Questionnaire Text

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8. Where did you live in July of 1977?
Only for those 5 years of age and older.
Write the district and whether an urban or rural area.

[] 1 Here

____ District
[] 1 Urban
[] 2 Rural

____ Country

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
I. For all persons. General characteristics

Question 8. Where did you live in July of 1977?

Don't forget that this question is only asked of persons age 5 and older.

[A depiction of question 8 to the right of the preceding text and a drawing of a man below the text is omitted here.]

[P. 41]

If the person lived in that district in 1977, or in one of its colonies or companies, etc. make an X in the box corresponding to the answer "here."

If the person lived in another district, write down the name of the District and make an X in the box corresponding to urban area or rural area, depending on the case.

If they do not remember the name of the district, write down the name of the Department.

If they were in a foreign country, write down the name of the country.