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11. Marital status
11.1 Legal marital status:
[] 1 Single (unmarried)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

11.2 De facto marital status: Is this person living in a consensual union?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Marital status (item 11)

58. The legal marital status will be recorded (to the item 11.1) for all persons regardless of sex and age.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 1 (single -- unmarried -- this is meaning: never married) for all persons who never were married (the children below 14 years of age are included in this code);
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 2 (legally married) - for all the formally/ legally married persons. The lower limit for marriage is 16 years for the females and 18 years for males. Exception: the female persons under 16 years and males persons under 18 years, legally married, on the basis of marriage exemption license, or the persons married abroad.
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 3 (divorced) -- for all the persons divorced and not remarried;
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 4 (widowed) -- for all the persons, whose wife or husband have died and are not remarried;

To the item 11.2 will be recorded if the person is living in consensual union, it means that living, cohabiting together with her or him, without any legal forms, having a common residence with her or with him, regardless of the legal marital status.