Questionnaire Text

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Questions 11.1-11.5 are for the persons aged 15 to 72. Others go to question 12.1

11. Employment and unemployment

11.1 Have you had any work that provided income, wage or salary during the period October 7-13, 2010?

[] Yes
[] No
[If no, go to Question 11.5]
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Section 11. Employment and unemployment
Questions of this section are filled in only by the individuals aged 15 to 72 years inclusive.

Question 11.1. Did you have any income-yielding job during the period from 7th to 13th October, 2010?
Individuals aged 17-72 years put a mark that corresponds to any of the given prompts.
"Yes" is given by the one who had income-yielding job within the period from 7th to 13th October 2010:

1) Regardless of date of direct payment or income receipt for his/her activity:
- Work (at least for an hour) for the reward regardless whether it was permanent, temporary, seasonal, casual or other type of work for reward (salary);
- Paid public works;
- Self-employed work (at his/her own business or organization), bringing income and performed either individually or with one or several companions, with hiring employees and without it;
- Work in a group of students;
- Work at family enterprise without payment;
- Work without payment at a small peasant farm (for those who are the members of small peasant farm household);
- Work at household and personal household plot, if goods or services produced are intended mostly for sale;
2) Was temporarily absent at work, but kept official relations with his/her place of work (for example, translator who works officially for a company on project basis).
The reason for temporary absence at work may include:
- Illness or trauma, nursing care (medical certificate);
- Annual vacation or weekends, compensation vacation or compensatory days off, compensation of overtime work or work during holiday (weekend) days;
- Maternal leave and nursing care of a child till such child reaches 1,5 years of age, as established by the law;
- Training, retraining of personnel outside his/her workplace, study leave;
- Vacation with financial support at administration initiative;
- Vacation without financial support at administration initiative for the duration of less than 6 months;
- Shift or any other specific work;
- Strike;
- Other similar reasons.
Students or pensioners who had any income-yielding job in a week before the date of census, are regarded as employed. They shall put a mark "yes".

"No" is marked for those who did not have any job or a profitable occupation within the week before, even if a respondent:

- Studied full-time at professional education institutions;
- Produced goods at a personal household farm for his/her own consumption;
- Provided services in his own household including house cleaning, cooking for household members, sewing, repairs and keeping the clothes of household members clean, raising children, nursing care for senior and sick household members;
- Provided services voluntarily without payment for different people or charitable institutions, parental committees, veterans committees, hospitals, orphanages and homes for senior or disabled people, etc.;
- Held shares of any enterprise or company without direct participation in financial activity of this enterprise or company;
- Was occupied with begging or bottles' collection, etc.

The following people are considered as not having job:

- Seasonal workers, whose labor contract has expired;
- Individuals who have agreement about the work but who have not yet started it;
- Individuals who are absent over a long period due to vacation at administration initiative, if period of absence at work is 6 months and more;
- Individuals who are absent at work due to care of 1,5 - 3 year old child.

If the answer is "no", you shall proceed to question 11.5.