Questionnaire Text

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General characteristics

For individuals of all ages

4. Age in years completed.

For those under one year of age, write the number of months completed. For those under one month, write 0 (zero) months.

____ [] 1 Years completed
____ [] 2 Months completed

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Item IV: Age In years completed

131 - "Age in years completed" means the age that the person has reached on their last birthday. One form of verifying the exactness of the age declared by the enumerated is asking for the date of birth, always, of course, when they are in conditions to provide this information.

132 - The enumerator should have in mind people's common tendency to round their age, declaring numbers that end in zero or five. Especially in these cases it would be good to find out the date of birth, that is, make sure that the person is not rounding their age, whether it be higher or lower.

133 - If the person does not know their age and no way is found to acquire it, be it utilizing their personal documents or asking their neighbors, the enumerator should make an estimation of their age. If the enumerated person is not present, obtain the information from those present who know the person.