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Location of flush toilet

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10. Flush toilet
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling
[] 3 None

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Flush toilet -- (item 10)

30. The dwelling is considered as having flush toilet, if it has water tank and waste water empties into piped system, regardless of whether it is situated within the bathroom or within a separate room, indoor the dwelling or outdoor.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will written in the code box 1 (within the dwelling) -- when the toilet is situated within the dwelling;
-- the mark x will be written in the code box 2 (outdoor) -- when the toilet is outside the dwelling, (regardless whether it is within the building or outdoor);
-- the mark x will be written in the code box 3 (without) -- for so called "dry" latrines- no water used and evacuation is in - cesspools. Also, to this code will be recorded the situation when the housing unit has a flush toilet, but not yet piped water facility and/or sewage.
Correlations: when at this item the entry x was marked to the code 1 (within the dwelling), it is necessary that:

-- at item 11 (water supply system) -- the mark x will be written to the code box 1 (from public scheme) or code box 2 (from own system).
-- at item 13 (sewerage installations within the dwelling) -- the mark x will be written to the code box 1 (public sewage disposal) or code box 2 (own system)