Questionnaire Text

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Chapter B. Dwelling information

2. Occupancy of the dwelling

a. [] 1 Occupied, people present

b. Unoccupied
[] 2 People temporarily absent
[] 3 For rent or sale
[] 4 In commercial or professional use
[] 5 Weekend home
[] 6 Abandoned
[] 7 Under repair or construction
[] 8 Other reason
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Question 2: Condition of occupancy of the dwelling.

You can complete this question through simple observation. For example: if you arrive at the dwelling that you will enumerate and someone opens the door, you should mark the option "occupied, persons present". You should only mark one answer.

[Text from the enumeration form is not presented here.]

If the construction is prepared for dwelling and is unoccupied, which means nobody lives there, you should complete a questionnaire with the corresponding dwelling number and mark the alternative according to the observation that you make. Then you should move on to the next dwelling that you should enumerate.

If in you EA you find constructions prepared for industries, commercial spaces or services, find out if anyone lives in them. If someone lives there, you should enumerate it as a private dwelling and do not forget to note it on your summary form (C1). If nobody lives in the construction, you should not prepare a questionnaire for it.