Questionnaire Text

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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

C. Answer questions 19-23 if you or any member of this household owns or is buying this house, apartment, or mobile home. Otherwise, skip to E.

23a. Do you or any member of this household have a second mortgage or a home equity loan on this property?

[] Yes, home equity loan
[] Yes, second mortgage
[] Yes, second mortgage and home equity loan
[] No - Skip to D

23b. How much is the regular monthly payment on all second or junior mortgages and all home equity loans on this property?

Monthly amount - Dollars
$_ _,_ _ _.00
[] No regular payment required
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Housing questions 19-23

Answer questions 19-23 if you or any member of this household owns or is buying this house, apartment, or mobile home. Otherwise skip to Section E.

H23.b. Enter the monthly amount even if it is unpaid or paid by someone else. If the amount is paid on some other periodic basis, convert it to a monthly amount. Include payments on all second or junior mortgages or home equity loans.