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17. Nationality
[] 10 Romanian (10)
Other ____

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63. Nationality (column 17). The person should freely declare to which nationality he/she belongs, which the enumerator will record as -- according to its option -- by observing the fundamental right of the person (according to article 4 from State Council Decree no. 145/1976, regarding the carrying out of population and housing census). The census staff members have the obligation to assure all the conditions in order that each person should declare freely without any constraint the nationality to which he/she belongs.

For children below 14 years of age, the nationality will be declared for them by their parents.

For persons declaring as belonging to the Romanian nationality, the mark x will be recorded on the corresponding box, for the code 10.

For the persons declaring he/she is has a nationality other than Romanian, the nationality as it was declared will be recorded on the provided space. The enumeration will strictly observe the enumerated person's declaration.

The enumerator will not codify the nationalities.