Section H: Housing Units Characteristics
1. Type of Habitat
[] 1 Umudugudu (Clustered rural settlement)
[] 2 Old settlement
[] 3 Dispersed/ isolated housing
[] 4 Planned urban housing
[] 5 Spontaneous/ squatter housing
[] 6 Other type of housing
Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.
H01: Type of habitat
The enumerator simply encircles the number corresponding to the chosen modality. It is absolutely necessary that the enumerator understand sufficiently the 6 modalities of the question H01. These are:
1 - Umudugudu [clustered rural settlement]: These are houses grouped under the new housing policy.
2 - Old settlement: these are houses grouped and built by any institution for under the new housing policy
3 - Dispersed/isolated habitat
4 - Planned Urban Housing [cadastre]: it directly refers to modern living requirements of the National Service of Cadastre.
5 - Spontaneous or Squatter Habitat [Akajagari]: these are houses located in informal settlements and messy, an exclusively urban phenomenon.
6 - Other type of Housing: to mean all other type of habitat not falling into any of the above categories.
Example: If dispersed/isolated housing, encircle the code number [image omitted]