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3. Situation at the census reference point
At "0" hour on March 18, 2002, the person was:
[] 1 Present
[] 2 Absent, a person who left the household for another locality in the country
[] 3 Absent, a person who left the household to go abroad

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Situation at census moment (item 3).

50. The data information regarding the census enumerated people, permits to establish the number and the territorial distribution of the population, the main demographic structure, the socio-cultural and the educational structure of the population at a certain moment (the census reference point of time: the "0" hours of March 18, 2002 -- the census reference moment, when the movement of the population is minimum), both at the national level, as well as at the territorial level (county, town, commune, village).

For each person, the situation at the census reference moment, in relation to the residence, respectively to the legal residence, by the registration of the situation at census moment will be recorded.

The person's enumeration will be conducted, usually, at its legal residence or usual residence.

The legal residence represents the address registered on the identification card, by the population evidence authority (for the children under 14 years of age, not having yet the identification card, the legal residence of the child will be considered that of the parents (parent)/supporters (supporter), who are taking care of them).

A person could live, for a certain period of time in address other than the one registered on the identification card. In this case, this address will be called usual residence of the person, not its legal residence (the usual residence of a person may be the same as, or different from the legal residence).

Usual residence is the place where the enumerated person usually resides and spends most of the time, regardless of whether its residential visa is or not at the same address on the identification card.

The enumerator will record both the persons having the legal residence at the address of the enumerated household, as well as the persons stating that they only have the usual residence at this address.

The situation at the census moment of a person have to be appreciated and recorded at item 3 of chapter IV of the PL form, in relation to its legal residence or the residence where the person was enumerated (according to the above definitions). At the census moment the person could be found in one of the following situations: present or absent, person who left to other locality of the country or abroad.

-- The mark x will be recorded on the code box 1- for present persons.These are the persons who on the March 18, 2002 at "0" hours were at their legal/usual residence, and where they will be recorded.

Will be considered as present, at the census reference moment (the point of time):

a) the working persons (night shifts, as guards, airmen, seamen, railroad personnel, road transporters, under the condition that they are returning periodically -- weekly, to the address where they are considered as present);
b) the persons who are working away (in other place, locality) during the working week, and return in weekends;
c) persons who have left for the market shopping, to the mill, etc.
d) persons who have left to other place (locality) but are on their way returning home (by transportation means);
e) persons who are visiting somebody living in the same locality;
f) persons who are retained for investigations;
g) children from the nurseries and weekly kindergarten;
h) persons in compulsory military service, the soldier's sons.

-- The mark x will be recorded for codes 2 or 3 -- for the absent persons. There are considered absent the persons who left the place for another locality of the country (code 2) or who left the country for another country (code 3).