Questionnaire Text

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C. Answer questions 19-23 only if you or someone else in this household owns or is buying this house, apartment, or mobile home. Otherwise, skip to E on the next page.

[22b. and 22c. are asked if any member of this household has a mortgage, deed of trust, contract to purchase, or similar debt on this property.]

22b. How much is the regular monthly mortgage payment on this property? Include payments only on first mortgage or contract to purchase

Monthly amount: $____.00
[] No regular payment required -- skip to question 23a

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22a. The word mortgage indicates all types of loans secured by real estate.
22b. Enter a monthly amount even if it is unpaid or paid by someone else. If the amount is paid on some other periodic basis, see the instructions for 18a to change it to a monthly amount.
Include payments on first mortgages and contracts to purchase only. Report payments on second or junior mortgages and home equity loans in 23b. 
If this is a mobile home, report payments on installment loans but do not include personal property taxes, site rent, registration fees, and license fees on the mobile home and site. Report these fees in item 24.