Section P: Characteristics of population
[Questions 29-32 were asked of residents aged 12 years or older.]
29. What is the respondent's marital status?
If never married and female, go to Question 33.
If widowed or divorced, go to Question 32.
If never married and male, end survey.
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
P29 to P32: For residents aged 12 years or older
P29: Marital status
Ask: What is [the person]'s marital status?
The marriage may be taken place either legal, religious or traditional basis or those married persons should live together as husband and spouse. The answer for this question must be accepted as given by the respondent. Enumerator encircles the code corresponding to the given response.
The relevant codes to be marked for the various marital status categories are follows:
1 - Never married: Single person male or female or not yet married, unmarried mothers with children in the household without having contracted a marriage are also considered to be single.
2 - Married: the young woman or young man living together upon mutual agreement. In this case the husband and spouse might live together either legally or illegally.
3 - Separated person: A person temporarily separated from her/his spouse pending on the decision of the law
4 - Widow/widower: Man or woman who lost his wife [her husband] and had not yet remarried
5 - Divorced: A person permanently divorced from his/her spouse before the law