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This variable indicates the surface area of occupied rooms. It is measured in square meters.
- Romania 2002: All households
- Romania: 2002
Questionnaire Text
6. Occupied rooms
_ _ _ 6.2 Floor space (in sq. meters without decimal)
27. This item will be recorded for the permanent living rooms, for seasonal/secondary as well as for the spaces situated in the marginal housing units.
In the form, at this item, the number
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of living rooms, as well as their surface (area) -- which is considered as the living dwelling's space will be recorded.
The living room is defined as a living space in a dwelling, having as surface at least 4 square meters (of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult), at least 2 meters high, receiving the day light either directly through the windows and/or the outside doors, or indirectly from verandahs, through the windows and/or the doors from the other rooms using the glass partition.
The purpose of the living rooms is established in relation with the intended designation by construction of these buildings, taking, any way, into consideration the main use given to the respective room, by the members of the household, at the census moment.
The living rooms are considered:
-- the spaces of the dwellings designated by construction to be housing units for habitation, but which, at the census moment were used for professional purposes by the households, as well as the habitable rooms offered to the institutions, firms, commercial companies, tourism units, on the contract bases signed by the holder of the dwelling.
-- the corridors, verandahs, spaces for accessories (laundry, drying rooms) and the lobbies;
-- the bathrooms and toilet rooms, even though their area size is larger than 4 sq. m.;
-- the accessories and facilities of the dwelling (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, verandahs, vestibules, the passageways, glass porches, parlors, tindas, non-habitable lobbies -- not fulfilling the requirements regarding the size area, the height and light of a regular habitable dwelling, the corridors, passages, offices, food storage larders, lumber box-rooms, lodges, boxes, etc.) even if these are inhabited.
In order to identify the spaces not considered as habitable rooms, the following things have to be taken into consideration:
-- Vestibule (entry, glass porches) is a passage or hall between the outer door and the other spaces inside of the building (from stairs case, corridor, yard or the street and other rooms of the house). Usually is a space with indirect light and has a reduced size, where only rack-clothes can stay;
-- Tinda is typical Romanian rural entrance --first hall of a peasant's house- used as passage between two living rooms, sometime serving as a kitchen and dining room (if the dwelling does not have a kitchen, the tinda will be recorded as kitchen), and - very seldom- as a bedroom;
-- Uninhabitable hall is a space designated to connect the vestibule from the entrance with the other rooms of the dwelling, not fulfilling the requirements for size of the surface, height and light for a regular living room;
-- The corridor (passage), is a long and narrow space designed as a passage between several rooms (for living, accessories) and could be used as a space for the outdoor connection;
-- The office is a space inside the dwelling, between the kitchen or the bathroom and the habitable rooms, serving as a intermediary passage between the rooms;
-- The larder for food storage is a space inside or outdoor space, designated to preserve food needed by the household's members;
-- Lumber Box-Room small closed space, inside the dwelling, without direct light or air, used for storage of the various housing things;
-- Logia is a space built on external side of the house, open or covered (sometime by an arch or a series of arches supported by the columns);
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-- Covered terrace, is a platform for passing, opened to the outside, located at the level of an apartment or situated on the house's roof;
-- The box is a small space, located usually on the building's basement, where usually are kept housekeeping tools, food, fuel, etc.
-- the space used both as a bedroom, as well as to prepare the meal, in a single room dwelling, is considered as habitable room (example the III-rd comfort category apartments);
-- space designated for living, provided with a niche used for cooking is considered a habitable room.
The surface of the floor space of a living room is established on the basis of the indoor size of the spaces, measured at the floor level.
The surface of living rooms, of the enumerated dwellings will be established on the document basis, available to the population (buying contract, renting contract, public distribution of the dwelling, etc.), or by the measurements done by the persons living in the house, with or without the help of the enumerators.
This surface will be recorded for the living rooms of the permanent dwellings (the main) and seasonal (secondary), as well as for the spaces used as bedroom situated on the marginal housing units.
The way of recording:
-- The number of the living rooms will be recorded in Arabic figures (for example 01, 05,11) in the cassette designated to this aim;
-- In the form, the surface of the area will be registered in sq. meters without decimal fractions, rounded off to the nearest whole number if necessary.
Integrated variables
- None