Questionnaire Text

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B. Answer questions 18a and b only if you pay rent for house apartment, or mobile home. Otherwise, skip to question 19.
18a. What is the monthly rent for this house, apartment, or mobile home?
Monthly amount: $____.00

18b. Does this monthly rent include any meals?
[] Yes
[] No

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18a. Report the rent agreed to or contracted for, even if the rent for your house, apartment, or mobile home is unpaid or paid by someone else.
If rent is paid:

By day: multiply by 30
By week: multiply by 4
Every other week: multiply by 2

If rent is paid:

4 times a year: divide by 3
2 times a year: divide by 6
Once a year: divide by 12

18b. If meals are included in the monthly rent payment, or you must contract for meals or a meal plan in order to live in this house, apartment, or mobile home, mark the "Yes" box.