Questionnaire Text

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J. Answer questions 29-32 only if this person did not work last week. Otherwise, skip to question 33.

32. When did this person last work, even for a few days?

[] Within the past 12 months
[] 1 to 5 years ago -- Skip to question 35
[] Over 5 years ago or never worked -- Skip to question 41

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[Housing Question 17-42 should be asked only of individuals 15 and older.]

[Answer Person Questions 29-32 only if the person did not work last week]

29a. Persons are on layoff if they are waiting to be recalled to a job from which they were temporarily separated for business-related reasons.
29b. If the person works only during certain seasons or on a day-by-day basis when work is available, mark the "No" box.
30. Mark the "Yes" box if the person tried to get a job or start a business or professional practice at any time in the last 4 weeks; for example, registered at an employment office, went to a job interview, placed or answered ads, or did anything toward starting a business or professional practice.
31. If the person was expecting to report to a job within 30 days, mark the "Yes, could have gone to work" box.
Mark the "No, because of own temporary illness" box only if the person expects to be able to work within 30 days.
If the person could not have gone to work because he or she was going to school, taking care of children, etc., mark the "No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)" box.

32. Refer to the instructions for question 23 to determine what [professions] count as work. Mark the "Over 5 years ago or never worked" box if the person: 1) never worked at any kind of job or business, either full or part time, 2) never worked, with or without pay, in a family business or farm, and 3) never served on active duty in the Armed Forces.