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19 Economic condition of the person
[] 1 Employed

Looking for:
[] 2 Another job
[] 3 First job

[] 4 Pupil-student
[] 5 Pensioner
[] 6 Home-maker
[] 7 Supported by another person (pre-school child, old person, etc.)
[] 8 Supported by the state
[] 9 Other situation (with income from rents, interest, other sources)

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 19 Economic condition of the person

69. Economic condition of the person refers to the current economic and social situation of the enumerated person and the way of assuring his source of living.

For each person registered in Chapter IV of the form, the enumerator will mark the code box corresponding to the economic situation of the enumerated person: employed, unemployed (seeking another place of work or first-time job-seeker), student, pensioner, homemaker, dependent of a supporter, dependent on public aid, or other situation.

70. When recording the statement of the enumerated persons, the enumerator should keep in mind the following provisions:

Code 1 : The employed are all persons 14 year old and above who, at the census reference point, were in one of the following situations:

a) Persons permanently performing an economic or social activity based on an employment contract (engagement); or who were working independently (on their own account) in order to obtain an income, such as: wage, in kind payment, profit, household income, benefits, etc. For example: persons engaged at the reference point in an economic or social unit, public or private, agricultural production co-operative members, agricultural association members, craftsmen, consumption or credit co-operative members, persons working in their own unit (firm, shop, office etc.) or on their own account, unpaid family workers, etc.
Also considered employed are persons permanently engaged in an economic or social unit, who were temporarily absent from the work place at the census reference point due to the following reasons: absent due to illness or holiday/vacation, (for rest, for studies, without pay, for maternity, etc.), due to economic activity reduction, temporary suspension of work (due to bad weather, mechanical or electrical breakdown, shortage of raw materials, lack of clients), due to strikes, job training scheme etc.;
b) Persons who were not working, but who did work more than 6 months during the year 1991 and who, at the time of the census, were not looking for work (for example: persons with a seasonal agricultural, construction contract or other activities);
c) Persons who were not working but who had economic activity during the year 1991 such as agricultural production, craft or unpaid family work in the household. For example persons such as farmers, craftsmen, clerks, professional households, who were seasonally in an agricultural or productive activity by which the household obtained income or products designated for sale;
d) People who were gone for compulsory conscript service or for updating military knowledge.

The following persons are also considered employed:
Pupils and students who usually had an economic or social activity in order to obtain income, such as employees with a contract or those who work independently;
Pensioners maintained or rehired who, at the census reference point, were engaged in an occupation that brought in income.

71. Code2, 3: The unemployed are those people of working age, 14 years old and above up to the legal retirement age, who at the reference point were in one of the following situations:
Did not work or did not have a contract for employment but previously had a place of work or an activity in the year 1991, and who, for various reasons, lost this place of work and at the census reference point were looking for a place to work, regardless of whether or not they are registered at the labor force office. These persons are classified as code 2 - seeking another place of work. This category also fits women who have interrupted their activity in accordance with the legal provisions regarding the raising and nursing of children;
Did not work but were seeking their first job and until the census reference point had not yet been engaged in an income generating socio-economic activity (such as educational institution graduates), as well as homemakers who never worked but are looking for their first job at the census reference point.

All persons who not registered at labor force offices, whether or not they are receiving unemployment benefits, will be recorded as unemployed - code 2 or 3, according to the statement made.

72. Code 4: A pupil/student is a person who does not have an economic or social activity and attends any regular educational institution, (public or private) for systematic instruction at any level of education aiming to get a profession.

The following are also included in this category:
A pupil/student living only from the successor's pension or school's fellowship;
persons attending a military educational institution belonging to the National Defense Ministry or the Ministry of the Interior.

The following are not included in this category:
Persons 14 years of age and above, attending courses at an educational institution and, at the same time, usually performing an income-generating economic or social activity, either engaged with a contract or working on their own account.

73. Code 4: In the category of pensioner are included persons receiving any kind of pension benefits: old age retirement, disability retirement, survivor's pensioner, agricultural pensioner, military pensioner, veteran pensioner, pensioner of a craftsmen co-operative, survivor's pensioner of the revolution heroes, as well social aid and who, at the reference point, were not in an economic or social activity which brings in income.

The following are not included:
Pensioners who are maintained or rehired, as well as those who work on their own account, obtaining an income which is added to the pension (see paragraph 70 provisions);

Pupils, students in daily courses and pre-school children who are receiving successor's pension or revolution heroes' pension.

74. Code 6: A homemaker is a person 14 years old and above usually engaged in unpaid household duties in their own home or that of relatives (for example: the parent who is taking care of the household of their children and caring for their grandchildren) who does not have their own source of income.

The following are not included:
Homemakers engaged for housekeeping duties working for pay or profit (cash or in- kind, or assurance of a dwelling etc.), pupils and students, and pensioners, even when they are performing household duties. These will be coded 4 or 5, according to the situation.

75. Code 7: In the category supported by another person include: pre-school children, even when they are receiving successor's pension; aged people; handicapped and invalid persons not having any paid income activity and who are not homemakers and are not benefiting from any pension or another income source but are relying on the support of other persons.

76. In Code 8: Supported by the state includes all persons relying on the support of public institutions (retirement homes, hospital hostels, children's homes, etc.), or on co-operative institutions.

The following are not included:
School children from "children's homes" (these will be registered under code 4 -pupil/student);
Persons living in hostels receiving pension benefits(these will be included in code 5 - pensioner);
Pupils and students having a unique income source from a state fellowship (these will be recorded to the code 4).

77. Code 9: Other situations is used for persons who do not have a socio-economic activity and who have, as their main source of livelihood, income from rents, interest, dividends or other incomes.

For each person, a single status will be recorded in Q. 19, according to the above mentioned specifications.

For example, a student, pupil or pensioner who, at the reference point, is also engaged in an on-going economic and social activity and who is considered to be an occupied person, will have an x marked in code box 1.

Similarly, pupils and students who have a scholarship or a successor's pension will be recorded as code 4 (pupil/students) and not as code 8 (supported by the state), nor at code 5 (pensioner).

For persons detained or retained for investigations, record the previous economic condition of the person before the current situation.