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26. Usual economic situation of the enumerated person in the year preceding the census (March 2001- March 2002):
26.1 During the major part of the year, the enumerated person had the same economic status as at the census reference point?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

26.2 If no, what was their usual economic status:
[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Unemployed: seeking another job
[] 3 Unemployed: first-time job-seeker
[] 4 Pupil/student
[] 5 Pensioner
[] 6 Homemaker
[] 7 Dependent of a supporter
[] 8 Persons receiving public aid or private organization support
[] 9 Other economic status (incomes from rent, interest, leasing, other sources)

27. Usual activity status during the year preceding the census (for persons recorded as employed for the preceding year - code 1, or unemployed seeking another job - code 2)
[] 1 Employee (engaged)
[] 2 Employer, private enterprise owner
[] 3 Working on own account
[] 4 Member of an agricultural association/co-operative
[] 5 Contributing family worker to one's own household
[] 6 Other employment status

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75. For items 26 and 27, the reference period is the previous year of the census moment (March 2001 -- March 2002), and not the prior week of the enumeration census (March 11 -- March 17, 2002), as it was taken into consideration for the items 19 -- 25.

For the item 26 the answers for all the persons (at least 1 year old) will be recorded, regardless of the answers recorded for the item 19, but who is declaring that during the previous year had a different economic situation than the situation at the census moment (the week March 11- March 17, 2002).

For the item 27, only the answers of the persons who for item 26 declared as being employed (code 1), or unemployed seeking another work (code 2) will be recorded.

The usual economic situation of the enumerated person on the preceding year- of the census. (item 26)

76. The usual economic status of the enumerated person on the preceding year of the census is referring to the main economic or social activity status, as well as to the way of assuring the main source of livelihood, during the major part of the preceding year (at least 6 months).

The enumerator will establish whether the enumerated person had, during the major part of the preceding year, the same economic status as it was during the week March 11 -17, 2002, by

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marking x on one of the corresponding boxes to the same economic status (code 1), or to a different status (code 2).

26.1 When the persons declare that they had the same economic status- code 1, the recording on the chapter IV of the PL form ends here (because data referring to the usual economic status, will be obtained from the answers for the item 19, and those referring to the usual professional status from the item 22).

For persons declaring as having different economic status- code 2- the recording will continue for registration of item 26.2 (codes 1-9) and of the item 27. Item 26.2 will be recorded as follows:

The mark x will be written on the corresponding code box to the usual economic status of the enumerated person on preceding year of the census March 2001 -- March 2002).

For each person should be recorded for item 26.2 a single economic status the person had during the major part of the preceding year (at least 6 months), according to the specifications below:

-- The mark x will be written on code box 1 (employed) -- for persons of 15 years old and above, who were in one of the following situations:

a) permanent employees in a paid employment in cash or in kind (it means usually performing an economic or social activity).
For example:
-- employees of the economic or social unit, public or private, with stable contracts for indefinite or definite period, or on the basis of civil convention for performing services, or permanent employees of the natural persons;
-- persons employed in own unit;
-- self -- employment job, working with license or without, as regular craftsmen (house painters, tailors, etc), a mostly intellectual activity (free professionals: lawyers, notaries, accountants, medical doctors, artists, etc), services performing (ambulant vendors, taxi drivers, transport carriers, musicians, etc.), or performed independent commercial activities;
-- individual farmers usually working on their own agricultural household, regardless of whether the obtained products are designated to be sold, for exchange or own consumption;
-- persons contributing -- aiding a household member, either this member was working in own unit, or on own account, even they have not been paid for this activity;
-- employees who worked on the family type associations, performing non-agricultural activities;
-- members of a co-operative association, crafts co-operative, consumption or credit co-operatives, who performed real activities for these units.
b) person who most of the working time was absent from the place of work, but had formal attachment/arrangement with the unit.
For example: absent persons from the place of work due to illness, home leaves (without pay, for
maternity reasons, etc.), cutting economic activities, temporarily suspending activities, (electrical or mechanical breaks off, lack or raw materials, lack of clients) strikes, or labor conflicts, qualifications courses.

The formal job attachment is determined on the basis of the following criteria: arrangements for ensuring the place of work when unpredicted event is ceasing, or arrangement regarding the date of starting the work, and / or arrangements for continuation of receiving some cash incomes.

c) all members of the armed forces (regular enrolled militaries, including auxiliary services members);
d) the conscript military personnel, who finished the conscription (entirely or mostly during the precedent year);
e) Romanian citizens who worked abroad for foreign economic or social units (including those who daily crossed the border for working).
Particular situations: the pupils, the students, domestic personnel, as well as the pensioners, who had a regular economic activity, according to the above mentioned, will be considered as employed.

Are not considered as employed:

-- persons who performed only charitable and voluntary activities;
-- persons who performed only domestic activities in their own household;
-- detained persons during the major part of the preceding year, even though they performed some activities in the place of detention.

-- The mark x will be written on the code boxes 2 or 3 -- for persons declaring that the major part of the preceding year were unemployed (seeking for work, or first-time job-seeker).

Unemployed persons are considered those persons of 15 years of age and above (up to the legal retirement age) who were not employed during the major part of the preceding year -- had no formal attachment contract or did not perform any activities themselves -- employment (own account), currently available to start the work, and regardless of whether they were registered or not at an employment office (or they received the unemployment benefits, benefits related to professional integration, support allowance), and who were seeking for work.

Relating to the particular situation of each unemployed, the person should be recorded on one of the following categories:

a) seeking another work (code2) -- persons 15 years old and above (up to the legal retirement age), who were not in employment during the major part of the preceding year -- (and could not be coded by 1), but were seeking work, and who, sometime had an employment but lost it or left it.

b) first -- time job -- seeker (code 3) -- persons who during the major part of the preceding year did not work and who were looking for the first employment (who never were employed in an economic or social activity, paid in cash or in kind, for example: graduated from the general school, from the vocational schools, from the high schools, high educational institutions, housekeepers who never worked, etc.).

-- The mark x will be recorded on the code box 4 (pupil/student) -- for persons not currently economically and socially active and who attended a regular educational institution (public or private) for systematic instruction at any level of education in order to get a profession.

On this category are included:

-- pupils/students who lived only on successor's pension or fellowship basis;
-- persons who attended the military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense or the Interior Ministry.

The pupils/students who performed home duties in their own household will be considered as pupils and students and not employed persons.

On this category are not included:

-- persons 15 years old and above, who are not attending any regular educational institution and at the same time had an usual income earning employment (the major part of the preceding year) from economic or social activity.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 5 (pensioner) -- for persons who receive incomes from pensions of any kind: age limit pension, for disability, surviving dependents pension, pension from agricultural activities, military pension, veteran's pension, pension from craftsmen co-operative, pension for the revolution heroes.

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Are not included: pupils, students, and pre-school children who received successor's benefits.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 6 (homemaker) -- for persons 15 years old and above, who usually performed only domestic activities in their own household (preparing meals, cleaning, children care and their education) or for a relative (for example: a parent who did housekeeping on children's household and were taking care of the grandchildren), who does not have their own income source.

Are not included:

-- employees working at home for payment (cash or in kind, or for a dwelling) -- will be considered employed;
-- individual farmers, usually working on own household- regardless of whether the obtained products are designated to be sold, to be exchanged or for own consumption -- will be considered employed too;
-- the pupils and students and also the pensioners, even when they performed usually domestic activities. These persons should be marked by the codes 4 or 5 as it is the case.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 7 (persons receiving support, aid, from other person) for persons without any own income sources and were depending of the parents' support, or of the relatives or of other persons, and are not in the homemakers category who did not attended any education institution.

To this category will be included:

-- pre-school children even when they received survivor's benefits;
-- aged people, handicapped persons and invalids, not having an income producing job, or did not perform homemaker's domestic activities and did not receive any pension benefits or other income source, but they are on the support of natural persons;
-- persons below 15 years old, who did not attend any educational institution, but performed domestic activities.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 8 (persons receiving public aid or private organizations support) -- for persons relying on the support of the public institutions (old people houses, hospital hostels, children's houses, etc.), or private organizations (Non Governmental Organizations), as well as for persons having as unique source of income the social aid (for example the handicapped persons who are supported by the relatives or other persons, to whom the state is paying an allowance or a salary to the supporters).

Are not included:

-- school children from "children's houses" (these will be marked by code 4 -- pupil/student);
-- persons living in the hostels receiving pension benefits (these will be included to code 5 -- pensioner) or to other income source;
-- pupils and students having as unique source the state fellowship (these will be recorded to the code 4).

-- The mark x will be recorded on the code box 9 (other situation) -- for the persons not classified in any of the above mentioned categories (codes 1 -- 8).

On this category will be included:

-- persons having as main source of livelihood incomes from rents, interests, dividends, leasing;
-- arrested people, being the major part of the year in the prison;
-- the persons not classified in any of the above mentioned categories (codes 1-8).
Particular situation:

The persons who during the preceding year had a variable economic status (for example: employed for 3 months; received unemployment benefits; job loser of the previous job -- 5 months, pensioner -- 4 months), mark x will be written on the box corresponding to the situation which lasted more (on the above example - unemployed seeking for another work -- code 2).

Usual activity status during the preceding year of the census -- (for the persons recorded as employed -- code 1 to the item 26.2, or unemployed seeking for another work -- code 2 to the item 26.2) (item 27).

77. Usual activity status during the preceding year -- represents the situation of a person related to his economic and social performed activity and the way of obtaining the incomes for employment during the major part of the preceding year.
This characteristic will be recorded for all the persons who during the major part of the preceding year were employed (code 1 to the item 26.2), or unemployed seeking another work (code 2 for the item 26.2).

The way of recording:

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 1 (employed, engaged) -- for the persons who performed the activity in an economic or social unit (regardless the ownership form) and the jobs were based on work contract for pay in cash or kind, or bonuses charges, etc.

Will be considered employed:

-- the permanently engaged persons by private persons for house keeping works (baby care, old man care, for domestic works, etc.);
-- paid engaged persons for job testing;
-- apprentices;
-- the priests and pastors;
-- conscripts on compulsory military service.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 2 (employer, private enterprise owner) -- for person working on own unit, having one or more employees.

Will be considered employer, private enterprise owner:

-- employers on own account, but self-employed on its own enterprise;
-- holders having written contracts for renting or concessionary terms related to engaged employees.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 3 (own account worker) -- for persons working on its own unit, or independently (craftsmen, free professionals, traders, independent services laborer) not having any engaged employee, helped maybe only by non-paid members of the households, or relatives.

Will be considered as own account worker:

-- self employed craftsmen working on their own shop (tailors, shoemakers, iron smiths, carpenters, house painters, etc.);
-- persons who performed independent trade activities, on own unit (shop, market stalls, etc), or as ambulant vendors (on fairs, markets, cattle fairs, street operators);
-- persons working on independent transport services (taxi drivers, independent carriers);
-- free professionals (medical doctors on their own clinic, lawyers, musicians, artists, independent accountants, translators);
-- persons committed on written contract basis to perform services to economic or social units;
-- individual farmers (only the heads of the household working on own agricultural farm);
-- holders having written contracts for renting or concessionary terms non-related to any employees;

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-- contributing workers for home domestic jobs (cleaning, ironing, washing, wood-cutting, children care, old men care, sick men care, etc.).

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 4 (member of an agricultural company/cooperative) -- for persons members of an agricultural company, or craftsmen cooperative, consumption or credit cooperative, achieving non-wage incomes.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 5 (contributing family worker to the own household) -- for persons who usually are aiding a member of the household, either this is working on its own commercial enterprise, or is working in own account, but who are not receiving wages for their activities (unpaid family aid). To this category are included, also, the family members of the individual farmer working on his own households.

-- The mark x will be written on the cassette code 6 (other situation) -- for persons who are not possible to be classified on the above mentioned categories.

Particular situation:
-- the persons temporarily absent from the working place (see paragraph 67) and the unemployed seeking another work will be recorded with the preceding activity status.
-- the employed persons being active, during the preceding year, on several different jobs (firstly employee, then own account worker), will be taken into consideration the working place where the person worked the major part of the time and the corresponding activity status.