Questionnaire Text

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If you checked option 8 in question 1, end this questionnaire and proceed to the living quarters questionnaire.

[Questions 3-7 were asked only in case when enumerator is dealing with a building, per question 1]

7. Type of roof

[] 2 Terrace [flat roof]
[] Inclined roof:

[] 4 Covered with tiles
[] 6 Covered with other materials (wood, stone, etc.)

[] 8 Mixed (partially flat, partially inclined)

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Question 1 - Type of building and period of construction

First of all, you will have to consider the type, meaning that you will need to check if you are looking at a conventional building or at some other type.

The period of construction will only be assigned for those buildings in the first case.
To collect the correct information you must enlighten yourself about the year or period of construction you must ask the proprietary, the doorman or any of the older residents.
In cases where persons (due to old age) might have difficulties remembering the exact period of construction, ask for comparisons with some milestones (i.e. before or after WWI, etc.)

In cases of persisting doubt, choose by using information or indications you may relate to the building structure.

Note: If a reconstruction was undertaken please use that work period as the information and not the original construction period.

Always mark as "other cases" if the housing unit is a shack, a mobile housing unit or other dwellings in places not destined to be inhabited.

[Questions 3-7 were asked only in case when enumerator is dealing with a building, per question 1]

Question 7 - Type of roof

First identify if the coverage is flat, inclined or mixed (part flat and part inclined). The answer can be, on the majority of cases, to be found by just simple observation.

If the cover is inclined identify if it is:

- covered with tiles
- covered with other materials (wood, stone, etc.)