10. Sources of subsistence (income)
10.1 Declare all available sources of subsistence
Show the card to the respondent (the number of answers is not limited)
[] 1 Work, including the second job
[] 2 Work at one's own / private plot
[] 3 Scholarship (stipend)
[] 4 Pension (except disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Welfare benefits (except unemployment)
[] 7 Unemployment benefits
[] 8 Other type of state social welfare (state assistance or care)
[] 9 Savings, dividends, banking interest
[] 10 Income from ownership, rent, patents or copyrights
[] 11 Support by parents or other persons, alimony
[] 12 Other source, specify ____
10.2 If you have several sources of income, please, specify the main source _
Indicate the number of the main source from the list provided in question 10.1.
Section 10. Means of living
Question 10.1. Indicate all your means of living.
Asking a question, a respondent shall be shown a Card for a respondent (form No 10), on the face side of which the list of all answers to the question 10.1 is given. Upon acquaintance with a list, a respondent will choose an answer - one or several.
[Omitted example forms.]
In accordance with an answer, marks shall be put in a census paper - they shall correspond to one or several given variants.
"1 - Labor activity, including part-time job" - will be indicated by those, who receive a fee in money or who are paid in kind for the labor activity (salary, wages, award, bonus, payment by results and the like), has one-time earnings (temporary, casual), one-time job (temporary and extra), part-time jobs, or earn profit from business (commercial) activity (their own business); grants are included, if they are set for the work carried out, money award paid to writers, artists, actors, lawyers and people of similar professions, various additional payments to the basic salary (for example, additional payment to the title "honored worker of culture"). Such means of living shall be indicated by those keeping farm, raising agricultural products, animals and poultry generally for sale, seasonal workers and individuals who work on rotational basis.
Such means shall be indicated by those working individuals who as of the date of population census are on sick-live certificate, on paid leave (regular, pregnancy and delivery, nursing care and etc.) or on unpaid leave on the initiative of plant management (institution, organization) for a period of no longer than 6 months.
"2 - Personal household plot" - will be indicated by those who are occupied at their own household plots (including cottage, gardens and kitchen gardens etc.) with agricultural works and (or) cattle breeding, fishing, hunting, gathering of wild fruit and mushrooms, provided that agricultural output is intended for their own consumption, generally.
"3 - Scholarship" - will be indicated by those studying and receiving scholarships (including scholarships paid to the students who are assigned on training by the entity or organization, placement service).
"4 - Pension (except for the disability pension)" - is indicated by those who receive old-age pension (by the age), social pension and pension in case of the breadwinner loss, for years of service (for example, to the military servants, federal civil office employee, cosmonauts, first-flight officers).
Money compensation of benefits to the pensioners (including labor veterans, disabled people, exonerated, residents of besieged Leningrad, etc.) for free transportation, medical treatment, medicaments, etc., and also additional state pension (from non-governmental pension fund), additional payments of pension from the enterprises (organizations) are considered to be the part of the main pension and are not registered as a separate source.
Mark corresponding to this prompt shall be indicated by the person to whom such compensation is provided, not by who receives it. Thus pension for the breadwinner's loss that is provided to a child, shall be marked for a child even being received by his mother.
"5 - Disability pension" - is indicated by the one, who receives pension for disabled. Mark corresponding to this prompt shall should be indicated by the person to whom it is provided, not by who receives it.
The right to receive two pensions simultaneously - "pension (except for the disability pension)" and "disability pension" is provided to:
- Participants of the Great Patriotic war (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged);
- Citizens awarded with the sign "resident of besieged Leningrad" (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged);
- Citizens who became disabled as a result of military trauma (governmental disability pension and labor pension for the old-aged).
In certain cases second pension can be provided to:
- Widows of military servants who were killed when they were on military service by conscription as a result of military trauma, and who did not conclude a new marriage;
- Parents of military servants doing military service by conscription who were killed when they were on military service or who died as a result of military trauma after discharge.
"6 - Benefits (except for unemployment benefits)" - will be marked for those who are provided with the following monthly public benefits:
a) During parental leave (till the age of 1,5) is marked for mothers, or fathers, or tutors, or other relatives (if mother and (or) father are dead, have limited parental rights, recognized as legally incapable, etc.), who provide factual care about the child;
b) Entitlement payments from enterprises to mothers who worked at the enterprise, organization before the child birth, which are paid till the child reaches the age of 3 years;
c) Benefits and payments to tutor (guardian) for the child raising, who are in tutorship (guardianship);
d) Monthly benefits to children (this prompt is marked for a child), which are provided to:
- Each child at the age of 0-16 years, also to the students of institutions of secondary education institutions until their graduation but up till they are 18 years old in families with amount of per capita income that gives the right to such benefit in accordance with legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
- Children of the servicemen doing military service by conscription (benefit is given from the day of child's birth, but no earlier than the day of parent's military service commencement by conscription, till the child is 3 years old, but not later than his parent's military service is over);
- Children of the killed (dead) parents, gone missing during their military duty performance till the child is 18 years old (for those who study in educational institutions full-time - until graduation, until they are 23 years old);
- Children at the age of 16, whose parents evade payments of alimony;
e) Monthly benefits to wives (husbands) of servicemen doing military service by conscription, living together with their husbands (wives) in the area where they can not work in their field of expertise due to the lack of employment opportunities;
f) Compensatory payments to students of higher, secondary professional institutions in academic leave for medical reasons and postgraduates studying out of work;
g) Subsidies for housing and utility services payments.
We wish to draw your attention that "6 - Benefits (except for unemployment benefits)" is marked for the one who is provided with it, not the one who receives it.
"7 - Unemployment benefits" will be marked for those registered in the bodies of employment service as unemployed and who receive unemployment benefits, and financial support at the expense of employment fund.
"8 - Another type of state support" - will be marked for inmates of children' homes, students of boarding schools, people who live in nursing homes for senior or disabled citizens, etc., those who are under government support.
"9 - Savings; dividends; interest" will be marked for those who have money savings due to previously received financial income which was not spent, heritage, and also for those who receives dividends and interest accrued on money deposits and securities.
"10 - Property lease and renting; income from patents, author's rights" - will be marked for those who get income in the form of rentals for the rented apartments, garage or other property (personal and real property), and also income from patents, author's rights, royalty (reward paid to the author or its offsprings for use of scientific discovery, literary work and artwork).
"Maintenance; support of other people; alimony" - will be marked for those supported by parents, relatives, children and other individuals, and also for those who are provided with alimony payments. If alimony is paid to minor children, this mark will be given to children and not mother or father who actually receive the alimony.
"12 - Another source" - will be marked for those whose source of living is something different not listed above (for example, begging, collecting and returning of bottles, cardboard etc.). If a respondent stated another source of living means, he shall be asked to specify the answer and write it down in an appropriate field. Income from secondary employment or work-ups shall not be written in this field (it applies to the source "1 - Labor activity, including part-time job".
Question 10.2. If you state several sources of living, please, state which one you consider the main for yourself.
If the respondent named several sources of means of living for question 10.1, question 10.2 shall be asked and the number of the one a respondent considers to be the main shall be written in relevant field. The number of source is indicated to the left of the name of corresponding prompt for question 10.1.
For members of collective households and homeless the questionnaire of form L is over.