Questionnaire Text

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Section H: Housing Units Characteristics

14. Do you have an energy saving stove in this house?

[] 1 Yes, and it is used
[] 2 Yes, but it is not used
[] 3 No
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Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.

H14: Energy saving stove
The question is "Do you have an energy saving stove in this house?" This energy saving stove commonly known as Ronderezamainly made up from clay soils, grass and sand and is used to minimize high consumption of fuel wood/charcoal which leads to deforestation.

The enumerator encircles the appropriate modality out of the following accordingly to response given:

1 - Exist and used
2 - Exist and unused
3 - Do not exist