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10. Water supply from
[] 1 Public network
[] 2 Own system

10a. Water supply is situated

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, but inside the building
[] 3 Outside the building, at less than 100 m
[] 4 Outside the building, at over 100 m

11. Hot water supply

[] 1 It has
[] 2 It has not

12. Sewerage installation

[] 1 Public network
[] 2 Own system
[] 3 It has not

13. Electrical installation

[] 1 It has
[] 2 It has not

14. Gas for cooking in the kitchen

[] 1 It has
[] 2 It has not

15. Type of heating

[] 1 Heating system using as fuels: solid fuel
[] 2 Heating system using as fuels: liquid fuel
[] 3 Heating system using as fuels: natural gas
[] 4 Central heating
[] 5 Stoves using as fuels: natural gas
[] 6 Stoves using as fuels: solid fuel
[] 7 Other types of heating

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32. Water supply system (item 10)

The water supply system will be recorded for all the dwellings, regardless of the source and location. Item 10 indicates if there is a public system or a fountain.

The housing unit is considered as having a water supply from the public network whether or not it has piped water installation from a local community-wide system (of an enterprise or institution, etc.). Also, if the water is supplied to the housing unit from the street drinking fountain throughout a piped system it is considered as water supply from the public network.

The housing units having their own supply system will be considered as receiving water through a piped system from a natural source: pit, fountain, spring, etc.

33. Location of water supply system (item 10a)

The following correlations between item 10 and 10a exist:

a) if a dwelling has water from the public network (code 1 at item 10), an x should be marked as one of the 4 possible answers from item 10a;
b) if a dwelling has water from a fountain (item 10, code 2), an x should be marked in item 10a only at code 3 (outside building until 100 m) or code 4 (outside building over 100 m); with exception: the dwelling which has water from a fountain through its own supply system (for which at item 10 it was marked code 2) and for which item 9 could also be marked code 1 (water supply system inside dwelling) or code 2 (outside dwelling, but inside building);
c) when the dwellings are located in the individual building, having only one housing unit, with water supply inside the building, an x will be written on the box for the code 1 because the building is identically with the dwelling;
d) when there are housing units using two ways for water supply -- only the water supply offering the higher comfort to the dwelling will be indicated.

34. Hot water supply installation (item 11)

The availability of hot water is considered to exist in the housing units when the hot water is piped to the bathroom, kitchen, or other toilets group from the public community network, regardless of the means of heating (steam -- generating station, boilers etc.). Dwellings where boilers are used only for hot water used by a bathtub or shower or where the heating of water is made only with electric boilers are not considered as having hot water supply.

In the case, that item 11 was marked as code 1 (the dwelling has a hot water supply system), the following correlations will be verified:
For item 10--water supply installations--a mark of x will be recorded at code 1 and for item 10a also code 1 (the dwelling has water supply system from public network);
For item 12--sewerage installation, a mark of x will be recorded at code 1 or 2 (the dwelling has sewerage installation).

It is considered that the dwellings have hot water also for the dwellings from the localities where it is used, both to the kitchen and bathroom, the geothermal water only or/and for heating. In these cases, the above-mentioned correlations are not considered. When the housing units have the heating based only geothermal water supplies (without any hot water system installations for the kitchen and bathroom)--these dwellings are not considered as having hot water supply.

35. Sewerage installations (item 12)

The dwellings are considered as having installations for sewage system when the housing unit is using a piped system for waste water disposal that is connected to a public sewage disposal plant (the mark x will be recorded on the box for the code 1), or the dwellings having available piped system for waste water empties to a certain place as a pit absorbent (the mark x will be recorded to the box for the code 2).

36. Electrical installation (item 13)

It is considered that the housing unit has available electrical installation, whether the indoor
cables are connected to the public community supply or other local electricity source (generating plant, micro-power station, etc).

37. Kitchen gas (item 14)

The dwelling that receives gas through a pipe is considered as having kitchen gas. The dwellings that use liquefied gas (gas cylinder) are not considered as having kitchen gas.

38. The type of heating (item 15)

This item will be recorded for all the dwellings, regardless of the way of heating and the fuel used.

A dwelling that uses electrical radiators, liquefied gas, stoves with oil, air conditioning etc., are considering as having "other type of heating".

The dwellings heated by their own domestic system, producing steam, hot water -- code 1, 2 or 3 and that using systems with geothermal waters (code 2) will be recorded also as having thermal station.