Questionnaire Text

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6 Year of establishment in the locality of actual residence
19 _ _

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 6 Year of establishment in the actual locality of residence

53. The year of establishment in the actual locality of residence will be recorded for persons who have legal residence in another locality and for whom at Q. 3 (actual legal residence) code 9000 was not written, but rather an entry was made of the name of the county and municipality/town/commune where these persons had their legal residence.

Similar to the instructions for registration of Q. 5, only the last two numbers of the establishment year will be written in the boxes, the first ones being pre-printed on the form in the left part of the box.

As the year of establishment for persons who came for work in the locality, record the year when the person began working in the locality; for pupils/students - the first year of training in the locality; for residents of old peoples' homes - the year of entering in the institution, etc.

For persons who have legal residence in the actual residence locality and for whom at Q. 3 (actual legal residence) 9000 was entered in the code box, the space reserved for completing the year of establishing in the residence locality will be left unrecorded.