Questionnaire Text

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20. Were you seeking work last month?
Question 20 is only for those aged 15-64 who answered "no" to question 15.
[] 1 Yes
If you were offered a suitable job, were you able to start within two weeks?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 2 No.
Indicate the main reason:
[] a Found a job and will start work within the next two weeks
[] b Applied for a job and awaiting a reply
[] c Awaiting the beginning of the season
[] d Unable to find work
[] e Occupied with housework
[] f Other reason
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 11.6. If you were out of work, have you been seeking employment over the last month?
The answer to this question should be recorded only for people between 15-64 years old with the "No" option checked off in question 11.1, i.e. those who did not have a job or paying occupation a week before the census.
For those who were actively looking for a job or tried to establish an own enterprise- check off the "Yes" option.
Seeking employment means applying/or a job to:

- Governmental or commercial employment service;
- Management of enterprises, institutions and organizations, entrepreneur;
- Turning for help to friends, acquaintances and relatives; as well as:
- Publication of appropriate ads in the media, response to announced job vacancies; establishment of an own enterprise (obtaining of an authorization or license, selection of the location, selection of machines and equipment etc.).
[p. 63]
Ask those who have been looking for a Job (with the "Yes" option checked off) whether they could start working within the next two weeks and check off the appropriate prompt - "Yes" or "No".
The "No" option in response to question 11.6 is recorded for the respondents who did not have work or a paying job and is not seeking it. Then check off one of the prompts identifying one main reason why they are not looking for a job:
"I was accepted for employment and will start working within next 2 weeks" - if a respondent was accepted for employment and has an agreement to start working within two weeks from the beginning of the census;
"I found a job and am now waiting f or the confirmation" - if a respondent has found a job and is waiting for the answer from the management, if the period of waiting does not exceed four weeks;
"I am waiting for the beginning of the season" - if a respondent was employed in seasonal work (e.g., peatery, water transport, fishery- spring or summer) and was not employed during the reference week because of the season is over, and intends to work in seasonal operations next year;
"No opportunity to find a job" - if a respondent is not looking for a job because of unavailability of vacancies in his/her profession, and if there is no opportunity to acquire a new profession;
"I am engaged in housekeeping" ยท if a respondent is not looking for a job because he/she attends to household duties in the own household without pay (e.g., cooking, cleaning, child care or care of other family members);
"Different reason" if a respondent is not looking for a job through a different reason (e.g., no need to work, because of health condition, attending full-time educational institutions, retirement or old age etc.).
Please, remember: the question should not be put to people under 15 and over 64 years.