Questionnaire Text

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16. Enumerator - Mark when this person was born.
[] Born before April 1965 -- Ask questions 17 - 33. (Omit question 17 if born between April 1960 and March 1965.)
[] Born April 1965 or later -- Turn to next page for next person

[Questions 17 through 33 asked of persons aged 15 and above.]

18b. Was active-duty military service during --

Fill a circle for each period in which this person served.

[] May 1975 or later
[] Vietnam era (August 1964 - April 1975)
[] February 1955 - July 1964
[] Korean conflict (June 1950 - January 1955)
[] World War II (September 1940 - July 1947)
[] World War I (April 1917 - November 1918)
[] Any other time