Questionnaire Text

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10b. What grade or level was this person attending?

Mark (X) one box.

[] Nursery school, preschool
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 12 - Specify grade 1-12 - _ _
[] College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)
[] Graduate or professional school beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MA or PhD program, or medical or law school)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P10.b. Only record grades that the person attended in the "last 3 months". If this is currently a summer month, do not record grades the person will attend in the future.