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Part two: Household members data

For Palestinians only
[Question 63 to 67 are asked of only Palestinians]

66. Health insurance

[] 0. No
[] 1. Governmental only
[] 2. UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] only
[] 3. Private only
[] 4. Governmental and UNRWA
[] 5. Governmental and private
[] 6. UNRWA and private
[] 7. Israeli
[] 8. Others
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Health insurance:
Indemnity coverage against financial losses associated with occurrence or treatment of health problems.

Types of health insurance:

- Government insurance: means the insurance of the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

- Private insurance: Insurance is supervised and operated by private insurance companies such as Trust, Arab, Mashreq, Gaza and other companies. These companies issue health insurance for employees of institutions and companies, and individuals for an agreed fee. This insurance covers specific treatment services (health centers, Hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, laboratories, etc).

- Israeli insurance: is the insurance for the Jerusalem identity holders, which is supervised and managed by the Israeli Ministry of Health through private companies providing therapeutic services, including Israeli social security.

- UNRWA insurance: Every registered refugee and has a registration card (provisions), who is entitled to receive treatment services at UNRWA centers for free.