in Never Attended answer with skip to question 19]
Children who have not started entered the formal educational system must end their individual questionnaire here.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_SCHLTYPE — Public or private school
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19. Since February 1, 1970, has this person attended regular school or college at any time?
[] No
[] Yes, public school or college
[] Yes, parochial or college
[] Yes, other private school

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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7. Since February 1, 1980, has ____ attended regular school or college at any time?

Fill one circle.
Count pre-kindergarten, Head Start, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling that leads to a high school diploma or college degree.
[] No, has not attended since February 1
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private, church-related
[] Yes, private, not church-related

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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9. At any time since February 1, 1990, has [respondent] attended regular school or college?

Include only pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

If "Yes," ask -- Public or private?

[] 1 No, has not attended since February 1
[] 2 Yes, public school, public college
[] 3 Yes, private school, private college

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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8.a. At any time since February 1, 2000, has this person attended regular school or college?
Include only nursery school or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.
[] No, has not attended since February 1 -- Skip to 9
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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10.a At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended regular school or college?
Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling leading to a high school diploma or a college degree.
[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months -- Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Answer Housing Question 7-14 for all residents]

10a. A public school is any school or college that is controlled and supported primarily by the Puerto Rico or Federal government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups.
10b. Answer this question only if the person attended regular school or college in the last three months. Mark the box that corresponds to the grade level or college level the person was attending.
Mark only one box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has completed or the highest degree the person received.
Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling completed in the regular American school system.
For persons who completed high school by passing an equivalency test, such as the General Educational Development (GED) examination, and did not attend college, mark the "High School Graduate" box.
Some of the examples of Professional school degrees include medicine, dentistry, chiropractic, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, veterinary medicine, law, and theology.
Do not include certificates, diplomas or degrees for training on specific trades such as computer and electronics technology, auto repair, medical assistant, cosmetology, and other fields at vocational, technical or business schools.
Do not include honorary degrees awarded by colleges and universities to individuals for their accomplishments. Include only "earned" degrees.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 7-48 were asked of all persons.]

10. a) At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college?

Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months - Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
11. Mark only one box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has completed or the highest degree the person received.

Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling in the regular Puerto Rican school system.

Mark the "GED or alternative credential" box for persons who did not receive a regular high school diploma but completed high school by receiving a GED or other formal recognition of high school completion from a school or governmental authority.

If the person has not completed any college courses for credit, mark the highest level completed below the college level. If the person has not completed enough credit to be counted as a sophomore, mark the "Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit" box.

For the "Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree" category, do not include certificates or diplomas for training in specific trades or occupations such as computer and electronics technology, medical assistant, or cosmetology. Do not include post-bachelor's certificates that are related to occupational training in such fields as teaching, accounting, or engineering.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

a. At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college? Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.
[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months - skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (x) one box

[] Nursery school, preschool
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 12 - specify grade 1 - 12 _ _
[] College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)
[] Graduate or professional school beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MA or Ph.D. program, or medical or law school)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

10a. A public school is any school or college that is controlled and supported primarily by the Puerto Rico or federal government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups. Home school applies to parental guided education outside of a public or private school for grades 1-12.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
10a. At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college?

Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months - Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P10.a. A public school is any school or college that is supported and controlled primarily by a local, county, state, or federal government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups. Home school applies to parental guided education outside of a public or private school for grades 1--12.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_SCHTY — Type of school attending
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20. Type of attending school ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

66. The name of the educational institution attended (column 20). For the persons who declare that they are attending the courses of an educational institution, the name of the educational institutions will be recorded in column 20 regardless of if it is a day, evening or without attendance course following also the provisions made at paragraph referring to the recording in column 18. The enumerators will not codify the column 20.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_EDATTEND — Level of educational institution attended
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

18 Level of education
Name and type of the:

_ _ Highest level of school completed (for persons born before 1981) ___
_ _ Level currently attending (for persons born after 1986) ___

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 18 Level of education

66. The enumerator will record in item Q. 18.l the person's statements regarding:
name of the school and field of study of the highest level attained at school for persons born before 1981). If a person was born before 1986 and currently attends an educational institution, record also name of the school and the field of study.

67. Highest level of school completed refers to the highest educational level attained at graduation by the enumerated person, regardless of whether or not this is documented by a certificate or graduation diploma from secondary school or university.

The name of the educational institution completed should be recorded as it was at the time of graduation, without reflecting the updated names or mergers with other similar educational institutions existing at the census reference point.

Record the specific case following these examples:

Four classes of Primary School, 7 (8) years Elementary School, 10 years General School;
Industrial Chemistry High School (secondary school), Commercial High School, Medium General School, Industrial Gymnasium, Theoretical High School - first 4 years (first degree), Sanitary Medium Technical School, Pedagogical school, Pedagogical High School;

Metallurgical vocational school, first degree Wine-grower school, Art and craft school, Forest ranger school, Vocational school group for public food industry, Vocational school for economics;

Institute for Construction - civil constructions Faculty, Polytechnic Institute - Automotive Faculty, Academy for Economic Sciences - the Planning Faculty, Veterinary Medical Faculty , Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty for machine building - sub-engineering section, etc.

Also record the field of study of the completed educational institution, particularly for higher education, secondary/high schools, and vocational schools. Thus, do not write "Polytechnic Institute", but rather "Polytechnic Institute - electrotechnical Faculty; " do not write " special High School," but rather "construction High School"; do not write "vocational school," but rather "food industry vocational school".
Whenever the enumerated person has graduated at the same level from two or more educational institutions (for example the Faculty of Law and of Mathematics), record on the form only one institution, namely that selection stated by the enumerated person;

When the enumerated person has graduated abroad, recorded the name and the field of study of this institution, as declared; for example: University of Cracovia - the faculty of history; Moscow Institute for economics and statistics; Sorbonne University of Paris - chemistry faculty;

When a person is currently attending a school or educational institution (day, evening, extra-mural courses, without attendance or long-distance open learning), or has interrupted their courses at an educational institution, record the name and field of study of the last school or educational institution completed and the type of attendance.

For example, for persons currently attending or interrupting the courses in a faculty , record high school or secondary school as the highest level of education completed; for persons who interrupted the second degree of high school (classes XI and XII), record high school - first degree as the highest level of education; for persons who interrupted the first degree of high school, record the person as a graduate of a general 8 year school; and for those who interrupted the gymnasium cycle (classes V-VII or V-VIII), recorded them as graduated from primary school (4 classes).
For persons born before 1981 (10 years old and over), who didn't graduate and are not attending any educational institution, the enumerator will record, on the basis of their personal statement whether "they know to read and write," or "only knowhow to read," or "don't know how to read and write;"
For aged persons who attended only reading and writing courses for illiterates, record "reading and writing courses for illiterates;"
For children born after 1980 and for pre-school children, the space for item 18.1 will be barred by a line.

68. The name and field of study of the educational institution attended by the enumerated person will be recorded in item Q. 18.2 for persons born before 1986 who declare that they are attending courses in a private or public school or educational institutions, regardless of whether these are day, evening or without attendance courses.

The enumerator must write the exact name and field of study of the institution the person is attending (see also the provisions for Q. 18.1).

For example: primary school, first degree of high school, theoretical high school; the high school of Transportation and Telecommunications school group; the University of Bucharest - philology faculty, etc.

For persons not attending or interrupting the courses at an educational institution, as well as for children under pre-school age (born after 1985), the space for item 18.2 will be barred by a line.

Do not record as graduates from an educational institution or as attending an educational institution, any of the following cases:
- apprenticeship courses at the work place, with or without production process interruption;
- specialized courses of short duration for theoretical high school graduates;
- apprenticeship at the work place (exception: apprenticeship at the work place for a period of 1-3 years, associated with a vocational school, for whom will be recorded "apprenticeship at the work place");
- course for updating a specialization;
- post- university and doctoral (PhD) courses;
- popular universities;
- driving schools;
- trade union schools, etc.

The enumerators will not code Q. 18.1 or Q. 18.2.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_EDATTEND — Name and type of educational institution attended
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18. Educational attainment
___ _ _ 18.1 Name of the institution and field of study of the highest level of school completed (for persons born before September 15, 1991)

18.2 Type of ownership of the educational institution completed by the person
[] 1 Public (state ownership)
[] 2 Private ownership

___ _ _ 18.3 Name of institution and field of study of school attending (for persons born before September 15, 1995)

18.4 Type of ownership of educational institution attended by the person
[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private

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Educational attainment (item 18)

65. The highest level of graduated (completed) school is referring to the highest educational institution graduated by the enumerated person, regardless of whether this is proved by a certificate or graduation diploma (of the secondary school or of university).

In this respect the enumerator will record the full name of the educational institution, indicating the field of the study:

18.1 The name and the type of the highest level of graduated school will be recorded for persons10 years old and above.

The way of recording:

-- will write the name of the graduated educational institution, as it was at the graduation moment, without updating or equivalency with other similar existing educational institutions at the census moment.

For example, will be recorded according to the case:

a) Four classes of Primary School, Special Primary School, 7 (8) years Elementary School, 10 years General School, General School for Deaf;
b) Industrial Chemistry High School (secondary school), Commercial High School, Medium General School, Industrial Gymnasium, Theoretical High School -- first 4 years (first degree), Sanitary Medium Technical School, Pedagogical school, Pedagogical High School;
c) Metallurgical vocational school, first degree Wine-grower school, Art and craft school, Forestry rangers school, Vocational school group for public food industry, Vocational school for economics;
d) Institute (university) for Constructions -- civil constructions Faculty (Department), Polytechnic Institute the Automatization Faculty (Department), Academy for Economic Sciences -- the Planning Faculty (Department), Veterinary Medical Faculty (Department), Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty (Department) for machines building -- sub-engineering section, etc.

-- will also write the type (field of study) of the graduated educational institution -- particularly for higher education -- special (secondary)high schools, vocational schools. So, it will not be written "Polytechnic Institute", but "Polytechnic Institute- electrotechnical Faculty (Department)"; will not be written " special

[p. 45]

High School" but "construction High School"; will not be written "vocational (professional) school", but "food industry vocational school".

-- In the case when the person graduated (or is attending) a class, having different field of study, than of the type of educational institution unit where the class belongs, the field study of this class will be written too. For example: when a theoretical High School has a class for mechanics, this situation should be recorded, both the high school as well as the field of study of the class; School group for Transportation and Telecommunication -- the informatics class.

Will be not recorded as graduated of the educational institution and as attending of educational institution by the enumerated person, the followings:

-- attending apprenticeship courses at the working place;
-- attending courses of qualification and re-qualification of the unemployed persons, according to the Law no.1/1991, regarding the social protection of the unemployed persons and professional recovery;
-- apprenticeship at the working place (exception: apprenticeship at the working place for a period during 1-3 years, assimilated to the vocational school, for whom "apprenticeship at the working place" will be recorded);
-- course for specialization improvement;
-- post- university and doctorate (PhD) courses;
-- popular universities;
-- trade union schools, etc., so that forms of communication designated for educational goals, for learning, for systematical deliberation, but organized outside of the schools and universities.
Particular situations:

-- whether the enumerated person graduated from two or more educational institutions, at the same level, on the form will be recorded only one of it, namely that selected to be stated by the enumerated person;
-- when the enumerated persons graduated from abroad --the name and the field of study of this institution, as declared (for example: University of Cracovia -- the faculty (department) of history, the Moscow's Institute for economics and statistics, Sorbona University of Paris -- chemistry faculty (department)) will be recorded.

When a person is attending a school or educational institution (day, evening, extra-mural courses, without attendance or far-distance open learning), or interrupted the courses of an educational institution, will be recorded the name and the field of study of the last school or educational institution and the type of attendance (will be considered that a person interrupted an educational institution only whether he was graduated at least to one class or one study year, and then interrupted for various reasons).

For example, for persons attending or interrupting the courses of a faculty (department), as graduated school will be recorded -- high school or any secondary school; for persons who interrupted the second degree of the high school (classes XI and XII) will be recorded as graduated educational institution, high school first degree; for persons who interrupted the first degree of high school, will be considered as graduated of the general 8 years school; and for those who interrupted the gymnasium's cycle (classes V-VII or V-VIII) will be recorded as graduated of the primary school (4 classes).

For persons born before September 15, 1991 (so, those 10 years old and over), who didn't graduate and are not attending any educational institution, the enumerator will record, on the basis of their personal statement , as is the case "they know to read and write", or" knowing only to read", or" doesn't know to read and write".

If a person is able to read and write a brief note regarding the daily life, he is not considered as illiterate, but the person who is not able to read and write, or maybe only to read, or only to write, is considered illiterate. Also, a person able to only read and write own name and numbers, will be considered illiterate.

For the children born after September 1991 and for the pre-school children the space of this item will be barred by a line (the same to the item 18.2).

[p. 46]

For aged persons who attended only the read and write courses for illiterates will be recorded "read and write courses for illiterates".

18.3 The name and the type (field of study) of the educational institution attended by the enumerated person -- will be recorded for the persons 6 years of age and over (born before September 15, 1995) who declare that they are attending the courses of a school or educational institutions, regardless of whether these are day, evening or without attendance courses.

The enumerator must write the exact name and the type (field of study) of the institution the person is attending. For example: Theoretical high school; the High school of school group of Transportation and Telecommunications; the University of Bucharest -- the philology faculty (department), etc.

Whether a person is attending two or more educational institutions at the same time, the one that is selected by the person will be recorded.

For the persons not attending or interrupting the courses of an educational institution, as well as for the children under the pre-school age (born after September 15, 1995) the spaces for items 18.3 and 18.4 will be barred by a line.

In order to assure the correct registration of the level and the field study, of the graduated or attended educational institution by the enumerated persons, the enumerator will use "The classification and coding of the educational institutions of Romania", provided on Annex 1.

The chief enumerator will codify the names and the field of study of the graduated or attended educational institutions, on the basis of "The code list of the educational institutions "(paragraphs 127-130).

Type of ownership -- will be recorded the kind of the ownership of the graduated educational institution (18.2) and /or for the educational institution attended by the enumerated person, by marking x to the corresponding box for: the state (public) -- ownership and the code 1 or private code 2, for private ownership.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Questions 28 and 29 apply only to persons who were born before January 2006

28. Educational institution the persons is attending

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_SCHOOL — Currently studying in school
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8. Are you a student?
Question 8 is asked of persons aged 6 or older
School/high school/college/higher educational institution etc.
[] 1 Yes - Indicate type of educational institution:
[] a General basic
[] b Elementary vocational
[] c Secondary vocational
[] d Higher educational institution
[] 2 No - Move on to question 9
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Question 8.1 Do you attend an educational institution (school, technical secondary school, college, higher educational establishment etc.)?
Persons of 6 years or older attending full-time, part-time educational institutions or learning by correspondence (both public and private), which implement comprehensive or vocational educational programs, should be identified by the "Yes" option with the indication of one of the four types of educational institutions.
Mark one of the appropriate prompts:
"Comprehensive" students of primary, lower secondary, secondary comprehensive schools (including those with the in-depth learning of certain subjects), lyceums, gymnasia etc.
"Basic vocational training" - students of vocational (technical) schools etc.
"Secondary vocational education" - students of technical secondary schools, medical or pedagogical schools, colleges etc.
"Higher (tertiary) education" - students of higher educational establishments (institutes, academies, universities etc.), and those attending a post-graduate course, doctor's degree course, residency, military post-graduate course.
Persons of 6 years or older who do not attend an educational institution but study at the establishments of complementary education for children and adults: music (art, dance) schools, schools of arts, centers (palaces, houses, stations. clubs) of children's creativity, sports, technical, environmental etc., courses of different orientation or other institutions, which do not provide comprehensive education or vocational training, should be identified by the "No" prompt.
The field should not be completed for children under 6.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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8.3 Are you studying at an educational institution?

[For persons aged 6 to 50 years]
[] Yes
[] No
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Section 8. Education and training

Question 8.3. Do you study at educational institution?
The question is left blank for individuals under 6 years of age and over 50 years.
Individuals aged 6-50 studying at educational institution (governmental, municipal and non-governmental (private, public and religious organizations), which provides education on the basis of comprehensive and professional programs, will mark "yes" prompt.
Individuals aged 6-50 who never studied anywhere, and also who attended institutions of second education for kids and grown-ups - musical, art, choreographic school, school of arts, centers (palaces, houses, stations, clubs) of youth art, sport, technical, ecological and etc., different courses and other institutions that do not provide comprehensive and professional education, will mark "no" prompt.

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_EMPSTAT — Employment status (situation in economic activity)
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Population aged 6 years or more
[Questions 16-25.]

P21. Occupational situation

During the month from July 15 to August 15, 2002, was ____ employed?

Circle the code corresponding to one of the abbreviations copied at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

[] 1. OCC = Employed (working currently)
[] 2. CHO = Unemployed (ever worked)
[] 3. RPE = Looking for first job
[] 4. PFO = Housewife, person living at home
[] 5. ETU = Student/pupil
[] 6. RET = Retired
[] 7. REN = Pensioned/living on one's private income
[] 8. AUT = No work

If P21=3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (not active in the labor force), go to P26.

[Question P21 asked only of people aged 6 years or older.]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C. Questions asked to all residents aged 6 years or more (questions from P16 to P25)

These questions aim at knowing the activities related to education and employment for persons aged 6 years or more [the French text says more than 6 years].

Children aged less than 6 years are not concerned with questions from P16 to P25.

Employment status (occupational status) (P21 to P25)

The following questions concern only the population aged 6 years and above. For persons below that age, one will write nothing on questions P24 to P30.

For persons who are employed, one will ask the type of work or the type of employment they are in, or that they were in from July 15, 2002 to August 15, 2002.

P21: Activity status

Among the persons who are at least 6 years of age, one distinguishes between two main categories:

Those who are able to work
Those who are not able to work.

Among those who are able to work there are:
Those who are currently employed: circle the number "1" (OCC).
Those who are looking for work and who have already worked [before] circle the number "2" (CHO).
Those who are looking for there first job (who have never worked): circle the number "3" (RPE).

(In "2" one includes those) persons who are look for work, after having already worked, and who were actively looking for a job over the past month.

(In "3" one includes) those who are looking for there first job, that is those who have never worked before the reference night.


Among those who are not able to work, one notes:
Those who can no longer work because of old age (RET)

1. The pensioners, who are granted an old age pension by the social security agency, and who have paid for it when they were working.
2. The older men and women who do not work anymore, and who do not receive a pension, but live on allowances given by family members or by benefactors; those are also classified as retired (RET).
3. Those who do not work anymore, and who live on the fruits of their own fortune, on gifts, or on private income (REN).

Examples: Persons who do not work anymore because their private income (fortune) is enough for making a living.
Those who do household work without any salary (PF0).
Pupils and students (ETU)
Those who have another reason for not working (AUT); circle the number corresponding to the answer given.


1. One does not ask somebody: "What are you doing?" But one asks politely: "Do you work?" If the answer is "Yes", one obtains "OCC". If the answer is "No", one continues asking subsidiary questions, to know whether he/she has already worked, or whether he/she is currently looking for work and whether he/she is looking for a first job. One will ask whether he/she will take that job if it were offered to him/her now.

Answers given allow one to identify the jobless persons (CHO), the persons who are looking for a first job (RPE), as well as the retired persons (RET), the persons living on their own private income (REN), the housewives and persons living at home (PFO), and so forth, who will be more clearly identified.

The category of persons who are only occupied with housework, without a salary, concerns mainly the women, the girls and the men who are dealing with housework and children; most of those people live typically in towns and cities.

In the countryside, housework goes together with agricultural or livestock farming. In such cases, one will say that these persons are employed (OCC).

Likewise for women who work with their husbands, or with other relatives in various occupations (craft industry, trade, and so forth).

Pupils and students are those who attended school during the school (academic) year 2001-2002. The person who had stopped his/her studies for a short period will be considered as student (ETU) if he/she is still registered in the school he/she attended previously.


However, if he/she has finished his/her studies, and if he/she is already employed, one will circle "1" (OCC). If he/she is looking for the first job, one will circle "3" (RPE).

For students who have completed secondary school, and who do not know whether they will continue to higher education (university), one will circle "5" (ETU).

For students on short term contracts (temporarily employed), one will consider that they are still students, whereas those who have a job but still go to training sessions at night will be enumerated as "employed" (OCC).

The person who is jobless, or who does not study anymore will be enumerated in category 8 (AUT).

One can also include in this category: disabled/handicap persons, and other jobless youth who abandoned school.

2. A servant (boy) is employed, and one writes "1" (OCC) instead of "4" (PFO).

A woman who works on her own (sewing, and so forth) is considered self-employed, even if she works at home; one will write "1" (OCC).

A farmer and his/her aids are enumerated as "employed", and one will write "1" (OCC), even if the census occurs outside of the cultivation period.

Persons who are temporarily suspended from their job, or those who are in vacation or on leave of absence (for sickness or other reason) will be considered as "employed", and one will write "1" (OCC).

A person who has already worked, and went back to school for studying, is considered as a jobless person (CHO) when he/she comes back on the job market; he/she is not "3" (RPE).

For a civil servant, who is on regular holiday for 25 days, one will write that he/she is employed by circling "1" (OCC) in P21.
A person who says he/she is busy with house work, but who also takes care of the fields is employed: circle "1" (OCC) in P21.
For a person who says he/she is busy with housework only, and who does not receive a salary: circle "4" (PFO) in P21.

3. If at the beginning of the third week of July, the enumerated person had a job but who lost it and does not work by the second week of August, or if he/she was jobless in the third week of July but has found a job later, this person will be enumerated as "1" (OCC).


Answers of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 lead to directly going to P26.

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Population aged 6 years or more
[Questions 16-25.]

P16. School attendance

Did ____ ever attend school?

Circle the code corresponding to one of the categories, according to the answer of the interviewee.

[] 1. Yes, ever attended school
[] 2. No, never attended school

If P16 = 2 [the person never went to school], go to P20
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C. Questions asked to all residents aged 6 years or more (questions from P16 to P25)

These questions aim at knowing the activities related to education and employment for persons aged 6 years or more [the French text says more than 6 years].

Children aged less than 6 years are not concerned with questions from P16 to P25.

P16: School attendance

Question P16 looks for knowing whether the enumerated person has ever been to school, is currently going to school, or has never been to school.

- If the person has ever been to school, or if he/she is currently going to school, one will circle the number "1".
- If the person has never been to school, circle "2".

If P16= 2, go to question P20, and do not write anything on questions P17, P18, and P19.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 16-19 were asked for residents aged 3 years or older.]

17. Has the respondent ever attended school?

[] 1 Has never attended [Go to Question 20.]
[] 2 Has ever attended
[] 3 Is currently attending school
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P16 to P19: For residents aged 3 years or older

P17: School attendance
Ask: Has [the person] ever attended preschool, school or literacy program?

It seeks to ascertain whether the person is attending school, has attended or never attended school.

1 - Has never attended - P20
2 - Has ever attended
3 - Is currently attending school

Encircle the code number which matches the response given.

[1] For private household questionnaire
If the response is "Has never attended", encircle code "1", then go to P20.
If the response is "Has ever attended" encircle code "2", then go to next question.
If the response is "Is currently attending school", encircle code "3", and then go to next question.

[2] For institutional household questionnaire
If the response is "Has never attended", encircle code "1", then go to P29
If the response is "Has ever attended" encircle code "2", then go to next question.
If the response is "Is currently attending school", encircle code "3" and then go to next question.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_SCHOOLTY — Type of school or university now attending
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Section 4

All persons [Questions 17-19]

17. Type of school or university now being attended

[] None
[] Nursery/infant
[] Primary
[] Second or comprehensive
[] Multi high
[] Other secondary
[] University
[] Other
[] Not stated

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_SCHOOL — Attend school
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5.1 Is ____ attending any school or educational institution now, whether full-time or part-time?
[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 5.6
[] Don't know -- Skip to 5.6

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_EMPSTAT — Employment status (past 12 months)
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For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

P18. Employment status in the last 12 months


[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Jobless
[] 3 Student
[] 4 Housewife
[] 5 Retired, pensioned
[] 6 Other cases

[For answers 3, 4, 5] skip to P22.

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P18) Work status in the past 12 months

The question applies to persons aged 6 years and more, therefore born before 1982. The economic activity is the one that the person has done most of the time during the past 12 months, that is since the (Korite) [a Muslim festival].

Ask the following question: "Since the Korite, have you worked for pay in a continuous way for at least 3 months?"

If the answer is "Yes", circle: "1 WORKED"
Example: A farmer was farming his land, or went fishing, or did animal husbandry, etc. continuously for at least 3 months since the Korite, circle: "1 WORKED"

Warning: In addition to domestic tasks, a woman may have worked outside her home; for instance farming a land, or trading. For such a woman, circle: "1 WORKED"

Circle "2 JOBLESS" if the person is looking for work and has not worked continuously during at least 3 months since the (Korite). You shall make sure that the person is effectively looking for work, either for a first job, or a new job if he or she has lost the job he or she had previously.

Circle "3 ELE/EDU" for the pupils and students.

For the civil servant trainees who have worked at least 3 months since the Korite, circle: "1 WORKED".

Circle 4 HOUSEWIFE for the women who have no other task than the domestic work.

Circle 5 RETIRED for retired persons who do not work any longer, and those who have not worked in any occupation for at least 3 months since the Korite.

Circle 6 OTHERS for the other cases: disabled or handicapped persons who do not work, beggars, people with private means, man or woman of leisure, etc.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_EMPSTAT — Employment status in the last 12 months
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For individuals 6 years of age and older
[B16-B19 were asked of individuals 6 years and older]

B17. Employment status in the last 12 months

Circle the appropriate code:

[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Jobless
[] 3 Student / pupil
[] 4 Housewife
[] 5 Retired, pensioned
[] 6 Elderly
[] 7 Accident / illness
[] 8 Beggar
[] 9 Other cases

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Note: The following questions (from B16 to B19) apply to all persons aged 6 years and above. Write an oblique hyphen for the persons who are less than 6 years of age.

B17 - Employment status in the last 12 months

This question applies to all persons aged 6 years and above. The activity is that in which the person was employed most of the time during the past 12 months.

Ask the following question: "During the past twelve months, have you practiced a paid activity in a continuous way during at least 3 months?"

If the answer is yes, circle "1 OCC" for employed.

Example: During the past twelve months, the person was farming his or her fields, or practiced fishing, or animal husbandry, etc. in a continuous way for at least 3 months; circle "1 OCC" for employed.

Warning: A woman may, in addition to domestic tasks, carry out a work outside her home, or inside her home; for instance, farming a field, or trading. For such a woman, circle "1 OCC" for employed. In rural areas, it is rare to find a woman who does only domestic work; often she has a main activity which might be farming, animal husbandry, etc. So, for a woman who claims to be housewife, ask her whether she does only domestic work.

Circle "2 CHO" for jobless persons, if the person is looking for work, and has not worked in a continuous way for at least 3 months during the past twelve months. Make sure that the person is really looking for work, either for a first job if he or she has never worked, or for a new job if he or she has lost the work that he or she had.

Circle "3 EL" for students or pupils.

For trainees, who worked for at least 3 months in the past twelve months, "1 OCC" for employed.

Circle "4 FO" for housewives, that is, for women who have no other tasks than those that they do at home (domestic tasks).

Circle "5 RET" for retired or pensioned people, who do not work any longer and have not practiced any activity for at least 3 months during the past twelve months.

Circle "6 VI" for elderly persons, who do not work any longer because they are too old.

Circle "7 AC" for handicapped persons who cannot work because of their disability.

Circle "8 ME" for beggars, that is, persons who earn money by begging for at least three months.

Circle "9 AU" for other cases (people with private means, people of leisure, etc.).

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 3 or older.
[Questions B29 through B32 were asked of resident persons age 3 and older.]

B29. Academic attendance

Has [the respondent] already attended school or is he / she currently in attendance? Enter the appropriate code:
[] 0 No, has never attended. [If B29=0, go to B34]
[] 1 Yes, has attended
[] 2 Yes, currently in attendance.
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B29: educational attendance
Has [the person] ever attended or attends school presently including Koranic school? Record the corresponding code:

0 for no, never attended;
1 for yes, attended;
2 for yes, currently attending.
NB: If B29 is equal to 0, go to B34.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions P19-P21: Persons age 6 years and older]

P19. School attended
Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Never (go to P21)
[] 2 Still
[] 3 Left

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Columns P19 - P21) -- Education and literacy (Persons age 6 or older)

P19 -- School attendance
113. In this case school means primary school, secondary school, university college, teachers training college, technical institute and trade centre -- in fact any educational establishment where formal instruction is given on a full time basis. It also includes Arabic schools.

114. Ask, "Has this person ever attended school?" If the person has never been to school enter 1 and skip to P21. If the person is attending an educational institution as a full time student, enter 2, has left school, enter 3, and ask P20 and P21.

115. Remember that questions on education relate to persons aged 6 years and over and for those that the questions are not applicable, draw a straight line across the remaining lines against their names.

[Questions P19 - P21: Persons age 6 or older]

P19 School attendance
Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Never (if 1, go to P21)
[] 2 Still
[] 3 Left

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_SCHOOL — Ever attended school
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

3 years and above [Questions P22-P24]

P22. School attendance

Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

If 2 or 3 go to P25

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 3. Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P22-- P24) -- Education (for all persons 3 years and over)
131. Persons aged less than 3 years are not concerned with questions P22 to P24.

P22 -- School attendance
132. In this case school means Pre-Primary School (Nursery), Primary School, Secondary School, University, Teachers Training College, Technical Institute and Trade Centre in fact any educational establishment where formal instruction is given on a full time basis. It also includes Arabic Schools where formal instructions are given.


133. Ask, "Has (name) ever attended school?"
If the person has ever attended school enter '1' for 'yes' and ask P23 and P24. If the person has never attended school enter '2' for 'no' and skip to P25.

134. Remember that questions on Education relate to persons aged 3 years and over. For those less than 3 years, put a dash in questions P23 and P24.

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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Personal form

14. Economic activity

[] Working (except of pensioners)
[] Apprentice
[] Secondary school student
[] University student
[] Person on maternity leave (includes further maternity leave)
[] Homekeeping
[] Pensioner
[] Unemployed
[] Child up to 16
[] Other
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Explanations for filling in the personal form

14. Economic activity
Economic activity is information on economic status of the person on the labor market at the decisive moment of the Census.
Economically active population comprises persons being at the time of the Census at work, in membership, on duty, or in a similar relation to any organization, to a cooperative, to private persons, or to other legal subjects, employers, helpers, unemployed, self-employed, irrespective of time usually worked.

Working: Comprises person 16-years and older in paid job and also helping household members in a family enterprise. Also persons at military service, persons in a prison if their work relation still exists. Comprises also entrepreneurs with or without employees. Working pensioners are not included.
Apprentice: Comprises persons learning on daily base at apprenticeship institution.
Secondary school student: Comprises persons studying on daily base at high school.
University student: Comprises persons studying on daily base at high school.
Person on maternity leave (including further maternity leave): Comprises persons on maternity (parental) leave if their work relation still exists.
Homekeeping: Comprises persons 16 years and older dependents by the livelihood on another household member and persons out of the working relation. There are for example persons caring for a child, external university students, and unemployed graduates of universities.
Pensioner: Comprises all pensioners (working and non-working).
Unemployed: Comprises all persons 16 years and older without a job actively seeking work.
Other: Comprises persons who are not dependent on another household member, do not have an income from employment, and have another financial sources of livelihood. In addition, persons at military service, persons in a prison without existing work relation.

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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A. Data on population

9. Current activity status

[] Professionals (other than pensioners)
[] Working pensioner
[] Person on maternity leave
[] Person on parental leave
[] Unemployed
[] Secondary school student
[] University student
[] Person in household
[] Pensioner
[] Capital gain beneficiary
[] Child under 16 years of age (born after 20.5.1995)
[] Other
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Economic activity
Economic activity is an indication of the position of the population on the labor market at the decisive point of the census. All residents except foreigners residing in the Slovak Republic for less than 90 days are obliged to fill in this information. The following options are available:

- Employed (excluding pensioners)
This group consists of 16-year-olds and older who were employed at the time of the census or were engaged in business regardless of temporary absence from work due to temporary incapacity for work or vacation and did not receive an old-age, early retirement, disability, or retirement pension. For the purposes of the census, residents were also considered to be employed in an agreement on the employment contract and the work contract. This does not include full-time students of secondary schools and universities employed on the basis of contracts for work performed outside employment (temporary work). Entrepreneurs with or without employees were also included in the group of workers. Also assisting members of households in family businesses, persons in custody or serving a term in prison, if their employment is continuous.
- Working pensioners
This group includes residents receiving old-age, early retirement, disability or early retirement pensions who were at the time of the census employed or engaged in entrepreneurial activity. A working pensioner is also a pensioner employed under a work agreement and work activity agreement.
- Persons on maternity leave
This group includes residents on maternity leave while their employment lasted. A person was not considered to be on maternity leave for the purpose of the census if they have never been employed or if their employment or similar employment relationship ended. If this person was not employed, they can choose from the options of unemployed, housewife or other (economic activity).
- Persons on parental leave
This group included residents on parental leave if their employment lasted. A person on parental leave was not a person on parental leave if they had never been employed or his/her employment or similar employment relationship has ended. If this person did not have an employment relationship, he/she could choose from the following options: "unemployed", "homemaker" or "other".
- Unemployed
This group includes 16-year-olds and older who were unemployed at the decisive point of the census and who were actively looking for work regardless of whether or not they were on the job seekers register.
- High school students
This group includes full-time students in secondary schools (including apprentices). Secondary school students receiving a disability pension are not considered students.
- University students
This group included full-time students at universities. University students receiving disability pensions are not considered students.
- Homemakers
This group includes residents aged 16 and over who did not have their own income and were financially dependent on other member(s) of the household. A homemaker was also considered a resident who did not work at the decisive point of the census and did not actively seek work (the so-called voluntarily unemployed). As homemakers are also considered unemployed students studying distance or external learning programs and unemployed school leavers if they were not actively seeking work and were financially dependent on other members of the household.
- Pensioners
This group includes residents who received old-age, early old-age, disability or retirement pensions, and the pension was their only source of income. Children under the age of 16 and full-time students of secondary or higher education institutions receiving disability pensions were also considered to be pensioners, provided that the pension was the only source of their income.
- Beneficiaries of capital revenue
This group includes residents whose main source of income was income from own property rentals, income from capital assets (interest on securities, deposits, etc.).
- Children under 16 years (born after 20.05.1995)
This group included residents who had not reached the age of 16 at the decisive point of the census.
- Other (economic activity)
This economic activity was marked by residents who were not financially dependent on other member(s) of the household and did not belong to any of the groups listed above. Other economic activity was also selected by unemployed persons who were in custody or serving a custodial sentence if their employment relationship did not last.
- Economically active
The economically active population were considered to be residents who were working (except for pensioners), working pensioners, the unemployed, and persons on maternity leave at the time of the census in accordance with these methodological notes.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_SCHOOL — Level of current school attendance
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35. Are you currently attending any educational program for obtaining recognized education?
[] Yes
[] No [skip to question 41]

[Questions 36-40 were asked of persons currently attending any educational program for obtaining recognized education, per question 35.]

36. What recognized education will you obtain after you finish the program?

Basic education:

[] Finished primary school

Upper secondary education:

[] Short-term vocational
[] Vocational
[] Technical
[] General

Post-secondary vocational education:

[] Vocational college
[] University college, university college specialization

Higher undergraduate education:

[] Professional
[] Academic

Higher post-graduate education:

[] Specialization
[] Master's degree
[] Doctor's degree

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35 Are you currently attending any educational program for obtaining recognised education?

People are attending educational program for obtaining recognised education if they participate in education programs in regular schools or other forms of education (part-time education, long-distance education, courses, examinations, etc.) for obtaining recognised education at any level.

Yes is marked by the enumerator also for persons who are attending education according to programs that enable retraining at the same level of vocational or professional education. By finishing these programs a person obtains vocational or professional education for a new occupation.

36 What recognised education will you obtain after you finish the program?

The question is answered by persons for whom the enumerator marked yes at question 35.

As explanations for classifying persons participating in education for obtaining publicly recognised education (depending on the level of education) that a certain education helps obtain, it is necessary to take into account explanations for classifying persons by the highest recognised education achieved (question 34).

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_STUDY — Studying status
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Question 16-19 should be answered for each person in the household, whether child or adult, born before 10 October 1991 (5 years or older)

16.3. Does (the person) presently attend school, college, technikon or university? (This includes study by correspondence but excludes crƩche and pre-school.)

[] 1 = Yes, full-time
[] 2 = Yes, part-time
[] 3 = No

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_SCHOOL — Present school attendance
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Section A: Information for persons in the household -- ask of everyone
[Section A of this form, each question has 10 answer rows for writing individual answers for up to 10 individuals in the household. Only the first is shown here, which is exactly the same as the other nine.]

Present school attendance

P-16. _ Does (the person) presently attend an educational institution? Please include

studies by correspondence/ distance education.
1 = No (Go to P-17)
2 = Yes: Pre-school
3 = Yes: School
4 = Yes: College
5 = Yes: Technikon
6 = Yes: University
7 = Yes: Adult education centre
8 = Yes: Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P-16a. _ If yes, is this institution public or private?

1 = public (government)
2 = private
3 = don't know

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Question P-16 and 16a -- Present school attendance

Question 16 has two parts, P-16, and P-16a. Only those who answer "Yes" to P-16 have to answer 16a. Those who answer "No" go straight to P-17, as 16a will not apply to them.

P-16 "Does (the person) presently attend an educational institution?"

Please include studies by correspondence/ distance education.

If the answer is "Yes", read out the options so that you can enter the correct code 2--8 in the box in the column headed "Institution".

If the person is attending an educational institution that is not listed, write code 8 in the box and specify under the box. Be careful not to write near the boxes.

If a learner is not attending school for a number of days because of illness, s/he is still regarded as attending school.

This question must be answered for all persons, regardless of age.

If "No", skip P-16a and go to Question P-17. If "Yes", ask the next question.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_SCHOOL — School Attendance
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P-26 School attendance
Does (the person) presently attend an educational institution?
Read out: Attendance includes all part-time and full-time studies, whether in person or as a distance learner, as well as home schooling.
Mark appropriate box with an X.
If 2 "No" Go to P-29.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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(P-26) School attendance: Does (the person) presently attend an educational institution?
Read out: Attendance includes all part-time and full-time studies, whether in person or as a distance learner, as well as home schooling.

If the person does not 'attend' any educational institution, i.e. No, code 2, Go to P-29.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_SCHOOL — Currently attends school
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Section E: Education
Ask of all persons aged 5 years and older listed on the flap.

P-17 School Attendance
Does [the person] presently attend an educational institution?
Mark the appropriate circle with an X
Attendance includes all part-time, full-time studies, whether in person or as a distance learner.
If 2-3, go to P-20.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Do no not know.
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7. Section E: Education (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: This section collects information regarding the knowledge and skills in the country.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire aged 5 years and older.
All persons attending school (P-17) must answer questions on educational institution (P-18).
Level of education should be the highest level completed by the person, not what is currently being attended.
E.g. if a child is currently attending grade 4, then the child's highest level of education is grade 3.
If someone has completed grade 12, and is currently doing their last year before graduating with a degree/diploma, then their highest level of education is Grade 12.
P-21, if a person has a diploma or degree (from university or technikon or college), they should answer from option 01 to 22. Those who have qualifications from FET colleges should answer options 23 to 36.
f. Example - Education (below):
No response is expected for Adam because he is younger than 5 and this question addresses people that are 5 years and older.
Diana's highest level of education is a Bachelor's degree, hence her choice of option 25 (Note the skip to P-21).
Francinah only has Grade 2 as her highest level of education (Note the skip to P-22).

[Figure omitted, example]
g. Example - Education cont. (below):

The question on field of education (P-21) is to be answered by people who have post- school qualifications.
NOTE: options 01 to 22 are for people with qualifications from a university or technikon while options 23 to 36 are for people with qualifications from FET colleges.
Diana is the only person in the household who should complete this question.
Diana reports that her degree is in health care (option 09).

[Figure omitted, example]
h. Example - Education cont. (below):

Household members who are 5 years and older, without any formal education and those with primary education (up to grade 7) (P-20) must complete this question.
Francinah is the only person in the household who can complete this question.
Francinah reported that she has some difficulty in writing her name, a lot of difficulty in reading, she is unable to complete a form, some difficulty in writing a letter and that she is unable to read road signs and calculate change.
Only codes 1 to 5 can be written in the boxes provided.
A person whose level of education is secondary school or tertiary should not answer the question on literacy (P-22).

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] Is the respondent currently attending an educational institution?

For example, school, home school/home-based education, Early Childhood Development Centre [ECD] [e.g. day care, creche, pre-school, nursery school or preprimary school], distance or correspondence education. Only include courses of 6 months or longer.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Do not know

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_SCHOOL — School attendence
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Education status
[Questions 15 - 18: Persons age 6 or older]

16. Has [the respondent] ever attended, or is currently attending school this year?

[] 1 Currently attending
[] 2 Previously attended (skip to Q18)
[] 3 Never attended (skip to Q19)

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7.4. LFQ educational status questions 15-18
Note: these questions should be asked only to persons aged 6 years and above. Check the age of the persons as reported in question 4. If they are less than 6 years old, then you are finished asking questions about that person. Go to the next person listed in the questionnaire.
Asking questions only for persons of certain ages or only of females is called a "skip pattern". Skip patterns are used to avoid asking questions of persons that don't make sense. For example, asking if a 1-year-old baby attends school.

Q16 "Has [the respondent] ever attended, never attended, or is currently attending school this year?" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" age 6 years and over, ask question 16 and shade the number of the response.

  • "School attendance" refers to any regular educational institution, public or private, for systematic instruction at any level of education. Examples include: primary schools, secondary or high schools, technical schools, agricultural institutions, teacher training colleges and universities.
  • School attendance should be full time participation. Adult or short-term vocational training are not to be classified as school attendance.

(1) "Currently attending" refers to all persons who are now attending formal educational institutions and include those who are temporarily absent from school or those on holiday.
(2) "Previously attended" refers to those who once attended formal school but have left or completed their cycle and are no longer attending.
(3)"Never attended" is for those, who have never attended any formal educational institution at all.

  • For the purposes of the census, Koranic schools (khalwa) are treated as regular educational institutions.

Note: There are skips in question 16 depending on the response given:
1. Currently attending, continue with question 17.
2. Previously attended, skip to question 18.
3. Never attended, skip to question 19.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_STUDY — Current studies
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10. Current school attendance
All people who are currently attending school should write the grade and level of their studies. If you are engaged in more than one course of study, write the highest level of school which you currently attend.
For example:
1st EGB [Basic general education]; 2nd level technical training, first grade; law, etc.
_ _ / _

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_EDCURR — Current studies
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18. To be answered only by persons who were enrolled in school (at any level of study, of any type) on the day of the census (March 1, 1991)

Current schooling

Schooling is understood to mean studies which follow an established program, have a minimum duration of three months, and are associated with an official public or private educational institution, even if enrollment is open, or even if studies are undertaken via distance learning or correspondence courses.

First, describe the person's current level of school attendance (for example: 2nd grade of EGB; 5th of medicine, etc.). If the person is simultaneously enrolled in various courses of study, indicate only the one that the person considers his or her primary course of study. [Translator's note: EGB, educaciĆ³n general bĆ”sica, refers to basic general education.]

Then, with an X, mark the option that corresponds to the school attendance specified. In the previous examples, this would be as follows: 2 X EGB (1st to 5th levels); 11 X Studies in University 6 Faculties or Colleges (1st and 2nd level).

Notes for clarification:

-Option 2 includes adult education at this level.
-Option 3 includes special education provided for persons with disabilities or learning difficulties.
-Option 4 includes adult education at this level.
-Option 7 includes experimental REM (reforms to middle education) schooling and university access.
-Option 8 includes Applied Arts and Artistic occupations, Music Conservatories (mid-level), Official Language Schools, Army sub-officers, flight attendants, ..., and any other field of study that requires, as a prerequisite, a high school diploma or its equivalent.
-Option 14 includes Masters level, specialists, or the equivalent, with a minimum duration of one school year.
-Option 15 includes Higher Military education, Naval education, tourism, physical education, ..., and any other course of study that does not have a separate classification in a separate category and that requires a BUP, COU, baccalaureate degree, or post high school technical training. [BUP, or Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, refers to integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, or Curso de OrientaciĆ³n Universitaria, refers to a one-year college preparatory program.]
-Option 16 includes courses in the National Plan for Job Training and Professional Development in INEM centers, in associated centers, Municipal centers, or in businesses, ...[INEM, Instituto de Empleo Servicio PĆŗblico de Empleo Estatal, refers to the Institute of Public Service for State Employment]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pre-school education
[] 1 Nursery school and pre-school
Primary level education
[] 2 EGB (grades 1 through 5)
[] 3 Special education
Secondary level education
[] 4 EGB (grades 6 through 8)
[] 5 High school for technical training
[] 6 Post-high school technical training
[] 7 BUP and COU [translator's note: see explanation above]
[] 8 Other secondary level education
Post-secondary education
[] 9 Architecture and technical engineering studies
[] 10 Other university colleges
[] 11 Studies in university faculties or colleges (1st and 2nd year)
[] 12 Studies in higher technical schools (1st and 2nd years)
[] 13 Doctoral studies
[] 14 Specialized post-graduate studies for persons with a university degree
[] 15 Other post-secondary education
Unclassified education
[] 16 Occupational professional training
[] 17 Other education

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EMP1 — Employment situation last week (first response)
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7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.
[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EMP2 — Employment situation last week (second response)
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7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.
[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EMP3 — Employment situation last week (third response)
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7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.
[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EMPPREF — Principal activity
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7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.
[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_SCHOOL — Attends school
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If the Person 1 is 16 years or older, go to question 10. If he/she is younger than 16 years continue with question 9.

9. Does he/she attend a school center (including daycare)?

[] yes (go to question 19)
[] no (the Individual Questionnaire of Person 1 is finished)
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1.C.4 Education for minors

In Spain the mandatory education corresponds to the ages between 6 and 16 years. This question allows identifying on the one hand those people younger than 6 years that receive some kind of education and on the other hand those people that are found between 6 and 15 years (people that respond to this question and that should be receiving some kind of studies) and for different reasons are not attending a center of studies.

[p. 39]

Categories of this variable:


Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_SCHOOL — School attendence
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Education status
[Questions 15 - 18: Persons age 6 or older]

16. Has [the respondent] ever attended, or is currently attending school this year?

[] 1 Currently attending
[] 2 Previously attended (skip to Q18)
[] 3 Never attended (skip to Q19)

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7.4. LFQ educational status questions 15-18
Note: these questions should be asked only to persons aged 6 years and above. Check the age of the persons as reported in question 4. If they are less than 6 years old, then you are finished asking questions about that person. Go to the next person listed in the questionnaire.
Asking questions only for persons of certain ages or only of females is called a "skip pattern". Skip patterns are used to avoid asking questions of persons that don't make sense. For example, asking if a 1-year-old baby attends school.

Q16 "Has [the respondent] ever attended, never attended, or is currently attending school this year?" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" age 6 years and over, ask question 16 and shade the number of the response.

  • "School attendance" refers to any regular educational institution, public or private, for systematic instruction at any level of education. Examples include: primary schools, secondary or high schools, technical schools, agricultural institutions, teacher training colleges and universities.
  • School attendance should be full time participation. Adult or short-term vocational training are not to be classified as school attendance.

(1) "Currently attending" refers to all persons who are now attending formal educational institutions and include those who are temporarily absent from school or those on holiday.
(2) "Previously attended" refers to those who once attended formal school but have left or completed their cycle and are no longer attending.
(3)"Never attended" is for those, who have never attended any formal educational institution at all.

  • For the purposes of the census, Koranic schools (khalwa) are treated as regular educational institutions.

Note: There are skips in question 16 depending on the response given:
1. Currently attending, continue with question 17.
2. Previously attended, skip to question 18.
3. Never attended, skip to question 19.

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_ACTIVITY — Activity status
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Personal form

P16. Did this person, in the period from 26 July to 1 Aug 2004, have a job, an odd job or work?

N.B.: (unpaid work in a family business is also regarded as work)

[] 1 Yes [Go to P18]
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

P17. Did this person, in the period from 26 July to 1 Aug 2004, have a job or odd job/work from which they were temporarily absent?

e.g.: leave, illness or training abroad etc.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [Go to P21]
[] 7 Don't know [Go to P21]
[] 9 No response [Go to P21]

P22. What is the reason why this person didn't look for work?

[] 1 Retired/elderly
[] 2 Student (regardless of level of education)
[] 3 Family carer
[] 4 Incapacitated for work
[] 5 Thinks they won't find work
[] 6 Looked for work but couldn't find
[] 7 Waiting for application outcome
[] 8 Is an unpaid worker in family business
[] 9 Other
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Personal module

Persons aged 4 and above (education) school year 2011 / 2012
[Questions P25 - P29 were asked of persons aged 4 and above about their education.]

P25. Is this person currently in formal education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to question P28]
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 None answer

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_EDATTEND — Current educational level
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11. Education
Tick all education/training you have completed in column a) and present education/training in column b).

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_SCHOOL — Currently going to school
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School children, students and apprentices
Please answer questions 19 to 22.

19. Where do you normally go to school or college?

Name of school: ____
Street: ____
No.: _ _ _ _
Town: ____
PC: _ _ _ _
Canton: _ _
Country (if abroad): ____

[] 1 For distance learning courses. Enter the address of the educational institution above.
If you have ticked ''distance learning courses'' in the above question, please go to the household and dwelling questionnaire.
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "education"
Highest educational attainment


- Completed education and highest educational attainmentĀ 
- Development of the qualification structure of the populationĀ 
- Migration and qualification structure
Current education


- Current education
- Current education and occupation
- Branch of economic activity and legal status of the school
Education and labour marketĀ 
- Career paths after graduation
- Atypical educational path
Learned occupation (original training) and current occupation


- Learned occupation
- Social mobility

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Persons 5 years and older
[Applied to questions 14 to 18]

15. Is [the respondent] attending school/college?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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C. Education
For those 5 years and more
[Questions 13-15.]

14. Education
Is [respondent] currently attending, has partly attended, completed, or never attended school?

[] 1 Now attending
[] 2 Partly attended
[] 3 Completed
[] 4 Never attended

If the answer is "Never attended", skip to question 16.
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C. Education: People of age 5 years and above
This part includes persons age 5 and older. Those who are younger than 5 years (refer to question 5) should not be asked these questions because the interview ends in question 12 for them.
Questions 12, 13, and 14 that are in this part "C" enable us to know if the respondent can read and write in Kiswahili, English, Kiswahili and English, or other languages. Also, [they are used] to know the level of education the respondent has attained.

Question 14: School attendance?
This question tries to get the number of people who are studying, dropped out, graduated, or never went to school. If available, we want to know whether they are still studying, dropped out, or graduated.
Use the following codes:

[] 1 Those who are studying
[] 2 Those who dropped out
[] 3 Those who graduated
[] 4 Those who never went to school
[] 9 Those who do not mention

For those who never went to school shade code "4" and for those who don't mention shade code "9". Those for whom you have shaded code "4" and "9" shouldn't be asked question 15, but must be asked question 16.
[Illustration for question 14 is omitted]

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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C. Education: All persons aged 4 years and above
[Questions 20-22 were asked of persons aged 4+]

21. Education attainment

Is [the respondent] currently attending, partially attended, completed or never attended school?

[] 1 Now attending
[] 2 Partially attended
[] 3 Completed
[] 4 Never attended

If the answer is never attended, skip to section D.
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Questions 20 to 22 ask about education for any person aged 4 years and above.

These questions aim to understand whether the household member can read and write, current or level of education reached, and whether he/she is currently in school or dropped out of school.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Answers to these questions will enable the nation understand the number of people who can read and write, distribution of education levels, and number of people who completed and those who dropped out of school.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_GRADEATT — School grade attended
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15. School attendance and grade, as of January 1970

(For persons 5-29 years of age only)

[] Attend school: ______ grade
[] Not attend school
[] Attend school but do not know grade

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3.24 Education
Education levels can be categorized as follows.

3.24.1 Formal education, which is divided into:
a) Nursery (or pre-school)

b) Primary education: P1 - P4 and P5 - P7 (M1 - M3 of the old system).

[P = Prathom means primary levels]
[M = Mathayom means secondary level]

c) Secondary education:

Lower secondary education: MS1 - MS3 (M4 - M6 of the old system)
Upper secondary education: MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 of the old system)
[MS = Mathayomsuksa also means secondary level]

3.19.2 Vocational Education

Before 1961, vocational education was divided into:

a) Lower vocation: accepts those who complete P4; the curriculum is 3 years.
b) Upper vocation: accepts those who complete M3; the curriculum is 3 years.
c) Higher vocation: accepts those who complete M6; the curriculum is 3 years.

After 1961, vocational education was divided into:

a) Lower secondary vocational education: accepts those who complete P7; the curriculum is 3 years. (MS1-MS3)
b) Upper secondary vocational education: accepts those who complete MS3; the curriculum is 3 years. (MS4-MS5)

In addition, there are vocational education levels for occupational certificate.

a) Vocational diploma: continues education from MS3 for 3 more years.
b) Higher vocational diploma: continues education from MS3 for 5 more years.
c) Vocational teacher training diploma: accepts those who complete vocational diploma or upper secondary vocational education; the curriculum is 2 years.
d) Secondary teacher training diploma: accepts those who complete higher vocational diploma; the curriculum is 1 year.
e) Higher certificate in technique teacher training: accepts those who complete higher vocational diploma; the curriculum is 2 years
f) Short-training course in vocational education (less than one-year curriculum): examples are Polytechnic school, technician school.

3.24.3 Tertiary Education means education in university, college, cadet school, police cadet school, or other higher institutions at the same level of the university.

3.24.4 Other Education: examples are teaching, nursing, arts, physical education, including other schools that are a part of other government agencies such as chemistry lab, train engineering, etc.

[From column 11 to column 16, record only persons who are 5 years or older. For children who are 4 years old or younger, write a dash.]

Columns 15 to 16: Education (See details in chapter 3 number 3.24)

Column 15: School attendance and grade
[Ask of persons aged 5-29 years only].

Ask "On January 1, 1970, did the person study in any school?"

If the answer is "study", ask which class the person attended and record in this column. Examples are: M.S.1 [year 1 of secondary level], P.4 [year 4 of primary level], year 2 of Mechanic College, or year 1 of Chulalongkorn University, etc.

If the person studied in vocational education without any general education program such as hair dressing, dress making, radio fixing courses, etc., record "No".

If the person did not study, record "No".

If the answer is "study" but the interviewee does not know the class or level, record "study, unknown class."

For persons younger than 5 or older than 29, write a dash.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_GRADEATT — School grade attended
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For person 5 years and older or those who were born before and in the year 1974 (tiger year)
[Questions L16-L20 were asked of persons age 5 and over.]

L16. Grade of school attended (as of January 1, 1980 for those 5-30 years old) _ _

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Columns 16 - 21

Ask those who are 5 years old and over, or who were born before and in 1974 (Tiger year in the Thai zodiacal calendar).

Column 16 The class attending

(Ask those who are between 5 - 30 years old).

Ask "Are you studying as of January 1, 1980?"

- If studying, record "the class attending" clearly e.g., MS3, Year 1 of Primary Education, Year 2 of Mechanic College, Year 3 of Chulalongkorn University, Year 1 of Ramkamhaeng University,
- If not attending school or never attended elsewhere, record "No."
- Vocational education without general education program of private schools e.g., hair dressing school, dress making school, radio fixing school, etc., record "No."
- If the interviewee knows the person?s level of education but does not know the class, record the level of education e.g., university, vocational school, secondary school, primary school, etc.
- If the interviewee knows that the person is studying but does not know the class or level, record "studying, not knowing detail."

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_GRADEATT — School attendance
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L19. School Attendance
Is (name) attending a school or any other educational institution (as of January 1990)?
Ask only persons age 5-30 years

Record level _ _
If never attending school, record 'never'.

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Column 19: Current level of education
[Ask only persons aged 5-30 years]
Ask: "Is ____ (name) ___ currently studying?" Count up to 1 January 1990.
Currently studying means studying in the regular education system, vocational education (both in a regular period or part time), and university level (both in closed-system and open-system universities). For persons who take short courses, such as hair dressing, tailoring, car driving, radio repairing) in vocational education in which there are no regular subjects taught, consider them as not currently studying.

1. If a person is currently studying, record the level of schooling.
Instruction for recording the level of schooling:
1.1 A person who is studying a regular education system or who is studying at the level before primary school, in primary school, junior secondary and senior secondary school (high school), record the grade at which a person is studying such as kindergarten grade 2, primary school grade 3, secondary school grade 2, secondary school grade 4, etc.
If a person is studying in a continuing education program, record the grade that he/she is currently attending such as grade 2, grade 4, etc.
1.2 For persons who are studying in vocational education or university, count the number of years that he/she has been studying, record the number of years, level of education, and the name of institution at which he/she is studying. Examples:
Year 1 - Vocational Education - Patumwan Mechanical College
Year 2 - Higher Vocational Education - Chiang Mai Commercial School
Year 1 - General Vocational Education - Samut Prakarn Technological School
Year 2 - Bachelor's Degree - Chiang Mai University
Year 1 - Bachelor's Degree - Rajabhat University at Suan Dusit
Year 3 - Bachelor's Degree - Sukhothai Thammatiraj Open University
Year 4 - Bachelor's Degree - Thammasat University
Year 2 - Middle-level Drama Arts - College of Drama Arts

1.3 For persons who are studying in special or part-time curricula in professional or vocational education, record the number of years required to complete that particular curriculum in addition to recording the level of education according to 1.2. For example:
a) For a Higher Vocational Education that requires 2 years for completion in the regular program but requires 3 years for completion in the part-time program, record: Year 3 of higher vocational education (3-year curriculum), Patumwan Mechanical College.
b) For a Bachelor's Degree that usually requires 4 years for completion but requires only 2 years for persons who have already obtained a diploma, record year 3 of Bachelor's Degree (2-year curriculum), Rajapat University at Suan Sunanta.

1.4 For persons who spend time on studying more than the required number of years to complete the curriculum, record the number of year of the curriculum as the year at which the person is studying. For example, for a person who has been studying at Ramkamhang University for 6 years but has not graduated, record year 4 of Bachelor's Degree, Ramkamhang University.
a) If the respondent is not studying, record "No".
b) In the case that the respondent is studying, but he/she does not know the grade of schooling or the year in college/university but knows only the level of education, record the level of education that is known and the name of institution.
c) In the case that the respondent is studying, but he/she does not know the grade of schooling or the year in college/university or the level of education, record "studying-not knowing level"

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_GRADEATT — Grade of school attended
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S10. School attendance as of January 1, 2000_ _
For all individuals 5-30 years

If attending school, record grade

If unknown grade, record level (e.g. primary)

If unknown grade and level, write "attending school, unknown grade"

If not attending, write "not attending"

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Column S10, School attendance
[Question was asked to persons aged 5-30 years old]

[Table summarizing column S10 is not presented here]

Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of the respondent]: "What are you studying?"

Count up to January 1st, 2000.

Attending School: meaning a person is in the regular education [system], vocational education (either on the regular period or part-time), university level, academic level, vocational level in the close system and open universities. In relation to short course vocational education in which there is no

[p. 94]

regular subjects offered (such as hair dressing, tailoring, car driving, radio repairing) [respondents] are not considered as attending or in schooling.

1. If a person is attending school

Record the grade of schooling

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Residents of 3 years or more of age
[Columns P16 - P18 were asked of resident persons age 3 or more.]

(P16) Educational attendance

Circle the appropriate code

[] 1 Currently attending
[] 2 Has attended
[] 3 Never attended (go to P19)
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The questions on education concern educational attendance (column P16) and the level of instruction (columns P17 and P18). They are addressed to the resident population aged 3 and over and all those born before November 2007. For children under 3 or those born after November 2007, put a dash on the dotted lines. Check to this end column P06, that is, the date of birth or the age.

Columns P16: Educational attendance

Pose the following question: "Does [the respondent] currently attend an educational establishment, have they done so, or have they never done so?" Circle the code corresponding to the declaration of the respondent according to the following modalities:

1 FA: currently attends;
2 AF: has attended;
3 JF: never attended.
NB 25: if the code circled is 3 (Never went), go to column P19

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_SCHLEV — Level of school attendance
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Section IV. Education

[Questions 17-19 asked of all ages.]

17. Type of nonvocational school or university now being attended

[] Nursery/ Infant
[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] Private study
[] University
[] Other
[] None
[] Not stated
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D. Section IV - Education

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must be scored for every individual on questions 17 to 19.

46. Question 17 - Type of non-vocational school or university now being attended

This question seeks to obtain information on the type of school or university now being attended. The following types are specified: nursery / infant, primary, secondary, university, private study and other. Mark the relevant type as stated by the respondent. Note that included under other are schools for the blind, the deaf and for other forms of disability.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_SCHOOL — Attending school
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Section 3 Education -- For all persons

11(a). Attendance at school/university
Is (N) [the respondent] attending school?

[] 1 Yes
Go to Q.11(b)

[] 2 No
Skip to Q.14(a)

[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.14(a)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 3 Education

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 11[a] for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 11[a] and 14[a].

Question 11 - Attendance at school/universities

In part [a] indicate whether the person is attending school or university. If the answer is yes, state in part [b] whether it is full-time or part-time attendance.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Section 3. Education--For all persons

12. Attendance at school/university/adult classes
12(a). Is [the respondent] attending school/adult classes?

[] 1 Yes [Go to Q.12(b).]
[] 2 No [Skip to Q.14(a).]
[] 3 Not stated [Skip to Q.14(a).]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 3 - Education
These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 12[a] for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 12[a] and 14[a].

Question 12 - Attendance at school/university

In part [a] indicate whether the person is attending school or university. If the answer is yes, state in part [b] whether it is full-time or part-time attendance. All attendance at adult classes/extra mural must be recorded as attending school part-time.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_SCHOOL — Attendance at school, university, or adult classes
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Section 5. Education-For all persons

18. Attendance at school/university/adult classes

(a) Is (N) [the respondent] attending school/adult classes?

[] 1. Yes [Go to Q.18 (b)]
[] 2. No [Skip to Q.21 (a)]
[] 3. Not stated [Skip to Q.21 (a)]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 5 - Education

This section seeks to collect information on the persons attending schools and other educational institutions as well as their levels of educational attainment. It will also provide information on members of the population who have not attended school. For those attending school, the level of school completed is asked in the census.

The data on educational characteristics are useful in analysis relating education, to changes in occupation, the labour force, and fertility, as well as in the study of educational development.

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 18(a) for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 18(a) and 2l(a).

Question 18 - Attendance at school/university

In part (a) indicate whether the person is attending school or university. If the answer is yes, state in part (b) whether it is full-time or part-time. All attendance at adult/continuing classes must be recorded as attending school part - time.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_SCHOOL — Attendance at a school or educational institution
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Section 5: Education - For all persons

16. Attendance at a school/ educational institution

(a) Is (N) [the respondent] currently attending a school/educational Institution?

[] 01 Yes
Go to Q.16(b)
[] 02 No
Skip to Q.18(a)
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.18(a)
(b) Is (N's) [the respondent's] attendance:

[] 01 Full-time (FT)
[] 02 Part-time (PT)
[] 03 Distance Learning (DL)
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
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Section 5 - Education

5.3. School attendance

This is defined as regular attendance at any accredited educational institution or programme, public or private, for organized learning at any level of education at the time of the census. It is important to distinguish attendance from enrolment since a person can be enrolled in school but not necessarily attending.

A "full time" student is one whose main activity is attending school, university, or some other educational institution.

A "part time" student can be defined as one, whose main activity is other than attending school or being engaged in the learning process.

"Distance learning" is defined as any form of organized educational experience in which teaching and learning take place with teachers at a distance from the learners for most of the time. It incorporates all levels of education and training using forms of technology that range from the simple medium of print to the more advanced medium of technology involving satellites, tele-conferencing, networks, television, radio broadcast and other mechanisms.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For All Persons

12. School attendance (attended school in 1990 [1991], left school before 1990 [1991], never been to school)

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[Question 1 - 13 apply to all persons]

Question 12 School attendance

113. "Has this person attended school in 1990?"

114. A person has either

attended school this year - write "Att"
left school before 1990. - write "Left"
or has never been to school - write "Never"

In this sense "school" means any educational establishment in which primary or secondary education is given on a full time basis.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_SCHOOL — School
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For all persons aged five years and above

P16 School attendance Did name attend school in 2002, leave school in 2002, or never been to school? (If never been to school, write code 4 and skip to P18, otherwise write appropriate code) ___

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School Attendance and Educational Attainment
130. The questions on education apply to All Persons Aged 5 (Five) Years and Above. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 4 years write "N/A" (Not Applicable) for Question P16 and leave the rest of the column blank.
131. For purposes of the census, education does not include any form of pre-primary education such as Nursery Education, even if the person is of eligible age.

Question P16: School Attendance
Ask, "Did (name) attend school in 2002, leave school during or before 2002 or has never been to school?
132. Write the appropriate code using the code list. If the person has never been to school write code '4' for "Never been to school" and skip to Question P18.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For persons aged 3 years and above

P18 Did [the respondent] attend school in 2014, left school or never been to school? (Refer to code list P18)

[] 1 Attending school in 2014
[] 2 Left school in 2014
[] 3 Left school before 2014
[] 4 Never been to school
[] 7 Not applicable

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_EDTYPE — Type of educational institution
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12. Type of educational establishment where you enroll (for persons aged 6 and above)

[] 1. High school
[] 2. Vocational school
[] 3. Secondary school
[] 4. Other
[] 5. Do not study
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Question 12 - Type of educational establishment where you study (for persons aged 6 years and above)

Persons aged 6 years and above who study at all daytime, evening and correspondence educational establishments and courses with the term of studying 12 months and more regardless off-the job or on the job studying are filled with a mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response.


Higher is marked to those who study at higher educational establishments -- academies, universities, institutes, colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, etc.

Vocational is marked to those who study at vocational schools, art schools, professional schools of social rehabilitation, schools-agricultural firms, plant-schools, training and production centres, centres for training and retraining of workers, training centres and other types of establishments that provide working profession

General is marked to those who study at senior, basic, elementary day schools (including boarding schools), evening (shift-system) schools (classes), in a full-time / correspondence groups in general schools as well as at schools for children with mental and physical development defects.

Other educational establishment (courses) is marked to those who study at schools and courses with the term of studying 12 months or more that do not provide general education (e.g., training and skill development courses, preparatory courses at educational establishments) and courses that provide professional qualification. For those who study at two educational establishments at the same time, one should note the higher type of educational establishments.

Do not study is marked to persons aged 6 years and above, who do not attend school, as well as to pupils of coterie regardless of the duration of training.
The answer to this question is not filled for children under 6 years.

For persons aged 7 years who do not attend school, one should specify whether they attend pre-school establishments.

Yes is marked for children who attend preschool establishments -- nurseries, kindergartens, etc. If at the time of census a child temporarily does not attend a pre-school, for example due to illness, one should mark yes.

No is marked to children under 7 years who do not attend kindergartens.

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_PRESCHL — Attending preschool
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For persons below age 7 who do not attend school, indicate whether he/she attends preschool establishment

[] 6 Yes
[] 7 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 12 - Type of educational establishment where you study (for persons aged 6 years and above)

Persons aged 6 years and above who study at all daytime, evening and correspondence educational establishments and courses with the term of studying 12 months and more regardless off-the job or on the job studying are filled with a mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response.


Higher is marked to those who study at higher educational establishments -- academies, universities, institutes, colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, etc.

Vocational is marked to those who study at vocational schools, art schools, professional schools of social rehabilitation, schools-agricultural firms, plant-schools, training and production centres, centres for training and retraining of workers, training centres and other types of establishments that provide working profession

General is marked to those who study at senior, basic, elementary day schools (including boarding schools), evening (shift-system) schools (classes), in a full-time / correspondence groups in general schools as well as at schools for children with mental and physical development defects.

Other educational establishment (courses) is marked to those who study at schools and courses with the term of studying 12 months or more that do not provide general education (e.g., training and skill development courses, preparatory courses at educational establishments) and courses that provide professional qualification. For those who study at two educational establishments at the same time, one should note the higher type of educational establishments.

Do not study is marked to persons aged 6 years and above, who do not attend school, as well as to pupils of coterie regardless of the duration of training.
The answer to this question is not filled for children under 6 years.

For persons aged 7 years who do not attend school, one should specify whether they attend pre-school establishments.

Yes is marked for children who attend preschool establishments -- nurseries, kindergartens, etc. If at the time of census a child temporarily does not attend a pre-school, for example due to illness, one should mark yes.

No is marked to children under 7 years who do not attend kindergartens.

United Kingdom 1961 — source variable UK1961A_STUDENT — Student
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Section T
For other persons. Write "housewife", "home duties", "at school", "student", etc. as applicable.

[Status] ____
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14. In employment means that the person had a job during the week ending Saturday, 22nd April, 1961, even if he was away from work because of holidays, sickness, strikes, etc. That is, a sick person is in employment if his job is waiting for him when he gets well.

For persons temporarily laid off by their employer throughout the week, answer the questions in section R and not in section S.

For persons who retired or became out of work during the week, complete section S and not section R.

"Employment" includes any service in the armed forces, and also jobs at which a person worked for only a few hours; e.g. for a housewife who helped in her husband's shop or did some office cleaning answer the questions in section R and not section T.

For persons who are at school or university full-time during term answer section T and not section R, even if they did paid work during the holidays.

United Kingdom 1971 — source variable UK1971A_STUDENT — Student
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8. Will you be a student attending full-time at an educational establishment during the term starting April/May 1971? (see note 8)

This question need not be answered for children under 15 years of age.

[] Yes
[] No

18. If you are an apprentice or trainee, write 'apprentice', 'articled clerk', 'articled pupil', 'student apprentice', 'graduate apprentice', 'management trainee', 'trainee technician,' or 'trainee craftsman' as appropriate. (see note 18) ____

B8. Will this person be a student attending full-time at an educational establishment during the term starting April/May 1971? (See note B8)

The question need not be answered for children under 15 years of age.

[] Yes
[] No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
8. Students
You do not count as a full-time student if you are:
(a) On day release from work to attend school or college
(b) Attending nightschool only
(c) Attending an educational establishment provided by employers such as an apprenticeship school.
B8. Students
You do not count as full-time students people who are:
(a) On day release from work to attend school or college
(b) Attending nightschool only
(c) Attending an educational establishment provided by employers such as an apprenticeship school.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_STUDENT — Schoolchild or student in full-time education
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[Questions 1 - 5 were asked of all persons.]

5. Are you a schoolchild or student in full-time education?

[] Yes -- Go to 6
[] No -- Go to 7

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_SCHOOL — School attendence
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P16. Has he attended regular school or college at any time since February 1, 1960?
If he has attended only nursery school, business or trade school, or adult education classes, check "No".

[] Yes
[] No

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_SCHOOL — School attendence
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20. Since February 1, 1970, has this person attended regular school or college at any time?
Count nursery school, kindergarten, and schooling which leads to an elementary school certificate, high school diploma, or college degree.

[] No
[] Yes, public
[] Yes, parochial
[] Yes, other private

"Do not count trade or business school, company training, or tutoring unless you think he could get credit for it at a regular school or college."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_SCHOOL — School attendence
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8. Since February 1, 1980, has this person attended regular school or college at any time?
Fill one circle. Count nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or college degree.

[] No, has not attended since February 1
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private, church-related
[] Yes, private, not church-related

[Do not count enrollment in a trade or business school, company training, or tutoring unless the course would be accepted for credit at a regular elementary school, high school, or college. A public school is any school or college which is controlled and supported primarily by a local, county, State, or Federal Government.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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11. At any time since February 1, 1990, has this person attended regular school or college?
Include only nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended since February 1
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college

[Do not include enrollment in a trade or business school, company training, or tutoring unless the course would be accepted for credit at a regular elementary school, high school, or college. A public school is any school or college that is controlled and supported primarily by a local, county, State, or Federal Government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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8. a. At any time since February 1, 2000, has this person attended regular school or college?
Include only nursery school or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended since February 1 [go on to question 9]
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_SCHOOL — School attendance in last three months
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10. a) At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended regular school or college?
Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months --> Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college

b) What grade or level was this person attending?
[Q10. b is asked if the person has attended regular school or college in the last 3 months.]

Mark (X) one box.

[] Nursery school, preschool
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 to grade 4
[] Grade 5 to grade 8
[] Grade 9 to grade 12
[] College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)
[] Graduate or professional school for example: medical, dental or law school

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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10. a) At any time in the last three months, has this person attended school or college? Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months -> skip to question 11.
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
10. a) At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college?

Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months [Skip to question 11]
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

10a. A public school is any school or college that is controlled and supported primarily by a local, county, state, or federal government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups. Home school applies to parental guided education outside of a public or private school for grades 1-12.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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10a. At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college?

Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months - Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P10.a. A public school is any school or college that is supported and controlled primarily by a local, county, state, or federal government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups. Home school applies to parental guided education outside of a public or private school for grades 1--12.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_EDCURRENT — Current school attended
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Educational characteristics
For persons age 6 or older
[Questions 10-12 were asked of persons age 6 or older.]

11. School attendance

Write down, as a number, the year of studies that a person is now attending, on the dotted line corresponding to the class of instruction received (primary, secondary, etc.) For people who do not attend any type of studies, write down a zero ("0").

[] 0 Without attendance
[] 1 Primary _
[] 2 Secondary _
[] 3 Preparatory _
[] 4 Faculty _
[] 5 Normal _
[] 6 Agrarian _
[] 7 Industrial _
[] 8 Military _
Other ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Title 10: Level of education
208. Write down as a number, on the dotted line, the last year of study passed by a person, corresponding to the class of instruction received in establishments of regular education.

209. Regular education is understood to be taught in establishments of public or private teaching, within the plans or programs of education officially passed in the country.

210. In the census document, eight principal classes of instruction have specifically been considered, plus an additional class [listed] under the general headline "Other", whose diverse particular cases will be correctly located in the process of revision of information after the enumeration. Immediately after the specific name of each class of instruction, a number between "0" (zero) and "8" is printed, which correspond to the code with which each case is differentiated. It is immediately after this code, on the dotted line, that the number corresponding to the year of studies passed is to be written down, within each class of instruction. So, for example, for a person who has passed the 4th year of primary school, once the notation has been made, it would read in the census document: "Primary 1 4"; if the 2nd year of secondary, it would read: "Secondary 2 2"; if the 3rd year of military, it would read: "Military 8 3", and so on according to the case.

[p. 34]

211. For a person who never has attended a center of education or has never passed a year of studies, write down a 0 (zero) for the following code corresponding to the headline "Without instruction" "0 0".

212. If a person does not remember the year nor the class of instruction received, write down the double symbol "XX", in the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Other".

213. With reference to studies for determined professions, like law, medicine, economics, etc., some students are not able to be sure about what their last year of studies are that they have passed, because of computing the advancement of studies based on the number of classes passed. In this case, it will be sufficient to write down an "X" in the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Faculty".

214. The class of education "Agrarian" will be understood to be the courses at the University of Work, in:
a) "General agrarian schools"; and

b) "Specialized agrarian schools" (school of dairy, winemaking, forestry, agriculture and livestock, farming mechanics, horticulture and fruits, poultry farming).

Also this includes education imparted by the non-official "agrarian schools" at the level of education similar to those that have just been mentioned, for example: "Jackson agrarian school" in Manga (department of Montevideo).

215. The agrarian education, imparted in the above centers of education, should not be confused with that given in the primary level of "farm schools" -- this depends on the national committee of primary and normal education. Those educated in these centers should be written down as class of instruction: primary.

216. "Industrial" education is understood to be courses at the University of Work in:
a) "Mono technical industrial schools" (mechanical and electrical schools, construction, commerce, applied arts industries, naval industries, feminine industries, graphic arts); and

b) Polytechnic industry schools and education imparted in private schools, but at a level of education similar to those above, for example: the "Don Bosco workshop school", the "Ort technical school".

217. Finally, under the headline "Other", all those cases of graduates, students of universities or conservatories, or of other institutions that do not require studies at the level of "Faculty" should be recorded, even if the classes are given in university classrooms or rooms. Among these cases are:
a) Education by university schools like: medical assistants (dieticians, physical therapists, radiologists, infant psychologists, laboratory clinic assistants, transfusion assistants, ophthalmologists, phono-audiologists, medical archive assistants).

b) Schools of fine arts: painters.

c) School of library science: librarians.

d) National conservatory of music: music professors.

e) University nursing school: university nurses.

[p. 35]

f) School of social service: social assistants.

g) Midwives.

h) Instituto de Profesores Artigas [secondary school teacher training institution].

i) Schools or institutes of commerce.

j) Other schools:

"Dr. Carlos Nery" school of nursing (Ministry of public health)
School of social service (Ministry of public instruction)
School of social service (Catholic)

218. For the appropriate treatment of cases that have just been specified, write down on the dotted line, in the most comprehensible form but at the same time as abbreviated as possible, the class of education received following the number that indicates the last year of studies passed. For example: "Dietician 1"; "Medical archive assistant 1" that can be abbreviated as "Ax. arch. med. 1"; "Social assistant 3"; "Commerce 1".

Title 11: School attendance
219. Write down as a number the year of studies that a person is now attending in an establishment of regular education of the country and the class of instruction received. Use the dotted line to the right of each code corresponding to the class of instruction. As for the detailed registration of information, the same norms for title 10 should be followed.

220. Any notation for people who are taking classes by correspondence, as well as classes for piano, cooking, sewing, or classes for shorthand or typing, should be made note of as a complement to the education received. Also this is for vocational improvement courses. Both in these cases, as well as for people who do not attend any centers of regular education, write a "0" (zero) on the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Not attending".

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education attended
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Educational characteristics
For persons age 6 or older
[Questions 10-12 were asked of persons age 6 or older.]

10. Level of education

Write down, as a number, the last year of studies passed by a person on the dotted line corresponding to the class of instruction received (primary, secondary, etc.). For people without education, write down a zero ("0").

[] 0 Without education
[] 1 Primary _
[] 2 Secondary _
[] 3 Preparatory _
[] 4 Faculty _
[] 5 Normal _
[] 6 Agrarian _
[] 7 Industrial _
[] 8 Military _
Other ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Title 10: Level of education
208. Write down as a number, on the dotted line, the last year of study passed by a person, corresponding to the class of instruction received in establishments of regular education.

209. Regular education is understood to be taught in establishments of public or private teaching, within the plans or programs of education officially passed in the country.

210. In the census document, eight principal classes of instruction have specifically been considered, plus an additional class [listed] under the general headline "Other", whose diverse particular cases will be correctly located in the process of revision of information after the enumeration. Immediately after the specific name of each class of instruction, a number between "0" (zero) and "8" is printed, which correspond to the code with which each case is differentiated. It is immediately after this code, on the dotted line, that the number corresponding to the year of studies passed is to be written down, within each class of instruction. So, for example, for a person who has passed the 4th year of primary school, once the notation has been made, it would read in the census document: "Primary 1 4"; if the 2nd year of secondary, it would read: "Secondary 2 2"; if the 3rd year of military, it would read: "Military 8 3", and so on according to the case.

[p. 34]

211. For a person who never has attended a center of education or has never passed a year of studies, write down a 0 (zero) for the following code corresponding to the headline "Without instruction" "0 0".

212. If a person does not remember the year nor the class of instruction received, write down the double symbol "XX", in the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Other".

213. With reference to studies for determined professions, like law, medicine, economics, etc., some students are not able to be sure about what their last year of studies are that they have passed, because of computing the advancement of studies based on the number of classes passed. In this case, it will be sufficient to write down an "X" in the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Faculty".

214. The class of education "Agrarian" will be understood to be the courses at the University of Work, in:
a) "General agrarian schools"; and

b) "Specialized agrarian schools" (school of dairy, winemaking, forestry, agriculture and livestock, farming mechanics, horticulture and fruits, poultry farming).

Also this includes education imparted by the non-official "agrarian schools" at the level of education similar to those that have just been mentioned, for example: "Jackson agrarian school" in Manga (department of Montevideo).

215. The agrarian education, imparted in the above centers of education, should not be confused with that given in the primary level of "farm schools" -- this depends on the national committee of primary and normal education. Those educated in these centers should be written down as class of instruction: primary.

216. "Industrial" education is understood to be courses at the University of Work in:
a) "Mono technical industrial schools" (mechanical and electrical schools, construction, commerce, applied arts industries, naval industries, feminine industries, graphic arts); and

b) Polytechnic industry schools and education imparted in private schools, but at a level of education similar to those above, for example: the "Don Bosco workshop school", the "Ort technical school".

217. Finally, under the headline "Other", all those cases of graduates, students of universities or conservatories, or of other institutions that do not require studies at the level of "Faculty" should be recorded, even if the classes are given in university classrooms or rooms. Among these cases are:
a) Education by university schools like: medical assistants (dieticians, physical therapists, radiologists, infant psychologists, laboratory clinic assistants, transfusion assistants, ophthalmologists, phono-audiologists, medical archive assistants).

b) Schools of fine arts: painters.

c) School of library science: librarians.

d) National conservatory of music: music professors.

e) University nursing school: university nurses.

[p. 35]

f) School of social service: social assistants.

g) Midwives.

h) Instituto de Profesores Artigas [secondary school teacher training institution].

i) Schools or institutes of commerce.

j) Other schools:

"Dr. Carlos Nery" school of nursing (Ministry of public health)
School of social service (Ministry of public instruction)
School of social service (Catholic)

218. For the appropriate treatment of cases that have just been specified, write down on the dotted line, in the most comprehensible form but at the same time as abbreviated as possible, the class of education received following the number that indicates the last year of studies passed. For example: "Dietician 1"; "Medical archive assistant 1" that can be abbreviated as "Ax. arch. med. 1"; "Social assistant 3"; "Commerce 1".

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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(II) Educational characteristics (for people age 6 or older)

9. Do you or did you attend any establishment of regular education?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Attends
[] 2 Does not attend but attended
[] 3 Never attended
[] 9 Not known

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G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

II. Educational characteristics
[Persons age 6 or older]

The questions of this chapter are for the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population and its specialization in different disciplines, acquired from regular courses.

The first question of this chapter is "Do you or did you attend any establishment of regular education?" Attendance at educational establishments is understood to be the attendance at an establishment of regular, public or private education, in order to systematically study at the primary, secondary, university or other level either in this country or abroad.

233. If the son of Mr. Pereira attends second year of high school, in which box will you mark this case?

Mr. Pereira completed fourth year of primary school. In which box will you mark the attendance at educational establishments for Mr. Pereira?

[p. 68]

The cook of the GĆ³mez family, in spite of being able to read and write, answers that she never went to school. What will you mark?

If a person that you are enumerating tells you that they never attended an educational establishment, do not ask questions 10, 11, 12 and 13; cross them out with a diagonal line and go directly to question no. 14.

If you marked "Attended" or "Does not attend but attended", go to question no. 10.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_SCHOOL — Attends/attended school
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(II) Educational characteristics
[Questions 9-14 were asked of persons age 6 or older]

10. Do you or did you attend any establishment of regular education?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Attends
[] 2 Does not attend but attended
[] 3 Never attended

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II. Educational characteristics -- for persons age 6 or older

Question No. 10 "Do you or did you attend any establishment of regular education?"

Attendance at educational establishments is understood to be attendance at an establishment of regular, public or private education, in order to systematically study at the primary, secondary, university or other level either in this country or abroad.

[p. 52]

If a person that you are enumerating tells you that they never attended an educational establishment, do not ask questions 11, 12, 13 and 14; cross them out with a diagonal line and go directly to Chapter III -- Occupational characteristics, if necessary.

If you marked attends or does not attend but attended go to question No. 11.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For all people age 3 or older
[Questions 11-15 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

13. With respect to this education level, do you currently

[Question 13 was asked of persons age 3 or older who have attended school, as per question 12.]

[] 1 Attend a public establishment
[] 2 Attend a private establishment
[] 3 Abandoned your studies
[] 4 Finished the level

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Persons age 3 or older
The questions of this part have the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population, both on the plane of regular education, as well as training courses or non-regular education, offered by public and private organizations, in this country or abroad.

Question 12. Of all the following levels of education, what is the highest that you attended?

[] Never attended (mark and go to Question 16)
[] Preschool
[] Primary
[] High school or second basic cycle

[] Preparatory or secondary second cycle
[] University
[] Teacher training
[] Military or police career

Read all the possible options. Do not forget that you should fill in the box corresponding to a single option, at the highest level reached within the list.

When a person declares to you more than one level, you should find out which of them came after the other and consider it superior. Remember that in all cases, you should write down only the highest level reached. For example, you should not write "High school" without having finished primary school, therefore the highest will be the secondary level.

If a person claims to attend or attended UTU, remember that you should write in down here only if it is "Basic cycle", common with secondary reached in UTU.

Any other course of UTU -- technical or commercial -- will be considered to be written down in Question 16. In this case, in Question 12 will be written down the previous level reached in UTU in regular, not technical or commercial education.

If a person claims to have never attended any center of education, fill in the box corresponding to the option "Never attended", leave the following questions blank and ask Question 16. If it is the contrary, go to Question 13.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_EDUCLVL — Highest educational level ever attended
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For all people age 3 or older
[Questions 11-15 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

12. Of the following levels of education, what is the highest that you attended?


[] 1 Never attended (go to 16)
[] 2 Preschool
[] 3 Primary
[] 4 High school or secondary basic cycle


[] 5 Preparatory or secondary 2nd cycle
[] 6 University
[] 7 Teacher training
[] 8 Military or police career

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Persons age 3 or older
The questions of this part have the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population, both on the plane of regular education, as well as training courses or non-regular education, offered by public and private organizations, in this country or abroad.

Question 12. Of all the following levels of education, what is the highest that you attended?

[] Never attended (mark and go to Question 16)
[] Preschool
[] Primary
[] High school or second basic cycle

[] Preparatory or secondary second cycle
[] University
[] Teacher training
[] Military or police career

Read all the possible options. Do not forget that you should fill in the box corresponding to a single option, at the highest level reached within the list.

When a person declares to you more than one level, you should find out which of them came after the other and consider it superior. Remember that in all cases, you should write down only the highest level reached. For example, you should not write "High school" without having finished primary school, therefore the highest will be the secondary level.

If a person claims to attend or attended UTU, remember that you should write in down here only if it is "Basic cycle", common with secondary reached in UTU.

Any other course of UTU -- technical or commercial -- will be considered to be written down in Question 16. In this case, in Question 12 will be written down the previous level reached in UTU in regular, not technical or commercial education.

If a person claims to have never attended any center of education, fill in the box corresponding to the option "Never attended", leave the following questions blank and ask Question 16. If it is the contrary, go to Question 13.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance
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48. Do you currently attend to some educational center at the pre-school, primary, secondary, superior, or technical level?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question 51)

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48. Do you currently attend some educational center: pre-school, elementary school, secondary school, post-secondary school, or technical school?

All those people who at the moment of the survey attend an establishment of formal teaching (public or private) or who, while enrolled, are temporarily not attending are considered as currently attending.

An establishment of teaching is an institution where children initiate learning habits (pre-school establishments, childcare), as well as those where a regular course of learning is given subject to the current educational regulations.

If the response to this question is negative, a circle will be marked around code 2, continuing the interview with question 51.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_ATTENDED — Ever attended school
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48. Do you currently attend to some educational center at the pre-school, primary, secondary, superior, or technical level?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question 51)

51. Even though you are not currently attending, have you ever attended an educational center at the pre-school, primary, secondary, superior, or technical level?

[Question 51 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Never attended (go to section E.4)

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51. Even though you are not currently attending, have you ever attended an educational center at the pre-school, elementary, secondary, post-secondary, or technical level?

For all the people who don't currently attend, it is of interest to know if the previously did it to distinguish their level of education.

According to the response that is obtained from the interviewee, the interview will continue according to that indicated in the questionnaire.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_EDEARLY — Attends early education or preschool
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For people 0 to 3 years old:

17. Does [the respondent] currently attend an early education center or preschool (daycare, kindergarten, CAIF, etc.)? (PerEd00)

[] 1 Yes, attends a public center
[] 2 Yes, attends a CAIF
[] 3 Yes, attends a private center
[] 4 Does not attend

(The module is finished. Go to q. 43)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Does he/she currently attend an initial education center or a preschool (daycare, kindergarten, CAIF, etc.)?

This question is directed towards boys and girls from 0 to 3 years of age.

The objective is to reveal the attendance of the children at an initial education center or preschool.

Children are considered currently attending if they meet the following requirements:

  • In the case of children 0 to 1 year, the frequency of attendance should be at least weekly.
  • In the case of children 2 and 3 years, the frequency of the attendance should be daily.

Select one of the following options:

  • Yes, attends a public center: This only includes 3-year-old children that attend the centers ANEP or INAU, or the Community Centers of Infant Education and Module Center Scholarship Program for Our Children of the Municipality of Montevideo. In general these centers house girls and boys from vulnerable social situations. They are organized by ANEP and by civil society organizations, the common factor being that the families should not have to pay to send their children, since it is a free service.
[p. 100]
  • Yes, attends a CAIF: this corresponds with the centers administered by civil society organizations under the modality agreement with the INAU. They offer coverage for children 0 to 3 years of age from vulnerable social situation, and just like the public establishments, the service is free.
  • Yes, attends a private center: This category includes all education centers that are not free but office a caretaking service for children between 0 and 3 years. Consequently, the differentiating factor of these centers is that they demand payment for the service provided the children. This includes daycares, infant and preschool centers that are not covered in the previous categories. For example: daycares, preschools in private high schools, daycares in private businesses as well as those designed for the children of public or municipal functionaries.
  • Does not attend

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_SCHOOL — Attends school
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For people 4 years of age or older:
[Questions 18-25 are asked of people aged 4 and older.]

18. Does (Name) currently attend or has attended an educational institution offering preschool, primary, secondary, post-secondary or technical education? (PerEd01)

[] 1 Yes, attends a public establishment
[] 2 Yes, attends a private establishment
[] 3 Does not attend, but has attended (skip to q. 21)
[] 4 Never attended (skip to q. 26)
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The rest of the module (with the exception of the question about knowing how to read and write) is directed towards people 4 years of age or older.

Does he/she currently attend or has attended at some point an establishment of preschool, primary, secondary, post-secondary, or technical learning?

The question seeks to identify the people 4 years or older that currently attend or attended at one time a formal education center.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

Formal education is the "education given in the school system, high schools, universities, and other establishments of formal education. It normally constitutes a continuous "ladder" of learning of full days for children and youth, generally starting at 5 to 7 years until 20 or 25 years of age.

  • Select one of the options "Yes, attends a public establishment. . ." if the person declares attending an establishment of formal learning at the moment of the census or if, when enrolled, does not attend for momentary causes. In this case, mark the option that corresponds, either a public or private establishment.
  • Select the option "Does not attend, but has attended" if the person declares having attended an establishment of formal learning at some point.
  • Select the option "Never attended" if the person never attended an establishment of higher learning.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_SCHOOL — School enrollment and attendence
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Only for individuals 5 years of age and older
(See Question 5-6)

12. Are you enrolled or do you regularly attend any center of learning?

[] 1 Yes -- If yes, answer questions 13 and 14
[] 2 No -- Skip to 15

13. Is the establishment you attend part of an official entity or private? -- Answer this question if response to 12 is "yes" --
[] 1 Official
[] 2 Private

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7.23. Educational Characteristics (Q - 12 to 18).

To continue the interview, care must be taken as to the age of the person as observed in question 4. If the person is younger than 5 years (see question 4 to be sure) no more questions are asked. End the interview with this person. If the person is 5 years of age or older continue with [p. 83] the information on "Educational Characteristics (12 - 18).

7.24. Registered and regularly attending an educational center (Q - 12).

This question is meant to find out if the person is registered or enrolled and regularly attending an educational center. Regular education (enseƱanza regular) is understood to mean formal education imparted by Public or Private Educational Institutions which are regularly attended and have curricula of study approved by the Ministry of Education. These institutions are generally registered with and accredited by the Ministry of Education.

The most common branches of education in [Venezuela] are the following: Pre-escolar (Kindergarten); Primaria [elementary]; Normal; Secondary [High School including Commercial High School); Technical; Industrial or Artisan (of any specialty); Teaching Schools; Universities (any faculty); Military Education; Commercial and administrative studies (Institutes approved by the Ministry of Education).

Commercial, secretarial, and similar academies, including correspondence schools, not registered with the Ministry of Education are not considered to be regular. However, correspondence courses related to elementary, secondary, or normal education are considered to be regular education [p. 84] even when the person is not required to attend the center.

Regular attendance is understood to be when the person is registered and attends at least half of the classes the month before Census day. This regularity is not interrupted when the person stops attending because of sickness or other temporary reason. Mark "yes" or "no" according to the case.

7.25. Does the educational institution belong to an Official or Private Authority (Q - 13).

Each person who regularly attends an educational institution will be asked whether this institution is public or private, marking the appropriate box.

A public institution is one that is owned or supported by a private enterprise, institution, individual, etc., even when part of its maintenance comes from government subsidies.

Generally, in private educational institutions each student or representative needs to pay a monthly fee for the instruction received. However, there also exist private institutions that provide free education to all students; these institutions, however, do not cease to be private because of this circumstance.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_SCHOOL — Currently attending school
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(Only for those 5 years of age or older)

12. Are you currently studying in preschool, primary, middle or superior schooling?

[] Yes -- Go on to question 14
[] No

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Question 12

-- Does the person study in preschool, primary [elementary], intermediate, or superior education?

If the person is studying in a preschool, primary [elementary], intermediate, or superior education institution, fill in the corresponding oval and skip to question 14.

Otherwise, fill in the corresponding oval and proceed to question 13.

[p. 72]

Preschool education:

Education with the object to guide the first childhood experiences. It is designed for children between 4 and 6 years of age and is carried out in Kindergartens.

A person is "currently a student" in preschool, primary [elementary], intermediate, or superior when he/she is registered or studying in a public or private institution (including correspondence courses that conform to primary, intermediate, or superior education), even if he/she is not taking classes at the time of the census for occasional reasons such as: vacation, illness, strike, momentary withdrawal, or if the courses have adjourned and the person is waiting for the school year to begin.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Questions 11-14 are only for those over the age of 3 years

14. Are you currently attending preschool, basic, diversified or superior schooling?

[] Yes
[] No

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Questions 11-14 are only for those over the age of 3 years

Question No.14

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 14 on the census form.]

-- Fill in the cell that corresponds to the answer given:

Current student:

A person who is enrolled or is studying in a public or private preschool, elementary school, secondary school (diversificada), or superior (university, professional) educational institution. Even if:

-- They are not in classes on the Census day because of vacations, sickness, strike or temporary break.
-- Their class has been postponed/deferred and they are waiting for the start of the next school year/semester.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_SCHOOL — School attendance

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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For persons born on or before 1-4-1984 (aged 5 and over) answer following questions [applies to questions 6 to 8]

8.a/School attendance or equivalent

[] 1 Attending now
[] 2 Attended in the past
[] 3 Never attended

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6. Place where usually live on 4/1/1984 (5 years ago):
Persons who were born before April 1st, 1984 (5 years of age and older) answer this section.

8. a) School attendance (or equivalent)
Persons who were born before April 1st, 1984 (5 years of age and older) answer this question.

School is defined as general education or equivalent, for example continuing education school, evening general education school, evening continuation class, Chinese school, etc.

"Attending now", "attended in the past", and "never attended" refer to persons who are currently enrolled, or have not entered in general education schools or equivalent as stated above.

Persons who are currently enrolled or have already dropped out of other types of schools such as kindergarten or professional training schools, are not listed as "attended" in this question.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:

[Respond questions 8 to 12]

10. Is (Name) attending school now, or has (Name) stopped or never attended?

School: Only record persons currently attending/attended general schools (or equivalent) and institutions of higher education.

[] 1 Attending now
[] 2 Attended in the past
[] 3 Never attended [Go on to question 12]

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Question 10: Is (name) attending school now, or has (name) stopped or never attended?

School attendance is an individual's educational status at a nationally recognized general school or professional and higher education (at college level and higher), such as primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, public/semi-public/ private professional schools at college level and higher, or equivalent (including on-the-job long-term training, evening education, and open education). These types of education aim to provide general education or systematic professional skills in a given time period.

A person response to this question has one of three choices: attending now, attended in the past, and never attended. Therefore, interviewers only can select one of three codes "1", "2", and "3".

If respondent is currently attending general school or college or university or post graduate program, interviewers select code "1" and ask question 11.

Note: Persons who are attending technical school/class, primary and middle professional school are coded as "2 -- attended in the past".

If respondent attended general school or professional school in the past, interviewers select code "2" and ask question 11.

If respondent has never attended general school or professional school (never go to school), interviewers select code "3" and skip question 11 and ask question 12.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_EDUC — School attendance
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8. Check if the respondent was born before April, 2004 (5 years or older). [If yes, go to] Q9; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 9-16 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

12. At present, has [the respondent] been attending, ever attended or never attended schools?

[] 1 Attending
[] 2 Ever attended
[] 3 Never attended (go to Q16)

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Question 12: At present, has [the respondent] been attending, ever attended or never attended schools?
These are schools that respondents are attending or have completed, including both the regular and irregular schools.

Basing on the answer of the respondent, the enumerator marks (x) in the appropriate small box.

If the respondent answers he/she has never attended school, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "3", and then moves to Question 16, not to ask Questions 13, 14 and 15.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_SCHOOL — Attending school
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Part 1. Information on household members

14. At present, has [the respondent] been attending, stopped schooling or never attended schools?

[] 1 Attending
[] 2 Stopped schooling (skip to Q16)
[] 3 Never attended (skip to Q19)
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 14: At the moment, does [the respondent] attend school, has dropped out, or has never attended school?
Attendance status is identified based on whether DTDT is attending/has ever attended any program in the National Education System, including educational levels and equivalent training levels: preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, intermediate school (vocational/professional), college (vocational/professional), university, master and doctorate.

If the program that DTDT is attending does not belong to one of the above educational levels and training levels, it is not considered "attending school."

DTDT is identified as "dropped out" if he/she has attended a class in one of Vietnam's National Education Systems up to now including the national education system during the French colonial period, the education system from 1945 to 1954, the system of continuation education, the Northern education system, and the current education system.

Some notes:

- A person is not counted as attending school if he/she participates in courses that do not belong to State education, training, and vocational programs such as: Preparation courses for university exams; English exams; Apprenticeship with teachers; Classes organized by businesses in the form of tutoring; Professional training programs organized by the agency/industry; People studying political theory training program.

- A person is counted as attending school if he/she participates in State education, training, and vocational programs and is granted certifications, certificates, diplomas, etc. For example, people taking basic professional driving classes to obtain licenses of B1, B2, C, D, E, or F level are identified as attending school.

- A person who has completed a level of education or a State education, training, and vocational program (or its equivalent, for example, overseas programs) but has not been awarded a diploma or certificate for completing that level of study, he/she is still counted as "attending school" at the level/program of study completed but not yet awarded the degree. For example: By the time of the census, DTDT had completed the high school graduation exam and knew that he/she passed, but without a certificate of completion of the high school program, he/she is still counted as attending high school.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_SCHATTEND — Current school attendance
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[Question P-14 to P-18 were asked of persons 5 years and over]

P15 Does [the respondent] go to any institution of learning?

[] 1-Yes full time
[] 2-Yes part time
[] 3-Correspondence
(If answer is 1, 2 or 3; skip to P-17)
[] 4-No
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Education: For All Persons 5 Years and Over

P - 15 Does [name] go to any institution of learning?
33. Under this question you are to record the present status of school or college attendance of each person. Enter the appropriate code as it appears in the questionnaire.

pg. 31

34. Since the Census will be held during a period when many schools and colleges will be closed for holidays, for those still attending school the word 'attending' will be taken to mean that the person attended school during the last term and intends to do so in the next term also. Note that:

a. Students attending vocational training including teacher training should be considered as persona attending full-time (Code 1).
b. Apprentices in factories or workshops should not be shown as full-time students.
c. Persons attending night school should be shown as part-time attending (code 2).
d. People on study leave, although sometimes in formal education, e.g studying for a degree, are not full-time students.
e. People engaged in correspondence studies should be assigned code 3

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_SCHATTENDPAST — Previous school attendance
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[Question P-14 to P-18 were asked of persons 5 years and over]

P-16 Did [the respondent] previously go to any institution of learning?

[] 1-Yes, full time
[] 2-Yes, part time
[] 3-Yes, correspondence
[] 4-No-Go to P-18
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Education: For All Persons 5 Years and Over

P - 16 Did [name] previously go to any institution of learning?
35. This question is for persons who answered "No" under P-15. Since we have established that they are not attending any institution of learning at present, we are interested to know whether they did so previously.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_ENROLL — Currently attending school
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For Persons 5 Years and Older ? Education

16. Do you go to any institution of learning?
[] Yes ? full time (Go to Question 18)
[] Yes ? part time (Go to Question 18)
[] Yes ? correspondence (Go to Question 18)
[] No

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5.5 Education: for all persons 5 years and older

P19: Does [the respondent] go to any institution of learning?

Under this question you are to record the present status of school or college attendance of each person. Shade the appropriate space.
Since the census will he held during a period when many schools and colleges will be closed for holidays. for those still attending school the word 'attending' will be taken to mean that the person attended school during the last term and intends to do so in the next term also. Note that:-

a. Students attending vocational training including teacher training should be considered as persons attending full-time.
b. Apprentices in factories or workshops should not be shown as full - time students. Shade the fourth space provided.
c. Persons attending night school should he shown as part - time students.
d. People engaged in correspondence studies are not full time or part time students. Shade the third space for correspondence.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_SCHOOL — Ever attended school
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For Persons 5 Years and Older ? Education

17. Did you previously go to any institution of learning?
[] Yes ? full time
[] Yes ? part time
[] Yes ? correspondence
[] No (Go to Question 19)

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5.5 Education: for all persons 5 years and older

P20: Did the respondent previously go to any institution of learning?
This question is for persons who answered "No" under P-19. Since we have established that they are not attending any institution of learning at present, we are interested to know whether they did so previously.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_EVERATTEND — Ever attended school
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Only for persons aged 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 25-30]

P26. Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No - Go to P29
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4.14 Education: for all persons 5 years and older

P-26: Has [the respondent] ever attended school?

Ask if the person has ever attended school. If yes, shade the appropriate code. If no, shade the appropriate code and skip to P-29.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_CURRATTEND — Currently attending school
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Only for persons aged 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 25-30]

P27. Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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4.14 Education: for all persons 5 years and older

P-27: Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

Ask if the person is currently attending school (whether formal, by correspondence, e-learning, community school etc.) and shade the appropriate code.