Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 7-18 were asked of private dwellings only]

[Questions 8-18 were asked of usual-residence dwellings only]

If your dwelling is a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, end this questionnaire.
[Questions 13-18 were asked of convention dwellings only]

14. Number of rooms in the dwelling _ _
Not including kitchen, corridors, halls, bathrooms, verandas, store rooms, or any other room exclusively used for a professional activity.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Attention: The next questions should only be answered by conventional family dwellings occupied as usual residence. If they are not of a conventional type the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.
[Questions 13-18 apply only to conventional dwellings]

Question 14: Number of rooms in the dwelling:

By room we understand the space in a dwelling, delimited by walls, having at least 4 square meters and with 2 meters of height on the majority of the space.

Even though they satisfy the previous definition, the following are not counted as rooms:

-- The kitchen;
-- Corridors, balconies;
-- Bathrooms, dispensary, halls;
-- Spaces exclusively destined to economic activities.

The rooms that are exclusively used for an economic activity must not be counted as rooms in this question.