Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

III. Household information

10. Domestic appliances

Sewing machine

[] 1 Has
[] 2 Doesn?t have
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III. Information about the household

10. Household equipments:
Mark if the "household" has the household equipment indicated on the form available or not: Radio, Television, Refrigerator, and sewing machine. The radios can be radio-receptors or electrical or battery operated, or transistors, etc. The refrigerators [ice boxes] include refrigerators, which means, those that produce ice, and not simple freezers.

10. Domestic appliances

Radio / []1 Has / [] 2 Does not have
Television / []1 Has / [] 2 Does not have
Refrigerator / []1 Has / [] 2 Does not have
Sewing machine / []1 Has / [] 2 Does not have