In what type of the settlement (locality) did you reside?
Question 12.2. Where did you live in October 2009?
Write down the name of the subject of the Russian Federation (territory, region, autonomous region, autonomous district, Moscow or Saint Petersburg) or the name of a foreign state.
Do not fill the box for numbers after having written the previous place of residence in words.
After that fill the subquestion "In which settlement did you live before?": indicate the corresponding settlement type (urban or rural), in which the respondent lived in October, 2009. If he lived in the city or in the urban-type settlement (workers settlement or health resort area), put a relevant mark in "urban" box, if in rural settlement -- "rural". At this the administrative-territorial changes that were made after the respondent's departure from the previous place of permanent residence shall not be considered. For example, if the rural settlement, where the resident lived before the departure to this settlement, was later reformed to urban settlement or included within the limits of the city, it shall be marked as "rural".