Questionnaire Text

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[] 1. The number of households in the dwelling

2. Type of dwelling
[] 1 Permanent/primary
[] 2 Seasonal/secondary
[] 3 Marginal housing unit: in spaces with other use designation in the building, in household structures isolated from the building
[] 4 Marginal housing unit: improvised construction, mobile units

3. Occupancy status
[] 1 Occupied dwelling
[] 2 Unoccupied dwelling

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The type of dwelling (item 2).

23. In order to identify the type of the dwelling, the above indications (of the paragraphs 20 and 21 should be taken into considerations).

-- The mark x will be entered on the box of the code 1 when it is the case of permanent dwellings (main), occupied or unoccupied by the members of one or more households.

The permanent dwelling (main), is the dwelling where the persons of the household usually are living. When the households have multiple dwellings one of them will be chosen as a main dwelling, the others being considered as seasonal (secondary).
-- The mark x will be written in the box of the code 2, in the case of the seasonal/secondary buildings.

The seasonal/secondary dwellings are the dwellings designated for seasonal use, or secondary use, which may be occupied or not, at the census moment, by persons who already have a permanent dwelling in other place, usually in other locality.

It should be considered as seasonal/secondary dwellings:

-- houses for vacation;
-- the second unoccupied dwelling, or temporarily occupied;
-- the houses in the vineyards, the rooms, etc, corresponding to the definition of the dwelling (paragraph 20).

-- The mark x will be written in the box for the code 3 when is the case of marginal housing units (as defined in paragraph 21) -- situated in spaces with other designation (as drying rooms, laundry, cellar, garret, etc), or in isolated buildings as facilities (used as kitchen, garage, warehouse, workshop, etc.)

-- It should be marked by x-- in the box of the code 4, in the case of the marginal housing units temporary constructions, used as regular dwelling, at least by one person, at the census moment (wood or metal barracks, occupied by the construction's workers, huts, shacks, etc.), or in mobile units (railroad wagon, trailer, caravan, barge, etc.) if these units have the entire equipment used for living, specially created for moving (ex. tent), or is a mobile unit (houseboats or caravan) occupied at the census moment (that is that these units are used as regular residences of one or more persons).

The temporary constructions or mobile units occupied by persons are considered as marginal housing units if these persons state that they do no have any other dwellings.

Particular situations:

-- If there are two dwellings occupied by a single household in the same plot (yard) on the PL form, the dwelling where the household was recorded (in chapters I and IV) will be considered permanent (by marking the entry x on the box of the code 1), and the other dwelling will be recorded in the other PL questionnaire, as a seasonal/secondary dwelling (by marking the entry x on the box of the code 2);
-- the occupied dwellings situated in the buildings to be demolished, will be recorded as marginal housing units, and the entry x will be marked on the box of the code 4.