Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Yes | 328,308 |
2 | No | 403,708 |
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This variable indicates whether the building has piped gas from public system.
- Romania 2002: All households
- Romania: 2002
Questionnaire Text
15. Cooking fuel
[] 2 Gas: liquefied gas (gas cylinder)
[] 3 Solid fuel
[] 4 Electricity
[] 5 Other fuel
36. The mark x will be recorded on code box 1 -- when the cooking fuel is the natural gas provided by the public network. Also, they are considered as having gas for cooking, - and therefore the mark x will be recorded on the code box 1 -- when the dwellings have available gas installations for cooking in the kitchen, but the connecting works to the gas pipes were not yet finished;
-- The mark x will be recorded on the box of code 2 - when the source of the fuel is the liquefied gas from the gas cylinder;
-- The mark x will be written on code box 3, when the solid fuel is used for cooking: wood, coal, and no piped gas is provided for cooking and no cylinder's liquefied gas is available;
-- The mark x will be recorded on code box 4 -- when electricity is used for the preparation of the meals (using electrical hotplate, electric stove, microwave oven, etc.).
-- The mark x will be recorded on code box 5 -- when straws, stalks, vegetal and other material waste are used as cooking fuel.
When both the natural gas from the public network, as well as the electricity are used as fuels for cooking (microwave oven) in the household -- the mark x will be recorded on the code box corresponding to the mostly used fuel.
Integrated variables
- None