Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 4-18 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons living in a conventional dwelling as the place of their usual residence, according to questions 2, 3]

12. Number of rooms in the dwelling: _ _

Not including kitchen, corridors, halls, bathrooms, verandahs, store room, etc.

Question 12 - Number of rooms in the dwelling:

Room means the space in a dwelling, limited by walls, which, for the most part, has an area of at least 4 m2 and a ceiling height of 2 m. Included in the definition of room are bedrooms, dining room and living room, habitable attic and basement rooms, etc.

You should Not consider the following as rooms: kitchen (even if used for other purposes), bathroom, pantry, storage room, balcony (even if enclosed by any type of structure), conservatory, hall and corridors. Rooms that are used exclusively for an economic activity should not be counted. For example: in a dwelling consisting of five rooms in which a doctor's surgery occupies two rooms, only three rooms should be counted.

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Question 12 - Number of rooms in the dwelling

By room we understand the space in a dwelling, delimited by walls, having at least 4 square meters and with 2 meters of height on the majority of the space.
Even knowing that they can correspond to the definition the following are not counted as rooms:

The kitchen;
Corridors, balconies;
Bathrooms, dispensary, halls;
Spaces exclusively destined to economical activities.

The rooms that are simultaneously used for an economic activity but not exclusively are counted as rooms in this question.