Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Public or local heating | 160,238 |
2 | Own thermal station with gas | 34,548 |
3 | Own thermal station with solid fuel | 4,731 |
4 | Own thermal station with liquid fuel | 1,019 |
5 | Mixed | 98,173 |
6 | Without thermal heating | 432,279 |
9 | Unknown | 1,028 |
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This variable indicates thermal heating in the building.
- Romania 2002: All households
- Romania: 2002
Questionnaire Text
16. Main type of heating
[] 2 16.1 Own domestic heating system using: natural gas
[] 3 16.1 Own domestic heating system using: solid fuel
[] 4 16.1 Own domestic heating system using: liquid fuel
[] 5 16.1 Stoves using as fuels: Natural gas
[] 6 16.1 Stoves using as fuels: Solid fuel
[] 7 16.1 Stoves using as fuels: Liquid fuel
[] 8 16.1 Other types of heating
37. The recording of the main way of heating will be done according to the situation:
-- the mark x will be recorded, according to the situation, in the boxes of the codes 2,3,4 - when the dwellings are heated by own domestic system, that is installations for heating built in the buildings (steam, hot water) and a system for passing the thermal energy to all rooms inside the building, depending of the type of fuels used (natural gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel).
Particular situation:
-- when the domestic heating systems are using the geothermal waters the code 4 will be recorded.
-- the mark x will be written on the boxes of the codes 5, 6 or 7 when the stoves are used for heating, according to the type of fuels;
-- the mark x will be recorded on the code box 8, when the electrical radiators , or any different type of heating, other than those mentioned above are used in the dwelling.
When the dwellings have several different heating systems, only one type of heating (the one used the most) will be recorded.
To the item 16.2 the enumerator will record the mark x according to the kind of answer: code 1 when the dwelling has air conditioning or code 2 when it does not.
Integrated variables
- None